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2013 Spring Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages.
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University of Alabama
2013 Spring Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Theta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Alabama s spring 2013
Recruitment Growth Calls for New Chapter Room
Theta Chapter Follows in Football Team’s Success
uch like our football team’s success on
the gridiron, Theta Chapter continues
to excel academically. In the fall, we ranked
third in grades among all fraternities. Sixteen
men achieved a perfect 4.0, including four
pledges. Nationally, Theta Chapter received the
Certificate of Superior Academic Achievement
for the seventh year in a row, as well as the John
Templeton McCarty Chapter Proficiency Award
for the tenth year in a row.
Please join me in welcoming John Collier
’06 and Josh Clinton ’08 to the House
Corporation. Both are past Chapter presidents
and we appreciate their willingness to serve.
Additionally, Steven Nichols ’05 recently joined
the House Corporation and has become involved
in graduate assistance during recruitment. In that
same light, recruitment is our lifeblood and we
are constantly receiving recommendations. If
you know someone who may be interested in
Theta Chapter, please provide us his name and
contact information as soon as possible. The best
way to make a recommendation is to submit a
name through our website at
With increasing attendance at The University
of Alabama and a parallel increase in our
membership, our current facilities are inadequate
for Chapter meetings. To that end, we are moving
forward with plans to construct a new Chapter
room. The proposed plan calls for building on top
of the existing band room. This is an opportunity
for Theta alumni to participate in a lasting way.
Now is the time to help; please contact Jim
Andrews ’81 at or
(205) 910-1282 for additional details.
Finally, a big thank-you to Neal Hutchinson
’84, who is spearheading our Pig Dinner
efforts this year. Please mark your calendar for
Saturday, April 6, and take this opportunity to
call a pledge brother and invite them. We hope
to see you there.
Hughston Nichols ’03
House Corporation President
Members Make a Difference on Campus and in the Community
ith the close of 2012, we are proud to announce that Theta
Chapter at The University of Alabama had another great
year. With our scholarship, philanthropy, and recruitment efforts,
we maintained a great reputation among our peers, alumni, and
administration. As a fraternity, we are very excited about our
future, especially looking back on our accomplishments this fall.
With an average 3.24 GPA, our new members excelled in the
classroom. This is our highest new member GPA in three years,
and we are confident that we will have one of the top new
member GPAs on campus. The active members also performed
well in the classroom, and the Chapter GPA of 3.12 ranked third
in last year’s grade report. We believe that scholarship is a key
component to having a great fraternity.
Theta Chapter raised over $2,000 for juvenile diabetes research
when we hosted a cookout with Alpha Gamma Delta. We worked
extensively with Alpha Gamma Delta again in the Fifth Quarter
Program, collecting leftover food on game days, packaging and
sending it to the West Alabama Food Bank. In total, we donated
Clay Bright ’16, Colin Schutte ’16, Burnham Hawk ’13, and Austin Barranco ’14
help with the Fifth Quarter Program during an Alabama football game.
(Continued on page 2)
Welcome, New Initiates Page 2 • Alumni Spotlights Page 3 • 158th Pig Dinner Page 4
\r\nPAGE 2
Theta Fiji
Chapter Officers
Robby Anderson ’14
Corresponding Secretary
Charlie Deer ’14
Austin Barranco ’14, Drew Schneider
’14, Brock Bates ’14, Andrew Watson
’13, and Charlie Deer ’14 get ready for
the National Championship in Miami.
Members Make
a Difference
(Continued from page 1)
10,735 pounds of food, which will provide over
13,000 meals to families in need.
In addition, members were selected to prestigious
organizations on campus. We have members in
the University Honors Program, International
Honors Program, Computer-Based Honors
Program, Golden Key Honor Society, Order of
Omega, ODK, Mortar Board, Lambda Sigma
Honor Society, Capstone Men and Women, Al’s
Pals, Campus Crusade for Christ, and many
other great organizations.
With a great 2012 in the rearview mirror, we
now focus our attention to 2013. We will build
on the foundations that have been made over the
years to make Theta Chapter as strong as ever.
Through scholarship, philanthropy, and campus
involvement, we strive to be great representatives
of Theta Chapter.
Robby Anderson ’14
Chapter President
Recording Secretary
Rocky Stone ’14
Martin Toole ’15
Philanthropy Chairman
Ryan Cechovic ’14
Carey Wood ’15
Scholarship Chairman
Andrew Watson ’13
Recruitment Chairman
Johnston Stakely ’15
Welcome, New Initiates
Weston M. Amick*
Memphis, Tenn.
Hampton F. Hook Jr.
Montgomery, Ala.
Brooks P. Neely*
Birmingham, Ala.
Colter K. Anderson
Dallas, Texas
Mark D. Hollenbeck
Fayetteville, Ark.
Nolan B. O’Mery
Charlotte, N.C.
Matthew C. Anderson*
Birmingham, Ala.
Nicholas M. Ihrig
Tyler, Texas
Mark D. Payne Jr.
Huntsville, Ala.
Tyler R. Barker
Memphis, Tenn.
Garrett L. Jones*
Huntsville, Ala.
Walker T. Philips*
Birmingham, Ala.
Jason H. Bellows*
Memphis, Tenn.
Douglas S. Knowles*
Montgomery, Ala.
Robert M. Romagnoli Jr.
Orlando, Fla.
Henry C. Bright*
Nashville, Tenn.
Hunter R. Ladd
Fort Worth, Texas
Georgie H. Salem
Birmingham, Ala.
Jack C. Clements IV
Montgomery, Ala.
Jonathan M. Laufe
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Collin A. Schutte
Louisville, Ky.
James K. Damson
Huntsville, Ala.
Reed B. Loeffel*
Nashville, Tenn.
William T. Thames*
Mobile, Ala.
Stuart L. Falls
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Gabriel P. Lipson*
Nashville, Tenn.
Scott J. Waterhouse
Boston, Mass.
Nathan S. Gruber
Memphis, Tenn.
Connor P. McCarty
Denver, Colo.
Alexander S. Way
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Tucker J. Helms
Montgomery, Ala.
Louis D. Miller
Brewton, Ala.
Harry L. Woosley IV
Nashville, Tenn.
Douglas C. Hess
Madison, Ala.
James D. Nabors III
Birmingham, Ala.
\r\nPAGE 3
The University of alabama
Alumnus Exemplifies Tradition of
Excellence at Phi Gamma Delta
ames S. Holbrook Jr. ’66 knew upon
meeting the active members during
recruitment that Phi Gamma Delta was the
right fit for him. “There was a compatible
atmosphere that I felt at the house. The
things I like and was interested in were
more pronounced at Phi Gam than in any
other house I visited.”
While earning his degree in business and finance at the University of
Alabama, Jim received an opportunity to work with a public finance
group in 1966 that started his career in the financial services industry.
He went on to run First Birmingham Securities for 20 years that merged
into Sterne Agee in 1990. He is the chairman and chief executive officer
for Sterne Agee Group Inc. and its seven subsidiaries. The company
is headquartered in Birmingham and employs more than 1,500 people
across the United States.
Those lessons and many more, he says, are learned by being in
a fraternity. “It caused me to grow up. I learned life skills and built
relationships that I maintain today as friends and business associates.
I surround myself with people who are dedicated, energetic, and
passionate, who have solid intellect and social skills: all qualities that
are learned through life in a fraternity.”
Jim remembers every single day as a special memory and an experience
he will never forget. “We had great parties, two big ones every year
that were always fun. Nothing compares to going to football games and
sitting in the student section. My freshman year was the last year they
had Saturday classes, and it was just a whole different dynamic because
it kept everyone on campus all the time.”
For the last four years he and his pledge brothers have held a reunion in
different places across Alabama. He enjoys catching up with brothers at
football games and through their working relationships.
He has served as the financial advisor to two governors and was elected
into the Alabama Business Hall of Fame in November 2012, but says it
was the merger between First Birmingham Securities and Sterne Agee
that was the most significant development in his career.
Jim has been to the house several times within the last five years. “It
was great; I wish I could have lived in the house, but I never did. I
helped raise the money to build it, so it is nice to see that it has lasted
45 years.”
His advice to young alumni early in their careers is to “learn to be a
problem identifier and a problem solver. Being the person that finds a
solution is indispensable in today’s corporate world.”
In his free time Jim enjoys sport fishing in the ocean for billfish. He
also enjoys going quail hunting. He lives in Mountain Brook, Alabama,
with his wife, Tricia, and has two children and two stepchildren.
Theta Chapter Alumnus Recognized for Contributions
in Business and Community
uncan F. Williams ’90 was elected to the Society of
Entrepreneurs. The society was formed in 1991 to recognize
the historical importance of the contributions of individuals
who have demonstrated a gift of entrepreneurship and used
this gift to not only create or build a successful business but
also in service to the community.
Duncan is the president of Duncan-Williams Inc. of Memphis,
Tennessee, an investment-banking firm employing more than 220
employees with 15 branches across the country. He has been with
the firm since 1993 and has served as president since 2000.
He has served on the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
(FINRA) board of governors for a three-year term. He is a past
member of the FINRA Small Firm Advisory Board, a past member
of the NASD Small Firms Impact Task Force and the NASD Small
Firm Hand-Off Program Working Group. He served on the NASD
District Nominating Committee, the NASD District Business
Conduct Committee and was the committee’s chairman in
2002. He is currently serving on the National Adjudicatory
Council for FINRA.
He has also served as chairman of The Leadership Academy
for the New Memphis Institute and is still on the board, a member
of the Memphis Economic Club, on the board of Presbyterian
Day School, on the board of the Greater Memphis Chamber of
Commerce, and an advisory board member of SunTrust Bank. He
is on the capital campaign committee of Shelby Farms and is a
member of St. Jude’s Professional Advisory Council. Recently, he
became one of the local owners of the Memphis Grizzlies.
Duncan graduated from the University of Alabama in 1990 and is
a member of the UA President’s Cabinet, Commerce Executive
Society, and the Board of Visitors.
Phi Gamma Delta
Theta Chapter
P.O. Box 131385
Birmingham, AL 35213
Address Service Requested
Attention: This newsletter is intended for Phi Gamma Delta alumni and parents. If your son is still attending The University of Alabama,
he will receive a copy at the Chapter House. If he has graduated, please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you.
Theta Chapter Will
Celebrate the 158th
Pig Dinner on April 6
lease join us Saturday, April 6, 2013, to celebrate our alumni. This year, we moved
the Pig Dinner date away from A-Day weekend in response to your questions and
comments. Please continue to give us feedback about this Pig Dinner and anything
you would like to see in future Pig Dinners by e-mail to
Also returning this year is the golf tournament for undergraduates and alumni. We are
moving the dinner back to Bryant-Denny Stadium; we will have drinks at the Chapter
House and then walk to The Zone for dinner.
Please mark April 6 on your calendar to come back
and visit both old and new friends.
Visit our website to find updates on alumni events, Chapter
activities, and to recommend someone for membership.
Theta Chapter Facebook Page
Go to and search for Theta Fiji,
or click on the Facebook link on our website.
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages.