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2013 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
2013 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Above are the sixteen men who were inducted as pledges this fall. They are (from left to right) Francisco Burciaga, Michael Baldonieri, Kapil
Patki, Joe Degenova, James Flinn, Arun Murugesan, Joe Giordano, Minhal Gardezi, Ryan Brubaker, Pedro Reyes-Carchure, Phil Hoffert,
Danny Eck, Andrew Torres, Ian Peace, Daniel Yakobian, and Douglas Lee. (Photo taken by Brother Matthew Napfel.)
Xi Deuteron Welcomes 16 Pledges
After a two-week recruitment period, the brothers of the Xi Deuteron chapter pledged 16 men,
making this fall’s pledge class 45 percent larger than that
of 2011 and 60 percent larger than that of 2010.
The new pledges boast an impressive set of accomplishments. Foremost, every individual is attending
the University on at least a partial academic scholarship. Outside of the classroom, every individual was a
high school athlete, nearly half of whom were varsity
captains. The group’s commitment to serve is unyielding. Joe Giordano, for example, is a volunteer EMT with
more than 1,000 hours riding on ambulances. Additionally, they hold leadership positions in organizations
across campus. Michael Baldonieri serves as the Director of Special Events for the University Program Board
(UPB), and Danny Eck serves as the Vice-President of
Finance for the Alpha Kappa Psi professional business
fraternity and as the Director of Administration and
Membership for the campus’ financial capital club.
Our chapter’s success follows the development
of a new recuitment strategy inspired by Campuspeak,
an organization that offers consulting services and interactive workshops geared to student leaders. Brother
Neal Sachar, the recruitment chairman, made division
of labor the centerpiece of the new strategy. Rather than
the recruitment chairman and another brother or two
planning the entire recruitment calender as in semesters past, brothers were assigned to recruitment “teams”
that were each responsible for organizing and facilitating an event. This accomplished two things: first, it enabled the recruitment chairman to dedicate his time to
the overall success of recruitment, instead of having to
worry about things such as whether a group of brothers
had been assigned to clean up after an event. Second,
while brothers worked diligently with one another to
coordinate event details during the weeks preceeding
recruitment, recruitment teams took ownership of their
events once the two-week period began, building a collective enthusiasm among brothers to recruit the best
men on campus.
While our chapter is eager to welcome the sixteen pledges, the recruitment success has motivated
brothers to not only begin discussions for the chapter’s
spring recruitment, but also to take a closer look at recruiting men outside of the traditional recruitment periods.
\r\nPresident’s Welcome
My name is James Velette, and I am the current
President of the Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta. It is my pleasure to tell you some of the great
things that our chapter has done recently.
Last semester, our chapter earned a 3.29 GPA,
besting the All-Men’s and All-Fraternity campus averages. Our chapter of 51 members has continued to grow
its influence on the Case Western Reserve campus.
Brothers and pledges hold leadership positions in organizations all over campus such as the University Programming Board, Interfraternity Congress, Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, The Observer newspaper, as
well as competing on the varsity wrestling and track and
field teams. Our chapter also collaborated with other
fraternities, local businesses, and student bands to put
together the 2nd Annual Bellflower Block Party, a fun,
campus-wide event, to kick off the 2012-2013 academic
Help us keep in touch with you by updating
your contact information at If you would
like assistance with updating your information, please
don’t hesitate to contact me at
Finally, I would like to thank all of the graduates
who have made contributions to Phi Gamma Delta over
the past year. Not only do you help to keep FIJI affordable for the undergrads, but you also remind us that Phi
Gamma Delta is not for college days alone!
Pi Beta Phi Recruits at CWRU
Q&A with Resident Leadership Development Consultant Tori Pinciotti
How would Pi Beta Phi like to contribute to the new Pi Beta Phi colonies and
CWRU community?
chapters receive an unparalleled
level of support over an extendTo exemplify Pi Phi’s commitment to continued growth ed period of time. They benefit
of the Fraternity and Sorority community and student considerably from two years of
leaders at CWRU, Pi Beta Phi is proud to offer a commu- on-site support and continuing
nity-wide educational program from one of the unique subsequent support from the
partnerships we have established with The Leadership New Chapter Assistance Officer,
Institute – Women with Purpose, CAMPUSPEAK and Collegiate Regional Team and
RESPONSE ABILITY’s Every|Day Hero Campaign. We Alumnae Advisory Committee.
believe our support in this form will illustrate that Pi
Beta Phi is committed to contributing to your univer- In addition to our undergraduate chapters at colleges
sity’s desire to develop student leaders to their fullest and universities, Phi Gamma Delta has chapters for
potential and enhance the future of your fraternity and graduate brothers in cities across the US and Canada.
sorority community.
Does Pi Phi have similar groups for alumnae? If so, is
there such a group in the Cleveland area?
The support that a colony would have from local graduate brothers is a major consideration for Phi Gam- There are 135 Pi Phi chapters on college campuses across
ma Delta when deciding whether the Fraternity is in- the United States and Canada. We also have more than
terested in colonizing at an institution. What support 300 alumnae organizations including clubs located in
from alumnae will the Pi Phi colony at CWRU have? Canada and Europe. There are two Cleveland alumnae
clubs; Cleveland East and Cleveland West. Additionally,
Pi Beta Phi will only colonize where we can rely on there are 10 alumnae organizations in Ohio.
strong and consistent alumnae support. Local alumnae play an important role in both establishing a new UPDATE: Just before this newsletter was sent to prochapter and supporting existing chapters. The Pi Beta duction, Pi Beta Phi announced that it had inducted 65
Phi Ohio Lambda Chapter is fortunate to have two women as founding members of its colony at CWRU.
large alumnae organizations in the Cleveland area. All Congratulations, Ladies!
\r\nNews about Graduate Brothers
Brother Kenneth
“Jules” Kovach (1967)
was inducted into the
Cleveland International Hall of Fame
during a ceremony
on Wednesday, May
9, 2012.
Brother James Urban
(2012) is pursing a
Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering with a
focus on combustion
at the University of
California, Berkeley.
Brother Omar Gutiérrez (2012) matriculated
at Harvard Medical
School. Here is Omar
at HMS’s white coat
ceremony, an event
often hosted by medical schools to welcome
incoming students.
Brother Ryan
Shoup (2011)
passed the CPA
exam and is, as
a result, now
licensed to
practice in the
state of Ohio.
Brother Matt Patton (2009) and his wife,
Lauren, celebrated their first wedding
anniversary in August.
Last summer brothers gathered at Jim Gavacs’s house.
It was great to get people together and laugh, reminice,
meet spouses and see how we all resisted aging (HA!
HA!). Brothers from left to right: Mick Kapostasy (1970),
Jack Vanek (1970), John Lubahn (1970), Stan Jonas
(1972), Ed Babcox (1970), Doug Montgomery (1972),
Ray Fenner (1972), Mitch Henn (1972), Bob Smith
(1972), Bob Niebaum (1969), and Jim Gavacs (1973).
Summer Festivites
This summer marked another successful year
for the FIJI Golf Outing. On Friday July 13th, brothers
gathered at the Jolly Scholar, the on-campus restaurant/
bar, for food and drink. The attendance Friday evening
was fantastic, with over 50 graduate and undergraduate
brothers in attendance, ranging from pledge classes in
the 1980s to the most recent initiates of Xi Deuteron, all
together, ready to start the weekend.
The next day was the actual golfing, and close to
40 brothers participated in the annual scramble foursome golf tournament. This year brothers celebrated
the memory of Brother Denny Shute (Western Reserve
1927), a professional golfer who won three major championships during the 1930s, including the 1933 Open
Championship at St. Andrews. Shute was the last golfer
to win back-to-back PGA Championships before Tiger
Woods. All of the foursomes competed for the lowest
written by ISADORE “IZZY” BUDNICK (2013)
combined scramble score, as well as for closest to the
pin and longest drive, throughout the 18 hole course at
Shawnee Hills in Bedford, OH. A new addition to this
year’s golf outing was a driving competition on the 18th
hole, in which brothers competed for the longest and
most accurate drive using a golf club that Brother Shute
would have used during his time on the professional
golf circuit!
As always, the graduate and undergraduate brothers of Xi Deuteron were very grateful for the
hard work of Brothers Joe Miller (1992) and Joe Mellott (1988) and those other brothers who organized the
weekend, and we all look forward to another FIJI Golf
Outing weekend next July. Brothers, if you haven’t been
to the Golf Outing before, I highly recommend a trip to
Cleveland in early July for a great time with brothers of
all generations!
\r\nNonprofit Org
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Brothers at the 107th Annual Norris Pig Dinner on April 30, 2011
Join us for the 109th Annual Norris Pig Dinner!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Details and formal invitations to follow...
Our Pig Dinner will also celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Cleveland (Eta) Graduate Chapter.
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is four pages in length.