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2013 Spring Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. This newsletter is four pages.
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Indiana University
2013 Spring Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Phi Gamma Delta
Zeta Chapter
Spring 2013 Edition
IUDM Breaks $2 Million
Between October 26 and October
28, the brothers of Zeta participated
in the chapter’s greatest philanthropy,
Indiana University Dance Marathon
(IUDM). This year, IUDM hosted
its 22nd annual dance marathon benefitting Riley Hospital for Children
in Indianapolis, IN. In its first year,
IU Dance Marathon raised $11,000
for Riley. Since its humble beginning,
IUDM has become the second largest student-run philanthropic event
in the nation and largest Children’s
Miracle Network marathon to date.
With the help of 80 brothers from
the Zeta chapter, IUDM raised a
record-breaking $2,125,322.20 this
year for the kids at Riley Hospital
for Children with over $100,000
coming from Zeta. This year’s total surpassed last year’s total by over
$320,000. To date, IUDM has
raised over $14 million for the Ryan
White Infectious Disease Center
at Riley since its founding in 1991.
Indiana University Dance Marathon is run entirely by students who
unselfishly give their time and dedication to ensure the success of the organization. Over 750 students work
year round to fundraise, hold events
for the Riley families, and plan the
marathon. The hard work culminates
in a 36-hour marathon every fall.
During the marathon weekend, over
2,000 dancers choose to remain awake
and standing for 36 hours in honor
of those children who are unable.
The Zeta chapter had a large impact on this year’s total fundraising
efforts, as 7 out of the 20 members
on the executive council were Fiji’s.
Aside from these individuals, the
freshman class set a record themselves, raising over $60,000 as a
pledge class. This amount was more
than any pledge class has raised in the
history of the chapter, which also led
to Fiji being the highest fundraising
student organization for the 16th year
in a row. Thomas “Sleepy T” Hilbert (2016) was also named the top
fundraiser in the entire organization.
As the organization moves into a
new year, the brothers have started off
on the right track. The organization
has elected 6 brothers to the executive council for IUDM 2013. The six
brothers elected include: Max “Spam”
Vandermark (2014), Adam “Smug”
Burns (2014), Robb “Chips” Cozad (2014), Nick “Neville” Kolar
(2015), Ross “Wilbur” Lubbers
(2015), and Jack “Stepdad” Dooling (2015). It is an extreme honor
to be elected to this council, and the
chapter is excited to support these
brothers in their efforts this year.
The brothers of the undergraduate
chapter appreciate all of the support
offered by graduate brothers, and
thank you for allowing us to have another extremely successful year for IU
Dance Marathon. For more information, please visit
\r\nPage 2 Hoosier FIJI
Alumni return for 120th Pig Dinner
The Zeta undergraduate brothers welcomed 37 gradBrother Massa spoke of one of his saddest days beuate brothers back to Beechwood Nov. 17, 2012 to cel- ing Graduation day saying goodbye to so many friends.
ebrate the 120th anniversary of the first Frank Norris Massa left IU to begin a career in the news business
Pig Dinner. Mark “Scoop” Massa (1983) highlighted in Evansville, IN, where he found a truer caller coverthe night as the guest speaker. The night began at Beech- ing murder trials. Brother Massa went on to become a
wood before the annual House Corporation Town Hall speech writer and deputy press secretary for Gov. Bob
Meeting where the brothers elected Pete “Sky” King Orr while taking night law school classes.
(1976) the new House Corporation President. After
The next hinge moment Brother Massa spoke of was a
the other elections, the festivities moved to the Indiana chance conversation with a Zeta FIJI, who directed him
Memorial Union, where undergraduate and graduate to apply for a position to be a clerk for an Indiana Chief
brothers mingled before dinner began.
Justice. Later, Brother Massa ran for Marion County ProsPresident Joseph “Fat-Bon” Moheban (2014) started ecutor, which in hindsight he admits to be thankful he
the dinner with an undergraduate update, which highlight- lost because of his opportunity now to serve on the Indied a year marked by successes in IUDM, academics, intra- ana Supreme Court.
murals and campus involvement. In addition, he welcomed
Brother Massa spoke to directly to the undergraduates
the Class of 2016 to its first
near the end of his speech. He
ever Pig Dinner.
spoke to dream of bright fuDo
Following a fantastic
tures, but to not get consumed
meal, Brother Sky honevery day, where ever you by dreams. He quoted another
ored Dr. Timothy “Renal”
FIJI brother to say, “Plan the
Story (1974) by awarding
work, work the plan.” Brother
him with the William C.
dream job at the moment, Massa continued to say, “Do
Reedy Outstanding Graduthe best job you can, every day,
ate Brother Award. Brother
where ever you are, even if it is
Story served the House Corporation
- Brother Massa not you dream job at the moBoard for 10 years, exemplifying that
ment, and people will notice.”
FIJI is “Not for college days alone.”
Brother Massa ended to a
The next part of the dinner focused on guest speaker standing ovation from the over 100 graduates and unBrother Massa, who has served on the Indiana Supreme dergraduates in attendance. He reminded everyone in the
Court since early 2012. Brother Massa graduated from room of the tremendous opportunity we all have been
IU Law in 1989 before serving as a clerk and State and given to call ourselves FIJIs. He reiterated that we were
Federal Prosecutor. Later, Brother Massa served Gov. sitting in a room with brother’s who will be in each othMitch Daniels as his General Counsel for four years.
er’s weddings, cradle pledge brother’s newborns, provide
Brother’s Massa speech focused on his time at Beech- comfort and consultation and hard times and share in triwood molding him into the man he is today. He dis- umphs and defeats.
cussed “hinge” points in his life where his Zeta brothers
The Pig Dinner ended with a toast from Bill “Wild
helped him make decisions that would forever change Bill” Miller (1962) and a reciting of the IU fight song.
his life. The momentous points included a weekend vis- Upon the completion, graduate and undergraduate
it to Bloomington from his hometown of Milwaukee, brothers mingled before returning to Beechwood.
Wisconsin in which he first learned of the FIJI house.
The undergraduate brothers would like to thank all
Brother Massa spoke of the decision leading to lifelong of the graduate brothers for attending Pig Dinner. In
friends and an environment where he was surrounded addition, we would like to thank Brother Massa for his
by high achievers who taught him to “Aim Higher,” a terrific words. Please look for an invitation to next year’s
slogan later used by Gov. Daniels.
Pig Dinner, which will be held again in the fall.
\r\nPage 3 Hoosier FIJI
Bike team travels to Texas to prepare for Little 500
This year, the Zeta Fiji Little
500 bike team traveled, by car,
over 1,000 miles to Austin, Texas
for winter training camp. They left
on Dec. 26 and returned Jan. 4
for seven days of riding. Members
included Matt Andress (2013),
Charlie McClary (2014), John
Hunzicker (2015), Michael Khamis (2015), Tom Strobel (2015),
Ben Stowell (2015) and Scott
McClary (2016). The goal of the
trip was to ride a large amount
of miles each day at a steady but
fast pace. Total miles on the bike
reached over 430 with two of the
rides being over 100 miles. The
larger rides would mean being on
the bike for about 6 hours and ascending over 7,000 feet of climbing. For the rookies, such rides
were the first time they have done
such a large amount of miles in any
one ride and that many days in a
row. For the veteran riders, this is
the time when they figure out if
they can push themselves through
their tired legs further than they
had in previous years. The training
from the fall semester and this trip
increase endurance before focusing
on speed and power leading up to
the Little 500 race on April 20.
Members from left to right: Michael Khamis, Ben Stowell, Matthew Andress, Scott McClary, Tom Strobel, Charlie McClary
House Corporation Annual Meeting Update
Your House Corporation conducted its annual meeting on November 17th, electing new officers, giving an
update on negotiations with the University regarding
631 E. Third Street, and honoring the outgoing House
Corporation President, Tim J. Story (’74).
The House Corporation Board now consists of President Pete King (Class of ’76), Vice President John
Morris (’82), Treasurer Jim Troutman (’78), Secretary
Adam Gemmer (’10), and Directors Taylor Hougland
(’08), Bill Miller (’62), and John Stewart (’75).
The board would like to especially thank brother
Tim Story, who served as President of the House Corporation Board for 10 years. Tim’s many contributions
were recognized with a presentation of the William
C. Reedy Outstanding Graduate Brother Award at the
Norris Pig Dinner. Brother Story is a role model for the
FIJI motto, “Not for college days alone.”
Discussions with the University regarding the po-
tential sale of the house and property at 631 E. Third
are ongoing. We hope all will understand that it would
be counterproductive for us to give partial or potentially outdated information while discussions are
pending. The House Corporation will provide a full
update when discussions are formally concluded. If
you have questions in the interim, feel free to reach out
to any HC board member:
Vice President
House Director
Peter Campbell King ’76
John A. Morris, Jr. ’82
James R. Troutman ’78
Adam P. Gemmer ‘10
William R. Miller ’62
John Stewart ’75
Taylor Hougland ’08
Ken Sechrist ’76
\r\n-Undergraduate UpdateZeta Launches New Website
The Zeta chapter launched a new website earlier this winter under the new URL The site allows graduate brothers
to keep up to date with undergraduate news and events. In addition, the site will allow for potential rush candidates to learn
about the privileges of joining as Zeta as well as a rush form for
them to fill out to be considered for membership. Please check
the website for upcoming events at Beechwood.
Cabinet attends FIJI Academy
The five cabinet members traveled to St. Louis to meet with
the other 122 chapters and 22 colonies. The cabinets members
are President Joseph “Fat-Bon” Moheban (2014), Treasurer
Chris “Topher” Knoff (2014), Recording Secretary Tyler
“Blade” Zipes (2014), Corresponding Secretary Pete “Sir”
Krusing (2014) and Historian Scott “100” Hedges (2014).
While in St. Louis, the brothers attended training sessions on
philanthropy and leadership. In addition, each member attended individual sessions highlighting how to be successful within
specific roles on the cabinet. The highlight of the weekend included a mock initiation and the Pig Dinner.
-Upcoming Dates-
- February 23 – 24: 1st Rush Weekend
- March 23: Little 500 Qualifications
- April 13 – 14: 2nd Rush Weekend
- April 19: Women’s Little 500
- April 20: Men’s Little 500
Do you have a potential rush candidate? Please send any potential rush candidates contact information to phigamrush@ Also, please direct any candidates
to the website at where they can
learn about Zeta and how to rush.
Questions for the undergraduate
chapter? Did someone you know not receive
the newsletter? Please reach out to Pete Krusing at if you would like
to be added to the Zeta mailing list or have
any questions.
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. This newsletter is four pages.