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2013 Summer Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Summer 2013 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
2013 Summer Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Alpha Phiji News
A Publication of the Graduate Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta
University of Michigan Summer, 2003
Phi Gamma Delta Returns to U of M
Colony Members to Reside in House in Fall ‘03
On January 31, 2003, twenty three young men were initiated into the Alpha
Phi Colony of Phi Gamma Delta at the Michigan League, marking a return
of Phi Gamma Delta to the University of Michigan campus after an absence
of several years. These men, the new “Founding Fathers” of Fiji at Michigan are: David Ault, Rochester, MI; Carson Berish, Billings, MT; Derek
BuWalda, Novi, MI; Jeff Chiambretti, Lansing, MI; John A Coury, Grosse
Pointe, MI; Nabil Daoud, Ann Arbor, MI; Dustin Hughes, Gladstone, MI;
Brent Jacobs, Davison, MI; Bryan Jacobs, Escanaba, MI; Cale Johnson,
Midland, MI; Bill Masch, Birmingham, MI; James Olander, Rogers, AR;
Kevin Orr, Sterling Heights, MI; Chris Peoples, Englewood, CO; Jeff Rapp,
Winnetka, IL; Christopher (Chris) Guy Rogers, Traverse City, MI; Stewart
Scott, West Bloomfield, MI; Steve Selinsky, Northville, MI; Nick Simone,
Iron Mountain, MI; Jon Sockolosky, Livonia, MI; Travis Swartz, Caledonia, MI; Erik D. Syrjanen, Waukesha, WI; and Phillip Vlisides, Northville,
Flip Connell (‘50) refinishes table in Board
Colony members have already made their presence known on the U of M
Room at recent house work session.
campus. A successful winter recruitment resulted in nine additional
pledges, the second largest winter pledge class among the 29 fraternities on
campus. These gentlemen also achieved the highest GPA on campus (3.399) among Michigan’s 70 fraternities and sororities. Noted athletic accomplishments included first place finishes in intramural track in the Fraternity A Division and in intramural soccer in the Fraternity BA division. Philanthropic activities included
making Valentine’s Day cards for children at Mott Children’s Hospital with the Alpha Phi sorority members,
participating in Greek Week Activities with Sigma Chi fraternity and Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. In addition, a three on three basketball tournament, the Phi Gam Slam, raised $400 for Habitat for Humanity.
Social activities for the colony included ballroom dancing lessons with members of the Alpha Gamma Delta
sorority, a pizza party with Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Chi, and a date party at Peppers in Windsor, Ontario. Colony members tried to organize a Fiji Islander party in the spring, but limited time and resources
postponed the annual ritual until the Fall, 2003. Instead, a Black Diamond Formal was held in April at the
Windsor Hilton. In May, when Lambda Chi Alpha members moved from 707 Oxford, colony members and
alumni began to revitalize the house. Cleaning, repairing, painting, and refurnishing activities have begun,
and colony members will be living in the house during the 2003-2004 school year.
Online updates about the colony can be obtained by going to
pg 1 Delta Participation
Colony Member Reflects
About His from
Phi Gamma
Chris Rogers (‘04) is an economics major from Traverse City, Michigan. He
plans to attend law school after graduation. Chris’ father was a member of Phi
Gamma Delta at Michigan State University. Here are some of Chris’ thoughts
about his experiences this past year:
Since pledging Phi Gamma Delta last fall, I have witnessed each of Fiji’s five values: friendship, knowledge, service, morality, and excellence. These values have
redefined our new colony of 31 brothers over the last six months. Friendship was
a given from the beginning. A group of men with integrity and drive came together in the first two pledge classes to unite in fraternity, enjoy one another’s
company, and to be brothers.
We have gained knowledge about the history of Phi Gamma Delta, both locally and nationally through
pledge training, numerous tests, and interaction with the graduate brothers.
Service has been most gratifying and has brought us together more than anything. Fiji had a table at the
annual Kids Fair event held at Crysler Arena this past spring. Thousands of elementary children were there
to play games and have fun. Fiji’s long jump and hula-hoop contest, inspired by the Greek Olympics,
proved to be very popular, not only because the games were fun, but also because the Fiji brothers truly enjoyed being there with the kids.
Recently, we held the first annual Phi Gam Slam 3-on-3 basketball fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity.
We learned how much work goes into a large-scale fundraising event, did well, and were able to make a
contribution to our charity. Next year, we plan on starting the planning process in the fall and working even
harder to provide Habitat for Humanity with the increased donation it deserves.
Many of us benefited from Fiji in ways we do not yet know. Morality is a very respected value and is
slightly different for every brother. Being a part of Fiji, we have come to learn of each other’s morals, and
have become much stronger as a result.
Excellence is easy to envision, but difficult to attain. Our new colony has been striving for excellence since
our recruitment began in October. While establishing Fiji’s presence on campus and maintaining the highest fraternity GPA, many of our brothers have also excelled at intramural sports.
Fiji has brought to the 31 brothers of the Alpha Phi colony an incredible source of belonging, pride, and
gratitude. As Fiji brothers, we can accomplish far more together than we can as individuals. We are not yet
the largest fraternity on campus, but our presence is growing. This is a result of the wonderful support we
have received from graduate brothers sharing their love for Fiji.
Speaking on behalf of our entire colony, I would like to thank those who have enlightened us and accepted
us into the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. We are looking forward to another excellent year starting next
\r\nFundraising Update
Dear Brothers,
The initial response to our December, 2002 fundraising letter has
been outstanding. It is encouraging to see the backing of our brothers
for what we are doing. We are well on our way to meeting the Phase
I goal of $100, 000.
This is especially reassuring given the continuing excellent news – as
noted elsewhere in this newsletter – about the new men of Phi
Gamma Delta. About 24 of these new brothers will call “707” home
beginning next fall. What an excellent start to the reopening of “our
old house” to a new generation of Phi Gamma Delta brothers.
They will be joined by a house manager. This person (several are
being interviewed) will be an overseer and will have responsibility
for managing all aspects of the house. This is an extra guarantee that
the house will be run efficiently and on sound financial footing.
Kelley Rea
Back to Phase I. While the initial results are good and show broad backing for our plans, the help, and contributions, of all the graduate brothers will be appreciated. And, if you have already made a contribution or contributions, please spread the word to your friends and brothers.
I will be happy to explain how you can help in this capital campaign. Please feel free to contact me by phone
at (612) 374-4645 or email ( or regular mail (1958 Penn Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN
Thank you for continuing to invest in the future of the Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Michigan.
Kelley V. Rea ’66
Fundraising Chairman
Chapter web site
Keep up with the latest developments, articles, bulletin board, calendar,
& pictures on our chapter website at
You will need the user ID & Password to view these.
Contact Tom Eames if you have forgotten them.
\r\nBrothers---Put this on your calendars
Plan on attending
Sat October 25, 2003
Call those classmates you’ve been meaning to re-connect with and plan a reunion
Come and discuss the plans for renovation of 707 and meet the outstanding new
undergraduate colony members. ALPHA PHI IS BACK AT MICHIGAN!!!!
Tentative schedule
Informal social hour Friday evening AT THE HOUSE
Purdue game- tickets will be available
Sat 7PM
Meet your old friends, lots of alums AND the new undergraduate brothers
For more information contact
Chris Parker (‘68)
7666 State Rd Cinti ,Oh 45255
513 232-4068
Chris Parker
\r\nQuotable Quotes
Scott Paris (‘68) sent the following email message to Alpha Phi Board members and
pledge trainers Bob Pierce (Michigan, ‘83) and Eric Cavett (Oklahoma, ‘02) following
the initiation of the 23 colony members on January 31, 2003.
I have to admit that I was tired at 6pm on a Friday night and unsure if I had the energy for
everything last night, but when I came home at 10:30 and started telling my wife about the
wonderful evening I realized how energized I was. The men in our new colony continue to
impress me every time I see them. I have gotten to know my little brothers better than the
others and these guys, Brent Jacobs, Dustin Hughes, and Chris Peoples, are really smart,
hard-working, mature, and funny guys - the best and brightest at UM. They are very much
like the brothers in the house in the 60s who I always admired as rock solid men with clear
vision. (OK, there were some other types but they made life at 707 fun too.) The extra bonus to seeing the house rise again is getting to know brothers from the 50s to the 90s,
even brothers from Oklahoma who show us that Fiji hearts are bigger than Ann Arbor.
Wow, thank you all, for helping these young men, for building the spirit of our house
again, and special thanks to Bob and Eric for working so hard with our colony. It is great to
be a Fiji!
Graduate Relations
If you haven’t received an email from me recently, it’s because we don’t have your current email address.
Please email it to me at
If you don’t have one, please give me a call at
(866) 382-5626, and let me know. Thanks.
Our next Boondoggle is planned for September 10th.
Contact me to find out about the plans for your area.
Tom Eames (‘65)
Grad Relations
Tom Eames
Recruitment Help Sought
If you know qualified young men who will be attending the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
during the Fall, 2003 and wish to recommend them as potential members to the Alpha Phi Colony
of Phi Gamma Delta, you are asked to contact Bryan Jacobs (‘06), Recruitment Chair at Please send the names and contact information about the potential recruits. It would also be helpful for you to inform the recruits that you will be recommending
them. Thanks for your help in helping the colony grow and prosper.
\r\nPIG DINNER, 2002
Fall pledges with Phi Gamma Delta recolonization team, Josh Morita (British Columbia ‘01)
and Scott Yaworski (British Columbia ‘02)
Starting upper left...
Nicholas Albert Benson, Brent Christopher
Jacobs, Erik Davis Syrjanen, Jeffrey Joseph
Rapp, Carson James Berish, James Dotson
Olander, Stephen Alexander Selinsky, Cale
Andrew Johnson, Christopher Guy Rogers,
Phillip Eleas Vlisides, Christopher Niel Peoples,
Derek Robert Buwalda, Bryan Paul Jacobs,
Travis David Swartz, Jonathan Thomas Sockolosky, Reid Stewart Scott, Kevin David Orr,
Jeffrey Allen Chiambretti, David Edward Ault,
Nabil Joseph Daoud, Dustin Dominic Hughes,
Nick Paul Simone Jr., William Roger Masch,
John Anthony Coury
Silver Owl Society members
Jim Almdale '75,?, John Tonkovich '72, Ken
Nemerovski '72, Mike Garry '73, ?, Skip Barcy
'73, Tim Thieme '71, Dave Robinson '73, Scott
Paris '68, John Bevington '72, ?, Gary McRay
'69, Tom Eames '65, Kelley Rea '66.
Special recognition will be given to any
brother that emails me with the correct identity
for all 3 of the missing names in this photo
(sorry guys, I lost my crib sheet!).
Golden Owl Society members
George Seymour '39, Flip Connell '50, Bob Erf '53, Duncan
Erley '52, George Anderson '51,
Tom Emerson '50, George Qua
'52 (thanks to George Qua for
helping update the pins)
\r\nAlumni and Colony Members Fix Up 707 Oxford
Bryan Jacobs & family all
pitch in(even Grandpa) .
Dustin Hughes & Dad
Phil Vlisides puts on a fresh
coat of blue paint in his room
in the annex.
Nick Simone covers
up some of the
Stew Scott & Dad fix up the
Alums Eric Cavett, Tom
Eames & Chris Parker put a
Jim Olander repairs the
ceiling in his room.
Bill Masch (‘06) and Chris Parker
(‘68) take a break from working in
The greek letters are
back on 707
David Ault finishes the
\r\nWhat’s New with You?
Let us hear from you.
What are you doing?
Where are you living now?
Which of your fraternity brothers have you seen or heard
from lately?
We’d like to share something about YOU in an upcoming
edition of the Alpha Phiji News!
Email contributions to John D. Tonkovich (’72) at or send them by snail mail to: 46191
Winston Drive, Shelby Township, MI 48315-5615.
Name ___________________________________ Class Year ___________
Phone _____________________ Email Address______________________
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Summer 2013 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is eight pages in length.