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2013 Summer Newsletter Beta Sigma (Ball State University)
Summer 2013 newsletter of the Beta Sigma chapter at Ball State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Ball State University
2013 Summer Newsletter Beta Sigma (Ball State University)
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
Issue 1 Vol. 1 Summer 2013
Dear Brothers of the Beta Sigma Chapter,
It is my honor to open this graduate newsletter with my
state of the chapter address. To begin, this spring 2013
semester has been another stellar time for our chapter. We
currently operate at a total chapter size of 69 members—
which is the third largest Fraternity at Ball State–and are
proud to see our 11 seniors graduate this May. To fill this
void, our Alpha Theta spring class makes up our five newest
members. We also initiated 12 brothers of the Alpha Eta
fall pledge class during our Winter Retreat to International
Headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky.
In addition to recruitment, Beta Sigma has collected several
awards over the past months. During the Grand Chapter awards ceremony at
Ball State, we were recognized as runner-up for the best fraternity on campus.
Beta Sigma was recognized as runner-up for the Beta Cup—the best overall
chapter in the state. Our brothers currently are involved in 63 different campus
organizations, and we currently have two brothers serving on the Interfraternity
As for our future, Beta Sigma’s biggest objective has been the creation and implementation our second five-year plan. No longer will Beta Sigma remain focused
solely on the activities of Ball State’s campus. Instead, the chapter has taken an
interest in statewide and international recognition.
This has been my brief overview of the successes and goals of the Beta Sigma
chapter. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to
contact me using the methods below.
Sean D. Ratkus
Chapter President
Fun Facts About the Chapter
• 69 total members
• 20 brothers initiated during the
2012-2013 school year
• Brother Dylan Pieri (2014) named
runner-up for Most Outstanding
Brother at State Day
•Brother Jacob Cash (2016) named
runner-up for Most Outstanding
New Member at State Day
•Brother Dylan Stone (2015) named
Alpha Gamma Delta’s Alpha Gam
•Brother John Campbell (2014)
named Kappa Delta’s Daggerman.
•Brothers Jake Lecea (2013), Grant
Reed (2014), Drew Calbert (2014)
and Graduate Brother Paul Desmond (2012) participated in a
semester-long world tour through
the College of Architecture and
Contact Sean:
Pig Dinner Recap
his year’s Pig Dinner was held on March 23 at the Riverwalk Banquet Center and Lodge in Indianapolis. Brother
Peter Loomis, Pig Dinner chairman, was the emcee for
the event, which featured Graduate Brother Daniel Woody
as the keynote speaker. In addition, Graduate Brother Timothy Neeser delivered the Exile’s Toast, and Graduate Brother
Michael Lang updated those in attendance about the state of
Housing Corps. Next year’s Pig Dinner is scheduled for Feb. 15,
2014 at Ball State University’s Alumni Center.
In other news, this year’s Beta Sigma Classic will be held on
Aug. 10, 2013 at the Fox Prairie Golf Course in Noblesville, Ind.
Shotgun start is scheduled for noon. Please contact Brother
Graduate Brother Daniel Woodfin and pledge brother Chris Luke Woody, Graduate Relations Chairman, for additional
Winslow kiss the pig at the 2013 Pig Dinner
information. He can be reached at 317-709-9983. •
\r\nFIJIs on Campus
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
Andrew Bennett (2014)
•Associate producer, Cheery Point
Craig Collins (2013)
•On-Air Personality, WCRD 91.3 FM
Dylan Pieri (2014)
•Vice President of Public Relations, IFC
Hunter Klein (2014)
•President, Ball State Men’s Volleyball Club
Dylan Stone (2015)
•Executive Director, Cardinal Communications
Joe Humpal (2015)
•Treasurer, Ball State Men’s Volleyball Club
Alex Hostetler (2015)
•Director of Operations, BSUDM 2013
Alex Wojciechowski (2013)
•Weather Broadcaster, NewsLink Indiana
Peter Loomis (2014)
•Producer, Ball State Sports Link
Tim Arlowe (2015)
•Secretary, Ball State Men’s Rugby
Jason Fry (2014)
•Vice President of Scholarship and Academics, IFC
Alex Selvey (2016)
•Vice President, Global Brigades
Zach Brown (2014)
•Director of Media Relations, BSUDM 2014
Kristofer Kaizer (2013)
•Vice President, Ball State Energy Action Team
Brandon Froning (2014)
•President, Student Education Association
Nathan Hesher (2014)
•Royalty Chairman, 2013 Homecoming Steering Committee
Graduate Brother Spotlight
Timothy Neeser (2012)
have wanted to move to Chicago for longer than I can remember. After hunting for a job in the
city all summer, I was fortunate enough to get an interview through a friend of a friend. The
interview was at Pierce and Associates P.C., a 600+ employee law office in the heart of Chicago’s
loop. I still work there now, and while it’s by no means by dream job, it’s a solid start and without it
I wouldn’t have been able to move to Chicago, and for that I am grateful.
Here’s the cool part. Back in June or July, I was hardcore Chicago job-hunting. I figured it couldn’t
hurt to see what sort of Phi Gamma Delta connections I might be able to utilize to make my goals
a reality. I got connected to the Kappa Graduate Chapter of Chicago via LinkedIn, and got in
touch with Skip Buckley, the section chief for this area (he serves the Northwestern and U of I
chapters, as well as the DePaul University Delta Colony, just to name a few). He asked me to send him my resume, and offered to pass along my information to a few other brothers in the area who might be able to, if not offer me an opportunity
outright, perhaps point me in the direction of one. I think he sent my info to about 10 people or so, but in the end only
one person got back to me, a fellow named John Olson. John is the Communications director at ComedySportz Chicago,
a theater known for its mainstage competitive improv show, among many others. We emailed back and forth a few times,
and he said if I was ever in the city visiting or otherwise to let him know and we could meet up.
Well, flash forward to August, where I was in Chicago for my interview at P&A (where I had just been hired) and on my
way to ComedySportz to meet John and let him know I’d just been offered a job here in the city. He said that he’d be happy
to offer me an internship with the theater, an opportunity which I immediately jumped on. Flash forward AGAIN to
December/January, where I met fellow intern Oliver Berger, who is now my friend and business partner with whom I own
and oversee Humbug Media, a fledgling media production company here in Chicago. In case you didn’t catch the details,
my internship and now production company, which are much more in-line with my personal interests and expertise versus the whole lame office thing (again, not that I’m not grateful, haha) ultimately happened because of Fiji.
I am now the co-owner and executive producer for Humbug Media. We are all very excited about the new direction of the
company. We already shot and edited the first episode of our sketch comedy series called Side-Showz, and hope to release
it within the next few weeks. I am also pleased to share with you the as-yet-unannounced news that we will be unveiling
our fundraising capital campaign in early May. There will be a ton of cool rewards and opportunities to be had by those
who pledge, so be sure to keep an eye out online for more news on that front both from Humbug and myself personally! •
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
he Beta Sigma chapter
enjoyed a successful year
of philanthropy, whether it
was participating in other chapters’ events or raising money for
our annual Ride Across the Purple
Valley. We participated in a variety
of philanthropic events and won
several as well. FIJI took home
first place in Alpha Chi Omega
and Delta Tau Delta’s Watermelon
Bust, Phi Sigma Kappa’s Polar
Plunge, Delta Zeta’s Turtle Tugs
and Sigma Kappa’s Capture the
Flag. Brothers also participated in
Ball State University Dance MaraRiders from the 2012 Ride Across the Purple Valley pose at Camp Atterbury
thon, Ball State’s largest on-campus philanthropic event, which raised more than $196,000 for Riley Hospital in Indianapolis. In addition, we made
the decision to pair with Sigma Kappa to co-sponsor their Capture the Flag philanthropy. The Ride Across the
Purple Valley is back again, and this year’s goal is $10,000. The Ride will begin on Monday May 6 at the chapter
house in Muncie. For more information, contact Brother Tim Arlowe, philanthropy chairman, at 312-286-2260 •
Interfraternity Council Update
s much as the Interfraternity Council may get a bad reputation for regulating parties and handing out fines, we are charged with the overall advancement of fraternity life as a whole at Ball State University. Lately some of the goals that have been
put into place by IFC have been raising the overall GPA of fraternities on campus, increasing the number of new members to fraternity life, and increasing the number of fraternities on Ball State’s campus within the coming years.
All of this being said, Beta Sigma has no shortage of a presence on Ball State’s Interfraternity Council. As a chapter we have two brothers on the IFC Executive Council. Brother
Jason Fry recently introduced new legislation to IFC which regulates alcoholic parties
the weekend before finals week as to provide an incentive for fraternity members on Ball
State’s campus to study and be prepared for finals. Brother Dylan Pieri recently created
an risk reduction video which will be used to educate new members of all fraternities and
sororities on campus during Greek Academy each semester. Brother Pieri also led a Greek
Marketing Committee that re-branded Ball State’s Greek life.
Overall, the presence that FIJI has in Ball State’s Interfraternity Council is unmatched by any other fraternity on campus
and the brothers involved are working to advance fraternity life as a whole here at Ball State and are constantly working
to uphold the prestigious reputation that Beta Sigma has rightfully earned on campus •
-Brother Jacob Cash, IFC Delegate
\r\nChapter House Update
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
he Chapter House at 900 W. Riverside has undergone a number of significant improvements over
the last two years. Thanks to the generous support of our housing corps, many different changes
have taken place. In the summer of 2011, we paved our back parking lot, adding a basketball hoop
as well. We also had additional fencing installed out back. Another significant improvement made to our
chapter house is the replacement of the old Beta Theta Pi house blocks with brand new Phi Gamma Delta
house markers (pictured below). Our basement ceiling was also finished last summer. Lastly, in the fall of
2012, we invested in a new paved handicapped ramp leading to our back entrance.
The Beta blocks on the house at 900 W. Riverside have been
taken out and replaced with Phi Gamma Delta blocks
The basement ceiling was finished in the summer of 2012
Editor’s Note
It has been my pleasure having the opportunity to bring you this edition of the Beta Sigma
Brief. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Zach Brown. I am a member of the Alpha
Delta pledge class and I serve as the chapter’s publications chairman. I am a public relations
major and I just completed my junior year.
My Ball State experience is truly rooted within Phi Gamma Delta. After spending one semester at DePauw University, I transferred to BSU with the full intention of going Greek. My
pledging semester opened me up to opportunities with Ball State University Dance Marathon,
an organization where I now hold an executive position. My brothers motivate me to achieve
the highest levels of scholarship and be a true friend and gentleman of quality. After all,
friendship is the sweetest influence.
I want to thank you all for setting such a fine example for this undergraduate chapter. Each
and every one of you has helped blaze the trail so that we are able to enjoy the successes together and grow as a brotherhood. I hope you have enjoyed reading this publication, and I wish you all the best in all your endeavors, wherever
they may lead you. If you have any questions, or even some names for recruitment, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
-Brother Zach M. Brown
Phi Gamma Delta
900 W. Riverside Ave.
Muncie, IN 47303
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Summer 2013 newsletter of the Beta Sigma chapter at Ball State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.