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1974 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
June 1974 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1974 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
^-e^ 'if
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t -^ibiic^tion ©f th© Om^g-s PA^ Chapter ©f PHI Gotoevi© £5^5?C3'
The Fiji "Castle" is the best looking house cn ccmpus! Everybody knows
Through the years since the house was built in 1924 it has attracted
many because of its beauty. But this past February when "The New Fiji" was
just getting started, we (the then pledges) were not so sure that it in fact
could possibly be the best looking. The "Castle" needed help and lots of it
as man}' will attest to, and we planned to do just that — help.
We organized a plan of attack.
The kitchen was the prime target, espe
cially the stove. Also on the agenda was the ram, which was cluttered with
debris, and the main bathroom needed a good cleaning. During the.first couple
of weeks when wa did start to work we concentrated on these areas alone.
rara was picked up and was swept clean, and the I: athroom sparkled after a good
scrubbing. There were other areas that needed ixttention too (we always had
plenty to do). The upstairs hall carried numerous battle scars. Lee Allen
set out vjith his box (boxes?) of patching compound to fix the walls.
It be
came apparent that we needed to paint the hall, and many other-parts of the
house as well. Dean Rand saw to it that we could buy paint from the University
supply center at discount prices. Thanks to the understanding of the House
Corporation and the generosity of several graduate brothers we were able to
purchase the paint, as well as sand paper, rollers, etc.
Jon Oakes for some hot brushes.)
(Thanks also to
The hall was worked cn dilllgently by any
one who could handle a brush, and A^'hen the job was finished we all agreed it
was a great improvement. Incidentally the new colors are yellow-gold, with
gold and brown trim.
Jon Oakes and Bob Haynes proposed that the game room downstairs in the
basement should he redecorated. They said they thought a combination of brick
on the lower half of the walls and barnboard on the upper would be good. We
all agreed. Bob found a source of free used bricks in Orono and spent one
Saturday hauling them. Jon and Bob gave up part of their spi'ing vacation to
stay at the house and brick. Wliile the job is not yet finished it is a giant
step in restoring the basenient, not to mention an excellent bricking job.
After noticing what a difference there was when the hall -was finished,
the entranceway and front stairxv'ell were then slated to be painted.
with much help from our prospective pledges that job was completed in less
than two days of working time. It is probably the most striking repainting
job in the house.
The walls and^ceiling are white with deep brown trim, and
the railing is black. Because we discovered we could do a good job painting,
it v?as decided to do the same for the dining and living rooms, although they
were in much better shape thnn the entrancevjay. The dining room is new fin
ished, and the living room is almost completed. Again the results vjere ac
tually Ghocking. The place looks great!
With all this work going on the kitchen vjas almost neglected (remeriber
the kitchen, our prime target?), but thanks to the persistence of Jim ICauvC
iTTiOng others we began work anew. A fresh coat of paint and much cleaning and
patching up have improved the kitchen tremendously, but unfortunately much of
the x^^oodwork and cupboards are in terrible chape, and hopefully can be rep]aced in a few years.
Many of the thirty brothers and pledges will be coming back early next
fall to work on their rooms and finish the work that was started this spring.
Before closing I would like to thank, on the behalf of all my brothers,
all those who have helped us get our feet back on the ground, especially
Dave Rand and Field Secretary Steve Area. Most especially we are forever
indebted to Dave Sposato for his valuable help, time, and efforts.
includes a fine job on the oven door!)
Speaking for myself and fiveryoae else as well, I must say that we have
enjoyed working together resforing the "Castle." We all hope (we know!)
that our efforts vjill pay off and that one day soon Oraega Mu will again be
number one here at Maine.
Coniicent from the Purple Legionnaire
for those of us that have been privileged to be in Orono and observe
"the new beginning" we regret that the entire brotherhood of Omega Mu
couldn't be here to witness the transition# What has occurred at Fiji is
a fine example of the collective spirit. Th® energy and motivation is now
at a point where it is contagious and we find ourselves in the enviable
situation where everyone is asking themselves the question of "what can I
do for the fraternity?" This attitute is responsible for so much being
Giving of one's energy in service to the fraternity seems to be uni
versal within the University community. Arthur Kaplan, Vice President for
Student Affairs, has been completely supportive as has Dwight Rideout our
Dean of Students. Bill Lucy, Assistant Dean of Student Activities and the
University's man for fraternity affairs has worked actively to help with
"the new beginning." We are also indebted to the Registrar, Physical Plant
Department and the University Police. The local Fiji alirmni have stood up*
and been counted. That grand man of Omega Hu, Ted Curtis, has been with
the fraternity one hundred per cent. Perhaps our greatest debt is to
William Zerman, Executive Secretary of Phi Gamma Delta, and the professional
staff of the national headquarters. A substantial portion of Mr. Zerman's
professional staff have been totally involved in "the new beginning." The
point is simply this — what is being accomplished at Fiji is a combined
effort of many people who(are about the fraternity and its destiny.
Yes, people are asking, "what can I do for the fraternity" and every
undergraduate brother extends an invitation to you to consider this question
and to actively involve yourself in making Phi Gamma Delta a respected in
stitution at the University of Maine.
There is so much that needs to be
done and we all have an opportunity to make our contributions.
write and give us your suggestions — we'd really appreciate hearing from
you. At no time in the recent history of Fiji has there been greater need
for alumni support. Will you please ask yourself "what can I do for my
fraternity, what can I do for Phi Gamma Delta?"
David M. Rand '58
Dave Sposato Best Senior Award Established
VJe. couldn't have made it this far without Dave.
From the beginning
Dave Sposato was alv7ays there working, encouraging, and showing us the
Fiji way of running that complicated business known as a fraternity house.
In thanks to Dave and his vital role in Omega Mu's "new begituiing", we
presented an engraved Maine stein to Dave and established the "Dave Sposato
Best Senior Award" (plaque to be coming soon) to be awarded yearly to the
best senior, Dave, a graduating senior business major (class of '74) com
mented, "As I've already told some of you, I'd give anything to ba in your
The Pine Tree Fiji ^ -k -k Omega Mu
The newsletter of the Omega
Mu chapter of the fraternity
Preston Brlstcw '75
of Phi Gamma Delta.
Mike Wissenbach '77
Published this time during
Bruce. Verrill '77
flnaib waeki a bit rushed
but all thereI
Bob Harrington '75
Fourteen Brothers Initiated
Fourteen brothers were initiated at the Castle April 3.9 by graduating
seniors Dave Sposato and John Butler, graduate brothers Dave Rand and Ted
Curtis, and field secretary Steve Area. The ceremony, blessed with Steve's
ritual expertise, was a meaningful experience for us all and we are certainly
proud to be Fijisl
Initiated were:
\r\nJaaies Rittenburg
Peter Wilkinson
Charles "Buddy" Burnstein
Preston Bristow
Janes Schoonover
Howard "Lee" Allen
Mark "Chad" Chadbourne
Robert Haynes
James Kane I I I
Michael Milner
Robert Rand
Jonathan Oaks
Bruce Verrill
Michael Wissenbach
President Jim Kane, sophomore business' major from Glen Cove, New
York, has moved up from pledge class President to fraternity President.
Jim has been active in organizing the Lacrosse Club here at UHO this
Treasurer Lee Allen, a sophomore forestry major from Neecham, Mass.,
is Treasurer of the Maine Outing Club so he should do a great job for us.
Recording Secretary Mike Wissenbach is a freshman forestry major
from Valencia, Venezuela.
In addition to his secretarial duties, Mike
will be renting mini-cool refrigerators all over campus for Fraternity
Buyers Aosociation.
Corresponding Secretary is Preston Bristow, a junior botany major
from Dayville, Conn.
Preston is also President of the Maine Outing
Club and editor of this alumni letter.
Historian Bob Haynes is a sophomore forestry major from Winthrop,
Bob'^ put a lot of work into the house and, after forestry
summer camp is over, will be our first delegate to the Ekklesia.
Sixteen Men Pledged
Sixteen men were pledged to Phi Gamma Delta at the Castle Wednesday,
Ma}' 15, setting the total number of men "living'in" next year at 30. Taking
part in the ceremony was Jim Kane, our new President, and Lae Allen our Trea
surer, V7ith Purple Legionnaire Dave Rand and graduate brother Ted Curtis
looking on.
The nevj pledges are listed below:
Allen "Ra^er" Graffam '75
Major: Music Education
18 Lawn Ave., Portland, Ma.
Milt Radley '75
Major: Biology
140 Franklin St., Westfield, Ma.
Bob Harrington '75
Major: Zoology
42 Mildred Rd., Brockton, Ma.
Dave Laude '75
30 Graves St., South Deerfield, Ma,
Leigh Morrovj '75
Rt. 62, Van Buren. Me.
Brian "Buz" Daly
Major: English
18 Ludlow St,, Portland, Me,
\r\n-irald LaFlanme '76
^ ajor: Political Science
. ..
1 Janet Rd., Haverhill, Ma.
Rob Leatherboe '76
Major: Engineering Physics
Home: 22 Acorn St., Marshfield, Ma,
Louis Roy '76^
'Maj or: •Zoology
10 Market St., Fort Kent, Me.
BrianSpears '76
Home: 22 Abbot St., Portland, Me.
Cliff Abbot '77
102 Lincoln St., Portland, Me.
Steve Hodsdon '77
Major: Civil Engineering
Home: R.F.D. #3, Box 169, Bangor, Me.
Mike Llnscott
1435 Forest Ave., Portland, Me.
Mat Madeira '77
International Affairs
259 Foreside Rd., Falmouth, Me.
Bruce Surgenor
Major: Geology
Bulkley St., Williarostown, Ma.
Mike Wnek '77 '
Major: Forestry
42 Franklin Rd., Cromwell, Ct.
Graduate News
Guy B. Fritz was unable to make it to Pig Dinner but sent his $6 anyway
with the quip, "Don't use this for feed, but give some long haired bastard *
a hair cut!"
Theodore S, "Ted" Curtis, former State Senator 103rd Maine Legislature lists
as his past accomplishments; President of the New England Intercollegiate
Athletic Association, Faculty Manager of Athletics at Ul'IO for 36 years.
President of the state YMCA,^ and many years as Omega Mu's Purple Legionnaire.
Ted still lives at 123 Main Street, Orono and is a state YI'ICA Executive Member,
President of the Board of Trustees of Lee Academy, and a member of the Board
of Chapter Advisors for Omega Mu. Ted's been by many times to give us a
much-needed helping hand, both morally and financially.
Philip H. Taylor sent us a contribution ($10) and wished us good luck in
reopening the Chapter House. He presently lives at 501 Slaters Ln. *309,
Alexandria, Va, 22314.
C'icil J. Cutts of 21 Mountain View Av'e., Bangor regretted he was unable to
attend Pig Dinner. .
R.N. Haekell was unable to make it to Pig Dinner, but sent us $10 anyway.
Herbert P. Preble V7rites he was for many years a supervisor with a chain of
department stores and is now reitred and living on his tree, farm in Jefferson,
reachable at Box 134, RFD 1, Newcastle, Me. 04553. Brother Preble joined us
at Pig Dinner.
Keniieth W. Downing couldn't make it to Pig Dinner this year.
Ken presently
lives at 96 Otis Street, Bangor.
Robert Parks is retired now after being Executive Vice President of Oper-
ations for Howard Johnson's and President of the National Restaurant Assoc
iation, Bob writes that this is the class of 1929's ASth Reunion and he
and several Phi Gams hope to visit the house this year I Bob lives on 4"S Allen
Farm Lane, Concord, Ha.
Kennath S. Luddan of^mC Box 31, Bangor was unable to make
to Pig Dinner,
James W. Fuller, of Rt., Ilallowell, Me, also Informed us he couldn't make
It to Pig Dinner,
J, M, Jackson, of 62 Chenary St,, Portland, Me. 04103, Is retired after 27
years as adjuster with the General Adjustment Bureau,
Elmore L. Wood came down with the flu and couldn't attend Pig Dinner but
sent us $6 to help out. Brother Wood lives at 143 Scwall St., Augusta, Me. 04330.
Raymond McGinley Is living at 18 High St., Old Town, Me, after 33 years with
the paper industry. He is presently with James E. Sewall, Engineering, in
Old Town.
Merrill R. "Pappy" Bradford, an attorney in Bangor, couldn't make it to
Pig Dinner but was at our cocktail hoiir at the Castle and showed us the
very spot whora he had his first sexy kiss I Brother Bradford also gave
Gisega Mu a much appreciated $100.
Robert Cjlllnan was unable to attend Pig Dinner.
William J. Nest, Jr. of Box 118, Middle Island, N.Y. 11953, is currently
in his 24th year of public school teaching — now a fifth grade teacher
at the Bicycle Park Elementary School in Seldon, N.Y. •
Bruce S, Billings, Esquire, of 199 Maine Street, Limestone, He 04750
couldn't make it to Pig Dinner.
Norman W. Curtis is Vice President of Engineering and Construction for
the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company and kindly offers to welcome
overtures from any engineers interested in employment in the Pennsylvania
area. Brother Curtis of 2985 Fairfield Dr., North Allentown, Pa, 18103,
also wished us good luck with the reorganization.
Hugh W, Hunter's daughter is married and teaching Kindergarten and one of .
bis four boys is a Junior at Univ, of Mass, at Amherst,
Hugh has been on
the Gardner City Councjl for 6 years and has been teaching for 7, The
Hunter family lives at 48 Chapel St., Gardner, Ma; 01440.
Richard Lawson of 20 Green Acre Dr., Waterbury, Ct. is a Process Engineer
t^ith USM Corporation in Sheldon, Ct., and hopes we all have a good time
at Pig Dinner. We sure did!
Hugo H. Cross writes he almost made it to Pig Dinner I
Brother Cross has
been in Connecticut for 16 years and is teaching Fiarth Science in Darlen,
Ct, as well as coaching football and tennis summers. Hugo lives at 95 Old
Rd., Wastport, Ct. 06880 which, he says, is near Gerald Vigue '52.
Charles J. "Bud" Ochmanski of 8 Brentwood Hd., Augusta, Me. 04330, notified
us he would be at Pig Dinner.
Richard M. Schade of 35 Brentxwod Rd., Augusta also let us know he would
be at Pig Dinner.
Lowell "Ted" Sherwood, Jr. of 141 Thorton Rd., Bangor let us know he too vjould
be at Pig Dinner.
"Winfred A, Stevens of 251 Novell Road, Bangor, made it to Pig Dinner, also.
19J^6 (?)
K. Arlen Johnson wrote that he was both delighted and dismayed — delighted
tViat the house was reorganizing and re-opening and dismayed that it has reached
such an advanced state of deterioration in such a few short years.
Arlen vlphnson, an attorney at 102 Congress Street, Mllford, Ma, 01737, also
sent his best regards to Brothers John Johnson and Winn Stevens.
_1 % 8
Mike Mclnnis of 6 Bayview St., Yarmouth, Me. 04096 joined our happy crowd
at Pig Dinner.
\r\nL. Gorhoir «ent n CiJ^ck fcr v23 (thar.ksl) ami Icnieats'
.if \.i ':^ulu fi t
make it to rig Ir'
-51 Lhlf ycf^r. Brother Gcrham
1 Lnc I
In the mlr:;:;!'
;ay ^.roc:k
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June 1974 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.