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1911 November Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
November 1911 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1911 November Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
POSTMASTER: If not delivered in
ten days, please notify Phi Geunma
Delta, University of Maine, Orono, Me.
^00 0 5
Pi -
\r\nMaine Fiji
Vol. VI
Clifton E. Chandler, 1913...
No. 1
Carl S. Cleaves, 1912
Ralph W. Wetherbee, 1913
Theodore W. Haskell, 1914
Robert F. Thurrell, 1915
Fernando T. Norcross.•.• Business Manager
Issued—When there is news enough.
Purpose—To advance the interests of our
No articles in this paper are to be publish
ed in any publication except those of the Phi
Gamma Delta Fraternity, unless special per
mission is secured.
The sixth year has arrived and again we
are sending forth into the great world of
Fijidom this little paper with the sincere hope
that it will find a resting place in the heart of
every true and loyal Phi Gamm. There must
be a fraternal fire burning within you and to
this bit of kindling is added that it may burn
its brightest. If it serves to awaken in you
memories of your own careless undergraduate
days we shall feel that we have been well re
paid for our labors.
Why do we issue this
pamphlet if it is not to enliven in you the in
terests of your chapter and of your fratern
ity. We have done our part but have you
done yours? Just count the number of times
you have written us or have made us a visit
that will answer the question. If you have
not done your duty now is the time We all
realize Bro. Alumnus, that you have your
business cares and other troubles—perhaps
little ones—which may cause you to forget
your past joys. Turn over a new leaf, forget
your troubles and be joyful. There is not a
one of you will deny that your college days
were the happiest that you have ever had.
That being the case come back to the house
and rejuvenate these pleasant hours.
house is ever open to you and the boys are
waiting for you with welcoming hands and
The old adage that "work cometh before
play" will be indented more deeply than ever
in the gray matter of every Fiji at Omega Mu
this year. We are going to try as we never
tried before to win that Inter-fraternity
Scholarship Cup and if our prize is not secured
it will not be because we have not applied
ourselves to the task. There is a standing
deliquent committee in the house whose duty
it shall be to keep a monthly record of the
tanding of every brother and to aid those
®1,0 have fallen below their standard in work.
\r\nEarly in the evening of July 28, Brother Dan
iels was passing the burnt ruins of the Hotel
In the last issue of THE PHI GAMMA
DELTA a call was issued for 1000 new sub
scribers. This magazine has been shamefully
neglected during the last few years, and by
whom, surely not the editor or any of those
who aided its publication, but by the general
Alumni. Here are some cold figures that will
tell the whole story. Out of a general gradu
ate body of 12000 members just 400have sub
scribed. This chapter has 181 graduates and
only 3 have entered their subscriptions. The
percentage of Alumni subscribers in other
chapters is way ahead of ours so lets take a
brace. The new editor, Elkanah B. Hulley
Georges in Thomaston on his way home. A
high wind was blowing that nigh and one of
the walls of the hotel, in front of which he
was passing, was toppled over on top of him,
killing him instantly.
Brother Daniels was
one of Thomaston's most promising young
men, and the whole city was cast into gloom
at this sad news.
Here at college. Brother Daniels was one of
the most prominent members of his class, 1914.
He was an exceptionally good athlete and
would have without doubt made the Varsity
nine. The whole University is saddened by
has outlined in the last issue of the magazine
a systematic campaign which he is going to
his death.
and when he solicits your aid we hope that
last year knew him as a clean, honest, up
follow up towards getting new subscribL,
you will respond.
As an added incentive, the magazine will
present two splendid chapter gifts, to be an-
lar^Mt ^
chapter with the
JuM l iqiT" F of Alumni subscribers by
ihZ ' 1'
to the chapter
JuneT^912^ ^eatest gain in percentage by
incr^L .
based on the
printed in tlf^i
the last issue,
Oct, 1911.which are
nwl!-' ^^o^'th of material in both seasoned
P^'omisingon freshmen,
ecentf improvements
the athleticfavored
field, ef-
cien y coached by the two veterans who
turned out so successful a team for Maine last
year, Wingard and Rielly, and trained by the
inimitable "Crab" Smith, the football team
conipleted one of the most successful years in
I s istory. Of the eight games played, Maine
only lost two, scoring 83 points to her oppon-
en s 8.
Especially is his loss a hard blow to Omega
The brothers who lived here with him
right young man, with a wonderful disposition
and not a fault in the world, and they loved
him as a brother. His death has left a place
among us which can never be filled. Our loss
is great, our sorrow deep.
We can simply
bow our heads and say, "It was God's will."
Whereas, It has been the divine will of
Almighty God to remove from our midst our
beloved brother, Clyde Folsom Daniels,
Whereas, We, the members of Omega Mu
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta desire to express
our deep sorrow and feeling of great loss at
the death of our brother and friend, be it
• Resolved, That we extend to his family in
their bereavement, our heart-felt sympathy;
and be it also
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
be incorporated and made a part of our
chapter records, printed in the University and
fraternity publications, and sent to his
William R. Ballou, '12
Clifton E. Chandler, '13
In the state games she won two
out ofthree and theieby winning the cham
Victor H. Shields, '14
Maynard J. Creighton, '15
pionship. The scores of the different state
games are as follows. Bates 5, Maine 0»
Colby 0, Maine 20; Bowdoin 0, Maine 15.
Omega Mu was represented on the squad
this year by three husky players inthe persons
of "Tracy" Thomas, 14; "Cat" Smiley, '12!
and "Jock" Cleaves, '12. "Jock" played
wonderful game at quarter while "Cat
showed up in fine form as one of the half
backs. This was "Tracy's" first attempt at
football and he has shown that he has the
makings of a varsity man in him.
Died July 28, 1911
A cloud of sorrow spread over the members
of Omega Mu this summer when the sa
news of Brother Daniels' death reached them.
Upon entering thehouse for the first time
this fall)
were pleased to see that a steam
heating' plant had been installed by our
Alumni. Surely nothing could have pleased
us better after the experiences of the winter
before. The new heater has been tried and
has proved more than satisfactory.
Now that we are fairly started on our year's
vk and back into the old routine, the loss of
n^niels '14 is felt more than ever.
,one"'o'fus miss "Danny" because he
hJd sLething in common with the whole of
\r\nus. ~He was a man in every sense that the
Ballard Keith '08 took dinner with us this
week. Bro. Keith is attending the Maine
feelings by saying, "There is not a day goes
Law School this year.
word means. One Fiji has summed up our
by but what I think of 'Danny' and wish he
was with us again.''
Omega Mu has one ofthe brightest outlooks
this year that she has had for along time. A
more studious atmosphere has never prevailed
Bro. R. W. Davis '11 paid us a visit last
week. It sure did seem good to see "JefF"
with us once more and we hope he will call
than at the present time. It is the sincere
We were glad to receive the invitation to
the marriage of Bro. Elton L. Towle '09 to
Our matron, Mrs. Jeannette A. Harrington
is again with us much to our satisfaction.
wedding as delegate from Omega Mu.
wish of all of us thatthe Scholarship Cup will
be placed in our hands when awarded.
Bro. Clarion L. Davis, Amherst '12,
was^with us during the summer term here,
presented to the house a beautiful leather
plaque with the MAINE seal engraved upon
it. We sincerely appreciate "Stringers"
Bro. Harry P. Carl '10, who has been back
with us for a short time this fall, has returned
home. "Dippy" has surely been a bright
spot while here and we will surely miss him.
A new couch and linen box have been placed
in the matron's room.
All the brothers here feel the loss of Bro.
Daggett, of Brown '02, who'finished teaching
here last June.
"Prof" is now taking gradu
ate work at Columbia. Omega Mu extends
her best wishes for success.
Miss Vira D. Peters which took place at
Portland, Me. on Oct. 25, 1911. Every Fiii
sends his most sincere wishes to "Shark" and
his bride. Bro. Norcross '14 attended the
Bro. James G. Scales '10 was with us for a
few days a shorttime ago. "Jim" came way
from Jennette, Pa. to see us and we surely
appreciate that fact.
That is the kind of
spirit we like to see. Bro. N. N. Scales, '11
also walked in on us. Were we glad to see
' 'Henshaw,'' you bet.
We seem to be announcing quite a few
marriages this month and we must not neg
lect to mention that of Bro. Fred L. Eastman
'88. Bro. Eastman was married to Miss Ger
trude B. Hineline on Oct. 11, 1911 at Saugus
Mass. They will reside at 316 Beale St,
Waliaston, Mass.
Bro. Hosea Buck '93 and Ernest Lisherness
'07 made us a visit recentlj'.
Bro. S. Waite, '11 was with us for a few
days recently.
"Scrapper" is to be with the
"Western Electric Co. Oak Park, 111. and has
left to fulfil his position.
Just to show you that we are in earnest
when we say that we are going to try as we
never tried before towin thatInter-fraternity
Scholarship Cup, Brothers Charles Brown
Cleaves, '12, and Clftord Henry George,
Bro. A. H. Brown, '80 and son of Old Town
visited us recently.
Bro. N. C. Pinkham, 'II is in the Adirondacks
working for a forestry concern.
We have re -
ceived several letters from "Gus," alias Mon
were elected to the honorary scholarship so
sieur de Bom Bom, in which he states that he
bestowed on astudent here ^nd Jo w
good reasons for feeling proud of our
is getting along fine. His last address was
Blue Ridge, N. Y. care of Elk Lake.
Congratulations are extended to Bro. Leigh
I. Harvey, Law '12 on the birth of a baby
ciety of PHI KAPPA PHI. This is one of the
highest, ifnot the highest honor that can
Cook" and "Grade."
Bro. L. C. Southard. '75 has been re-elected
as Alumni representative to the Maine Inter
alumni notes
C- "• 19". he ceremony attook9tliplace
Pittsborglr. They^
heartiest congra
Bro, Clayton Bow e
„tend onr
^his wife were
^ ^
East recently on then
eultural interests.
collegiate Arbitration Board. Bro. Southard
has recently presented to the U. of M. Law
School Library a very valuable set of books.
And what do you know Bro. H. P. Carle,
'10 hasgone and done it. "Dippy" recently
surprised us by announcing that he was en
gaged to Miss Mildred A. Galusha of Port
Bro G. L- Young ex-'13 recently made us a
• "t ' "Squanto" has been in the woods all
lummer working for the Great Northern
•Lumber Co.
\r\nProf. Winsdor P. Daggett, Brown '02 acted
in the capacity of Toastmaster and filled the
bill to a perfection. The speakers and their
Bro. James Eaton, '10 is with the Stone &
Webster Co. Jacksonville, Florido. "Jim" is
doing well with his work.
toasts are as follows:
Bro. W. O. Haskell, '11 has secured a posi
tion as assistant chemist in a paper mill at
Good Old Days
Maine Alumnae
Norwood, Mass.
Relationship of Q. T. V. to Phi Gamma
C. F. Colesworthy '75
Bro. Malcolm Fasset, '10 who has for the
last year or so been playing with the Kqith
Omega Mu
Warren McDonald '12
After the speeches were over, Bro. N. N
Scales 11 on behalf of the active chapter
Stock Co. in Portland, is planning on taking
a position with the Sidney Toler Stock Co. in
presented Bro. Daggett with a beautiful gold
watch as a mark of high esteem and apprecia
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bro. R. B. Pond, '11, who has lately been
with the Eastern Manufacturing Co. of Bangor, has left for Eau Claire, Wisconsin,
tion for the work that he has done while here
Besides the active chapter those present
where he is to enter business with his father.
were Fred L. Eastman, '88; C. L. Garland
Bro. William Hall, '07 was here for the
Bates-Maine game.
Prof. E. F. Hitchings '75
E. J. Haskell, '72
'04; Raymond Fellows, '08; Hosea B. Buck'
"Bill" is a regular visit-
'93; B. S. Williams, Ex-'ll; E. F. Hitchings'
er, a fact which we appreciate greatly.
'75; C. C. Garland, '72; Chas. S. Bartlett, '82;
We were the recipients of a fine deer last
A. H. Brown, 80; H. V. Starrett, '91; S. W
Gould, '75; Maurice H. Powell, '99; E. J.
Haskell, '72; J. N. Hart, '85; C. F. Coles-
week from Bros. Alfred J. Keith, '82 and
Joseph F. Gould of Old Town. The "Bunch"
surely made way with that venison in a most
worthy; '75; W. K. Hanson, Ex-'ll; Geo. H.
Hamlin, '73; Frank Fellows, Ex-'12; G. T.
appreciative manner.
Thompson, H. W. Davis, '85; and J. M. Bart
lett, '88.
Previous to the Banquet the annual Com
mencement initiation of former members of
We wish to introduce
to all Fijis seven new
Q. T. V. took place and Charles F. Coles-
Creighton of Thomas-
worthy, '75 of Pendleton, Oregon was made a
toO' Me., Preston M. Hall ofTaunton, Mass.,
Paul F. Slocum ofBrooklyn, N. Y., Robert
member. We wish to introduce Bro. Colesworthy to the fraternity at large.
J^. Thurrell of Portland, Me., Edward WoodPortland, Me., Leon P. Carle of
North Raymond' Me,, and Robert B. McCloy
of Buffalo, N. Y.
This delegation is perhaps smaller than
those of past years but what it lacks in
quantity it makes up in quality. We have
tried to pick slowly and wisely and believe
that our new brothers have shown themselves
most worthy of our efforts.
Nathan C. Cummings
William R. Ballou
Charles B. Cleaves
Carl S. Cleaves
Phillip Garland
Clifford H. George
Chicago have entered here this fall and have
Benjamin Haskell
Warren McDonald
Leon W. Smiley
b^n entered on the rolls of this chapter.
Leigh I. Harvey
I. Miller Bradbury
Warren C. Brewer
Chris ' and ^'Shorty'* aresure a greatad
Clifton E. Chandler
On theevening of June 13 the annual Commencemeut Banquet of Omega Mu was held
here at the chapter, house. There were many
of the "oldbosy" back and fun reigned su
preme. Everyone, from the greenest fresh
man to the silver-haired Alumnus, was filled
with Fiji spirit and forgot the time, the
place, and even the girls, and remembered
only that hewas a loyal Phi Gamm.
'Dr. Cook"
Carl Estabrooke
affiliated brothers
Bro. George L. Christy, '14 of Brown and
Bro. Roger D. Long, '13 of University of
Harold Hamlin
Morrill S. Pope
Roger D. Long
Ralph W. Wetherbee
Arthur W. Abbott
George L. Christy
HoweW. Hall
Ernest F. Hanson
Theodore W. Haskell
Preston H. Martin
Orchestra; C. E. Chandler, class vice-presi
FemandoT. Noreross
Victor H. Shields
Philip W. Thomas
Horace H. Towle
Maynard J. Creighton
Robert F. Thurrell
'Uncle Munn''
Edward Woodman Jr.
Robert B. McCloy
manager of class
team; E. F. Hanson, class executive commit
of Campus; Philip Garland, Campus board;
C. E. Chandler, Campus board, associate
editor of Prism; F. T. Noreross, Campus
Leon P. Carle
tee; R. F. Thurrell, manager of class track
team; M. J. Creighton, class treasurer.
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November 1911 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is eight pages in length.