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2018 September Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
September 2018 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2018 September Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
A Challenge Gift to Raise $25,000 for the “Rho
Phi Charter Member Scholarship Fund”
A $25,000 challenge gift has been issued by Rho Phi Brother Mike
McKee (1984) and his wife, Joanne, to raise an endowed scholarship
on behalf of the Founding Members of the Rho Phi chapter. Brothers
whose names are part of this founding charter include:
George J. Butkovich, Jr., Walter E. Dye, Gary W. Gladish, Gary
L. Groff, John B. Hodsden, James M. Lowes, Robert C. Meyer,
Gregory A. Montgomery, Richard Allen Newman, Richard L.
Pace, Daniel J. Phelps , Theodore Mac Donald Smith, Stephen R.
Whitesell, Bruce P. Williams, Steven C. Goble, Donald G. Morris,
Loren C. Doyle, Thomas A. Dehne, James H. Graham, Sidney L.
Stoffer, Robert H. Harrison, Thomas M. Hendrickson, Thomas Lee
Jackson, Roger J. Martindell, Kevin Michael Patrick O’Sullivan, Jöel
V. Sanders, Jay E. Sensibaugh, John M. Smith, Jay D. O’Sullivan,
Albert D. Wernz, and Dale L. Zeleznik.
In This September 2018 Issue:
A challenge gift to raise $25,000
for the “Rho Phi Charter Member
Scholarship Fund”
1848 Scholarship Winner Profile:
Brother Griffin Steffy
The 1848 Club
Supporting Rho Phi while becoming
part of the Chauncey Rose Society at
1848 Scholarship Winner Profile:
Brother Louis Campbell
1848 Committee Chairmans Corner
These brothers, or their surviving family members, have the choice to set up an endowed scholarship in their
own name with a $25,000 contribution, or contribute to this charter member endowed scholarship as we head
into the 50th anniversary of the chapter. Additionally, Rho Phi graduate brothers that would like to contribute
to honor these founders can also make a contribution. Mike and Joanne McKee have pledged $25,000 of their
own money toward an endowed scholarship in their name, as the Founders Endowed Scholarship is completed.
Your generosity will help us to get two endowed scholarships completed at the same time! Please consider giving
$500, $2,500 or even $5,000 toward completing this Rho Phi Charter Member Scholarship. Donations can be
made using the form and information on the last page of this newsletter. If more than $25,000 is raised, it will be
applied towards other Rho Phi endowed scholarships yet to be completed.
Rho Phi Endowed Scholarship
c/o Wes Bolsen - 1848 Chairman
12470 Bradford Dr.
Parker, CO 80134
1848 Club Committee
Reminder: Make plans now to attend the
Rho Phi 50th Anniversary Celebration in
Terre Haute from May 3-5, 2019. Reach
out to your chapter contact if you have
questions. More details coming soon!
Wes Bolsen, Chair
David Steinbock
Ed Fain
Jake Whitacre
Joe Weist
\r\n1848 Scholarship Winner Profile: Undergraduate Brother Griffin Steffy
In the fall of 2017, the 1848 Committee awarded one of our first $1,000
scholarships. The award was given at the fall pledge retreat, where we initiated
one of the largest pledge classes in our chapter’s history. The values of morality
and academic excellence were discussed prior to naming the first of what will be
many Rho Phi 1848 Scholars.
The winner, Griffin Steffy, is a senior computer engineer and a very active
member of the Rho Phi Chapter. Currently he serves as the chapter historian, a
member of the Rose-Hulman varsity football team, and is in the Blue Key Honor
Society. In the past he led the chapter Bible study and also coordinated multiple
groups of brothers as they attended the Passion Conference in Atlanta, Georgia,
where thousands of students gather annually to grow in their faith. Griffin spoke
with great admiration when asked about receiving the 1848 scholarship. He
said, “What I love most about this chapter is the opportunities it provides for its
members, so the members can then create opportunities for the chapter.”
The 1848 Club:
Raising funds and endowing scholarships for Undergraduate brothers of the Rho Phi
This is the year to become a member of the 1848 Club! That is especially true if you plan to come back May 3-5,
2019, for the 50th anniversary celebration. Brothers contributing to the fund
annually will receive one free ticket to the Pig Dinner/50th celebration.
“Younger graduate brothers” not yet able to endow a scholarship in your name,
or contribute a larger tax deductible gift, can become a member of the 1848
Club with as little as $18.48 per month recurring or $221.76 annually. Our goal
is to have at least 50 grad brothers that are contributing at this rate annually by
the 50th anniversary celebration.
Go to to find more information, as well as a list of the
Rho Phi brothers that have already stepped up to become members.
Supporting Rho Phi While Becoming Part of the Chauncey Rose Society
at Rose-Hulman
Did you know that becoming a member of the Chauncey Rose society, and receiving
a plaid jacket, is a currently a minimum of a $50,000 contribution and is likely to
increase in the future? If you are interested in figuring out how to establish an endowed
scholarship at Rose-Hulman, while still support the undergraduate brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta, please reach out to the 1848 Committee chair to help you work through
the giving details with the development staff.
Note that if receiving a plaid jacket does not interest you, an endowed scholarship in
your name can be established with a tax-deductible donation of as little as $25,000 to the
Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation.
\r\n1848 Scholarship Winner Profile: Undergraduate Brother Louis
Louis Campbell is a senior civil engineer with a 3.67 GPA and highly involved
member of Rho Phi. During his junior year he was the service and philanthropy
committee head. In addition to heading up established service events, he also
looked for new opportunities for our brothers to get involved in the community
like Habitat for Humanity and helping out with the local Council on Domestic
Abuse (CODA) shelter. During his senior year he plans to stay involved with
service but is excited to co-head the rush committee. He is also the president of
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) on campus.
During the 2017-18 school year, Louis was voted by Rho Phi to be the recipient for
both the Five Value Award for Service and the Brandon Dean Couch Outstanding
Brother Award. Louis says he was honored to be recognized by his brothers. Later
in the year at our annual Pig Dinner, it was announced that Louis was selected
as an 1848 Scholar. When asked what this meant to him he said, “It is deeply
humbling to be selected amongst many deserving brothers, and I am very thankful for everything the 1848 Club
has done and continues to do for our Fraternity”. Louis is a proud member of the Rho Phi chapter and is greatly
looking forward to his senior year with his brothers.
1848 Committee Chairman’s Corner: A Note on Funds Raised to Date
It is with great honor that I announce we are approaching half way toward our goal of having 10 endowed
scholarships by the 50th anniversary of the chapter. The full list of graduate brothers who have stepped up will be
announced at the 50th anniversary celebration on May 3-5, 2019, in Terre Haute. We have had $70,000 that was
originally contributed to the Chauncey Rose society moved over to specifically support undergraduate brothers
of Rho Phi for scholarships. We also had a large number of brothers, both graduate and undergraduate, fully
fund an endowed scholarship in the name of Don Mighell during the inaugural Phi Gamma Delta Day of Giving
on May 1, 2018. By having both the greatest number of gifts raised as well as the greatest amount raised, we were
able to secure two $1,000 scholarships that were awarded in the fall of this year.
In addition, my wife and I, Wes Bolsen (2000), are contributing $25,000 for an endowed scholarship for Rho Phi
undergraduate brothers in perpetuity, and in this letter you see Mike McKee (1984) and Joanne McKee setting
a challenge to raise a Rho Phi Charter Member endowed scholarship and contributing $25,000 for their own
endowed scholarship when the charter member scholarship is completed. In addition, we were able to start an
endowed scholarship in the name of Joeseph A. Weist for his untiring efforts to the chapter, and it already is
close to half funded. We hope to have all of these, and more, fully funded before the 50th anniversary.
If you are interested in setting up a tax-deductible contribution for your own named endowed scholarship,
contributing toward the “Rho Phi Charter Member Endowed Scholarship” or contributing to the “Joe Weist
Endowed Scholarship”, contributions can be made before the end of the year by clipping out the form on the
back and attaching a check.
With greatest appreciation for your generosity.
Brother Wes Bolsen
Cell: 650-387-9962
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40544
Nonprofit Org
US Postage Paid
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Tax Deductible checks can be made out to “PGD Educational Foundation.”
Please, fill out the form below and mail along with check to:
Rho Phi Endowed Scholarship
c/o Wes Bolsen - 1848 chairman
12470 Bradford Dr.
Parker, CO 80134
Rho Phi endowed scholarship you would like to support:
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September 2018 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is four pages in length.