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2018 Summer Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
Summer 2018 newsletter for the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Mu Upsilon
Miami University
2018 Summer Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
Phi Gamma Delta Mu Upsilon 61st Norris Pig Dinner 2018
The tradition of the Norris Pig Dinner constantly
demonstrates what separates our Fraternity from the
others. No other Greek organization has continuously
run a successful annual graduate event like we do.
Our sense of brotherhood and friendship displays
that being a FIJI isn’t for college days alone. Brothers
come from all over the country for a weekend of
hanging with old buddies, meeting undergraduate
members and celebrating our chapter’s excellence.
84 alumni ranging from class of ’59 to ‘17 attended
the dinner.
FIJI started off the weekend with a catered event at
the Left Field Tavern where everyone reconnected
while eating the tasty food. The Fijis then joined
together at the house for a networking session
Saturday morning. Undergraduate brothers had
the opportunity to learn more about careers and
establish valuable relationships with alumni. There
were rooms in the house designated for different
majors and fields of the work force. Following the
networking session, the brothers then met for a
House Corporation meeting to discuss the leadership
success the chapter displayed after a challenging
semester. The meeting also included financial
updates regarding the house and potential additions
to it.
The 61st Annual Norris Pig Dinner was held at the
Armstrong Student Center and was an enjoyable
time for everyone. The newest pledge class chanted
the song as they brought the pig up to the front of the
room. Like always, each member of the newest class
kissed the rear end of the pig. The youngest member
of the class, Gianmarco Mignogni, was the last to kiss
the pig on the rear end. After that, the oldest Fiji,
Chuck Goodwill class of ’59, kissed the pig
on the snout. Following the meal the two keynote
Continued on page 2.
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta – Mu Upsilon
Continued from page 1.
speakers, Ben and Sam Hicks (2016), gave speeches
about what being a Fiji means to them and their
favorite memories at Miami. The chapter president,
Neil Shaw, also spoke and gave out a few gifts as
thanks for all the help our chapter received this year.
Last but not least, our Purple Legionnaire Allan
Payne, spoke about how our chapter’s exceptional
leadership has allowed us to be successful in the past
and going forward.
With the conclusion of yet another successful Pig
Dinner weekend, the Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta
Mu Upsilon would like to thank Allan Payne, Pig
Dinner Co-Chairperson Warren Soare, Mike McGurk,
Mike Bevis and all of the chapter officers for helping
with a great weekend.
Pig Dinner Co-Chairperson,
Blake Schlesner
\r\n61st Norris Pig Dinner 2018
A large number of Fiji graduate brothers returned
for Pig Dinner 2018. Because this dinner followed
last year’s 60th Big Pig Dinner, we estimated
that in this off-year about 75 grads would return
to Oxford. We were pleasantly surprised that
84 grads attended (67 grads pre-registered and
another 17 paid at the door) Others Fijis were in
town on Friday or Saturday but were unable to
attend the dinner. Our theme of “Bring Back a
Brother” worked as nearly every graduating class
was represented. This large turnout of Miami Fijis
showed once again our strong bonds of
brotherhood and friendship and that “Phi Gamma
Delta is not for college days alone.” The FIJI
graduate brothers on the House Corporation, Board
of Chapter Advisors, and the Class Agents were
helpful by encouraging their brothers to return for
Pig Dinner weekend. We appreciated the assistance
from the Miami Alumni Office to plan the dinner
and International Headquarters to collect he
money. Warren Soare worked on the dinner for
eleven months but he was in a serious car accident
which totaled his car eight days before the dinner.
He was treated and released from the hospital but
physically unable to return for Pig Dinner.
Fortunately Mike McGurk took over as the
Graduate Co-Chairperson. He coordinated the
dinner with Blake Schlesner, the Undergraduate
Chairperson, who began in December to work
effectively on this event. Thanks to Warren, Mike
and Blake for coordinating a great Pig Dinner! Plan
now to return for Pig Dinner 2019 on 4/27/19. You
can reserve a room for that day in the discounted
PGD block of rooms in the Elms Hotel or the
Sycamore Best Western.
\r\nA Letter From the President
End of Slant Year End
This past semester, the brothers
of the Mu Upsilon Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta were happy to
welcome 29 new members to our
brotherhood. These individuals
stand for our core values of
what it means to be a Fiji. We are
looking forward to seeing all of
them grow as young men with
the time they have at Miami and
Our chapter continues to grow
and remain one of the top on
this campus. This would not be
possible without the outstanding
effort that has been put forth by
our undergrads. Specifically,
I would like to mention the
hard work and dedication of
the cabinet. Will Poston (2019), Graham DeLaney
(2019), Michael Brigeman (2020), and Justin Sadler
(2019) have been great leaders within this chapter.
Not only these individuals, but also our House
Corp, PL Allan Payne, and Life Coach Jim
Menninger deserve recognition for their terrific
The past year for the brothers of Mu Upsilon
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta has been tremendous.
There continues to be great leaders within our own
chapter as well as involvement in outside
Fiji Basketball
This past semester, the Fiji basketball team won their
4th Basketbrawl championship in the last 5 years.
This single elimination tournament is a philanthropy
event run by Kappa Alpha Theta. The Fijis won each
game in decisive fashion and were led by senior and
former Chapter President, Thomas Staley (2018). The
championship basketball now resides inside the
display case in the chapter house main hallway.
organizations. As our sights are focused on the
upcoming year, we look forward to continue to be
leaders within our Greek community of Miami.
The brothers of Mu Upsilon have strived for
greatness in the past, and we plan to continue on
this path moving forward.
Neil Shaw (2019)
Chapter President
Drop the Puck
\r\nA Letter from the Purple Legionnaire
Spring semester was chaotic and frustrating as we
again went through more hassles with Miami. That’s
the negative.
The positive is that we took a 28-man pledge class
and we are now 105 strong. We have an intensely
involved House Corporation, Purple Legionnaire and
Life Coach. Graduate relations are much stronger
than the last 20 years, as evidenced by 10 former
chapter presidents attending our April Pig Dinner!
For the past 2 years Jim Menninger (our “Life Coach”)
and I have taken the Cabinet and succession planning
u-grads to an outdoor camp to do zip-line, paint-ball,
ropes, & knocker-ball. This Fall on Sept 14-15 we will
be going to the “PVM Outdoor Wilderness Retreat”.
On Friday night the 14th, we will be addressing Fall
and Spring goals, particularly “rush,” academics, risk
management, and House up-keep. Saturday will just
“flat-out” be waaaaaay too much testosterone going
on, particularly in Knocker-Ball.
Mu Upsilon has excelled in Philanthropy with
“Drop-the-Puck,” its signature event. Likewise, interfraternity sports has been our “playground” the last
couple years (campus champs in basketball, hockey
and softball).
I asked Drew Davis of the Office of Fraternity and
Sorority Life (and an MU Fiji!) how we are known on
campus. He said the Fijis are “socially influential”.
Ummmmmmm, kinda’ like that.
We definitively have things to escalate. We will be
putting on a “full-court press” this fall in identifying
upper-classmen for fall recruiting, and freshmen for
spring recruitment. Our goal is a 40 man pledge class
in January. Additionally, we will be offering much
more leadership training this fall, and Jim and I will
be doing mock interviews with any u-grads that want
to be critiqued.
Morale at Mu Upsilon is high. I wish every one of you
could see it. I’m still hyped to work with these guys.
Honestly, I see it as a blessing.
Allan Payne
Perge! Brothers
Phi Gamma Delta Mu Upsilon Chapter
Board of Chapter Advisors Meeting
Your Board of Trustees protects the property at 130
East Street and the Board of Chapter Advisors plays a
major role in assuring that Phi Gamma Delta remains
strong and vibrant on Miami’s campus. So why do we
need a Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA)? Miami has
more oversight on fraternities than ever before.
Many of your board members live pretty far away
from Oxford and might only make it back for Pig
Dinner or Miami’s Alumni Weekend. We need more
onsite assistance frequently.
Allan Payne does an excellent job as your Purple
Legionnaire and is on campus weekly. The BCA
reports to Alphonse and advises the chapter on
specific areas like Pig Dinner, housing contracts and
other committee areas. They will also meet with Jim
Menninger our life coach at the house.
Our BCA consists of the following brothers:
Chris Anderson (Rose Hulman 1999) – West
Chester, OH, will handle academics and scholarship
Sam Hicks (2017) – Cincinnati, OH
Ian Huron (2017) – Cincinnati, OH
Matt Kuchers (1982) – Delaware, OH, Leadership
Other areas where the BCA will be of assistance
includes admin, operations, finances, graduate
relations, pledge assistance, public relations, ritual,
and goal setting. This is an excellent step forward as
we need the assistance.
Drew Davis (2008) – Oxford, will be our risk
management chair
Most recently, Alphonse called a BCA meeting in
July and addressed the major issues at hand. The
group met on Saturday, July 21, and divided the
Brian Gravitt (1991) – Mason, OH, rush chair
Continued on page 7.
\r\nBrother Ted Goble Elected to
Miami University’s Athletic Hall of Fame!
It is a pleasure to announce the selection of Ted Goble to the Miami
Athletics Hall of Fame! Ted and six others will be inducted the weekend
of August 31-Sepember 1 with a banquet Friday night and recognition
at halftime of the football game on Saturday. The many letters and
testimonies of support were significant in the selection process.
Thanks to all of you!
We look forward to seeing you at the Hall of Fame Weekend!
Love and Honor,
Pete Lindsay (1972)
I wish to give my strongest
recommendation for Ted Goble to
be recognized for his swimming
accomplishments, leadership, and
continuing financial support and
limitless encouragement for Miami
Men’s Swimming and Diving.
Several of my teammates will be
giving different aspects of Ted’s
great endeavors from the day he
stepped on campus to the current
day in promotion of his selection.
I hope to share a very important
facet of his alumni support, to give
this committee a full understanding
of his love and support to Miami
Swimming, far beyond his many great
accomplishments in the pool.
The MU Athletic Department has
been recently promoting the strong
image of “Graduating Champions”.
Ted is a Champion. Not only with 4
MAC swimming events (Swimming
allowed only 3 years of varsity
eligibility until the early ‘70’s) , but also
providing incredible team leadership
and backing especially for the ’67
and ’68 teams which became and
remain the only men’s swimming
team to have won back-to-back MAC
Championships. Other past team
members will elaborate on these
phases of Ted’s influences, past and
Late in the 1990’s, Miami Athletics
was at a crossroads - several men’s
teams were going to be discontinued.
The Board of Trustees asked for
the teams in jeopardy to develop a
presentation to the Board in an open
session. Ted found out about this
and immediately contacted me and
several other past graduates of Miami
Swimming and Diving. He already had
a plan in mind and gave this effort the
motto “Save the Whale”, which had
significance to those of us on the ’67
and ’68 championship teams. We
developed an email list of well over
200 past and current swimmers
and divers. The outpouring of dismay
and disenchantment with Miami was
incredible – how could a fine university
eliminate an Olympic sport? The
communication lines had been opened
– teammates became teammates over
the years, regardless of graduation
Ted surely made 1000’s of visits, calls,
and emails to MU swimming alumni
from the 1954 initial year to that
year’s active team, coached by Pete
Lindsay, who was also strongly involved
in the ’67 and ’68 teams. Ideas and
plans for our defense presentation
were bantered back and forth, but not
everyone who desired to speak would be
permitted to present. Letters, emails,
and telephone calls were made to the
Board and to anyone involved with
the decisions. Hundreds of thoughtful
letters of support were mailed to the
Board. Ted led the charge, encouraging
everyone to write, telling how important
Miami Swimming was to each of us.
One Board member showed the stack
of swimmers’/divers’ letters at the
John Russell, Hall of Fame swimmer
and All American swimmer class of ‘68
and Ted Goble
night of the defense and he stated
that it was over 2 feet tall.
It was a tough night; we were
competing for survival against other
varsity sports at Miami. Tears and
anger were common emotions
shown by those from all the teams
defending their sports. Ted had
laid out a plan so that those of us
speaking swimmers would not be
repeating the same testimonies –
each of us had a specific facet to
present as to why swimming was
(and remains) a very important part
of Miami. Miami Men’s Swimming
and Diving presented our case
solidly and successfully. Ted was told
a few days after that evening that
swimming was one of the sports that
would not be cancelled. He contacted
as many of us as he could as soon
as he became aware. This was
perhaps the best championship the
MU Swimming had ever won – our
If Ted had not taken the reins and
led us to an organized defense, the
result would likely not be one of
success. Those of us heavily involved
with Miami Swimming realize that
Ted Goble was the primary reason
for its survival. Ted is undeniably
a Champion. The “Whale” was
indeed saved.
\r\nBack to School 2018-2019
The 2018-2019 Miami University
school year will be kicked off on
Sunday, August 26, with an “All
House Meeting” to be held in the
White Star Café. All undergrads
will be treated to grilled burgers,
chips and bottled water supplied
by the graduates.
all FIJI values, goals and
initiatives. House Corp president
Mike Bevis will discuss how the
House Corporation and Board of
Chapter Advisors work together
to assure Phi Gamma Delta
remains strong at Miami.
This will be the third annual “Back
to School” all hands meeting. The
Allan Payne, Purple Legionnaire
will begin the meeting by reviewing rules and regulations for the house
will be reviewed. The policies of
no alcohol and no smoking in the
house will be strictly enforced.
We cannot afford any problems
with the city of Oxford or Miami
All undergraduate brothers
are required to attend and all
graduate brothers are invited. The
meeting begins at 4 p.m.
FIJIS Investigated and Interviewed During Spring 2018
On February 20, 2018, your board
of trustees received an email from
Phi Gamma Delta International
stating that our chapter (along
with three other fraternities) was
being investigated by Miami
University for serious hazing
allegations. We were told to cease
all pledge activities immediately
until the university and the
Fraternity can investigate.
We were told:
• No formal or informal pledge
education meetings or activities
could occur
• Pledges were not allowed in the
chapter house
Needless to say, your board and
Purple Legionnaire were both
deflated and at a loss on what
had just happened. We had just
selected a pledge class of 35 and
had also just begun the pledge
training process. It is amazing that
we eventually initiated about 27
Your board and Executive
Committee met more frequently as
we worked hard to save our
chapter from any suspension or
probation. Many meetings with
both Miami and International
occurred over the next two plus
All pledges were interviewed
by Miami and Phi Gamma Delta
• No undergraduate brothers were
and on the eve of Pig Dinner,
allowed to communicate with
Friday, April 27, we were cleared
pledges and we were not allowed
of any wrong doing. However, it
to communicate with pledges
seems to be the way of the world
to inform them of the suspension
today. Anyone can submit an
of activities.
anonymous letter or phone call
stating that there is wrong doing in
any fraternity. This policy will be
Continued from page 5.
duties for the upcoming school
year. This photo shows them hard
at work in the house library. Our
two biggest areas of attention this
year will be rush and academics.
While the BCA members are not
members of the board, they serve
as an excellent breeding ground
for future board members.
If you know these brothers,
please reach out and thank them
enforced and we must work even
harder to stay in good stead with
the university and International.
As we go forward, it is absolutely
critical that our recruitment
procedure work hard to find young
men of good moral character. This
is one of the imperatives that our
Purple Legionnaire and BCA have
on their list of priorities for 2019.
Along with this, the university
expects us to invest both time and
efforts in volunteering and
philanthropy in the community
throughout the school year.
Through the efforts of our graduate
brothers, our Purple Legionnaire,
our Life Coach, our Board of
Trustees and our Board of Chapter
Advisors, we will assure that our
young men live to our values and
make a positive impact on our
college and our community.
Mike Bevis (1970)
President House Corp
for stepping forward to help our
house. It’s a different world out
there today brothers. Different
than we were at Miami. These
BCA brothers are motivated to
give the highest attention and
mentoring necessary to help 130
East High Street be the best!
Allan Payne (1969)
Mike Bevis (1970)
“Trapper and Ollies” Not for college
days alone!
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Mu Upsilon at Miami University
1201 Red Mile Road
P.O. Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544
Nonprofit Org
US Postage Paid
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Save the Weekend of April 27, 2019
Including Friday, Saturday and Sunday events
(more information will follow).
Mu Upsilon of Phi Gamma Delta presents the
In the Marcum Center
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Summer 2018 newsletter for the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.