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2014 Fall Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
Fall 2014 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is nine pages.
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Chi Eta
Western Kentucky University
2014 Fall Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
Fall 2014
Volume 5 Issue 3
Third annual Purple Run
P. 2
Fall Service
2015 Cabinet
Legacy of Fiji
P. 6
Chi Etas
P. 8
Mark your calendars!
January 26th
Beginning of Class for
WKU Students
WKU FIJI recently held the third annual Purple Run as its fall philanthropy to
raise money for Alzheimer’s Research. The
Purple Run, which took place on October 11
at Kereiakes Park, raised over $5300 dollars
for this cause that has affected many brothers
and families in the local community. Through
the help of many people and organizations,
this year’s philanthropy was the most successful one so far apart from the Bike4Alz
“The event has grown so much over just
three years,” Ryne McMullen, Chi Eta Trea-
surer and former Philanthropy Chair, said.
“We have found a permanent name, upgraded the paint, and now started making the
run seem more and more professionally ran.”
The Purple Run is a 5K in which participants have colored powder thrown on them in
a colorful, fun, upbeat race. By the end they
are a completely different color creating a
really unique spectacle to see. Following the
race, all the participants take part in a large
purple throw while music is blasted from te
speakers. It is a great end to a very fun event.
This year the Purple Run had 204
... continued on p.2
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nparticipants including members of
the Bowling Green community, family members, and other WKU Greek
“The Purple Run was something
that I got to do with a lot of my friends
while raising money for a good cause,”
Marie Angeles, a participant in this
year’s Purple Run, said.
“Plus, who doesn’t like getting
purple powder thrown at you while
running and getting it all on your
A new feature of The Purple Run
this year was the inclusion of corporate sponsors. Various community
businesses including Van Meter Insurance, Houchens Industries, Griff’s
Deli, Franklin Bank
and Trust, Complete
Nutrition, and ChickFil-A. Also, the Chi Eta
chapter partnered with
WKU Alpha Omicron
Pi Sorority and Sigma
Alpha Epsilon fraternity for a fundraising
spaghetti dinner which
raised $1000 dollars
to be split among each
group’s philanthropies.
The inclusion of other
groups contributed to
the success of this semester’s philanthropy immensely.
“It was really awesome that three
organizations found a way to come
together as a group and have some
fun while raising even more money,”
Haley Doose, Philanthropy Chair for
AOII, said.
In the end, the thing to be celebrated is the impact that these donations
will make in the lives of many families
across the United States. Alzheimer’s
disease has deprived many members
of society the ability to live independently and has become a burden on
many families. This money is another
step toward research which will find a
cure and end Alzheimers.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nPhi Gams, Chi Omega, and Phi beta
Sigma Take on Homecoming 2014
Many of us call it the best week
of the year, and Homecoming 2014
proved to be just that. This year’s
Homecoming brought about an exciting week of float building, mixers, late
nights, new relationships in our Greek
community, and a stronger brotherhood for Chi Eta.
This years Homecoming week was
certainly one for the books, beginning
with the week’s Greek Events.
This year, Chi Eta and our pairings, the ladies of Chi Omega and the
gentlemen of Phi Beta Sigma, took
on the overall theme for the week of
“New Tops on the Block” and constructed a football themed float to
celebrate WKU’s inaugural season in
Conference-USA. Our float designed
showcased WKU’s own Feix Field,
helmets representing each team in
Conference-USA, and a brick wall
covered in graffiti. We pomped, and
prepared our float throughout the
week, leading up to an all-nighter
through Thursday night and finally
finishing around noon on Friday.
The week finished with the annual
Homecoming parade which traveled
through campus and ended in Fountain
Square Park with ‘Big Red’s Roar’.
We were proud to show off our hard
work to the Bowling Green community and in the end, it all paid off when
we placed 2nd in the float competition.
With competition aside, our chapter could not have been more pleased
with our Homecoming week. We were
able to build new relations with both
the women of Chi Omega and the
gentlemen of Phi Beta Sigma as well
as strengthen the bonds within Chi
Chapter President Kyle Stewart extended a complement to our brothers,
not only on their hard work through
the week, but to their efforts in fostering new relationships within our Greek
community. He explained by saying
“it was a fantastic week with a great
With the week’s major Greek
events concluded, it was time to get to
what Homecoming week is all about,
Graduate Brothers and football. Our
Graduate Relations Chairman, Taylor
Ruby put together a graduate brothers breakfast Saturday morning at the
Fifth Street Diner, and followed it with
a tailgate with assistance from brother
Austin DeMuth. It was a great opportunity for Graduates and Undergraduates to reconnect and enjoy the day.
Nu pledge class member Justin Hobbs
described his first Homecoming game
day as an exciting end to a perfect
“It’s exciting to meet our Graduates and have so many Chi Etas back
on the Hill!” , said Hobbs.
In an exciting conclusion to our
week, Chi Eta was a part of one more
victory. Along with Chi Omega and
Phi Beta Sigma, our chapter co-sponsored Ellie Jolly, a member and President of Chi Omega, as our Homecoming Queen candidate.
During halftime of the football
game, while being escorted by Nu
pledge class member McGavinn
Brown, Jolly was crowed the 2014
WKU Homecoming Queen.
This year marked yet another
successful Homecoming in Chi Eta
history. Our chapter is already anxious
and excited for Homecoming 2015.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChi Eta Chapter Serves Northside
Baptist Church and East 10th Street
Civic Association
This fall break, the Chi Eta chapter was able to continue an ongoing
tradition of our short existence: the
fall break service trip. This year, we
ventured a little further north than we
have in past years and traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana to serve Northside
Baptist Church and East 10th Street
Civic Association for a few days. We
left in carpools scattered throughout
the day on Wednesday as soon as
we could get out of our classes, and
headed to our destination.
Our home for the week was the
Northside Baptist Church, whose facilities manager was gracious enough
to let us stay there for the extended
weekend trip at no cost whatsoever.
For the first day of service on Thursday, we decided to pay back to the
church for letting us stay there for free
by giving them free labor for the day.
We landscaped around their entire
church building, tearing up old shrubs,
digging up weeds, and shoveling two
dump trucks full of river rock into
wheelbarrows and filling in the area
around the church with the rock.
For our next two days of service on
Friday and Saturday, we worked with
the East 10th Street Civic Association.
This group is an association dedicated to the reformation and improvement of greater Indianapolis.
While working for this group, we
painted furniture, landscaped at another local church, moved property
from an old space to a new location
for a local theater group, built signs
for a local business, and cleaned up
trash along the entire city block. While
tons of work was completed, fun was
not lacking on this trip. The church
was full of equipment for racquetball and basketball courts, and had
roller skates, an indoor track and gym,
which were utilized nearly anytime we
weren’t working. We also took brotherhood trips into the city of Indianapolis and to a local go-kart fun park.
“This was the best fall break trip
I’ve been on,” said Senior Mason
Not only did we get to have fun
and get the satisfaction of working together, but every brother who came on
the trip and participated was rewarded
with 15 service hours (which is the
amount of hours that must be earned
each semester).
Altogether, we had approximately
25 brothers go on the trip and every
single one of us had a fantastic time
serving together.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\n2015 Cabinet
Taylor Leigh
Andrew Boyles
Outgoing 2014 Cabinet : Kyle Stewart (President), Ryne Mcmullen (Treasurer), Seth Bland
(Recording Secreatary), Wade Weatherholt (Corresponding Secretary), and Evan Pennington
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nLike Father like Sons: A Continuing
Legacy of Fiji Arohs
It is always a special occasion
when multiple generations of the same
family share the bond of brotherhood
in Fiji. This is certainly the case in
the Aroh family. Among the fall Nu
pledge class initiated this November, brother Daniel Aroh became the
newest Aroh addition to the Chi Eta
family, following in the footsteps of
his brothers Ben (Class of 2013) and
Joseph (Class of 2017). Their father
David Aroh, a graduate of the Tau
chapter at Hanover College, was present for his youngest son’s initiation
at the International Headquarters in
Lexington. That same day, David also
was sworn in as a graduate affiliate of
Chi Eta.
Earlier in the semester, the chapter
voted to make David Aroh a graduate
affiliate because of the tremendous
contributions he has made in the fraternity, including building a new deck
at the house, installing a transom window with the five values over the front
door, and constructing a kitchen bar
countertop. His investment with Chi
Eta, his heart to serve brothers, and
his raising of three outstanding sons in
the chapter made his official affiliation
into the Chi Eta brotherhood of vital
“I was very surprised and honored
to be asked to be a graduate affiliate of
the Chi Eta Chapter,” David says.
“Ever since I have been acquainted
with the men of
Chi Eta, I have
been very impressed with the
caliber of young
men that Chi Eta
has attracted.”
For David,
who now has all
three of his sons
as initiated Fiji
brothers, this
moment is significant.
“As far as having all three sons
affiliated with Chi
Eta, as a father, I
couldn’t be more
Daniel also
gives his thoughts,
“I saw how Fiji
molded my older
brothers into the
men they are today
and I knew it would
do the same to me. It only feels right
that my dad joined the Chi Eta squad
with us because he is the one who
taught us the biblical and sound values
we have. Fiji just continues to assist
and further advance these teachings.”
Needless to say, the Aroh men
exemplify how Fiji is “not for college
days alone.”
Graduate brother Ben continues
to make a presence in the undergraduate community through his recently
started business, Aroh Made, where
he designs handcrafted wood products that he sells to brothers and many
more in the regional community.
You can browse and shop for some
of his products by visiting
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChi Etas Abroad
Above and Right: Brother Jacob Hodges ventures
around the Europe.
Left: Brother Chase Thomas represents
WKU Study Abroad and Global Learning
while on the Great Wall of China.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nGraduate Spotlight : Jordan Minton
This Fall’s Graduate Brother
Spotlight, Jordan Minton, graduated
from WKU in 2012 with a degree in
Marketing and Sales and is currently
working as a singer and songwriter in
Nashville, Tennessee.
Minton’s ability to merge his education and passion into a career is to
be admired and followed. Starting in
high school with his school’s worship
group, Minton’s passion for performing followed him into college. After
discovering several inspiration singer
songwriters, Minton began to create
his own music and discover his own
sound. While in undergrad, Minton
played his first show in a coffee shop
in Lexington, Kentucky. In his senior
year at WKU, approaching graduation,
Minton decided to pursue his passion
as career.
“A huge reason I had the confidence to pursue music is just being
around [FIJI] and having the encouragement of the guys,” said Minton.
Writing over 40 songs in the last
year, Minton has been playing shows
every month in Nashville, Louisville,
and of course, Bowling Green. Using
his marketing background, Minton
has been networking, developing his
brand, and growing his fan bases at
every stop on the road. In the next year
Minton expects to start traveling short
tours throughout the United States
with other performers.
Minton’s advice to undergraduates,
“Its never too early to start... I wish I
would have started way sooner,” said
Minton. “ You have so much freedom
and time in college that you can spend
mastering a craft.”
Minton is a great example to the
Phi Gamma Delta community. Working everyday doing what he loves and
using his job to develop his happiness,
relationships, and faith, is the true definition of chasing a dream.
Keep up
the good work
Fall 2014 Graduates
Mason Bramer
Religious Studies
Robert Lucas
Cody Hutchins
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nGraduate News
Jordan Kassel (’14) engaged to Grace Julien on November 29th.
Austin Wenger (’13) accepted a position as Subrogation
Analyst for The Rawlings Group.
Chris Kinney (’13) accepted a position at Graybar Electric in Outside Sales.
Ryan Demuth (‘13) engaged to Carly Atkins on November 8th.
Zack Ryle (‘12) accepted a position as the Assistant Director of Admissions and Public Relations for the Gatton
Academy at WKU.
Eric Hughes (’12) accepted a position at Hospital Corporation of America in Brentwood, TN.
Blaine Routt (‘11) is getting married to Amber Nicole
Goodlett on December, 26th, they will be moving to Hawaii together where Blaine currently lives.
Christopher and Nikki Drury (’10) married on November 7th.
Ray Blankenship (’10) accepted a promotion to Department Chair for the Information Systems department in the
college of business at WKU.
Have any graduate news? Send an email to!
Chi Eta By the Numbers
73 Initiated Brothers
1 Pledge Brother
83 Graduate Brothers
2 Brothers Abroad
2008 Chi Eta founded at WKU
Tyler Jury
Young Alumni of the Year
Congratulations Tyler from all the
Chi Eta Brothers!
Learn about the WKU Excellence Fund and how you can
support Chi Eta at
Current Supporters
Bob Anderegg (USC `71, WKU GA `10)
Jeff Baynham (WKU `10)
Ray Blankenship (Kentucky `84, WKU GA `10)
Brandon Bowman (WKU `10)
Dr. Craig Cobane (WKU Faculty `10)
George and Jane Pennington (Parents)
Blaine Routt (WKU `11)
Josh Wiseman (WKU `12)
Brad Stephens (WKU’13)
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
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Fall 2014 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is nine pages.