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2014 Fall Newsletter Chi Upsilon (University of Chicago)
Fall 2014 newsletter of the Chi Upsilon chapter at the University of Chicago. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Chi Upsilon
University of Chicago
2014 Fall Newsletter Chi Upsilon (University of Chicago)
The Chi Upsilon
University of Chicago ‐ Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity ‐ Fall 2014 Edition
The annual Norris Pig Dinner
was held on June
7 at the QuadranQuestions?
gle Club, and the
turnout was suIf you have any
comments, criticisms
perb. There were
or questions about Chi
over 140 brothers
Upsilon, or would like
in attendance, 50
to contribute to the
of them graduchapter in some way,
ates. There were
please contact Rob
strong showings
Tamillow 2006,
from the class of
Graduate Board
1974 for their
President at
40th year reunion
(l to r) Don Heinrich (1974), Jim Kaplan (1976), Rick Rayfield (1974)
or 773.658.6778.
and from the
(standing), Norval Brown (1976), Nick Zimmerman (2017),
class of 2009 for
Greg Revenis (2017) and Michael Hinkley (2017).
their 5th year reunion. Several brothers
Bryan Tisdale (2015), and
After the dinner was a brief
no cup was awarded to Fiji this
gave speeches, including
Archon Councilor Bill
song practice, followed by the
graduate board member
Downing (Wittenberg
IF Sing competition. What the
It was also announced at Pig
Zach Evans (2011), curDinner that the graduate board
chapter lacked in quality it
rent Chapter President
(Continued on page 2)
made up for in spirit, although
The brothers of Chi Upsilon organized a flag football
tournament for charity that was held on May 31. The
tournament was made up of teams from the fraternities
and the college and drew a large crowd of spectators.
Although both the Fiji teams involved were quickly eliminated, the fraternity managed to raise $1,200.
The money was donated to
Moneythink, a nonprofit dedicated
to teaching financial literacy in
low-income communities.
Page 2
(Continued from page 1)
will be closing the chapter house at the
end of next school year. Chapter membership is at an all-time high, but the
house is no longer able to safely accommodate so many brothers. The goal is to
begin the total rehabilitation of the chapter house in June 2015. A steering committee has been formed to help direct the
process of raising funds for this project.
It will take great effort and sacrifice
across all the generations of our chapter,
but we are certain that the dedication of
our brotherhood is strong enough to ensure the success of this campaign to revitalize Chi Upsilon.
(l to r) Rick Rayfield (1974), Stan Hutchings (1964), Kim Johnson (1979,
Clyde Watkins (1966) and Mike Dotsey (1974).
(l to r) Joe Steelman (2011), Mike Emerson (2010), Joe
Tripolitakis (2013) and Bob Manix-Cramer (2010).
Brian Duffy (2014), Brian Tisdale (2015), Patrick
Ryan (2015) and Bernie DelGiorno (1955).
(l to r) Richard Schmidt (2014), Rob Meyers
(2006) and Jim Vice (1954).
Frank Brunner (1942) and Chris Dengler (2016).
\r\nPage 3
It was great to see so many brothers at
Pig Dinner:
Kim Johnson 1979 - is COO/General
Interra Realty in Chicago.
Manager of Ringful Health, a medical soft- Jake Longtin 2012 - recently was
ware developer and a principal at KCM
hired by Citadel’s Event Driven Group.
IN, and attended Ekklesia this summer.
Media Group. He lives in Austin, TX.
He lives with Danny Polaneczky
Stan Hutchings 1964 - is retired and Rob Meyers 2006 - is jetsetting between 2012 and John Dana 2012 in Chicago. They work in corporate banking at
living in Palo Alto, CA.
Los Angeles and Chicago while acting as
PNC and Wealth Management at Morthe Western Regional Manager of Bibby
Clyde Watkins 1966 - is senior partgan Stanley respectively.
Financial. He plans to return long term to
ner at Ter Mulen Watkins Brandt LLC
Stephan Mitrovic 2012 - is an
Chicago for the weather.
doing development consulting. He lives
oilseeds merchant at Louis Dryfus Comin Chicago.
“Scuba” Steve Holtzman 2007 - is at
modities in Calgary, Canada.
John McLees 1970 - is a retired part- Abelson Taylor and lives in Chicago.
ner at Baker & McKenzie in Chicago.
Pat Bush 2008 – is currently engaged in Nate Williams 2012 - is in strategy
management at Interline Brands in
trading and M&E. He enjoys spotting peoDon Heinrich 1974 - is retired and
Jacksonville, FL.
ple who are doing squats in his spare time.
living in Centerville, OH.
Gabby Fernandez 2008 - is an attorney Cameron Grimes 2012 and
Mike Dotsey 1974 - was appointed
Kiegan Cisneros 2012 also attended
at Lydeker | Diaz in Miami and enjoying
Senior Vice President Director of
Pig Dinner. Kiegan is a branch manager
the winters of his hometown much more
Research at the Philadelphia Fed. He
at Enterprise Rent-a Car in Chicago.
than Chicago’s.
enjoys biking outside the city on the
Joe Tripolitakis 2013 - is an analyst
weekends with his partner Pauline.
Frank Chor 2009 - is an Associate
at Pearl Meyer and Partners in Chicago.
Director at UBS in Chicago.
Rick Rayfield 1974 - is owner of
Matt Henrici 2013 - is in finance in
Tempest Book Shop in Waitsfield, VT,
Jim McAnelly 2009 - is [redacted]
and teaching at St. Joseph’s college in
Diplomatic Security Agent in [redacted].
CT. He continues to enjoy limericks,
Bill Rose 1961, Doug Cipriano
singing, and living an independent and John Kiernan 2009 - is working at
1986, Joe Catalano 1999, Zach Evpioneering life in Vermont.
ans 2011, and Rob Tamillow 2006
Consolidated Trading with Nick Rockare all currently serving on the graduate
Paul Schuster 1974 - has retired
well 2012 and Joe Patton 2012. All
board and give much thanks to those
from public accounting and hospital
live in Chicago.
who attended the Pig Dinner and helped
administration. He is using the time to Pat Davis 2009 - is studying to be a
to make it a success.
travel and undertake some ambitious
doctor at Midwestern. He is the doting
home renovation projects.
Babak “Ray” Youseffian and 2004
father of toddling twin girls.
Andrew Maloney 2005, former deniCarl Bobkoski 1974 - is living in San Todd Young 2009 - is a portfolio manzens of the Green room, recently got
Diego with his wife Sara where he
ager at Swiss Re in New York. He is
married (to other people). Babak’s wedteaches math and is pursuing an adAmerica.
ding was attended by Joe Polaneczky
vanced mathematics degree. His fond
2004, Alex Weiss 2004, Conor
ness for fine food , wine, the Great
Looney 2004, Mark Benigno 2004,
working in Business Intelligence for
Books, and music have endured since
Josh Dunn 2003, George Dunn
his time in the College.
2002, and Bryan Cross 2003. Babak
Mike Emerson 2010 - is working in
Rick Miller 1976 - is the owner of
has accepted a position at Morgan Stanfinance and living in Chicago.
Sensible Financial, a financial planning
ley in NY. Andrew’s best men were
company in Boston. He lives in ConBryan Dedeker 2010 - is Strategy Man- Brandon Halcott 2005 and Jack
cord, MA.
ager at Beam and lives in Chicago.
Stockert 2005, and Matt ArmbrustJim Kaplan 1976 - is partner at Jay Bob Manix-Cramer 2010 - was recently er 2005 and Bryan Zindrick 2005
K. Levy and Associates. He lives in
were groomsmen. Matt Armbruster will
hired as a product manager for Orbitz
Highland Park, IL.
be moving within the Ford Motor Co. to
mobile apps in Chicago.
London, where he was sadly informed
Norval Brown 1976 - is the pastor of Joe Steelman 2011 - is working in
they do not have wrasslin’.
Thorton United Methodist Church. He
finance and living in Chicago.
lives in Homewood, IL.
Danny Byrne 2012 - is an associate at
Jim Vice 1954 - is living in Wabash,
\r\nNonprofit Org
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
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Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Brothers Bryan Tisdale (2015), Spencer Byrne (2016), and Zach Ross-Nash (2015) traveled
down to Indianapolis this year to represent our chapter at the 166th Ekklesia. They took part in the
governing council of the fraternity and met brothers from chapters across the country. They talked to
Section Chief Skip Buckley (Wittenberg 1980) while there, as well as brother Jim Vice (1954),
who made the long pilgrimage from his home in Wabash, IN.
Sat. 6 Beloit
Sat. 13 Concordia
Sat. 20 at Elmhurst
Sat. 27 Pacific (Ore.)
Sat. 4 Rhodes
Sat. 11 at Trinity (Tex.)
Sat. 18 at Bethel (Minn.)
Sat. 25 Washington (Mo.)
Sat. 8 Carnegie Mellon
Sat. 15 at Case Western Reserve
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
12:00 pm
Chapter President -Chris Dengler (2016)
Chapter Treasurer- Eric Kim (2016)
Corresponding Secretary - Brock Appenzeller (2016)
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
12:00 pm
11:00 am
Recording Secretary - Spencer Byrne (2016)
Chapter Historian - Justin Waney (2016)
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the
International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Fall 2014 newsletter of the Chi Upsilon chapter at the University of Chicago. The newsletter is four pages in length.