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2014 Fall Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
Fall 2014 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Epsilon Iota
University of Evansville
2014 Fall Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
ace of diamonds
phi gamma delta
EI Grad Soon to Dominate World
Bologna Day
October 24
Nelly’s 40th
November 2
Epsilon Iota Pig
November 15
anniversary of
the dissolution
of the USSR
December 8
FALL 2014
David Sena graduated from UE only four years ago,
but he’s already assembled an extensive résumé .
A serious man with a serious plan, Brother Sena
(EI 2010) has been repeatedly recognized within
his home country of the Dominican Republic
as an emerging leader. He has founded his own
company in Edupass (begun in 2014), been
invited to discuss employment issues with the UN
Secretary-General, and teaches university-level
courses in his spare time. The Ace of Diamonds
David Sena meeting Ban ki-Moon
is very impressed with his achievements, as he
continues to make the University of Evansville and few chances for those that want to
Epsilon Iota proud.
pursue a more global education. For
such reasons, I decided to create
Describe Edupass and its mission.
an instrument that could guide
Edupass is the first hub for Dominican students and mentor any Dominican that
interested in pursuing their studies in foreign wanted to expand their educational
universities. In other words, it provides tailored opportunities at the international
guidance to enable students to identify and level.
find their ideal educational opportunity. Our
vision is to empower Dominican students to What are your goals for your
compete internationally, ultimately boosting the business?
development of the Dominican Republic.
My primary goal is to provide better
educational and job opportunities to
What spurred you to found Edupass?
Dominican students both nationally
Edupass comes from the idea of providing and internationally. Additionally, I
Dominican students the same opportunities that want to support and guide students
I had. Having had the privilege to study in the US on their academic paths, create a
and the UK, I have come to appreciate how those talent network in the Dominican
opportunities played a role in the way I think Republic that can identify those who
and act today. I believe that these educational would most benefit, and be an agent of
advantages opened so many doors, while they also change in the Dominican education
gave me great experiences that motivated me to and unemployment sectors as they
continue fighting for the growth and development become more transparent and
of my country. Additionally, Dominican higher modern.
education is highly fragmented and there are
\r\npage 2
EI Grad Soon to Dominate World (Con’t)
David Sena, as photographed
for Forbes magazine.
What kind of challenges does your
business face?
Becoming an entrepreneur in a
developing nation is a very difficult
task. Besides the normal barriers
any young entrepreneur will face,
like the high cost of developing your
business idea, a complex tax system,
and limited financial resources,
there is also a greater obstacle: the
motivation to keep things running!
These obstacles are so draining that
you think about them every day
before you wake up and continue
your journey.
What other endeavors are you
involved in?
In 2011, I was selected to be the
Dominican Republic Youth Delegate
to the United Nations. During this
life-changing experience, I had
the opportunity to meet Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon and to discuss
best practices to address youth
unemployment. That same year, I
was chosen as a selected member
of the Global Shapers Community,
a network sponsored by the World
Economic Forum and developed
and led by young people who are
exceptional in their potential,
their achievement and their drive
to make a contribution to their
communities. In 2012, I was chosen
as a Chevening scholar, allowing me
to further strengthen my academic
qualifications and pursue and obtain
a master’s degree at the London
School of Economics.
In 2013, I was chosen to become the
Delegate of the Dominican Republic
for the 2013 One Young World
Summit in Johannesburg, South
Africa. One Young World is the
preeminent global forum for young
leaders aged 18-30 and gathers the
brightest young leaders from around
the world, empowering them to make
lasting connections and develop
solutions to some of the world’s most
pressing issues.
What has driven you to accomplish
so much in your short professional
In general, throughout my past
experiences, the key variable that
has set me apart has often been
my capacity to build meaningful
relationships that catalyze positive
change, either for myself or for
others. In other words, I firmly
believe that the people you know
and the many ways you nurture
those relationships are a powerful
tool to make you impact the world.
To make a change in the world has
always been one of the fundamental
values of my life and I have chosen
to try as much as I can to improve
the lives of those that surround me.
Repeat Victors
at the Epsilon
Iota Open
The Epsilon Iota Open continues to
grow as an event and a fundraiser,
but as a competitive field, it’s grown
This year’s excellent
turnout of 33 golfers and various
donors contributed to nearly $1250
raised for the chapter. However, time
is truly a flat circle, as the events of
the day very closely resembled those
of 2013. Overall champions Nick
Burch (friend of the chapter and
four-time winner), Christian Farley,
and Dave Knox (EI 2008) cruised to
a comfortable lead and maintained
it. For the second straight year, AllFIJI champs Steve Sanders, Brandon
Uzarek, and Dan Kinser needed the
18th hole to seal their victory. A
par or better was needed to hold
off a three-team playoff, but the trio
crushed the hopes of those behind
them by scoring a birdie. Despite the
predictable result, a good time was
had by all, and those lucky Phi Gam’s
who went to the Tropicana Casino
that night witnessed an epic diceroll by Peter Hanscom (EI 2010). In
2015, there may be rule and/or venue
changes, which could break the
stranglehold by the winning teams.
Don’t miss out on witnessing history!
Chris Watkins (EI 2010), Jesse Miller (EI 2010), Jeff
Bennett (EI 2008), and Peter Hanscom (EI 2010)
losing at the Open, but still having a good time.
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Have You Heard The Good News?
Drew Elliott (EI 2012) received his Masters of Education from Arizona State in
May and currently is teaching in Indianapolis.
Jason (EI 2002) and Michelle Rainey welcomed their first child Leah in May.
Blair Setnor, wife of Shane (EI 2005), gave birth to their first child Geoffrey in
Sarah and Will Snider (EI 2006) welcomed their second daughter Elle in June.
Daniel (EI 2010) and Jennifer Kinser welcomed their first child Emmalyn in
Katelyn Jones and George Oeth (EI 2013) were engaged to be married in July.
Nate Biondi (EI 2012) and Taylor Hamilton were married on the UE campus in
Bryan Hamann (EI 2012) has enrolled at Western Kentucky University in
pursuit of his Master’s degree in Higher Education Administration.
Mike Murillo and his fiance Jenna
Jay Kennedy (EI 2008) started a new job in September at Anixter in Glenview, IL as a project manager for their global
e-mail marketing.
Dave Knox (EI 2008) is the proud father of a flock of sheep. His parenting is mediocre at best, as some of the children are
sold to a slaughterhouse.
James McDaniel (EI 2008) and Jody Heib were married in August.
Jenna Stratman accepted Michael Murillo’s (EI 2011) proposal of marriage in September.
Nick Seibert (EI 2012) and Erin Copeland were married in September.
In the non-Good News pile, Hilary Fisher, wife of Ryan Cramer (EI 2012), is in need of a lung transplant as a result of
her cystic fibrosis. In addition to all the arrangements and inpatient care, the surgery will be quite expensive. Anyone
interested in helping can learn more at
What’s Distracting FIJI’s?
This issue, the Ace of Diamonds caught up with Ed Allen (EI 2006), a staffing specialist with HRConnects in Evansville.
When Brother Kissel asked me to write for our newsletter, we joked and I asked: “Can I talk about my father who is a great
man?” Brother Kissel laughed and said, “It wouldn’t be from Ed Allen if his dad didn’t come up.” In that vein, I want to speak
with you about one of the greatest lessons I learned as a FIJI.
“The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” This line from Calvin Coolidge has
been written in every notebook, dry-erase board and note pad my entire professional career. We all share the five values and
we exhibit them in different ways, but the main thing I’ve internalized as a FIJI is our ability to persist. I’ve tried to keep it in
mind through my job struggles, and it’s led me to my current career in which I thrive
and enjoy. I mostly see it embodied by my father. He has lost one of legs, had a heart
attack, battled a septic infection and most recently had a stroke. Even with an army
of doctors telling him he should be dead, he persists. I think my dad was a FIJI all
along and just didn’t know it.
I challenge you to take an objective view of your life and see how you’ve persisted.
You will see that our slogan of ‘Not for college days alone’ is not just about the
relationships and bonds formed. It’s about intangible lessons learned and applied to
our adult lives, lessons that this FIJI has taken to heart.
Ed Allen, persisting
The Ace of Diamonds was sorry to learn that Ed’s father Ron passed away
shortly before this issue went to publication. Our thoughts are with him and his family.
\r\nA Letter From The President
Greetings Brothers,
The fall semester is off to an outstanding start! As usual, the first month of classes was dominated by
recruitment efforts. Utilizing the system that was implemented in the fall semester of 2013, the chapter’s
hard work paid off for a second straight year. Fifteen men signed FIJI bids, bringing the chapter size to
fifty-five. Recruitment Chairman Nick Schuetz (EI 2016) did an outstanding job, and deserves much of
the credit for the chapter’s success. We are extremely excited about the potential of this new pledge class
and look forward to overseeing their growth and development this semester.
Immediately following this year’s Passover festivities, the brothers and new members returned to the
house for a graduate-sponsored picnic. The turnout for the picnic was fantastic, and we are grateful to
the graduates who planned and attended the event.
Despite the significant amount of time dedicated to recruitment, brothers have also found time to serve the community this fall. In
the first six weeks of school, the chapter has cooked multiple meals at the Ronald McDonald House, mentored 1st graders at Caze
Elementary, and participated in the Walk for Alzheimer’s, the Bethel Church Family Fun Night, and Harper Elementary School’s Walka-Thon. Each brother must contribute at least fifteen hours to community service this semester, and most are well on their way to
meeting and exceeding that standard. Additionally, a dual graduate-undergraduate service project is being planned for the morning of
Pig Dinner, so please be on the lookout for details about that.
Overall, it has been a momentous year for Epsilon Iota and we are poised for even more growth and improvement. Hot-Tub-a-Thon
is the most successful philanthropy event on campus, we donate more community service hours than any other organization, we have
posted the highest fraternity GPA in two of the last three semesters, and we are now one of the largest and most visible fraternities on
campus. We are very excited to take on the rest of the school year and establish ourselves as the premier Greek organization at the
University of Evansville.
If you ever have any questions or would like a more detailed update on the current state of the chapter, I would love to personally discuss
our progress. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at Pig Dinner in November!
Ben Broadhead (EI 2015)
2014 Pig Dinner Hotly Anticipated
(812) 629-8373
Informal polling in 2013 found that that year’s Pig Dinner was very wellreceived. Changing venues always adds uncertainty, but the chapter has
found a worthy partner in the Tropicana Casino. A delicious dinner, central
location for pre- and post-dinner activities, and the professionalism of the
Ben Broadhead (EI 2015)
staff mixed beautifully with the jovial atmosphere of our yearly reunion,
Phone: (812) 629-8373
creating a great experience for all involved. More informal polling suggests
that expectations are high for this year’s Pig Dinner, and there’s no reason to
expect it will be less successful.
Phi Gamma Delta
227 S. Lincoln Park Drive
Evansville, IN 47714
Visit Epsilon Iota on the web at
Ably coordinated by Nick Smith (EI 2017), this year’s event is scheduled for
November 15 at the Tropicana. The Board of Chapter Advisors will have
a meeting at 5:00, open to all interested. Cocktail hour will start at 6:00
with dinner scheduled for 7. Our keynote speaker will be section chief Joe
Weist (Rose Hulman 1987, EI 2001). Registration fees are $50, payable at
the door. Invitations have been sent out, and we hope to hear from you.
If necessary, RSVP’s can be made directly to Brother Smith at (812) 3068465. Don’t miss out on a great weekend, full of brotherhood, buffets, and
Jon Kissel, Ace of Diamonds editor
Hot-Tub-O-Thon information
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Fall 2014 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. The newsletter is four pages in length.