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1999 January Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
January 1999 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Beta Chi
Lehigh University
1999 January Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
The B.C. Fiji
Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
AT Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pa.
Beta Chi Association News
Refurbished First Floor a Souree ofPride
By Bob Davics, Association President
^ oil may recall that in last spring's newsletter, I stated that
fraternities were under extreme pressures from their
Januar}^ 1999
Peg Deliver 1999
Satejrday^ May I
Mark Your Calendars NOW
A great evening is in store —
Please join us!
'nationals, alumni and universities. Believe me, that is still
the case, and especially at Lehigh.
As the female enrollment goes up, the male enrollment goes
down and as the number of rushees decreases, the competition
increases. Remember the law of supply and demand. It even
not so good, but the\''re tliere for all to see. It puts our guvs on
notice that grades are important, not just to them but to us. It tells
us a great deal about their effort, time management and discipline.
We also realize that a strong, active and interested graduate
body is essential to provide direction, guidance, support and
for the undergraduates. The fraternities on the hill
about 4,000 students, all male. Today there are 27 fraternities,
closed their doors or are doing poorly have little or no
4,400 students and about 2,800 males. Four houses are gone and
graduate involvement.
scx'cral more are having severe difficulties.
The Beta Chi Association has been active and involved, and
I don't think one has to be a rocket scientist to realize that
applies to rushing.
Twenty-five years ago there were 31 fraternities at Lehigh with
when one looks at the numbers, more houses will disappear from
the Lehigh campus. The steps that your alumni association has
been taking over the past few years have been made to assure vou
that your chapter will continue to prosper in the years to come.
First, we continue to emphasize that grades are prioritt' one;
our undergraduate brothers know they can count on us. I view
it as a team efrort, and I know it works. Jim Miller '65, Joe
Walton '65, Jim Mirenda '68, Mike Danjczek '72 and Mark
Torie '78 have been loyal and dependable members of your
board for many years. Other graduates ser\'e on our board and
tlteir sen-ice is also needed and appreciated.
without good scholarship, evert'thing else suffers. Histoiy has
An attractive, comfortable and \t'ell-maintained house is a must
shown that when our chapter is among the leaders in scholarship,
our house is usually doing well in most other areas. You will
notice titat in c\'cry issue ol our newsletter, we show our aca
demic standing. Sometimes the numbers arc good,sometimes
Our refurbished living room looks great!
and we have one. First impressions are most important when we
have an open house for freshmen or social functions with sororities,
or wiien we entertain graduatc.s, parents or guests.
Although the reflirbishing ofour first floor took about six
months longer than planned, we are most satisfied with the results.
We're finallv finished — or \r-ill be bt- the start of classes in Januanwhen the floor refinisher will complete their work. When the final
tallv is calculated, we will hax'c spent about S75,000.
This is what we ha\-e done in the last year: replaced the fir ing
room,sunporch and lihraiT carpet and padding; replaced all the
fir ing room furniture, drapes, lamps and chandeliers; replaced the
sunporch furniture and lamps; replaced one dining room table and
had trvo others rebuilt; replaced all the dining rooms chairs; added
a r alance ahor e the dining room rr indorr s; replaced the fihraiv
lamps and ceiling fight; and repaired and recor ered the libraiv
chairs. We are in the process of having the dining room floor,
center hallwav, \-estibiilc, stainxay, baseboards, doorwax's and
bannisters sanded, stained and sealed.
Continued on page 6
\r\nPig Dinner 1998 a Wonderful Evening
speakers. Although man\' years
ast May, we held our
annual graduate reunion
have passed since these men
lived in the house, it was most
JL m and it again reminded
evident that their experiences
had a la.sting and positive effeet
us all that Phi Gamma Delta is
not for college days alone.
What a great time, seeing old
brothers, meeting new ones and
simply enjoying the et'ening
on their lives.
Golden Owl Awards celebrat
ing 50 t'ears of membership in
Dick Allen'51 reminisced about
that passed all too qtiicidy.
Fiji, along with 25-year Silver
Owl Awards, were presented to
those eligible who attended.
After the formal program, we
returned to the chapter house
and reminisced, compared life
his Beta Chi undergraduate days
a reception, and after several
hours, we reconvened at Rathbone Hall for our dinner and
Richard M.(Dick) Men '51
to speak at Pig Dinner 1998.
Over 100 alumni, undergrads
and friends met at the house for
and Mike Danjczek '73.
on campus, looked at the house and a most satisfying result. Try
photo albums and had a few
it, you'll like it.
Al Beeken 73 traveled from Indiana
Chapter President John Bolger '00
and Alfred D.(Al) Beeken IV
cold ones.
'73 spoke oftlieir da\'s at Lchiglt.
Our dianks again to Mark Torie
'73,for making tlte an-angements
Dick came from his home in
The evening passed all too
quickly, but we look forward to
Cumberland, Maine, and Al
seeing you on May 1, 1999. Al
His efforts assure us all that the
from his home in Valparaiso,
Ind. — quite a distance. We
thank them for being our guest
Beeken wrote and called his class
mates and the class of'73 had a
evening will be a success. Mark
has chaired tlie Pig Dinner gratlu-
great turnout — a little effort
ate committee for several vears.
and seeing that all was prepared.
The Fourth Annual Riyalry Run Raises $2,500 for American Cancer Society
than thirty brothers from each house took part, rediscovering
The house successfully raised over $2,500, which will once
again be donated to the American Cancer Society in honor of
Tom Morgan (Lafayette '58, Lehigh baseball coach 1994-95)
and Mark Kirschenbaum (Lafayette '80). We sold T-shirts and
solicited businesses to earn the money. This year we also saw an
increase in graduate donations and are veiy thankful for the
support from our graduate brothers.
Our next philanthropy event will be our annual Luigi Fiji
their lost athletic abilities in the 16-mile run. The run was
pasta dinner in the spring. Proceeds will go to the Children's
capped off with a meeting between the two at Lafayette.
Home of Laston, whose exeeurit e director is Mike Danjczek
The game ball was presented the following day by the presidents
and representatives of both houses.
'72. The brothers are looking fonvard to strapping on the
-y—^ or the fourth consecutive year, the brothers of Beta Chi
/y kicked off college football's oldest rivalry by teaming up
with the Sigma Deuteron chapter at Lafayette to run the
official game ball from the Hut to Lafayette's chapter house.
The run took place the day before the Lehigh/Lafayette game.
Chapter President John Bolger '00 paraded through the Lehigh
campus, signifying the official beginning of the weekend. More
aprons in order to help the children of Easton.
Scholarship Report
Fijisfall to 20th; improvement expected
We're on the Web
Check out the Beta Chi Web
page at
Beta Chi
many new features, including
an Alumni Contact Bulletin
Board, where you will be able
to keep in contact with
Probation Level
Beta Ctii Rank
Among Fraternities
Page 2
-inpgd/inpgd.html. The site is
currently being updated with
graduate brothers living all over
the world.
January 1999
\r\nBeta Chi Enjoys Year Filled with Progress
By John Bolger '98, Chapter President
Jf he brothers ofPhi
Gamma Delta have
enjoyed a terrifically
productive year. The Hut has
undergone many changes in
the past two semesters, and we
are proud to say that the Fiji
legacy lives on. This year's
dining room,sun porch and
includes Treasurer Hunter Morris, library. Bob invested a great
Recording Secretaiy Timothy
deal of time into the refur
complete success as well. The
McCabe, Corresponding Secre
tary Douglas Miller and Historian
Christopher Piazza. These men
bishment of the house, and we
received tremendous support
genuinely appreciate his effort.
All graduates are encouraged
to stop by to sec the improve
throughout campus and among
our graduate brothers. Once
again the Rivalry Run for
Cancer proves our dedication to
a worthy charitt'. Our lliturc
cabinet has made a personal
commitment to promoting the
Shotmeyer '00. His cabinet
look forward to tackling the
responsibilities their jobs entail.
The year started off on a won-
ments made to the house. The
ing job, and we are pleased diat
the new cabinet appears to have
just as much enthusiasm.
Association President Bob
Davies announced that the Phi
outside gi'ountJs of the Hut ar^c
almost as impressive due to the
amount of landscaping work
and effort put into them.
Heatfing the new cabinet will
Gam house was to I'eccit e new
This semester's charitable
be President Timothy J.
lurniture lor the living loom.
cabinet has done an outstand
derfi.ll note when Beta Chi
fund raisers have been a
establishment of the E. Tyler
Mortis Scholarship Fund
values of Phi Gamma Delta
with utmost effort in our
upcoming ffind-r-aising events.
Kudos to Biddle Whigham '48
As president and generttl chairman for the of
1948's 50th Reunion in June 1998, Biddle Whigham was
deeply involved in plans and prepaitttions for the event. In
addition, he was the co-editor of the class's 50th Reunion
At the Reunion, he ixceived two Lehigh Univei'sitv
awards: the FTigene Gr-ace Awaixl for "distinguished
service for encoui'aging support to l.ehigh University,"
and the Class Alumni Award for "per'sonal achievement
and service to the Universitv." Both awards were pre
sented to him by Bill Hittinger '44, interim pr-esident.
Congratulations, Brother Whigham, on a job well done!
Biddle Whigham '48, right, accepts Alumni Award from Bill
Hittinger '44, interim president and Phi Gam graduate brother.
Landscaping Enhances Front Yard
v^'^vcr the past year, the brothers of Beta Chi have taken
m the initiative to reland.scape the front lawn. Our project
included restoring the soil that had eroded, planting new
shrubs, extending the brick walkwav and adding a slate patio.
Before the renovations, the rain gutters on the house would
dump water directly onto the front lawn. During heavy storms,
large amounts of soil were washed onto t)ur steps and into the
street. The first of the project involved laying two
hundred feet of drainage pipe. pipes are connected to the
gutters and cany water under the lawn directly to the street. After
which include rhododendron, spruce, hollies and azaleas. In all,
46 shrubs were planted around the lawn.
The third and final phase ot the project included extending
the brick walkway and constructing a slate patio. The brick
walkway was extended approximately fortv feet to the east of the
Iront stairs. The walkway leads to the new slate patio, which lies
between the porch and the parking lot.
I he work was led by Graig Rurmeister '98, Eric Williams '99,
Dave Applegate '00, Peter Miller '00 and several other Fijis,
whose efforts arc most appreciated. Many hours were spent on
the pipes were installed, 32 tons of topsoil was spread over the
this project and it has the look of a fine professional landscaping
lawn,' improvements should halt the erosion and ensure a
healthy green lawn in the future.
I'he second phase of the project invoh ed replacing the old
shrtdas. A landscape architect was hired to select the new shrubs.
job. It has improved the appearance of our front yard greath'.
B.C. Fiji
We also thank the Beta Cihi Association for prov iding the
approximately $3,000 to complete this work.
\r\nE. Tyler Morris Memorial Scholarship Fund Update
By Timothy J. Shotmeyer '00
/n our April 1998 issue of JJjc B.C. Fiji,\vc reported the
tragic loss of Brother Tyler Morris and the memorial
scholarship fund being established in his honor.
The $10,000 needed so this fund can be restricted to a Fiji is
close to being realized. We have held fund raisers on campus
and received generous contributions from undergraduate and
graduate brothers and friends, but we're still about $3,000
short of our goal.
We need you to help us reach that goal. It's easy to give, just
write a check to Lehigh University' — E. Tyler Morris Scholar
ship Fund, or if you wish, you can earmark a portion of your
Annual Giving gift to Lehigh to the fund. Direct your gifts to;
Lehigh University Development Office
Attn: E. Tyler Morris Scholarship Fund
Alumni Memorial Bldg., Bethlehem, PA 18015
Your gifts are tax-deductible.
Thank youfor your support!
As we begin a new operating year for our annual contribution program, we want to thank the graduate brothers listed below who
supported us during 1997-98. Your support enables us to maintain our graduate programs, including the publication of our newsletter.
Donald B. Morrison '51
Donald C. Watson Jr. '67
Kenneth D. Daley '31
A. William Reid Jr. '51
J. Douglas Breen '68
Raymond P. Trevisan '80
David W. Hoppock '36
John U. Wisotzkeyjr. '51
Richard K. Greevy '68
Charles A. Reinhart III '82
Robert Davies
Anthony S. Pignataro '80
James P. Mayshark '36
William E. Henderson '52
David J. Sampson '68
David M. Dowling '83
E. Robert Riter jr. '37
James B. Kirgham '53
Gerald E. Frick '69
Thomas P. Durels '83
Charles E. Ahl Jr. '40
John R. Kingham '53
George R. Hanlon '69
Scott A. Edwards '83
Donald S. Martin '41
J. Allen Harper '54
Peter J. Hondru '71
Mark L. Gardner '83
Stephen D. Smoke '41
George B. Lemmon '54
Douglas W. Paige II '71
Steven G. Joseph '83
Robert E. Cullen Jr. '42
Robert H. Barton III '55
Gregg B. Deehan '72
Robert J. Reynolds '83
Daniel B. McAfee '42
Donald H. Dimmick '55
Stephen C. Rice '72
Andrew D. Rod '83
Richard E. Metius '42
John A. Hollingsworth Jr. '55
William Marsh Jr. '55
Alfred D. Beeken IV '73
William A. Sutman '83
John R. Muehlberg '42
Badgley A. Elmes '43
David H. Schaper '43
Frank J. Dunigan '44
Joseph C. Gonzales '73
David J. DeStefano '84
John K. Musgrave III '55
Richard M. Roy '55
William M. Miller '73
Gregory D. Keller '84
William J. Mosconi '73
John R. Hershey III '85
H. Carter Strauch '55
John F. Spahr Jr. '73
F. Paul Lumia '85
David F. Gearhart '44
Wayne D. Parker '56
Michael A. Kelly '75
Carl W. Solly '86
William C. Hittinger '44
Thomas W.Stone '56
Gregory G. Borsinger '76
Michael G. Fisher '90
Richard L. Murray '44
Charles S. Strauch '57
Geoffrey D. Brown '76
Robert E. Will '91
Carl Eisen Jr. '45
Brian P. Hogan '58
James P. Folkes '76
Timothy S. Hussey *92
Stuart R. Mclntyre '47
Charles F. Kindt III '58
John H. Long '76
Bryan D. O'Connell '92
William Whigham III '47
J. Andrew Corcoran '60
Thomas J. Porsch '76
Jerel D. Phalines '92
John D. Cullen '48
Peter C. Martin '60
Robert B. Currie '77
Sean Leary '93
Richard M. Smith '48
Jay A. Anglada '61
Frank J. Diana '77
Timothy B. Bousum '94
H. Gordon Smyth '48
Biddle A. Whigham '48
Harry Goodman Jr. '49
W. Scott Johns III '49
Charles P. Wentz '61
Stephen J. Mock Jr. '78
William W. Graham '94
Douglas A. Baillie '62
William D. Bast '79
Andrew J. Twiggar '94
John B. Webber '62
Kenneth L. Colangelojr.'79
Todd Meadow '95
Alan D. West Jr. '62
Robert S. Cortright '79
Zachary K. Morris '95
Guy R. Kachel '49
James A. Ritz '63
Lawrence P. Folkes '79
William H, Read '95
Charles R.(Bob) Macauley '49
Dwight W. Miller '64
Edwin E. Yerdon '79
John A. Chianese '96
Gordon J. Gebhardt '50
David A. Horning '50
Peter B. Beck '65
Peter S. Cohen '80
Christopher H. Cruger '96
Thomas G. Frazier '65
Michael J. Connor '80
Michael P. Gerhardt '96
Donald H. Stires '50
Joseph V. Walton '65
Robert T. Haase '80
Chris D. Moody '96
Richard M. Allen '5 1
George D. Hawes '66
Richard B. Manning '80
John Soininen '96
James M. Hazelwood '51
P.igc 4
lanuaiT 1999
\r\nGraduate News
Robert E. Cullen '42
Our condolences to John D.
IN 47404) wrote to us in the
(Constantia Farm, 1058
Cullen '48(603 Old Mill Pond
Rd., Palm Harbor, EL 34683)
spring. His youngest daugh
Kaolin Rd., Kcnnett Square,
ter, Linda, was to be married
While on a trip to Los
Angeles, Andrew D. Rod '83
(122 Butternut Dr., Wayne,
PA 19348) saw Frank
on the loss of his wife of47
in May of this year.
NJ 07470) visited Bill
Dunigan '44 and John
Muehlberg '42 in 1998. He
reports that both are retired
and doing well.
years, Ann,in Februar\^ 1998.
Biddle A. Whigham '48(1590
New Holland Pike, Lancaster,
PA 17601) received two awards
"Many fond memories of the
Hut," notes Daniel B.
McAfee '42(3 Narrows Ct.,
Salem, SC 29676). He has
seen John Tifft '41, Ralph
Moss '42, Doug Paul '40
and Chuck Ahl '40.
at his 50th class reunion in May
1998.(See stoiy and photo on
page 3 for details.)
Sutman '83 at his Universal
"Special congratulations to
the undergraduates on main
taining a high GPA and full
chapter house!" writes William
D. Bast'79(1921 Richfield
Ave., Highland Park, IL
60035; sbast@space-explorers.
com). Through the Internet,
Guy R. Rachel '49(137 Via
Bill has rekindled his friendship
Campana, Aptos, CA 95003)
regrets missing the 1998 Pig
Dinner, but hopes to attend
with Richard Earl '79.
As the new pastor of Mountain
side Assembly of God Church,
Studio offices.
As president and owner of
Consen ation Design Group,
F. Paul Lumia '85 (475 W.
Center Hill Rd., Dallas, PA
develops land in a conservationoriented manner, clustering
homes and saving a large
portion ofland as open space.
Not long ago, he had a vv^on-
derful v^acation in Argentina.
Richard E. Metius'42(940
Breezewick Cir., Towson, MD
the next one. He comments that
he is about due for his Golden
Richard H.Earl'79 has relo
21286) and his wife of53 years,
Edie, continue to enjoy travel,
but at a more leisurely pace.
They visit their four children
and six grandchildren around
the country and have seen Jean
and Ralph Moss'42 in Florida
Owl Award."The names on this
cated to 100 Diamond St.,
Raymond L. Mattel '86 has
year's list of eligibles w^ere in the
Shamokin,PA 17872. He also
mov^ed back to the Northeast
house w^hen 1 was there. It
serv^es as president ofthe
Lehigh Christian Alumni. His
e-mail address is goodground®
from Hawaii. Raymond is
regional sales manager at
Cranel Inc., a firm specializing
in document imaging and
mass storage integrating.
"Daughter goes to kindergar
ten next month (September
and Irma and Bob Beck '42 in
Arizona. Dick w^rites: "De
lighted to hear the promising
news about the house improve
ments and organization plans.
Keep up the good work."
w^ould be great to see many of
them after 49 years. Pergc!"
Donald H. Stires '50(280 W.
Summit St., Somenille, NJ
Attorney Raymond Trevisan
08876) is a consultant in heavy '80(11 Burnett Dr., Chester,
construction and engineering.
NJ 07930) reports that he
In his spare time, he enjoys
attended a Yankees game vv ith
golf and boating.
James M. Hazelwood '51 has
Every year, David H. Schaper
'43(204 Wyndham Ct.,
Harrisburg, PA 17109)
spends several months at
Hilton Head Island w^here he
1998) — can't believe it!" He
now lives at 7033 Elm Court,
Ken Colangelo '79, Scott
Peck '80 and Rick Manning
08852; home e-mail:
'80, and attended the 1998 Pig
moved from Pensacola, Fla., to Dinner with Rick Manning
1108 Shoreview Dr., Ennis, TX '80, Jeff Eggert '80, Mike
Monmouth Junction, NJ
Michael P. Gerhardt'96(520
W. Third St., Bethlehem, PA
75119. Just before leaving the
Connor '80, Ted Haase '80,
Sunshine State, he saw Mike
Peter Cohen '80 and Steve
Yots'63 and Ted Brothers'51.
Mock '79. "It was disap
18015), a student and teaching
assistant at Lehigh, hopes to
pointing to see so few familiar
move to Boston this fall. He
and Wynn Beverly arc planning
a spring 1999 wedding.
sees Badgley Elmes '43, a
resident of nearby Moss
When we heard from him in
faces." Raymond vvx)uld like to
CTeek. Last winter,"Gus" had
March, John A. Hollingsworth
Jr. '55(856 Augusta, Waterford, W1 53185) was looking
see more brothers attend from
forward to the arrival of his
David M. Dowling '83, who
Hill Rd., Woodbridge, CT
has moved to 1663 Vallev'
06525) is in law school at
'44(P.O. Box 459,
second great-grandchild.
"Holly" is a motor coach opera
tor with lones Travel & Tour.
Forge, Allentovvn, PA 18104
(e-mail address: ddowiing®
Lhiivcrsity of C.onnecticiit.
Ccntreville, MD 21617)
enjoyed a golf game with
Chuck Ahl '40, Doug Paul
'40 and Dave Horning 'SO., announces
Investment executive Chris
Robert E. Myers '58 (3958
the birth of a son, Sean
D. Moody '96 is a broker
Ironwood C.t., Bloomington,
Alexander, in lune 1998.
a \ isit from Frank Dunigan
'44 and Dave Gearhart '44.
In May, David F. Gearhart
the classes of 1976-84.
Todd Meadow '96 (68 Peck
Continued, next page
B.( . Fiji
Page 5
\r\nB.C. Fiji is published for the
members and friends of the Beta
Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at Lehigh University. Address
changes, news items, photos and
contributions may be sent in the
enclosed envelope or mailed to
Graduate Records Office,
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity,
P.O. Box 2515, Southeastern,
PA 19399-2515.
Current undergraduate brother,) oend beot wioheofor a great year!
Parents' Weekend 1998
More Graduate News
By Ke\'in WehJer '00
his year's Parents' Weekend was a huge success for the
Phi Gams. A wonderful tailgate kicked off the weekend
at Goodman campus. The Fijis had by far the nicest
setup with a large tent and more than enough appetizers,
sandwiches and beverages. Our football team stomped a tough
Wofford team, which added to the celebration.
A reception at the house with catered food and drinks
followed the game, and brothers enjoyed the opportunity' to
mingle with friends and families. We thank Kevin Wchler '00,
Sean Apgar '99 and Ryan Tufts '99 for their efTorts in organiz
ing the event. We hope that this year's success will serve as a
with PaincWcbber. He's had
many visitors from the Hut
and hopes the trend contin
ues. "I have recently pur
chased a house with a pool, so
there is no e.xcuse for you guys
not to come and visit." His
new address is 3809 71st Ter.
We regret to inform vou of
the death of
Ernest E. Krack '36
(August 18, 1997).
Phi Gamma Delta mourns his
passing and extends
condolences to his family
and other friends.
E., Sarasota, PL 34243.
model for future Parents' Weekends at Phi Gam.
Beta Chi Association News
Continued from Page I
From what I have heard, we have the premier physical plant
on the hill, a house the envy of many and admired by more. As 1
I want to thank each and every graduate who supports our
newsletter by sending your check aiad news about you or fellow
Fijis. T/jr B.C. Fiji is considered one of the best in the fraternitv,
previously said, the undcrgrads have made a eommitment to me
to better care for the house than they have done in the past.
We'll be watching this very closely.
I he really good news is that it is all paid in full. Good
planning, sound financial management, undergrads who keep
the house at or near eapacitv — all contribute to our being able
fraternities. Ox er 168 graduates supported our dues progratn
this past year attd gave $8,120, all of which is tnattaged by the
to fund the improvements.
newsletter that we can be proucf to receive.
At our last Beta Ghi Association meeting, it was agreed that wc
would explore enlarging the pool room (behind the kitchen) in
order to make it large enough to be a legitimate partv room.
Preliminai-y discussions ha\e been held with an architect to extend
the back wall south to the bank, or about 10 feet, and to the east
(toward the .Sigma Ghi House) another 10 feet. This would create
and tnany thitik it the best of those published by Lehigh's
Beta Ghi Association and used entirely for graduate relations.
This enables us tt) provide a first-class, professionally produced
And finally, I would like to remind you to remember your
fraternity when you make a gift to Lehigh University. These taxdeductible contributions can be earmarked to your fraternity.
These contributions, along with those from deferred mainte
nance and budget surpluses, enable us to make the necessary
improxements that keep our house among the top fraternities at
a room about 30 teet se]uare less the area of the back stairway,
or approximately 730 square feet. We are presentlv discussing
this matter with Fehigh's Facilities Services Department. We
Dinner on Mav 1, 1999.
I'm mighty happv to be a Fiji. 1 hope to see you all at Pig
hope to ha\e more intormation in our next B.C.'. Fiji.
Page 6
lanuarx- 1999
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January 1999 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.