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1999 January Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
January 1999 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
1999 January Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Gamma Phi of Phi G/vmma Delta at The Pennsylvania State Unh'ersity
State College, Pa.• January 1999
Gamma Phi Reestablished as a "Premier" Fraternity
A Year-End Review
By Michael Mische '76, Purple Legionnaire
A new year has arrived
which means it's time
for my Annual Report
on the state of Gamma Phi. I
am very pleased to report that
our chapter was once again
functioning at a very high
initiated in 1994 for re
with a new pledge class
establishing the chapter as the
premier fraternity at PSU.
For those of you who have
forming for the spring. We
have outstanding men as
indicated by their involve
returned to Gamma Phi this
ment in the IFC, an increase
year you noted the new
landscaping around the house,
for this spring, we are
planning a Pig I3inner which
guarantees to be one of the
best e\ cr. This \'ear s e\'ent
will be held on Blue-White
in house GPA and their
Weekeml (A|)ril 24) and will
continuous upkeep of the
property. Our GPA now
e.xceeds the average for PSU.
have pro\ isions tor spouses
and dates. Please mark your
calenilars; this is a great
level in 1998. Your Board of
new furniture, reconditioned
Directors, together with the
undergraduates and a
floors on the first floor, new
carpeting on all floors,
For 1999 we have a solid
chance to return to vour
growing group of graduates,
reconditioned bathrooms with
house and see lor yourself a
has positioned Gamma Phi as
showers and toilets that work,
one of the leaders at Penn
new dining room furniture
compliments of Vincent
Trapani '75, a complete
painting of the interior walls
leadership group and a
chapter goal of 40 live-in
brothers b^'year's end.
We continue to need your
financial support to complete
proud ol and young men who
iire committed to making
Gamma Phi the best chapter
a number of projects. On the
at PSU.
on all three floors, a new
docket for 1999 and 2000 are
television and stereo system in
the Trophy Room, and
renovation of the basement,
State. For this effort, espe
cially for the growing finan
cial support of our renovation
effort, we say 'Thank you! "
This past year saw the
results of our effort that was
a new freezer. All this
was made possible
through the generosity
of our graduates and
careful budget manage
ment by the under
graduates. Crowning
the year were two
major awards for the
chapter. PSU-IFC
renovation of the kitchen,
purchase and installation of
new stoves and ovens, and
Finally, it is with regret but
great gratitude, that 1 inform
you ol the retirement of Mrs.
Curley. Mrs. Citrlev has
worked wtth our chapter and
calittiet on chapter finances
and lilmgs since the eai K'
1980s. She touched many of
installation of a fire suppres
sion system. Finally, we are
establishing a formal trust
fund for the perpetuation of
the chapter. As many of you
contributions, we held a
dinner for her and have
aesthetics, and we
received an honorable
know, we will be initiating a
national fund-raising
campaign in 1999 designed
to secure the chapter's
renamed the Trophy Room as
the Florence Curley Media
Room. 1 know you will join
me m thanking her lor
mention for most-
financial future. F)ave
unselfish dedication to the
improved chapter.
Young '66, Wes Boschert
'75 and your Board need
your support and involve
ment, so please consider the
opportunities to help.
recognized the chapter
for outstanding
The state of the
The Gamma Phis take great pride in
winning the 1998 Greek Oscar Award for
house aesthetics. The unique belltower is
one of many architectural features that puts
the Lodge above the rest of Penn State's
fraternity houses.
installation of a new heating
system, purchase of a new
refrigerator lor the kitchen,
Giitnma Phi that we can all fie
chapter now stands at
32 undergraduates
living in the house.
our lives and is fondlv and
forever a "Fiji Mom" to many
of us. In recognition of her
Well, breathers, thanks for
your support. Have a great
new vear and I 'll see vou at
Pig Dinner!
Mark Your Calendar for the Norris Pig Dinner AND THE Blue/White Game:
Saturday, April 24. Details to
\r\nPage 2
January 1999
Incoming Chapter President
Realized Goals:
Justin Dunkelberger '00
The Best is Yet to Come
Continues "on the Right Path"
By Matthew Nee '99, Outgoing President
Greetings,from the undergraduate brothers at
Gamma Phi. As the air gets colder and a few snow
flakes fall, the brothers at the Lodge are busy at
work. Whether it is schoolwork, chapter work, IFC
obligations or after-school jobs, the brothers of Gamma Phi
are "pressing on." As the newly inducted president, I have
high expectations for the chapter and myself. Outgoing
President Matt Nee '99 has us on the right path, and I
intend to keep us there and to keep progressing.
Several projects are in the works or have just been
completed. For the First time in many years. Gamma Phi
may have its own philanthropic event beginning this spring.
In addition, the chapter was recently granted the necessary
funds to buy new chapter robes and fix our outdated
chapter equipment. Also, new dining room tables were
made available for us. They are hand-made of the highest
quality oak by an Amishman and should last well into the
This fall we successfully rushed nine men of the highest
quality. I am quite sure they meet and exceed the ideals of
our fraternity. These men will lead this chapter proudly
into the next millennium. Gamma Phi will need strong
leaders with Phi Gamma Delta going dry on July 1, 2000.
In closing, I would like to encourage all graduate
brothers to come back to North Burrowes to see the
improvements to the house. Without you, the Lodge would
be no more:3'ou are the lifeblood of Gamma Phi. We the
undergrads thank you for all your support and look
forward to seeing you come back throughout the year. We
hope you will make a special effort to return for Pig Dinner
on the weekend of April 24, also the weekend of the Blue/
White game.
Spring 1998 /nitiate
Jonathan K. \Miitenight '01, Titusville, N.J., Business
Asthe close of 1998 creeps upon us, the annual changing of
the guard is the big news at the Gamma Phi chapter. While
some of the younger brothers prepare to step up on the
executive board, the old cabinet members will step down, confident
that we have set a high standard, and confident that the new
cabinet members will continue to lead our chapter upward.
We continue to improve our academic record. With a cumulative
grade point average of 2.86, our chapter exceeded the all-fraternity
grade point average as well as the all-men's average at the Univer
sity. This was the first time in recent history that we have been able
to claim such an accomplishment. The brotherhood is determined
not to let this be a one-time achievement, and the new cabinet has
made it a goal to see the average continue to grow.
At the annual Ekklesia in Pittsburgh, Pa., this summer, the
Gamma Phi chapter received an honorable mention listing for the
Condon Cup, which goes to the most-improved chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta. Although we had our sights set on winning the cup,
we were grateful that our hard work paid off, and are very proud
of our accomplishment. The path has been laid out, and now our
goals are geared toward the Cheney Cup, which goes to the best
all-around chapter.
Within our own Greek system at Penn State, which happens to
be one of the largest in the world, the Phi Gams received the
Interfraternity Council Property Aesthetics Award at the annual
Greek Oscars award ceremony for the improvement and best
overall looks of the house. We take great pride in being recipients
of that award over the other 50 houses in the running. We feel the
look of the Lodge represents the character of men living in it.
The above-mentioned awards are just some of the achievements
that we feel represent the direction we are moving, as well as the
present state of the Gamma Phi chapter. My term as president has
been very gratifying for me, and I feel that our chapter's strength
lies in its unity. Unity is something we all learned from day one as
a pledge, and we, as a brotherhood, have held it close to our
hearts. Our accomplishments were not achieved by having a great
president, or an outstanding cabinet, but by having a unified
brotherhood, with unified goals, that was and is willing to make
some sacrifices for the good of our chapter. Since that attitude is
Affiliate from Bowling Green State University
held by our younger members, we are confident that the best is yet
Samuel R. Spadafora '01, Indiana, Pa., Business Logistics
to come.
Fall 1998 Pledges
Stephen A. Archut 02, Southampton, Pa., Division of Undergraduate Studies
Trevor R. Brown 02, Mechanicsburg, Pa., Division of Undergraduate Studies
Brian R. Lace 02, Greensburg, Pa., Civil Engineering
Nicholas A. Mahoney '02, Northumberland, Pa., Premed
Binaldo Montenegro III '03, Jefferson, N.J., Kinesiology
Aaron V. Mores '02, Finleyville, Pa., Biology
Max B. Pipman 02, New Kensington, Pa., Division of Undergraduate Studies
Sean T. Reilly 02, Upper Darby, Pa., Mechanical Engineering
Alichael L. Zboray 02, Northumberland, Pa., Civil Engineering
The Nittany Fiji is published
for the members and friends ofthe Gamma Phi
Chapter ofPhi Gamma Deita Fraternity at The
Pennsylvania State University. Address changes,
news items, photographs and contributions
are always welcome and may be sent
in the enclosed envelope or mailed to
Graduate Records Office
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
P.O. Box 296
State College, PA 16804-0296.
\r\nPage 3
Nittany Fiji
A Call to Action
By Lance Appleman '00, Graduate Relations Chairman
For those ofyou who have been reading this publication
loyally and following the exploits of Gamma Phi, you
are well aware of the success that the chapter has been
experiencing lately. However, the one area in which Gamma
Phi is striving for significant improvement is graduateundergraduate relations. It is in response to this crisis that we,
the undergraduate brotherhood, are motivated to issue a "call
to action" of sorts.
After much deliberation, we have isolated two major areas
that are in need of improvement. The first is the Nittany Fiji
The intended purpose of this newsletter is to facilitate commu
nications between the undergraduate and graduate brothers of
Gamma Phi, and among the graduate brothers.
Our goal for the Nittany Fiji is two-part: I) to create a forum
for discussion of all issues facing Phi Gamma Delta, Gamma
Phi and Greek life in general, and 2) to provide a place for the
graduates to share their remembrances and recent experiences
with all of the brotherhood. Concerning the former, the Nittany
Fiji will reserve a large section, similar to a "letters to the
editor " in a newspaper, in which we hope to publish letters by
graduate brothers expressing your joys, concerns and opinions
on any issue relevant to fraternity life. Whether it be rush, the
alcohol-free housing initiative or even the undergraduate
brotherhood, we want to know how you feel. Use this as an
opportunity to lend your insight to the issues we, as a frater
nity, are attempting to address. Whether it be positive or
negative, your input is important.
Addressing the second part of our goal for the Nittany Fiji,
we would like to expand tremendously the Graduate News
section of the newsletter. Ultimately, we would like contribu
tions of any length, dealing with your past or present experi
ences as a brother in Phi Gamma Delta. Whether it be a
favorite undergraduate memory, an account of a recent visit to
the chapter or a reunion or get-together with other brothers,
we want to hear about it. This will serve to keep the entire
brotherhood informed about what you are doing and facilitate
coordination of future events, such as trips or reunions. We
encourage every graduate brother to submit at least one of
each type of letter per year. Our goal is to have a six- to eightpage publication rather than the current two to four pages.
This is your forum, brothers, so please take advantage of it.
The second major area we need to address is graduateundergraduate interaction. Homecoming has come and gone,
and with it, a golden opportunity to stop by and visit the
chapter. I am very well aware that a large number of our
graduate brothers hold Penn State football tickets, placing
them on campus five to six weekends each fall. With opportu
nities like these, one would expect a larger number of visitors.
Perhaps some feel as if you are not welcome or were turned
off by a previous negative experience. Whatever the case may
be, the undergraduate brothers sincerely extend an open
invitation for you to come back and visit us once again. The
chapter has undergone radical improvements over the past
several years, and we are eager to show you just exactly how
far we have come. Now that football season has passed, some
of you may not be planning to return to State College until
next September. I propose an alternative: Join us for the
Norris Pig Dinner this spring! The Norris Pig Dinner, as you
well remember, is an annual celebration of the bond that
unites us all. I realize that there are time and geographic
considerations that make traveling back to State College
difficult for some. Please, if at all possible, plan now to return
to State College on April 24, 1999, for the Norris Pig Dinner
which is the BlueAVhite football game weekend. We sincerely
desire an increased interaction with you, our graduate broth
ers, and with your help, our goal can be realized.
In closing, we appreciate the enormous resource that is our
graduate brotherhood. In order to continue to make strides in
a positive direction, we need your input and help. With your
support, we can achieve great things, united as Gamma Phi of
Phi Gamma Delta.
Fall 1998 Chapter Officers
Justin R. Dunkelberger '00
Paxinos, Pa.
Recording Secretary
Bryan T. Holmes '00
Civil Engineering
Lance W.Appleman '00
Lower Burrell, Pa.
Hudson, Ohio
Operations and Information
Systems Management
Corresponding Secretary
Jonathan T. Moses '00
Derek F. Holt '01
New Kensington, Pa.
Business Logistics
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Computer Engineering
\r\nPage 4
January 1999
Fall 1998 Recruitment
By John McGrath '99, Rush Chairman
When we undergraduate brothers of Phi Gamma
Delta returned to Penn State in August, we were
committed to pursuing the ver^' best candidates for
membership. The brothers worked together, as Phi Gams do,
during University-sponsored rush as well as initiating contact
with prospective members at other times. We found men
worthy of Phi Gam in our hometowns and in our classes, by
visiting freshmen in their dormitories and b^' following up on
Thank you to the brothers listed, who have already made
contributions to our 1998-99 giving program.
(Our giving year coincides with the school year and runs
from September 1 through August 31.) Your support
enables us to continue our alumni relations program,
which includes the publication of this newsletter.
If you have not yet sent a contribution, please do so today.
the recommendations of graduate brothers. Such active
George T. Faulkner 1928
David C. Necker 1967
recruitment helped us prepare for the future by finding quality
Thurman C. Tejan 1936
William L. Oliver 1967
One goal of the brothers during recruitment was to dispel the
media-aided myth that fraternities are little more than party
houses and social clubs. We proudly informed rushees of the
greatlj' improved chapter grade point average, which exceeded
the All-Men's and the All-l"Vaternitv' averages at Penn State.
We also cited the chapter's active participation and successes in
athletics — both lettered and intramural. We were also able to
point to our proud and illustrious history to attract the best
men to the best place.
"Oualitj', not quautit\' was the motto of this semester's rush
period. We pursued onK' the most qualified men to join Gamma
Phi. B3' recruiting men with academic and athletic talents, we
strengthened the backbone ol the lraternit\' and supplied it
with men who will ensure that Piji w ill continue her upward
march. These nine men will aid Phi Gamma Delta's quest to
always prosper and "press on. "
Planning a Reunion?
John L. McCain 1937
A. Bennett Orme Jr. 1967
Norman R. Snively 1937
Fred J. Caligiuri Jr. 1969
Richard E. Lace 1938
Gerald A. Curtin 1969
Houghton W.Clarke Jr. 1940
Daniel B. Kohlhepp 1969
Mark W. Houser Jr. 1943
Robert G. Lee 1969
Edgar D. McKean Jr. 1943
James A. Lilly 1969
Dr. Roy D. Bertolet 1944
Peter S. Miller 1971
Harry F. Kern Jr. 1944
Michael J. Stewart 1972
Robert H. Maurer 1947
E. Stuart Tuthill 1972
John S. McKean 1948
James E. Laslavic 1973
Byron M. Emery 1949
Timothy R. Booth 1975
William P. Mallory 1949
Mark C. Krauss 1976
Frank H. McKean 1951
Vincent H. Trapani 1976
Marion B. Burton 1952
Gregory M. Kubas 1977
Harding G. Williams 1952
Dr. Willard L. Noyes 1955
Richard R. Etling 1978
F. Daniel Wilder 1955
Kevin J. Murray 1981
James M. Nagle 1960
Greg J. Peterson 1981
Harold J. Heffner Jr. 1961
John F. Mullen 1983
Charles L. Hodges Jr. 1961
Robert J. Kaunert 1988
Richard W. Ludwig 1961
Anthony S. Peterman 1988
Dean P. Guerro 1980
Frank R. Mascia Jr. 1962
Marc Rossow 1991
W. John Soost 1962
Eric L. Mendola 1992
David J. Clark 1963
Stephen J. Potter 1992
We can help ...
Before the reunion by supplying you with;
• A list of alumni brothers from your class or era.
• A set of mailing labels for the above list.
• Publicity in our newsletter, ifyou let us know far enough in
After the reunion by publishing:
• Your write-up of the event.
• Some of the many photos that you took at the reunion.
Just mail your reunion information and photos to the Graduate
Records Olfice, Phi Gamma Delta l"ratcrnit\'. P.O. Bo.x 29t->,
State College, PA 16804-0296, Attention: Special Features
Karl R. Fink 1963
Jack Clough 1995
Bruce L. Blythe 1966
Michael S. Busza Jr. 1996
Frank M. Caroselli 1967
your contimied suppon
is appreciated.
Belated thanks are extended to George W. Walter '32,
Jim C. Page '33, Robert E. Speer '71, John D. Yagel '89
and Gary Generose '97, whose checks were in the mail
when we published the 1997-98 Honor Roll last summer.
\r\nPage 5
Nittany Fiji
Graduate Voices
president of Oliver Sprinkler
Van Ness Ave. #302, San
Edgar D. McKean Jr.'43(302
Fox chapel Rd. #200,
Co. Inc. In 1998 he was elected
Francisco, CA 94109) notes
that February 26 will be the
Pittsburgh, PA 15238) is still in
chairman of the board of the
the retail automobile business,
National Trade Association's
though his son. Brad,"runs the
whole shebang, " while Edgar
"National Fire Sprinkler
Association. " Bill spent some
George T. Faulkner '28(2128
72nd induction at Phi Gamma
1998 Nittany Fiji. Keep up the
great work! "
As vice president of
Physiometrix Inc., E. Stuart
Tuthill '72(1 High Rd.,
Newbuiy, MA 01951;
works in the medical equip
ment industry. Stu was looking
and his brother, John '48
time with Bill Bowman '66 in
"I enjo^'ed my time at Gamma
Phi. Spent m^' second 3'ear as
meal planner and didn't always
get compliments from the
"kibitz. " The McKeans spend
the summer of 1998.
brothers! " reminisces Jim C.
handicap 15, and would
Lodge in several years, but the
June Nittcmy Fiji sounds very
Page '33(707 Highland Rd.,
Cotfeyville, KS 67357).
vvelcome a game if 3'ou get to
encouraging. Keep up the good
Pittsburgh or Naples. If any of
\'OU old guys visit either place,
work! " writes A. Bennett
James E. Laslavic '73(KNSD
Orme Jr.'67(20436 Swan
call me. I'm in the phone book!"
Joseph C. Robinson '39(1020
Spring Ln., Centralia, \VA
98531) cnjo^'S lile, is playing
lots oi goll and woodworking.
Robert iM. Yahres '39(H3
Freedom Blvd., Wesl
the summer months in
Pittsburgh and the rest ol the
vear in Florida. "I still play golf,
"Haven't been back to the
Rot' D. Bertolet 'HH (3903
Creek Ct., Sterling, VA 20165;
jud^' He is
managing director of CB
Potters PI., Holland, PA 18966)
has completed his 10th year of
Richard Ellis Inc., a commercial
real estate business. Ben stays
television show and works as an
missionary service in the
in touch with David C. Necker
mountains ol Honduras
'67 and James W. Thomas '65.
analyst on San Diego State
football games for cable TV.
"When in San Diego, please call
Brand^'wine, PA 19320) and
perlorming surgeiy and treating
and inoculating horses and
He also ran into John First '64
and his brother. Bill '68, at the
Freedom Village, a continuing
cattle. "Rewarding, but tiring,
wedding of their nephew in
care retirement communit\' in
I'or an 'old man. " Roy sends
along the new address for
Harrv Kern '-H: 178 Hedgerow
August 1998.
Cir., Lansdale, PA 19446.
"We're just wallowing in the
pleasures of retirement," writes
Ra\ C. Noll Jr.'50(307
Houghton W. Clarke Jr.'40
Spencer Rd., Devon, PA
19333) spends over half his time
(12698 Mollylea Dr., Baton
Rouge, LA 70815) who "swung
into his 81st year" in September
at the Nittanv Noll Preserve, a
1998. "1 olten recall with great
"Racev" notes that the lacility
pleasure our 100th anniversary
bash ... we had very
offers commercial timber
commendable attendance! Our
class of'40 burned the
mortgage in our Gamma Phi
50th year. " Houghton reports
the following news ol brothers;
Sonia and Wally Jones '40 are
house for a visit in late 1998.
8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego,
CA 92111) has signed a new
contract with NBC/San Diego
to continue as sports director.
He also hosts a monthly sports
his wile, Susie, moved to
Chester County, in August
forward to stopping by the
tree larm in Pleasant Gap, Pa.
products (native plants and
Christmas trees) and
recreational opportunities
(Hying, hiking, fishing and
"The reports in the June 1998
Nittciny Fiji about the good
condition of the house are music
(619-467-7226) and say hello."
Garj' Petercuskie '78(43
Lazarus Lover, Centerville, MA
02632) works in fi nancial
services as regional vice
president of Sun Life of
to my ears," writes Macdonald
Canada. "Cuskie " and his wife,
Heebner III '69 (791 Middle
Creek Rd., Fairfleld, PA 17320;
Jo, have a daughter, Alisa Jo.
"Mac " IS a computer specialist
President and C.O.O. of
with the National Park Service
at Gettysburg.
WinStar Communications,
John J. Chidester '80 (1311
Shadow Oak Dr., Malvern, PA
19355)can be reached
James A. Lill^''69 (4329
electronically at |chidester@
Larchwood Ave., Philadelphia,
PA 19104;
Sharon, have four children. Jack and his wife,
has a new position as director of
James I. Tarman Jr.'82(6125
alive and well at Kill Devil Hill,
#2, Bo.x 267, Thompson, PA
N.C., pulling in Iresh seafood
from the beach or the bay every
day; Donald S. Newbury '40 of
and general surgeon and a life
business development at Icon
CMT. The company helps
clients figure out how to use the
Internet to their advantage.
James keeps in touch with Bob
memlter of the American
Hendricks '71 and Robert
Bellaman '85 and their
College of Osteopathic
Surgery. You can reach him
Speer '71.
via e-mail at
Michael J. Stewart '72 (229 S.
Maple Ave., Greensburg, PA
15601) is pleased to hear of the
progress the undergraduates are
making. "1 enjoyed the June
respective spouses got together
in Washington, D.C., in August
to celebrate the 40th birthday of
Richardson, Texas, is still
coaching lacrosse at TCU in
Dallas as a sideline; and Jean
The new mailing address for
Willard L. No^ es '55 is R.D.
18465. Will is a retired vascular
and Hank McKown '40 are
nestled among their kids and
grandkids in Florida on the
shores of Sarasota Bay.
William L. Oliver '67(8016
Goshen Rd., Newtown Square,
PA 19073) is a contractor and
Highview Dr., Piano, TX
75024) reports that he, Jeff
Norris '82, Ralph Petrino '82,
Jeff Tarman '85 and Mike
•James Shute '82.(We need
updated addresses for Jell
Norris and Ralph.)
Concluded, next page.
Page 6
January 1999
Graduate Voices
John F. Mullen '83 (214 Price
Ave. F-21, Narberth, PA
Arena '93 with fellow brothers
Christopher Fairchild '92,
19072) is an attorney with
Eric Mendola '92, Tod Lower
Cozen & O'Connor. He and
'92, William Cawley '90, Kevin
Gary Martin '84 participated in
the wedding of Richard Russo
Cull '93 and Kevin Hanson
'95. Michael also planned to
'84 in the summer of 1998.
embark on an "adventure race "
John notes that Mark Rogers
with Eric and Chris on October
'83, Tom Florence '85 and Bill
Schoonmaker '85 were also in
4. The trip was to include
mountain biking, a trial run tind
kayaking in Pittsburgh.
attendance.(We need a current
address for Gary. Can anyone
Eric L. Mendola '92 (35
Bittersweet Ct., Norristown,
A project designer in
architectural lighting for
Schuler & Shook Inc., James
PA 19403) provided more
details on the aforementioned
Hi Tec Adventure Race. Their
R. Baney '88(420 Linden Ave.,
Apt. 404, Wilmette, IL 60091)
lives right in the heart of Big
Ten football country and has
"mystery" adventures. Eric is a
been to games at Purdue,
technical supervisor in
Northwestern and Michigan
pharmaceuticals for McNeil
over the last two seasons. "I'd
Consumer Products Co.
love to hear from some of my
pledge brothers to see what's
new. E-mail me at jbaney®
team name was the "Fiji
Adventure Racing Team" and
the event was also to include 10
recently purchased property in
Illinois. "Any Fijis in the
Chicago area'.'' E-mail me!"
and full update on the past and
present Fiji football team. Let's
do it this year!"
David W.Pescherine '93 (1118
August 1998 was a big month
lor Jack D. Rushing '96 (9919
Hudson St. Apt. 3, Hoboken,
NJ 07030) took up the sport of
mountain climbing after
graduation and, when he first
started, joked that one day he
would climb the highest
mountiiin. In 1998 that joke
became ti reality. "1 climbed to
jMontauk Ave., Bethesda, MD
20817). He moved from New
Jersey to Maryland on the 8th,
accepted the position ol senior
sales e.xecutu e lor iMidAtlantic
iMedical Services (MAlMSl) on
the 15th and was married on
the summit of Mt. Everest. It
the 29th. "Cactus" then
was the most challenging and
exhilarating experience of my
purchased a house in
September."Gamma Phi
life. " David would love to hear
presses on!
f rom members of the "Black
Diamond" society. On ;i serious
note, he reports that Chris
Fairchild '92 was in a hanggliding accident. "I'm not sure
how serious it was, but in\'
prayers go out to him and hi,-,
beautiful wife, Susan." We all
Gary Generose '97(200 Prince
I'rederick St., Apt. R3, King of
Prtissiti, PA 19406; now
works m 401 K account
administration lor the
X'anguard Grou|). Gary lives
tibout three blocks away from
Stephen J. Potter '92(248
wish Chris and Susan the best.
Seventh Ave., Swarthmore, PA
A sales associate with Inventa
moc'cd into a new house in King "
19081; is
a sales manager in access
Corp., Douglas B. Welsh '93
(508 Summit Ave. Apt. 3,
ol Prussia last summer.
Anthony S. Peterman '88
hardware for Southco Inc. He
(1000 Brookwood Dr.,
Pottstown, PA 19464) sent
planned to attend the Purdue
Jenkintown, PA 19046; works in
Since publication ol our last
and Northwestern football
Internet applications
issue, we have learned of the
games the 1998 season with
development. He enjoyetl the
death ol Albert D. McGrew '20
Jeff Potter '96, Tod Lower
wedding of Erika and Scott
Bitar '95 in August 1998 and
(7/lv3/98), Andrew Kerr Jr.'26
(4/4/98), Richard Little III '48
notes that fellow attendee Joe
(1/24/98), Raymond E. Adams
'50 (12/21/9/ ). Phi Gamma
some updates for the NiUany
Fiji: Donna and Dave
Wolfanger '90 welcomed the
arrival of their first child,
IVleghan, on August 5; Walt
Joachim '89, Jason Scarpello
'88 and Cary McClain '90
attended the fall 1998
'92, Reagan Beck '92, Scott
Bailer '92 and Steve Helgeson
'90. "Potts" e.xtends his
congratulations to Scott Bitar
'95 on his marriage to Erika in
August 1998. Jeff, Doug
housewarming party held by
Welsh '93, Ed Mendola '91,
Lee Janiczek '87 in center city
Greg Machita '93 and Joseph
Philadelphia; and Steve
Greisiger '87 "is now back
where he belongs on the East
Rys '92 also attended.
Coast"(R.R. 2 Box 439E,
Birdsboro, PA 19508).
consulting for the Asia Pacific
region for EXE Technologies,
Kevin iM. Hanson '95 who
Rys '92 IS now a father with a
toddler son. Jack.
Michael S. Busza '96 (740
Mitchell Ave., Morton, PA
19070) now teaches health and
Pliysical education and
coaches football and lacrosse
Michael T. Frank '92 invites
North Wells #1405, Chicago, IL
at Radnor High School. "Buz"
reports that he won the 1998
National Lacrosse League
World Championship with the
Philadelphia Wings lacrosse
any brothers and their families
to stop in and visit his new
home if they are traveling south
60610; benjainin_hood@
team. 'I would like a roster
or north on 1-95. His new
and Australia to work in
address is 703 Beretta Way, Bel
Air, MD 21015. "Te.\'attended
regional headciuarters.
Singapore is the world home '
base for the company, but he
Now director of sales
Benjamin D.Hood '93 (1305
the wedding of Tina and Paul
exe.coin) has been traveling
between Europe, Asia, the U.S.
Delta mourns their passing and
extends condolences to their
The brothers of the Gamma Phi
chapter extend best wishes to
Tara Gossing and Dominic
Giordano '97, who were married
on October 3, 1998.
lamilies and triends.
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January 1999 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.