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1999 January Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
January 1999 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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DePauw University
1999 January Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Published by Lambda Chapter of the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at DePauw University
WINTER 1998-99
This issue of Tiger-Fiji is devoted
entirely to personal notes, photo
graphs, newspaper clippings and ar
ticles by Lambda Chapter graduates.
It will report on the accomplishments,
lifestyles, views and comments of our
US and Canada. It's homepage is
located at http://www.blueangels. He and his wife, Kathy (AT),
graduate brothers. Tiger-Fiji is funded
completely through your voluntary
contributions. We hope that you enjoy
December '98. Contact them at 3508
the reading!
Richard S. French '60 is a
Steven R. "Jake" Jacobs '71 started
his own law firm after receiving his
JD from lU-Indianapolis Law School
in 1974. Jake is involved with Smoke-
Free Indiana. He and his wife, Susan
(Indiana AOH), have two children,
Denton, 18, and Briana, 16. Jake wrote
in August '98, "My son, Denton, is
starting at DePauw this month. "
He and can be reached at 500 W.
Somerset Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46260.
a banker, have a son, Robert III. When
Wundy wrote us in June '98, Kathy
was expecting another child in
Riddick Dr., Pensacola, FL 32504.
gist. He and his wife, Karen (Indiana),
a realtor, have three grown children,
Peter, Matt, and Pilar. Richard writes,
"I have met a lot of men since my
college days who were and are Fijis. "
When he's not on the golf course,
you can find Richard at 7770 N. Penn
sylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46240.
Wesley W. Royce '82 works in sales
for Royce Roofing. His hobbies in
clude aviation and photography. He is
also involved with the Special Olym
pics and the Wine Tasting Club of
active in the DuPage County Veterans
Eastern Missouri. He wrote in March
Assistance Commission, Retired Of
'98, "My wife, Nancy (Illinois State
FOB), is expecting our first child in
late August. Hopefully, it mil get her
of Former Intelligence Officers. He
and his wife, Loraine (AAA), have
three children, Bruce, Neil and Scott.
Bruce, who is the DePauw Fiji class
agent for the class of '48, writes, "I
really enjoyed working on the 'War
Seth G. Mason '84 is a senior vice
president with Smith Barney. He and
his wife, Elizabeth (Toledo AXO),
have two daughters, Allison, 4, and
Gretchen, 2. Seth earned an MBA
W. Bruce Walker '48, retired, is
ficers Association and the Association
Guess what? They did. " The Royces
can be reached at 2136 Aberdeen Ct.,
Hanover Park, IL 60103.
from the University of Notre Dame in
1986. Brother Mason writes, "Some
ofthe most memorable experiences in
your life will befrom your days spent
as a Fiji at DePauw University. This
was where my best friends were
made—palsforever. "
The Mason family has a new ad
dress, 1556 Winterwood Dr. N.E.,
Grand Rapids, MI 49525.
Bruce D. Allen '59 works for Essex
Industries, a manufacturer ofdoors and
commercial hardware. He writes of
Fiji, "It gave me true brothers, leader
ship, criticism, loyalty, friendship—
always, which isso rare today. Lambda
emphasized the value of relationship
through loyalty."
the house in the summer of '98 and
Bruce and his wife, Darlene, an RN,
can be reached at 1605 Virginia Ave.,
Libertyville, IL 60048.
adds, "Glad to see you left the place in
the same 'can 't wait to get home' con
Dale A. Chandler '59, a former
nosel 1 can hardly wait. "
He attended his 15-year reunion at
Years Reunion' in '95, and enjoyed
the DePauw 50th reunion of the class
of '48. " He can be reached at 1226 E.
dition we used to leave it in 15 years
Lambda Chapter president, is a semi-
ago! Did you guys get that leak in the
boiler room fixed? Good luck. " He
retired realtor. He served on the
Willow, Wheaton, IL 60187.
also commented on what being a Fiji
Robert A. Wunderlich Jr. '88 is a
C-130 pilot and a major in the United
someone who graduatedfrom college
and you found out they didn 't join a
States Marine Corps. He was selected
fraternity? Don 7 you feel sorry for
grandchildren. Dale writes, "When
to the Navy's Blue Angels Precision
Flight Demonstration Team for the
them, especially when they give you
some lame excuse for an answer as to
1997-99 air show seasons. "Wundy"
why they didn't join? Even though
they 're not sure why it is, they know
ever possible, I play golf or visit our
Brothers can keep in touch with
means to him; "Have you ever met
is halfway through this tour, which
is performing in 36 cities across the
they missed out on something great.
Kettering (OH) School Board for 20
years and is involved in various other
community groups. He and his wife,
Carolyn (Indiana State XO), have two
children, Linda and Kay, and five
Dale at 2236 Berry Creek Dr., Dayton,
OH 45440.
\r\nPage 2
Winter 1998-99
Lambda Graduates Share News
Robert C. Kirk Jr. '71 has been
Gene has two grown children, Jane
teaching and coaching track at Colum
bus Academy, his high school alma
mater, since 1975. He writes, "My
stepdaughter, Carmen Maron (daugh
ter ofclassmate andfraternity brother
Chris Maron '71), graduated from
the academy in 1997 and was ranked
fifth in her class. Considerably better
than my ranking in 1967. " Carmen,
and Robert. This former Lambda
"I'm trying to convince my wife,
Carolyn (Manchester), that Florida
Chapter president and vice president
of the Interfraternity Council can be
you all in Fort Walton Beach, FLl"
19, is a student at the University of
reached at 4604 Elm Ave., Ashtabula,
has better weather than Indiana! See
The Heeters have two grown
OH 44004.
daughters, Kathy and Kim. When not
fishing or playing golf, Al can be
Philip R. Ratzer '89 is a video ac
count Manager for Network MCI
Conferencing. Phil is a member of a
reached at 1458 Park Rd., Rochester,
soccer club and enjoys motorcycling,
skiing, snow-boarding, and basketball.
Gary L. "Wedge" Wegenke '60
writes, "I had a job change from
Des Moines, lA, superintendent (re
IN 46975.
1988, and an MA in education admin
istration from Columbia University
in 1990. He has also recently started
When he wrote to us in March '98, he
and his wife, Jane (Gonzaga), who
works in international business, were
expecting their first child in May.
Contact Phil at 3172 S. Gilpin St.,
gan University in Kalamazoo, MI, as
a high-end audio business. Archive
Englewood, CO 80110.
ofJuly 1998. "
Owen A. "Al" Heeter '58, a former
Lambda Chapter president, retired
from the US Air Force in 1988,
where he flew helicopters and C-130
aircraft for 30 years. In 1998, he re
ics and health education from Indiana
Bob earned an MA in English edu
cation from Ohio State University in
Audio, in Columbus.
Robert and his wife, Lucinda, a
teacher at Ohio State University, can
be reached at 2481 Brentwood Rd.,
Bexley, OH 43209.
tirement) to principal research and
evaluation administrator at The
Evaluation Center at Western Michi
Wedge earned an MS in mathemat
University in 1964 and a PhD in edu
cational administration from Ohio
State University in 1971.
Gene C. Gephart '53 worked 33
years for Ashtabula Area Schools as
an English teacher, head basketball
tired as a marketing manager for Bell
He and wife Sandra, (Ball State), a
family affairs coordinator, have three
children, Bart, Bret and Blake.
coach, assistant football coach, assis
dence to succeed.
He writes, "Fiji gave me the confi
Wedge's new address is 2022 Quial
Run Dr., Kalamazoo, Ml 49009.
tant principal and principal. "Gep"
writes, "1 have broadcast high school
football and basketball games on the
The Power ofTwo Percent
local Ashtabula stationfor 2 7 years. I
Since the founding of the American college fraternity movement in 1776,
fraternities have grown to symbolize leadership, independence, scholastic
have also instructed English for stu
dents from Spain in a summer pro
gram for the pastfour years. " He is a
achievement and service to their various campuses and communities.
member of the Methodist Church,
male population in the United States. However, that two percent is a very
Fraternity men represent a very small percentage, only two percent, of the
Touchdown Club Board and High
powerful group of individuals! Fraternity men have gone on to hold many of the
School Women's Scholar Athlete
top positions in our nation, from the business world to the political arena.
Board. Of Fiji, he adds, "It gave me
• Approximately 80 percent of the top executives of Fortune 500 companies
leadership abilities and the ability to
are fraternity men.
get along with and understand all
types/races ofpeople and persons of
fraternity men.
all socioeconomic levels. "
• The majority (71 percent) of those listed in Who's Who in America are
• Seventy-six percent of current United States senators and congressmen are
fraternity men.
Tiger-Fiji is published by the
men of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma
Delta at DePauw University for
members and friends. Graduate
news, photographs and change of
address notices should be sent to
Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta, c/o Newsletter Program
Headquarters, P.O. Box 1311,
Bloomington, IN 47402-1311.
• Forty percent of the 47 Supreme Court justices since 1910 have been
fraternity men.
• One hundred of 158 cabinet members since 1900 have been fraternity men.
• All but two United States Presidents since 1825 have been fraternity men;
some were honorary members.
It is certainly no surprise that today's college and university students express
a keen interest in the Greek system. The opportunities are endless and the
benefits speak for themselves. Each year, thousands of young men enter the
working world with the competitive advantage of fraternity experience and
alumni contacts.
\r\nWinter 1998-99
More A Graduate News
Warren R. "Butch" Onken '69 is a
principal at TSC, a computer software
consulting business. He earned an
MA in environmental science from
DPU in 1972. He is involved with the
Chesterfield County Special Police.
He and wife, Gail (Northwestern AT),
a marketing vice president, have two
children, Kim, 23, and Chad, 21
(Florida State).
searching for the elusive star of
fame andfortune, recently moving to
New Jersey in an effort to try his
hand at performing arts yet again.
After several 'careers,' each lasting
two years or less, it is presumed Lid
will be settled just in timefor his 47th
reunion. See you there!" He adds,
"Keeping in close touch with my
pledge brothers and other brothers
Christopher "Lid" Gilbert '91 de
has remindedme of howfarfi-om suc
cess I have been, but thefriendships I
builtin college with Fiji brothers have
meant that they neverremindme ofmy
lowstation, they just back me up like
scribes himself as a "free-lance
freeloader andposter boyfor the rud
derless. " He writes, "Lid is again
family. "
Contact Lid at 88 Tuscan Rd.,
Maplewood, NJ 07040.
Butch, who enjoys traveling, lives
at 9427 Groundhog Dr., Richmond,
VA 23235.
Page 3
Assistance Ensures Best Rush
While much can be said about the recent advancements made in nearly every
facet of fraternity and campus life for Lambda Chapter, there is a particular facet
about which enough can never be said.
The chapter's rush chairmen have been doing an excellent job locating and
pledging the best young men at DePauwUniversity, but there is always room for
improvement. The best improvement any of the brothers can come up with is
more interaction by graduates in the rush process—namely, recommendations.
If you know of young men who are or will be attending DePauw—and whom
you would be proud to call brothers—please take a moment to get the informa
tion to us. With your input, we will be ensured of top rush results for years to
Reunions Rekindle
Lost Enthusiasm
A phenomenon that has becomealltoo-familiar to many Greek organiza
tions is the widespread loss of
enthusiasm among their graduate
This loss can create a serious chal
lenge to the livelihood and strength of
sororities and fraternities.
Fortunately, many Greek organi
zations have found that when their
graduates get together with former
classmates at reunions and other
events, lost enthusiasm often re
For Phi Gamma Delta, the problem
itself has never been evident, and it
certainly (and most happily) is not the
case with the many graduates of our
own Lambda Chapter.
Most of our graduate brothers stay
involved with the Fiji brotherhood
long after their collegiate days have
come to an end. They seem eager to
build on the friendships formed at
DePauw University. For many, in fact,
those very samefriendships are found
to be stronger than ever decades after
Several graduates of LambdaChap
ter have become active in graduate
chapters and clubs, while others have
chosen to work with the collegiate
Fiji Rushee Recommendation
chapter in advisory capacities.
This is encouraging for the current
collegiansat DePauw—the strengthof
our brotherhood, as demonstrated by
Home Address:
our graduates, is proof that we made
the right decision when it came time
School Address:
to select a bid.
Phone: Home: _
Classification: _
Still, Fiji graduates from chapters
throughout the country find that their
enthusiasm for our brotherhood is
strengthened by attending a reunion,
participating in Homecoming or a
Founders Day event, or simply by ar
ranging a small get-together with
Your Name and Address:
members of their pledge class.
This is also true for the graduates of
Lambda Chapter, and we salute our
Mail to Phi Gamma Delta, 916 S. College Ave., Greencastle, IN 46135.
Please do not send to Newsletter Program Headquarters. Thanks!
graduates who take time out of their
busy schedules to keep in touch with
their brothers and stay involved with
\r\nPage 4
Winter 1998-99
elp Us Locate Our 'Lost' A Chapter Graduates
We want all of our Lambda Chapter graduates to begin receiving Tiger-Fiji, however, we do not have an address for any
of the following "lost" graduates from 1921-89. If you know the current address of any of the following graduate brothers,
please take a minute to send it to the Newsletter Program Headquarters address listed on page 2. Thanks!
Charles E. Carson '21
Kenneth R. Locke '61
Donald A. Ricks '80
Frederick N. Trotter '22
William E. Morrison '61
Phillip L. McLane '80
Gerald A. Mygrant '28
Riehard R. Hadley '62
E. Robert Dolan '81
Edmund B. Barnes '32
Philip J. Knapp '63
Mark R. Anderako '81
William E. Tucker '43
Stephen G. Cook '64
Peter D. Howe '81
Philip M. Martin '45
David K. Walters '67
Andrew V. Smith '83
Thomas W. Seaton '46
Stuart A. Ober '68
Joseph B. Carney '84
Clarence L. Miller '47
James D. Putnam '69
Kareem F. Nazir '84
James B. Becker '47
Robert R. Miles '69
Douglas A. Nemecek '85
Raymond L. Costello '47
Gary P. Cousins '71
Michael D. Dunnels '85
Oscar W. Olson '50
Louis J. Mascari '72
Timothy J. Stahl '85
Richard Henderson '50
Rex A. Havens '74
Timothy J. Stanish '85
Alfred Lukas '54
Gregory P. Mayfleld '75
James H. Hoeksema '86
James L. Becker '54
Stephen W. Bailey '76
JohnR. Malloy'87
John P. Tagett '55
Thomas E. Mosure '77
Ned S. Sizer '87
Richard L. Wallace '57
Stephen C. Hannah '79
Jason C. Thome '89
Joe Holsen '59
Philip A. Smith '59
Lambda Chapter
Address Update
Willard C. Lacy '38
699 W. Magee #20102
Tucson, AZ 85704
Help Us Keep You in Touch
With every issue of Tiger-Fiji, communication with our graduates improves.
Former classmates are eommunieating with one another again, and many of you
have been to visit the house and meet members of the active chapter.
We believe the newsletter we publish twice a year has a lot to do with this
renewed interest. Thank you to all the graduates who have contributed to the
newsletter program.
In order to continue the newsletter program, we need all of our graduates to
help. Voluntary eontributions from our graduates pay for publication of the
newsletter. Please help us so we can keep you up-to-date on the active chapter
here at DePauw University and in touch with your former classmates. We need
the participation of all of our graduates to continue, so mail your contribution
and personal information today!
We also welcome your suggestions for future issues. Thank you.
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January 1999 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. The newsletter is four pages in length.