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1999 July Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
July 1999 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1999 July Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
received JUL 0 9 1999
Sulpha U^hiji O^evos
Alpha Phi op Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Mich.
July 1999
Chapter in Trusteeship;
Graduate Support Needed
By Sam iMorgan '81
The Archons of the International
and/or were unable to prevent it
F raternity ol Phi Gamma Delta
from occurring. Unfortunately,
conducted a disciplinary' hearing
this was not the first rules
in Lexington on May 22, 1999, as
the result of a hazing incident
involving the spring 1999 pledge
class. One ot our pledges sus
tained a knee injury in the incident
and required surgical repair.
Hazing is strictly prohibited by
the Fraternity and the University
violation incident for our chapter
during recent years.
Alter deliberating for some time,
the Archons decided to revoke
the Alpha Phi chapter's charter
and put the chapter under a
gratluate board "trusteeship."
M/Vrk Your Calend/\rs!
Homecoming ~ October 2, /999
Join us at the Tailgate Party at Leo Calhoun's Bus
(on the east end of the stadium/north side of Crisler Arena)
two hours before kickoff as well as after the game.
University of Michigan vs. Purdue
Michigan Stadium ~ 12:10 (Subject to change)
Pig Dinner ~ November 6, /999
Michigan vs. Northwestern
Watch your mail for more details!
ship arrangement. Pledge educa
tion must be revised, hazing
members did not contest the allega
liluring the next year (at a mini
mum). the Alpha Phi chapter will
opei ate under the supervision of
the .\lpha Phi Graduate Hoard.
tions regarding the hazing inci
The .Archons determined that
must be alcohol-free.
dent, acknowledged that the pledge
trainer(s) and some other upper-
the undergraduate officers have
Our undergraduate brothers
need our help and closer guidance.
ol Michigan.
The undergraduate cabinet
classmen were involved, and
lost control over the activities of
/Mthough the current cabinet mem
its undergraduate membership.
More drastic disciplinary action
(i.e., complete revocation of the
local fraternity's charter) was
avoided due only to the agree
bers were not involved in the
ment by the Alpha Phi Graduate
hazing activity, they did not act
Boiird to undertake this trustee-
acknowledged that they knew
that the same hazing activity had
occurred in the fall of 1998.
activities must cease, and the house
iMoreover, this Graduate Board
trusteeship will require greater
involvement by our graduate
brothers. The Graduate Board
agreed to undertake the trustee
ship in order to preserve the
Alpha Phi chapter and because
we were confident that we could
count on greater participation
from our graduate brothers. The
Alpha Phi Graduate Board
would really appreciate it if,
during the next year, you could
contribute some of your time,
efforts and talents to helping this
trusteeship work effectively.
Sam Morgan can be reached at
248-746-4008 (voice), or
248-936-2148 (fax).
A Winning Homecoming Display from the'50s!
Golden Owl Fijis Urged to Return
For Pig Dinner 1999
Dear Brothers,
Please pardon the informality of this correspondence, but I am
sending it to a whole bunch of brothers. The reason'.' We are soon to
be Golden Owl I'ijis, and it would be fun to get a lot of you back for
our Pig L)inner this fall. 1 know you are thinking that lor an engineer.
Thank you to Robert K. Erf'53 for sending this photo and
the one at the top of Page 3. (The Page 3 photo shows
the "cover" of this prize-winning display from the '50s.)
Erf's math ain't (nor his English) too good, but International
Headquarters uses the schoolyear (September 1949 — May 1950)
as its measure for initiation into Phi Gamma Delta. Fa-go, we will be
Golden Owls in the September 1999 — May 2000 school year. Plus,
the Lexington of fice agrees that we can include you brothers who
pledged in the spring of 1950 since we made you poor bastards wait
over the entire summer to be initiated.(A practice that has long since
Contiiiiii'd, Paqe2
\r\nJuly 1999
Page 2
Golden Owls Urged to Return for Pig Dinner 1999 {continuec)from Page i)
been dropped at most chapters.) Thus, as listed below, the pledge
classes of fall '49 and spring '50 are fast approaching their Golden
Owl day.(Whoever called them the "Golden Years " ain't been
there yet.)
It would be great to have a lot of us back together for Pig Dinner
this fall, and that is why I am writing early to let you know the date
will be November 6, 1999. The Wolverines are playing Northwestern
that day, and Leo Calhoun has secured a lot of extra tickets so that,
we hope, everyone will be able to see the game. Spouses and/or
significant others (as they like to say today) are also welcome. The
location hasn't been set yet, but will, of course, be in the Ann Arbor
area. You will be hearing formally about the event in the course of
time, and that's why I wanted to give you the date to set aside a little
earlier. We will also plan a get-together for Friday evening dinner
where we can really go over the 707 days.
Golden Owls
Leonard C. Battle '51
Arthur L. Beck '55
Donn M. Coddington '53
Robert K. Erf'53
Richard E. Frame '51
formal announcement for the Pig Dinner when it goes out, and
perhaps encourage some others to join us.
Bob (the Shadow) Erl '53
William P. Deuchler '77
Randy J. Miller '76
David L. Dibble '77
William J. Milliken '76
Richard L. Thompson '53
Thomas R. Dobles '76
Robert D. Morse '78
Robert B. Webster '53
Douglas A. Etsell '76
David L. Hay '77
Gregory J. Mulder '78
Kenneth G. Heck '77
Richard C. Nelson '77
Charles C. Whiteaker '53
Silver Owls
Frederick E. Ittner '52
Give me a call (860-633-4244), drop a line (127 Carriage Dr.,
Giastonbury, CT 06033), or send me an e-mail ( to
let me know if you plan to make it so we can include your name on the
Richard K. Thomas '52
Charles A. Froman jr.'51
James C. Gielow '53
plan, the Zermans will £ilso join with us for a great weekend of reminiscing.
Rodney O.Smith '52
M. Crawford Young '53
Floyd M. Zarbock '53
Robert B. Evans '53
Last fall, George Qua got his Golden Owl pledge brothers together
for a Friday dinner and the Saturday Pig Dinner, and I was able to
join in for two great evenings with the likes of Leo Calhoun (pledge
king). Butch McGuire, Neale Traves, Bill Loveless, Bill Hickman,
George Qua, George Allen and Tom Tiernan. Bill Zerman and his
wife Marian were with us also, with Bill giving the Pig Dinner address
on Saturday night. I have spoken with Bill, and if all goes according to
Thomas H. Bergh '76
John H. Kathe '52
Joseph A. Bilich '77
David A. Lauer '52
Paul W. Bortell III '76
J. Dale Lawson '53
Harold E. Maude Sr.'53
Philip E. Conaty '76
Jeffrey F. Craft '76
Andrew C. Pringle Jr. '50
Donald E. DeMallie '78
Donald A. Nelson '76
Ralph 1. Heikkinen, Grad Initiate
Mark L. Persitz 77
Scott E. Hurd '78
John R. Podriznik 77
James R. Reynolds '78
Mark Kalishman '76
S. John Kelly '77
Michael R. Schuchard 76
Michael C. Lamb '78
Ronald E. Schultz 76
John P. Lomanaco '76
James P. Lowe Jr.'76
Jeffrey N. Lutz'77
David M. Sichel 77
John B. Walker 76
Robert E. McGuire, Grad Initiate
Daniel R. Weimer 77
R. Kevin Thieme '78
Sulpha U^hi graduate ZNevos
William G. Layhe '39 (1158 Jo
Carr Dr., Town & Country,
farm at 75 Brown Hill E. Rd.,
MO 63017) writes: "1 still see
Huntington, VT 05462.
that golden haze around those
dear old college days,' although
It's tough to keep in touch out
here in the boondocks. " He has
four grandchildren and a great
Fla., and the summer on their
Retired surgeon Frederick C.
O'Dell Jr.'46 (7519 U.S.
Hwy. 23 S., Ossineke, Ml
His two sons serve as president
and vice president at the
local hospital. Community
Concert Association and
N. Cross Creek Dr. S.E., Grand
Community Foundation.
Rapids, Ml 49508) is retired as
Racing a 22-foot sloop and
bicycling also keep him on the
go. Fritz and his wife of 43
years, Debbie, have three
In association with the Citizen's
Ambassador Program, plastic
surgeon Richard C. Schultz '49
(1440 Irvine Ln., Montecito, CA
company. Glenn has a new
931 08) led a delegation of plastic
surgeons to China and Tibet last
address at 1 172 Brampton PL,
summer."No one e.xperienced
Heathrow, FL 32746.
remains on the boards of the
John R. Smolensk!'40 (2020
a district court judge. Both his
son and daughter are judges in
In October 1998, Glenn C.
Neff'48 retired as chairman
and CEO of Combustion Tec.
altitude sickness, but we were all
'slow of leg."
"I remember going up through
the ceiling hatch in the thirdfloor bathroom of 707 to the roof
deck where we could catch a few
Thomas F. Emerson '50
(18158 Parvo Ct., San Diego,
CA 92128) returns to Ann
ra3'S of sun during summer
Arbor every fall for a football
school,'notes Carleton C.
game and enjoys seeing old
Patterson Jr.'49 (971 Stratford
friends such as Leo Calhoun
children and six grandchil
Ln., Bloomfield Hills, Ml
James J. Maclsaac '45 and his
dren. Last summer, the couple
wile spend the winter in Naples,
bicycled in Ireland.
48304)."My dermatologist
doesn't think that was too smart."
'50, Eugene Ryan '50 and
Phelps Connell '50.
The Alpha Phiji News is published for the members and friends of the Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Michigan.
Address changes, news items, photographs and contributions may be sent in the enclosed envelope or mailed to
Phi Gamma Delta, Graduate Records Office, P.O. Box 2019, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-2019.
\r\nThe Alpha Phiji News
"Fraternity means developing
friendships that last forever,"
Page 3
memories of his da^'s at the
writes John A. Lindquist Jr.
'50(710 Camp Meeting Rd.,
Sewickley, PA 15143). He
fondly remembers initiation,
chapter meetings, and singing
after dinner. John and his wife
of dO^'ears have two children
and four grandchildren.
WilUam B. Hickman '52(6082
S.E. Landing Way,#11, Stuart,
FL 34997) wrote to us last fall.
He and Joyce had been
cruising the canals of England
in their 42-foot narrowboat,
Tamalpais, for the last four
years and traveled some 5,000
Photographer George E. Olsen
miles. He has shared this
'50 (1201 S.E. 13th Ten, Fort
Lauderdale, FL33316) is the
e.xperience with classmates
George Qua, Bill Loveless and
George Allen."We have a
piano on board and sing
'Wildcat' songs, but there are
no 'Wildcat Specials.' "
owner of George Olsen
Photography. Some of his
photos of the U. of M.swim
mers at the Olympics in Atlanta
have been used inside and on
the cover of the University's
Frederick E.Ittner '52(1858
Media Guide. George has also
School St., Moraga, CA 94556;, a
financial analyst with Ittner &
Associates, serves as president
photographed many Alichigan
football games. At one game, he
caught Brian Griese '97 on
of the graduate chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta in the San
Working in the field of insur
ance, George W. Anderson '51
(310 W. Third St., Northport,
Ml 49670) is president of the
George W. Anderson Agency
Inc. He also serves on a num
ber of local advisory boards.
While vacationing in Califor
nia with his wife last year,
George saw Bill Loveless '52,
Richard Schultz '49 and C. R.
Precious '50.
Francisco Bay area.
The "cover" of
the early '50s
32578) is an attorne3' in solo
practice. His favorite memory'is
of sleeping in the third-floor
dormitory in the middle of
winter with the windows open
and the snow piling up on the
Through the^'ears, auto
dealer George F. Qua '52
(2813 E. 103rd St., Cleveland,
OH 44104;
has worked to improve the
image of his industry and been
active in many civic organiza
tions. In recognition of his
achievements, he was in
ducted into the Shaker
Heights Alumni Association's
Gary E. Graves '52(1349 Via
Hall of Fame in 1998.
Firenzie, Lake San Marcos, CA
92069; cop3'writer20@
Laurence P. Vanhouten '52 has wonderful
(1746 18th St., Niceville, FL
William Hickman *52 has been
spending six months of each year
cruising the canals of England in
Tamalpais, his canal boat. See his
news entry for more details.
Retired general surgeon
Richard W. Hodgman '53
(1020 Cohasset Ln.,
Kalamazoo, MI 49008; is
active as a communit3'
volunteer. He also follows U.
Eugene L. Hartwig '55(1320
Covington Rd., Bloomfield
Hills, AH 48301; hartwig®, an attorne3',
retired last year as general
counsel of Kell3' Services Inc.
and rejoined the Detroit law
firm of Butzel Long.
Several times a3'ear during
the last decade, Thomas E.
Shannon '55 (P.O. Box 1796,
Pinehurst, NC 28370) has
served as a golf professional
on cruise s
of M. football and attends a
monthl3' luncheon of area Phi
Gams. With Jocel^m, his wife
of 44 years, Richard has three
children and seven grandchil
dren. He stays in touch with
Bob Carr '53.
Geoffrey A. D'Atri '66, a
ps3'chotherapist, is the owner
of Choices Counseling &
Consulting (P.O. Box 10123,
Bozeman, MT 59719; Besides
providing counseling support
Joseph L. Middleton Jr.'53
to individuals and families
(4644 Las Brisas Ln., Sarasota,
dealing with life challenges,
FL 34238;
he serves as a consultant to
enjoyed getting together with
colleges and universities in
Bob Erf'53, Tom Tiernan '52
alcohol and other drug
and Chuck Murra3''51 at
Homecoming last year. The
brothers had a great time
prevention programs.
remembering the "good old
da3'S " and catching up on
Hutchison '69(6 Birchwood
Hills Dr., OttLimwa, lA
current activities.
is president ol Heartland Eye
Ophthalmologist Norman R.
Famih' physician Charles R.
Care. He and Gil DeBotton
Zimont '54 (P.O. Bo.\ 67,
'69 participated in Gil's
Constantine, Ml 49042) was
member-guest at Sleepy
selected fry the Michigan State
Medical Societ3' as "Rural
Hollow Country Club and
Physician of the Year" in 1997.
won the second flight.
\r\nJuly 1999
Page 4
Sulpha O^hi graduate V^evos
Marcus E. Lohela '7A (1880
Blue Isle Ct., Holland, MI
49424; marc_lohela@
Church, Saline, MI 48176)
and his wife, Kathryn,
welcomed the arrival of twins
pal consultant with Herman
Austin and Gillian. They also
have an older daughter,
Miller Inc., has been with the
furniture design and manufac
turing company for more than
With his new job as general, a princi
manager of Killins Concrete,
John D. Perry '85 h as moved
with his family to 36435
Marc A. Schiller '74 (Ave.
48335 and is commuting to
Hippolyte Boulenger 32,
Brussels 1180, Belgium) is
vice president ol marketing
work in Ann Arbor on the
two decades. He is married to
Ruth and has three teenaged
Vicary Ln., Farmington, Ml
for UPS. He wonders if any of
his contemporaries are
interested in organizing a 25th
Cindy and Noah D. Teicher
'86 (1 122 N. Alexander, Royal
reunion for a football week
birth of a son, Colton, in July
of last year. Noah is a mort
gage consultant at Prime
end this fall. If so, you can
contact Marc via e-mail at
1 06734.3107@compuserve,
com or by fax at 32-2-375-
When he w role last lall, Pete
him at P.O. Box 28709-BR,
Ronald E. Schultz '76 (3271
B. W. Dac oy '87(27 Rock
River Ct., Naper\'ille, IL
had a new position as associ
Ivy Hills Blvd., Cincinnati,
ate curator ol mammals at
OH 45244;
Color;ido Ocean Journej'and
was planning to relocate his
family to Denver, Colo. In
September 1998, Pete
is COO at Convergys, a
billion-dollar company. He is
"Paul Lewis '86 also made the trip for the wedding, but didn't try out
his singing voice," wrote Chris.
Oak, Ml 48067) announce the
5183. You can also write to
Atlanta, GA 30358.
Several brothers attended the wedding of Chris Lamm '87 in Springfield,
Hi, and serenaded his bride, Maureen Ralph. (See Chris's news entry.) From
left they are Bill Stahi '86, Scott Park '86 (best man), Chris Lamm
'87, Rich Bellas '87, Doug Sharp '85 and Dave Johnson '86.
Highland Park, IL 60035;
danno5@ joined
'98 (5990 Wing Lake Rd.,
PricewaterhouseCoopers as a
consultant. He was e.xpecting
January. He had accepted a
the arrival of his first child in
February of this year.
Robert D. Bloomquist Jr.'95
(311 W. Highland, Ste. T-10,
We heard from Jon Calcott
Bloomfield, Ml 48301) in
job offer from Merrill Lynch
and was planning to move to
the Farmington Hills area in
Howell, Ml 48843;
Since publication of our last
children. Ronald gets back to
welcomed the arrival of a son, was
planning to be married last
August and had asked Paul
Ann Arbor on occasion for a
Simoniello '94 and Nate Smith
E. Thurston Thieme '29
'96 to be in the wedding. Robert
attended the bachelor party for
Burton L. Coffey '38,
Rich Nahahedian '93 and was
Robert E. Angley '39
married to Nancy and has two
football game.
Thinking back on the TGTP
Christopher A. Lamm '87
(7754 Marshall Heights Ct.,
social events, Robert W.
Falls Clitiri h, \'A 22043;
Smyth '79 (1091 W.
Oeerpath Rd., Lake Forest,
IL 60045) remembers
anchoring himself to a
strategic post in the living
room for a long while, until he and
and his companions had the
courage to engage in conver
sation with the social guests.
1 m still amazed that girls
could keep their hands off of
us, he notes. These days,
Maureen Ralph of Springfield,
Ilk, were married in Septem
ber 1998 in Springfield. The
photo above shows "some old
Phi Cams trying to sing Fiji
Honeynnnm. "Chris thanks all
the Fijis who attended the
wedding and joined in the
celebration. {If you re in the
D.C. area, give us a call!'
Smitty " is an attorney with
looking forward to Rich's
wedding in October 1998.
issue, we have learned of the
death of
Harold A. Anderson '45
Bradley S. Trivax '95 (1475
Chapin St., Birmingham, MI
tells us; "When 1 think back to
my days in Ann Arbor, my
fondest memories are of my
times at the Big House on the
Hill at 707 Oxford. When I
am together with other
brothers, we are drawn to our
favorite stories, great times
Honohue Brown Mathewson
After graduating from the
and lifelong memories. I hope
& Smyth.
University of Chicago
that Phi Gamma Delta
Graduate School of Business
continues to provide the same
In March 1998, Craig A.
in June 1998, Daniel E.
to its newest members and
Welch '82 (8150 Bethel
Snyder '88 (642 Burton Ave.,
brothers. "
Herbert A. Beyer '45
Robert W. Holland '49
Nicholas J. Radell '52
Pierre R, Welch Jr.'55
James M, Hardy '58
(5/22/98) and
Lawrence A. Kuhnke '72
Phi Gamma Delta mourns
their passing and extends
condolences to their families
and friends.
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July 1999 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.