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1999 June Newsletter Lambda Iota (Purdue University)
June 1999 newsletter of the Lambda Iota chapter at Purdue University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Lambda Iota
Purdue University
1999 June Newsletter Lambda Iota (Purdue University)
Pltwue University-^ WestLm-ayette Indiana ♦ June 1999
La,]ibda Iota ^ TheFrateknitl'ovPio Gamma Delta
1999 Norris Pig Dinner a Success!
Tlie 1999 Norris Pig Dinner
lield on Saturday, March 27,
was a great success. The
William E. Kassling '67
Naj/eo 1998KRAmERT School
OF Managemejstt
Lambda Iota House
Corporation and the Alpha
Graduate Chapter met in
the afternoon followed by a
reception and dinner in the
chapter house. Archon
Treasurer Marvin J.
Carver III (North Carolina
'75) was the featured
Members of the Class of 2002 bring in the pig
during the 1999 Norris Pig Dinner,
celebrating 97 years at Purdue University.
William E. Kassling '67 has been serving as
chairman and CEO of Westinghouse Air
Brake Company (WABCO) since 1990.
Previously, he was vice president, group
executive of Railway Products Group at
WABCO for American Standard Inc. He
began working for American Standard in
Michael J. Duffy '00
presented special citations
from the Archonate to
Carl C. Horner '78 and
Kent E. Upton '78 for
their dedicated service as
House Corporation
president and treasurer,
respectively. Pig Dinner
Chairman Philip C. Seaver
01 presented Gold and
Justin N. Jancaric '02 kisses the south end of the pig and
Dr. Hugh H. Steele (Iowa '33) addresses the north end of
the pig as the youngest and oldest Fijis in attendance carry
out a 106-year-old tradition started at the University of
California in 1893. Looking on are Justin J. Botos '00,
standing, and seated left to right are N. Rick Morrissey '77,
R.J. Rudolph '77, Nelson M. Parkhurst '38, R. Joseph
Rudolph '48 and Dr. Jack E. Goris '76.
Silver Owl certificates as
well as Gold and Silver
lapel pins.
were not able to participate in this
year's lestivitics. All brothers
young and old hail an enjoyable
day reminiscing about past da\'s
and celebrating new accomplish
ments ol the current chapter.
was an officer in the Navy.
He received his bachelor's degree in
industrial management from Purdue's
Krannert School in 1967 and an MBA from
the University of Chicago in 1970.
Bill has been an active contributor to the
Center for the Management of Manufactur
ing Enterprises, and WABCO has hosted
student participants in some of its Kaizen
qualit)' improvement efforts. He has also
been a Krannert Executive Forum speaker.
recognized lor 50 years ol
membership were Dr.
In 1998, the School named h im to a term on
Richard E. Grace '51,
the Krannert Dean's Advisory Council.
Kassling also serves on the boards of Aero
Corp., Commercial Intertech, DRAVO
Corp., Historical Societ3'of Western
L. Slatlord '51. In attendance to be
from the Class of '51 and '77 who
During his career, Kassling has worked
for Clark Equipment Co., Boston Consult
ing Group and Parker Hannifm Corp. and
In attendance to be
Chill ies M. Homer '51 and Riciiard
recognized for 25 years of member
ship were R.J. Rudolph '77 and N.
Rick Monissey '77. Certificates will
be mailed to graduate brotiiers
Pennsylvania, LtiRoche College and
Scientific Atlanta Inc.
Pledge brothers from the Class of 1951 celebrate
SO years as members of Lambda lota of Phi Gamma
Delta, Pictured from left to right are Richard E.
Grace, Charles M. Horner and Richard L. Stafford.
WABCO is North America's largest
manufacturer of value-added equipment for
locomotives, railway freight cars and
passenger transit vehicles. Their pi-oduct line
includes electronic controls and monitors, air
brakes, couplers, air conditioning, door
controls, draft gears and brake shoes.
Our congratulations to Bill Kassling.
Lambda lota is proud to call him brother.
\r\nPage 2
June 1999
Chapter Highlights
By Steven Pritogie '99, Archon Councilor
1998 proved to be a very productive year For the brothers at
Lambda Iota chapter. The year was started on a positive note
when the chapter received the Alost Improved Indiana Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta award at the State Day convention in
February. This award is based on scholarship, social service,
intramural activities and overall accomplishments and improve
In April, our seventh-place finish in the Purdue Grand Prix
Go-Kart Race concluded the school year. This was the First topten Finish earned by the Phi Gams in recent years and helped to
add an exclamation point to the end of the spring semester.
Over the summer. Lambda Iota sent three delegates to the
150th Anniversary Ekklesia in Pittsburgh. This was a monumen
tal meeting, not only because it enabled the members present to
celebrate 150years of Phi Gamma Delta history, but also due to
the policies that were developed.
Upon return from summer vacation, the brothers at 640
Russell were Filled with energ\', and excited for another great
Boiler football season. We were lucky to have a great turnout for
Homecoming, which was complemented by beautiful weather
and a Purdue victory. The brothers continued to support the
team, and several were even fortunate enough to travel to San
Antonio to watch the Alamo Bowl and celebrate our victory
Throughout last semester, the chapter had performed 225
hours of community service. We helped the local Red Cross,
Community Family Resource Center and the West Lafayette
Environmental Commission.
The pinnacle of the fall 1998 semester occurred when we
received our scholarship report. Lambda Iota moved from a
disappointing 27th to an outstanding seventh position, and our
GPy\ surpassed the all-men's, all-fraternity and all-campus
averiiges. Our next academic goal is to earn a CPA that will place
us among the top five fraternities.
y\t the 1999 BetaGraduate Chapter Indiana State Day, the
Lambda Iota chapter took home four awards. The chapter was
recognized for having the best attendance at the event, received
an honorable mention for our Graduate Relations program, and
earned awards for most-improved scholastic average and most
outstandingrush ibr taking the largest pledge class at Purdue
Left to right: Larry Lane '50 and wife Jane chat with Purdue University
President Steven C. Beering at the Christmas Open House.
Great Response at Christmas Party
A New Tradition?
By Alichael Riebe 00 and Justin Botos 00
Last year we hosted the first of what we hope will lie an annual
Lambda Iota tradition: the Phi Gamma Delta alcohol-free
Christmas party. Invited were the local graduate brothers and
their wives as well as neighbors and members of the Purdue
University faculty and administration for the December 3, 1998,
event. The response was great. All the undergraduate brothers
and the members of the new pledge class were joined fjy Na
tional Ritualist William iVliller (Zeta 62, Lambda lota '96) and
Purdue Athletic Director iMorgan Burke '7.3. The Fijis also had a
very special visit by Purdue University President and iWrs.
Steven Beering.
The event began at 6:30 p.m. at the chapter house with light
hors d'oeuvres and casual conversation. The house was festively
decorated by the pledge class of 2002. After everyone had the
opportunity to meet one another and tour the chapter house, we
gathered to hear the new pledge class of 2002 serenade everyone.
The evening was capped off Ity a moving solo of 0 Iloly Nujht by
freshman Chris Flauska. The Lambda Iota undergraduates antl
graduates were all very pleased with the evening. The chapter
looks forward to next year's Christmas party and more like it.'^'
Chii.drkn's CiittisTMAS PAim' A Long-standing Tr;\dition ...
Asyou can see, we are steadily improving our chapter iind our
image at Purdue, and will continue to work hard to ensure that
we are as strong as possible when we enter the 21st century
TheBoilermaker Fiji is putilished for the graduates and friends
of Dimbda lota of Phi Gamma Delta at Purdue University.
Address changes, news items, contributions and
|)hotographs are always welcome and may be sent
in the enclosed envelope or mailed to
Graduate Records Office, Lambda Iota of Phi Gamma Delta,
P,0, Box 88, Carmel, IN 40632-0088.
SeoH Collier '00ani^ Kafpo Alpha I'hcla Bellie I,oeke opreaO a liule
hohOay eheer aI Iheannual Chriohnaeparty lor ehilOren.
\r\nThe Boilermaker Fiji
Page 3
OwR 400 Men Attend
Congratulations to ...
Rush Functions
Steve Pritogle '99 as he nears completion of his two-year
term as Archon Councilor. Steve is the fifth undergraduate
to serve in this important position and the only undergraduate
brother from the state of Indiana to have been so honored.
Thank You, Mothers' Club
By Chris Dunsmore '99
As always, the iMoms' Club has been veiy bus^' this year!
Recently, the^' generously donated four nights of snacks during
finals week. You'd be surprised how fast 600 wings can be eaten
by 80 guys! You also would be surprised how grateful the
brothers are to receive these entertaining study breaks sponsored
by the Mothers' Club. Special thanks to Susan Dunsmore (and
her husband. Buster) for coordinating and delivering the snacks
Also in the fall. Dee Brock and Mothers' Club President
Christie I^rifbgle organized the annual Mother's Club auction. It
turned out to be a festive football Saturday event that generated
more than $4,000 for the Mothers' Club. The Mothers' Club
works with the undergraduates to find useful wiiys to use these
funds. In the past, we have used Mothers' Club funds for new
couches, a new 52-inch television and kitchen supplies. Again, we
thank all the parents who donated items to be auctioned and
especially the dedicated mothers who volunteered their time that
day to make the auction a success!
I'he iMothers' Clula has always been great wa\' lor motliers to
get in\'olved with Laml^da Iota — and we are truly grateful for
everything that they do. Phi Gamma Delta has always been rich
with brotherhood, and the invoK'ement of our mothers truly
drives home the valuable sense of family closeness that we all feel
in the (raternity. Thanks, Moms!4-
B\' Ciarl Margraf '00
This piist fall's rush was a great success for the fraternity'. A total
of more than 400 young men attended three weeks of rush
functions at the beginning of the fall semester. Of these 400 men,
35 were e.xtended invitations to pledge the fraternity and 31
accepted. This is one of the largest pledge classes the Lambda
Iota chapter has seen in recent years. It also was the largest fall
class rushed on Purdue's campus. The success of this year's
fraternity rush was due in great part to the participation of our
graduate brothers, 13 of whom sent 25 recommendations during
this year's rush period. These recommendations helped make up
one-fifth of this year's pledge class. The chapter would like to
thank all those graduate brothers who sent recommendations.
We would, however, like to see even greater graduate involve
ment in the future. Please do not hesitate to notifythe chapter
via mail or phone of any possible young men you feel would
make quality Phi Gams.'^'
Brothers Vish Headquarters
p' -pV ,
' •
• ^
i"'" '"
Lambda lota brothers enjoyed great weatherduring a January
Planning a Reunion?
We can help ...
Before the reunion we can supply you with;
• A list of graduate brothers from your class or era.
• A set of mailing labels for the above list.
• Publicity in our newsletter, if you let us know far enough
in advance.
After the reunion we can publish:
• Your write-up of the event.
• Some of the many photos that you took at the reunion.
(Your photos will be reproduced without alteration and
returned toyou upon rec]iiest. Please be sure to identify' those in
photofrom left to right.)
Just mailyour reunion information and photos to the
Graduate Rcvartb Office, Pf.ii(jaiiiina Delta, P.O. Bo.x 88, Carmel,
IN -/06)2-0t)88, Attention: SpecialFeature,' Editor.
1999 visit to our Lexington, Kentucky, headquarters. Brothers
pictured from left to right are Michael Duffy, Adam Newell,
Andy Cains, Justin Botos and Joe Tee.
Most Improved Scholastic Average!
By Adam Courneya '00
Many changes have been sweeping through the Lambda Iota
chapter this year. Maybe the most noticeable of these changes is
our rededication to scholastic excellence.
Jumping 20 places in Purdue's ranks, the Lambda Iota chapter
secured the University's seventh position. This improvement
earned the Most Improved Scholastic Average award for the
chapter at Indiana's Fiji State DavThe active chapter now claims an overall GPA of 2.856. The
combined chapter and pledge class GPA was above the all-men's,
all-fraternity and all-campus averages. With over 80 members
and pledges included in this average. Phi Gamma Delta is the
largest fraternip/ in Purdue s top seven.
\r\nPage 4
June 1999
Graduate News and Updates
Bernard F. Shearon '31 (2180
Wayne, IN 46815), president
of Chemical Recovery Systems
Inc., has been appointed by
N.W. 18th Dr., Stuart, PL
Governor Frank O'Bannon to
34994) hlls much ol his time
a two-year term on the Indiana
with golf, reading and travel.
Heritage Trust Project
Bruce Seddon '39 (119 Old
Orchard Rd., Chestnut Hill,
children. Carl sees Lou Berner
Norman V. Yost '50 (4564
'49, Paul Blakely '48 and Max
Hamlets Grove Dr., Sarasota,
FL 34235) serves tts president
Hill '48.
of the Gulf (Toast Graduate
"1 really enjoyed my fraternity
experience, "notes Eidgar M.
Benjamin '49 (17 E. Main St.,
Worthington, IN 47471).
Robert E. Hollowell '48 (1315
MA 02467) has fond memories
E. 82nd St., Indianapolis, IN
For Louis R. Berner Jr. '49
of his days at Purdue after his
return from years at sea with
the Navy.
46240; bobehowl®
(12 Lookout Ln., Salem, SC
29676), Phi Gamma Delta
An avid traveler, Charles C.
Reeves '41 (3673 Crystal Dr.,
Bewulah, Ml 49617; charee® has taken 24 cruises
and been to six continents. He
also enjoys bird watching.
During the colder months, he
lives in Safety Harbor, Fla.
Golf and activities with his
church and the Kiwanis Club
keep Lewis S. Campbell '42
(6040 Harlescott Rd., India
napolis, IN 46220) busy these
William K. Lancet '42 (923
S.L. 29th Ter., Cape Coral, FL
33904; wklancet®peganet.
com) is president of the Cape
Coral Kiwams Clul).
for half the \'ear, »John L.
McCallister '44 (1339 13dgewood Ln., Northlirook, IL and a number of
his Lambda lota contemporar
ies keep in touch and get
together every year.
At the University Inn last
October, Lowell B. Mason Jr.
'48 (4141 Lake Terrace Dr.,
Kalamazoo, iMI 49008; met with
brothers of his era for a
weekend reunion.
R. Joseph Rudolph '48 (200
with his I'amiK'.
Married 48 years, Flelen and
George J. Spradling '51
(9261 Spring Lakes Dr.,
Indianapolis, IN 46260; have three
children tind six grandchildren.
The couple enjoys antiques,
golf and travel. George collects
old fountain pens as a hobby
Over the last several years,
and would like to hear from
William F. Currise '49 (1341
anyone who has such an item.
Sandcastle, Sanibel, FL 33957)
have gotten together for lunch.
Anyone interested in future
gatherings can give Bill a call
For the first time in many
years, Richard L. Williams
'51 (1330 University Dr., #55,
Menlo Park, CA 94025) got
together with Dick Pershing
at 941-472-3071.
'49 and Dick Grace '51. Over
and a group of Lambda lota
brothers of southwest Florida
Sheffield Dr., West Lafayette,
lunch, the three reminisced
IN 47906) reports that many
about their dtiys at the
brothers and their wives
attended the October gathering
at Purdue. The group took n
tour of campus, had several
dinners together, played golf on
the University courses, and
visited the chapter house.
In his retirement, C. Philip
Bonham '50 (516 Hickory Hill
Harry D. Ballard '53 retired
Ln., Cincinnati, OH 45215;
Irom the insurance business si.x
enjoys helping other seniors
act]Uire and use personal
computers. He talked by
phone with Jack Chappell '50
years ago. Since that time, he
and his wile, Joanne, have
'48 (1340 Carter Rd., Sacra
last summer and had tlinner
mento, CA 95864) celebrated
with Bud Carter '50 in the fall.
represented a consumer direct
marketing company called
Melaleuca Inc. In August, the
couple moved to a house they
built at 60 Lockport Ct.,
their 50th wedding anniver
sary. rhey have three children
and are grandparents.
After retiring as board
visit us sometime."
chairman of Affiliated
Community Bancorp last
year, Jack E. Chappell '50
Richard C. Talbot '55 (3007
A favorite
memory lor
(857 Lowell Rd., Concord,
60435) retired from the
Lx)is and Bruce P. Shewmaker
60062) makes his home in
Marco Island, Fla. 1le enjoys
playing goll and spending lime
provided some of the best
years of his life.
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Moneta, VA 24121. "Come
Deerpath Dr., iloliet, IL
Carl M.
MA 01742) was elected
practice of dentistry last
Thomas '48
director of U.S. Trust Corp.
summer. He has two Fiji sons.
James W. Burt '56 (10047
With his wile, Barbara, B.
(32 Hainiltons
Benton Harvey '45 has moved
from Alichigan to 81 1 'Freasury
Ferry Rd.,
Reginald C. Smith Jr. '50
Lake Wylie,
(7731 Tauxemont Rd.,
Hilltop Dr., St. Ixjuis, MO
Bend Dr., Charleston, SC
SC 29710) is
Alexandria, VA 22308) has
63128) IS chairman and ClvO
29412. You can contact him via
Irom 1946 when he returned to
of Executone of St. Louis Inc.
e-mail at bbh(Q'
640 Flussell Street alter more
retired Irom the Foreign
Service and is consulting part
Theodore H. Heemstra '48
than three years ol WWII
military service. He and his
wife, hilinor, have I 1grand
(292.3 Woodstock Ct., Fort
time in international trade. He
Last fall, he spent four da\'s in
Williamsburg, Va., with Boh
and his wile have live children
Benning '55 and '56 brothers
and nine grandchildren.
Joe Showalter, Vic Peck,
\r\nPage 5
The Boilermaker Fiji
Veme Petry, Jamie Jamison,
Ken Thomas and Rick Bates.
of the Crossroads Rehabilita
As a business venture, Richard
85258; has
tion (Center. With family, he
enjoyed two weeks of sailing
A. Miller Jr. '64 (5397 Black-
retired to a life of investing,
golf and tennis.
Since retiring from the family
construction business last year,
around the Greek Islands.
William C. Brandt '57 has
William D. Carson '60 (P.O.
enjoyed golf, church activities,
and traveling on his Harley.
NC 28749; bcarson@mitchell.
He's built a new house at 2855
S. 875 E., Zionsville, IN 46077.
Roger J. Jurgovan '57 (11501
Skipwith Ln., Potomac, MD
20854) has sold his company,
Jurgovan and Blair Inc. He
and Mary Ann are looking
forward to travel and spending
time on the Chesapeake Bay.
Box 265, Little Switzerland, is president of The
Orchard at Altapass. He and
his family bought the orchard
to preserveit fromdevelopment.
D. Maxwell Gray '60 (5715
N. Pennsylvania St., India
napolis, IN 46220; max.gray@, a founding partner
in Lowe Gray Steele & Darko,
serves on the board of directors
William W. Loomis '58 (749
Riviera St., Venice, FL 34285; retired from
the U.S. Department of
Defense in September 1998
and is now a military business
Edward L. McCormick '58
(4337 Highborne Dr.,
lick Eastern Rd., Pickerington,
OH 43147; ram.oh(§Hvorldnet. and a friend bought a
condo in Pinehurst, N.C. They
rent the place to \dsiring golfers
and enjoy using it themselves
sometimes. Richard is retired
ment Inc., D. Michael
Cannady '70 (12249 Windpointe Pass, (3armel, IN 46033; is
With his job as a regional sales
manager for Everen Securities,
Daniel L. Lud^vin '66 (2364
E. Briarhurst Dr., Highlands
Ranch, CO 80126; dludwin@ has relocated to the
Denver area.
Club and on the board of
Edward R. Benyon '67 (P.O.
governors of the Society of
Box 695, Euless, TX 76039;
Indiana Pioneers. is chief
pilot and safety officer at
Thomas G. Ciotschall '61 (211
Richardson A\4ation. In other
Woodwind Ct., Kalamazoo,
activities, he is president of the
Ml 49006;
reports that the Class of 1961
has been getting together every
fiveyears since 1981.
Arbor Glen Owmers Associa
tion and treasurer of the Euless
Citizens PoliceAcademy.
We heard from C. Judson is president and
For the last 21 years, Kay and
Strader '67 (26851 W. River
CEO ofTrism Inc.
F. Paul Henderson Jr. '61
Rd., Perysburg, OH 43551)
(Gidleigh Park, Chagford,
Devon TQ13 8HH, United
Kingdom) have been running
the Gidleigh Park Hotel and
in the fall. As CEO of National
In li second career, Jerry W.
Kimball '59 (3508 Dogwood
Dr., Anderson, IN 46011;
is working for Delco Remy
America. He's planning to
attend his 40th reunion thisyear.
In September 1998, Jerry L.
Weisenauer '59 (340 LN 375
Crooked Lake, Angola, IN
retired as a manager at
Triangle Investments. He and
Sharon spend the winter in
North Palm Beach, Fla., and
are traveling a lot.
While serving as president of
Group One Retail Manage
and working part time for a
management consultant.
of the Indianapolis Athletic
iWarietta, GA 30066; emccormi
also chairman of Pen Ultima
Inc. He works on many
projects with Bruce Olson '71,
another of Pen Ultima's
N. Stacy Lankford '70 (21474
C^rlton Ave., Cassopolis, Ml
49031; culater@exchange., a urologist with
Urology Associates of Elkhart
Inc., serves as president of
Indiana's Medical Licensing
John Exiwardson '71 (747
Sheridan Rd., Wilmette, IL
60091) has been appointed
president of Chicago's BorgWarner Security Ck)rp., the
largest provider of security
Buyers Network, he expressed
a need for specialists in
marketing, computer network
systems design, and distribu
had been president and CEO
of UAL Corp., parent of
The establishment has received
tion. For more information,
serves on the Board of Trust-
many accolades and awards.
you can give him a call at 419-
ees of Purdue University.
Gerald B. Bay '62 (27 New
port St., Jamestown, R1
02835; is
Restaurant in Great Britain.
661-2345 or e-mail him at
Thomas F. Little '68 (546
Financial Advisor\^ Board. For
recreation, he races sailboats.
Gramercy Dr., Marietta, GA
30068; tofrel@mindspring.
com) is a senior vice president
He and Gale were expecting
at Scientific Games Int. He has
their fourth grandchild.
two children.
J. Timothy McGinley '62
With two daughters attending
chairman of Phi Gamma Delta's
(8709 Williamshire E.,
Purdue, Linda and William L.
Indianapolis, IN 46260),
Wishlinski '68 (17014
David S. Brandt '60 (9631
managing partner and prin
ciple owner of House Invest
Oakhaven Ct., Indianapolis,
ments and House Investments
IN 4625(1), chairman of the
Securities Inc., sen'es as
board of Brandt (Construction
chairman of the board of
Daniel L. Milne '69 (823/ K.
Inc., has been elected treasurer
trustees of Purdue Universitv-
Morgan Trl., Scottsdale, AZ
ELvergreen Elm Wa\', Houston,
TX 77059) are frequent
\'isltors to campus.
services in North America. He
United Airlines. John also
In August 1998, Kate and
Morgan J. Burke '73 (Inter
collegiate Athletics Adm., lAF,
West Lafayette, IN 47907)
celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary^ They have three
children. Morgan is athletic
director at Purdue.
As a vice president at Care
Pharmacy, G. Scott Sumner
'74 (2136 Lindengrove St.,
Westlake Village, CA 91361; is in-
voK'ed in the development of a
transplant medication/sei^ ices
program for organ and bone
marrow transplant recipients.
\r\nPage 6
June 1999
Graduate News and Updates
Goris '76 (160 Stacey Hollow
Ln., Lafayette, IN 47905; founded
Concord Partners two years
ago. He serves on the boards
Menn and Terry Curella. The
brothers caught up on the
of the Venture Club of
latest news and shared lots of
include Sunday lock-ins and
marching to the football games
Indiana, the Midwest Entre
laughter as they recalled stories
of fraternity life.
Fond memories for Jack E.
behind the Purdue band.
preneurial Eklucation Center
and the Central Indiana High
Technology Task Force.
William C. Heath '76 (5825
IN 46220; fun@vacation-
Full-time student Christopher
Metzger Ct., Indianapolis, IN
comed the arrival of their first
St. Louis, MO 63130; ctsmith@
46256; is a
child and son, Jacob, in is enrolled in the
national account manager for
January 1998. Scott is
assistant pastor at North
Cincinnati Community Church.
master of divinity program at
(Covenant Theological Semi
nary. He and his wife, Sonja,
have two daughters.
AT&T and has two children.
brothersare welcome to play."
at Purdue, Phillip A. Kennell
'76 (4626 Crystal Ridge Cv.,
Fort Wayne, IN 46835)
CPA Kenneth J. Hedlund '81
(6451 Harbridge Rd., India
napolis, IN 46220) has been
promoted to director at
Daniel J. Kelly'89 (1219
Witham Dr., Dunwoody, OA
30338) is a manager at
Andersen (Consulting. He and
nities Inc. in 199/.
serves as state treasurer of
John C. Noel '89 (6224
(340 W. Oak St., West
Associated Builders and
Tennessee Walk, Indianapolis,
Lafayette, IN 47906; is
director of operations at the
Ck)ntractors of Indiana Inc.
With wife Julie, Ken has four
IN 46278), a manager at NoelSmyser Engineering Corp., is
married to Laura and has two
referral agent with the Shook
Agency and secretary/
treasurer of Family Asset
Management Inc. He is the
owner of a patent on appara
tus for cutting shingles.
N. Meridian St., Indianapolis,
IN 46208), a field sales
engineer at BMH (Zorp.,
Informs us that Craig
Springmier '84 is organizinga
golf outing this summer to
honor the memoryof the late
John W. Brill '78 (30 Pin
Paul J. Hellmich '83. For
Oak Dr., Littleton, CO
80127), a senior district
details on the event, brothers
business manager at BristolMyers Squibb Ck)., spent a
week catching lobsters in
California with Alan Chittick
'79 and another seven days
spear fishing and hang gliding
in Kona with Steve
Patterson '77.
can contact Brad or Craig.
(1415 S. Roselle Rd., Palatine,
IL 60067; tommiel@ moved to Hong
Kong two years ago to open a
factory in south China for
Police officer Sean P. Talbot
named director of the new
'89 (510 N. Fox River St.,
Plainfield, IL 60544) has been
iWedical Product Division.
Miller, Zeta '62, Lambda Iota
SWAT Team in the City of
'96 (P.O. Box 2233, West
Bolingbrook. He and his wife,
Jaema, were expecting their
third child this April.
Electric Co. He and Michelle
have tAvoyoung children.
"The friendships 1made as a is a group marketing
(3759 Harrington Dr.,
manager at GTE Inc. While
4400 W. Anthony Dr., Milwau
C^irinel, IN 46033; bkidd@
on business m San Diego, he
kee, WI 53219.
Oaitland Cir., Flower Mound,
succeed, Bruce K. Kidd '80
TX /5028; schommer@
I^fayette, IN 47996)was
recently recognized by the
Purdue Interfratemity (Council as
the Outstanding Fraternity
Advnsor of 1998. In 1997 Bill was
recognized by Purdue Student
James J. Ferry II '90 (324
Fieldbrook Dr., Pittsburgh, PA
15228; is
a vice president at FeriA'
still with meand alwayswill be,"
writes Kevin J. Hough '91. He is
a \'ice president at Cjerlach Lx).
Inc. and iix ing with wife Susan at
To help small and mid-sized
corporations grow and
Purple I>egionnaire William R.
appointed paramedic of the
brother of Phi Gamma Delta are
John R. Schommer '86 (3(^09
Richard V. Myer '93 (5450
Astor Ln., #210, Rolling has been
Square D Co. Frank plans to
stay there until December 1999.
At Iwatani International,
iMeadows, IL 60008;
With his wife, Patti, and three
sons, Frank E. Thomas '84
(115 Berwick Dr., Lafayette, IN
son, Benjamin.
N. Richard Morrissey '76
Bradley E. Dehnke '82 (6180
As a new-home sales consultant
and realtor, Bart A. Holle '92
was one of the top ten sales
people at Crossmann (Commu
his wife, Cristi, have a new
Somerset Financial Services. He
Association. He is also a
November '98.
T. Smith '91 (8545 Gulf Dr.,
After more than three decades
Purdue Cooperative Housing
executive and copywriter at
International Management
Group. He and Laura (Coneglio
were planning to be married in
Maineville, OH 45039;
He is hosting the 24th Annual
Crabbie Open this summer. "All
retired in June 1998 as
OH 44107) is an account wel
certified travel counselor.
director of international services.
Becky and Scott M. Brown
'89 (210 Deershadow Dr.,
Patrick C. Redinger '91 (1305
Granger Ave., #1, Cleveland,
Michael J. Crabb '81 (8415
Haverford Ave., Indianapolis,, manager of
sales and marketing at
Sycamore Travel Inc., has
earned designation as a
met with classmates Mike
Government with a citation of
Advasor Excellence, chosen from
more than 600 clubs and organi
zations on the Purdue campus.
We regret to inform you of the
death ol William R. Scholle '38
(8/4/97), George A. Taylor '45
(5/31/98), Collis P. Chandler Jr.
'47 (5/11/99), Frederick W.
Foley '48 (8/4/98) and Keith S.
Raudehaugh '54 (4/8/97).
passing and extends condolences
Phi (kimma Delta mourns their
to their lamilies and Iriends.
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June 1999 newsletter of the Lambda Iota chapter at Purdue University. The newsletter is six pages in length.