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1999 Spring Newsletter Alpha Upsilon (Auburn University)
Spring 1999 newsletter of the Alpha Upsilon chapter at Auburn University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Upsilon
Auburn University
1999 Spring Newsletter Alpha Upsilon (Auburn University)
War Eagle Fm
Published by Alpha Upsilon Chapter of the
Fraternih of Phi Gamma Delta at Auburn University
• Avfcviofn
As spring quarter begins, the broth
ers at Auburn want to take a moment
to wish you and your families well.
Last fall, we had the privilege of
pledging 30 fine young men. Twentyeight of these men made their grades
and have been initiated. The others
were joined by the seven pledges we
took during winter rush. These men
are working hard toward achieving the
excellence that is required to become
a brother here at Phi Gamma Delta.
Thank you for all ofthe recommen
dations that were sent regarding rush-
ees. We hope you will continue to send
recommendations to new Rush Chair
At the Interfraternity Council
Banquet, Phi Gamma Delta won
awards distinguishing it as the best
managed chapter on campus. Other
awards included best intramural sports
and best university relations.
The 37th annual Frank Norris Pig
Dinner was held in the spring again
this year in hopes of drawing more
graduate brothers. We held a band
party Friday night, hosted a golftour
nament early Saturday morning, and
attended an AU baseball game Satur
day afternoon. Pig Dinner was Satur
day evening, and it was a true success.
We appreciate all the graduate broth
ers who were able to attend, and we
hope to see more of you next year.
In addition to Pig Dinner, spring
quarter was extremely busy with Par
renowned Fiji Island. Fiji Island is our
greatest party of the year, and the
building of the island is our greatest
time of brotherhood bonding.
Please feel free to stop by the house
any time you are in town. If there is
ever anything that I can do for any of
you, do not hesitate to call me at(334)
502-4283. We look forward to seeing
many of you this spring.
President Will Godwin '00
David Gordon.
Continuing our tradition in athlet
ics, Alpha Upsilon won every possible
intramural sports championship last
fall. We claimed fraternity titles in
track, swimming and diving, soccer
and in both our active and pledge foot
ball teams. Winter quarter brought
} cf- -v.,,-,
■ V
another intramural basketball champ
ionship, as well.
Alpha Upsilon
Will Godwin
Ben Haynes
Corresponding Sec
Recording Sec
Frank Brown
T. Chad Thrasher
Ashley S. Vansant
Pledge Trainer
Andy Glenn
David Gordon
Chapter Advisors ...Wayne Alderman
Norman Godwin
Food Prep. Manager
Gladys Small
Luther Ford
John Williamson
Pledges help at the annual fall festival for Project Uplift Kids.
Graduate Works in Healthcare
Vince Thompson '84 writes, "The
bonds that I developed at Alpha
Upsilon have proven to be very
valuable throughout my personal and
professional life. As many of us real
ize now, those times were the best of
extensively with Bo Jackson, prod
ucing a traveling children's show seen
by more than one million kids."
Vince serves on the advisory boards
of the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame
our lives!
and America's Junior Miss. He is a
member of the boards for United Ce
"I am head ofcommunications and
marketing for the largest healthcare
company in the world—HealthSouth
Corp. I am currently building a tele
vision network to be aired throughout
our 2,000-facility network. I work
rebral Palsy and Camp Smile-A-Mile.
He enjoys exercising and walking
dogs. Vince's wife, Tracey (Georgia
AXi2), works in fashion/interior de
sign. They live at 3588 Shandwick PI.,
Birmingham, AL 35242.
\r\nPage 2
Spring 1999
Brad Adams
Chad Armstrong
Brentwood, TN
Steve Carrington
Alexander Carruthers ... Montgomery
David Cooper
Josh Flinn
Bobby Freeman
David Green
Cleve Haralson
Bart Haynes
Ryan Humphreys
Thomas Lambeth
Alex City
Bart Land
Adam Lovelady
Brentwood, TN
Nick Marple
Nashville, TN
Cody Merrill
Matt Miller
Nathan Murrell
Columbus, GA
Matt Powell
Ryan Roddham
Matt Smith
John Stewart
David Stinchum
Carl Streck
Mark Summerford
Matt Tanner
Jay White
J. Wes Yodder
Brentwood, TN
Tampa, FL
Brothers Blake "Bubbles Blain" Bourland and Jeff Hopkins cheese it np at
winter formal at the Cats Meow in New Orleans.
Alpha Upsilon Chapter News
• Congratulations to both the active and pledge football teams for winning
the intramural football championships.
• Brothers and pledges enjoyed the winter formal in New Orleans in January.
• Brothers held their annual retreat at Camp Alamisco in February.
• The 37th annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner was held the weekend of April 9.
• Congratulations to Brother J.G. Carver for winning the 1999 National
Collegiate Mascot Championship as "Aubie."
Graduates Ensure BestRush
If you know of young men who are or will be attending Auburn University—
and whom you would be proud to call brothers—please take a moment to get the
information to us. With your input, we will be ensured of top rush results for
years to come. Thanks!
Americus, GA
Fiji Rushee Recommendation
Atlanta, GA
Nashville, TN
Franklin, TN
AY Pledges
Jonathan Brockman
Atlanta, GA
Todd Carlton
Atlanta, GA
Colin Carter
Brentwood, TN
Nashville, TN
Thomas Downs
Scott Gates
Brian Meadows
Atlanta, GA
Michael Nebrig
Home Address:
School Address:
Phone: Home: _
Classification: _
Your Name and Address:
Mail to Phi Gamma Delta, 275 S. College, P.O. Box 1311, Auburn, AL
36830. Please do not send to Newsletter Program Headquarters.
\r\nSpring 1999
Page 3
Alpha Upsilon Graduates Write In
Mark H. Murphy '89 received an
MBA from Samford University in
1992 and is a financial manager at
Bell South. He and his wife, Stacy
(Clemson AAA), a nurse practitioner,
have two children, Amanda, 3, and
Scott, 1. Get in touch with Mark at
738 Haycort Ln., Birmingham, AL
Cleveland J."Jackie" Harrelson Jr.
'79 writes, "Moving 17 years ago to
Lafayette, LA, where I knew no one,
Brian W. EIrod '82 writes, "My
fraternity roommate, Duncan
Campbell '84, just moved back
to Montgomery, and we have really
enjoyed remembering our college
days."Brian received an MD from the
University of Alabama in 1987 and is
now a senior partner at Montgomery
Family Medicine. He and his wife,
Tracie, an Auburn alumna and a CPA,
have two children, Madison, 2, and
Norway, Iceland and England—a lot
offun!" Ray received an MBA in fi
nance from the University ofAlabama
and is a pilot for South Florida Jet
Initiative. He enjoys scuba diving and
golf. Ray's wife, Evelyn (Monterallo
OM), is a customer service manager.
Catch up with Ray at 1731 Red Cedar
Dr. Suite 3, Fort Myers, FL 33907.
Savannah, an infant. Brian enjoys
reading, traveling, water sports and
ships with otherfraternity brothers in
Montgomery since graduation have
provided encouragement and lasting
friendships."Todd is a territory man
ager at Blue Bell Creameries, L.P.,
was like deja vu (going to college).
Auburn football. Reminisce with him
The fraternity experience of Fiji
taught me how to accept people for
at 9841 Wynchase Cir., Montgomery,
what they are, accept differences and
enjoy their differences.
"After 17 years of coaching in
college and high school, Ifinally gave
it up to spend more time with our
children. Now Iamjust educating the
youth of America at Lafayette High
School."Jackie and his wife, Gretchen
(Southwest Louisiana), have two
children, Meghan, 6, and Jack, 4.
Catch up with Jackie at 405 W. Gov
ernor Miro Dr., Lafayette, LA 70506.
William Valdon "V." Smith Jr.'86
writes of Alpha Upsilon, "It devel
oped character, work ethic, respect,
etc. However, with the crowd I ran
around with, it is amazing any ofthis
rubbed off, but it did. How privilegedI
was to cross the paths of so many
great people.
"I have four children and have
become a responsible adult in the 'real
world.' It's been quite a transition
from the old Fiji house."
V. and his wife, Sheri (Brenau
AAFI), have four children, Ann, 4,
Lucy, 2, and infant twins, Lilly and
Valdon. V. is a principal/architect at
Manley Spangler Smith Architects,
specializing in commercial/institu
tional projects.
He is an active member of First
Dan McCarthy '94 writes, "My wife
and I are expecting ourfirst child in
January 1999, to go with our grey
hound, Ewing." Dan is a senior
consultant at Columbia/HCA, and his
Todd B.Lucas'89 writes, "Relation
and his wife, Maxie, an Auburn
alumna, is a counselor. Todd enjoys
cycling, tennis, reading and fishing.
Drop a line to Todd at 7400 Pinnacle
Pt., Montgomery, AL 36117.
wife, Jill(Alabama AXQ),is a speech
therapist. Catch up with Dan at 3160
Lake Dr., Hermitage, TN 37076.
Shannon L.Scarbrough'96 is a mar
keting assistant at The Birmingham
Tom Ruzic'82 writes, "I've relocated
News.Shannon can be reached at 3360
Summit Dr., Cahaba Heights, AL
to the Washington, DC, area. I'm still
with Newport News Shipbuilding,
Kurt Henharrier '87 is an account
working with nuclear submarine
programs from our office near the
Pentagon. Newport News builds air
executive at Comp USA, a computer
sales company. His wife, Meghan
(XQ), is a Bell South engineer. Write
craft carriers and submarinesfor the
to Kurt at 2124 Hearthwood Ln., Bir
US Navy.
"My wife, Darlene, and I have two
mingham, AL 35242.
sons, Austin, 9, andJesse, 7. The house
Peter D. "Dan" Kramer '95 is a
we've bought has some bamboo grow
ing wild in the backyard, so please
swing by DC in the spring on one of
your late night 'boo runs'for Fiji
salesman at Saginaw Pipe Co., Inc.
Reach him at 121 Belford Way, Ala
baster, AL 35007.
Island!" Brothers can reach Tom at
Christopher F."Kit" Hammond HI
his new address, 4732 Playfield St.,
'62 writes of how his experience at
Annandale, VA 22003.
Fiji influenced his life, "Friend
ships—/ enjoy being with people.
William R."Ray" Roberson Jr.'87
writes, "My two best friends to this
day. Kurt Honbarrier '87 and Joe
Street '89, are brothersfrom Auburn.
We have been friends for 15 years.
Come visit!" Kit received an AME
from Harvard in 1984. He is president
of Great Dane Trailer, a manufacturer
of semi-trailers.
Club. He enjoys golf, backpacking and
"1 made eight Atlantic crossings
fly-fishing. Write to this brother at 635
this year, with stops in Russia,
Kit has four grown children, Liz,
Sandy, Chris and Sean. He enjoys
golf. Get in touch with Kit and his
wife, Karen (Chattanooga), at 153
Gray's Creek Dr., Savannah, GA
Woodside Dr., Griffin, GA 30224.
Sweden. Finland, Italy, Germany,
Baptist Church of Griffin, Griffin Ro
tary Club and Mclntosh Area Auburn
That s what Fiji has meant to me—
providingfriendsfor life.
\r\nPage 4
Spring 1999
Help Us Locate Our ^Lost' Graduates
We want all of our Alpha Upsilon Chapter graduates to begin receiving War Eagle Fiji, however, we do not have an
address for any ofthe following "lost" graduates. If you know the current address ofany ofthe following brothers, please
take a minute to send it to the Newsletter Program Headquarters address listed at the bottom of this page.
Stanley L. VanEtten '62
David P.B. Price '82
W. Scott Manning '90
Charles T. Mathews'63
Kenneth T. Husted '83
Scott T. Allee '91
Joseph R. Mc Bride '65
Clif Martin '83
Eugene J. Bazemore '91
M. Carl Leary '66
Donald J. Black '84
Timothy J. Hurry '91
William T. Meadows '67
Thomas H. Cochran '84
Steve Love '92
Warren H. Amason '68
William D. Graves '84
Paul R. Moseley '92
Michael P. Bufkin '69
Daniel W.Scruggs '84
Slade G. Singleton '92
James E. Sheffield '69
Douglas H. Beverly '85
Matt Blaxton '93
Charles W. Jones '71
Fisher C. Smith '87
Scott Johnson '93
Kenneth L. Farmer Jr.'72
Mark Lytle '88
John M. Lyons '93
G. Scott Morrow '73
S. Scott Estes '89
Chris Kramer '94
James R. Fitzpatrick '74
Steve T. Lee '89
Ben Rives '94
John S. White '74
David R. McNeil '89
Robb Carter '95
John G. Wilkinson '74
Tony Allen '90
Andrew Nearn '95
Barry D. Rush '75
Chad Boles '90
Jason P. Pelham '95
Hal W.Brendle '77
W.Clark Cook '90
Henry N. Merrill '96
Donald L. Cameron '77
Robert A. Freyre '77
Herbert L. Jeffords '77
John T. Worth '77
Charles M. Bruney '78
Charles L. Highley '78
Robert L. Bamett'79
William E. Hubbard '79
Jerry J. Driscoll '80
Gregory W. Boles '81
Thomas C. Mc Intosh '81
John R. Mc Waters '81
Gary M. Waller '81
Help Us Keep You In Touch
With every issue of War Eagle Fiji,
communication with our graduate
members improves.
Former classmates are communi
cating with one another again, and
many of you have been to visit the
Alpha Upsilon house and meet mem
bers ofthe active chapter. We believe
the newsletter we publish twice a year
up-to-date on the active chapter here
at Auburn University and in touch
with your former classmates. We need
the participation of all ofour graduate
members to continue, so mail your
contribution and personal information
today! We also welcome your sugges
tions for future issues. Thank you.
est. Thank you to all the graduate
War Eagle Fiji is published by the
brothers of the Fraternity of Phi
members who have contributed to the
Gamma Delta at Aubum University
newsletter program.
for members and friends.
has a lot to do with this renewed inter
In order to continue the newsletter
Graduate news items, photographs
program, we need all of our graduate
members to help. Voluntary contribu
tions from our graduate members pay
for publication ofthe newsletter.
Please help us so we can keep you
and change of address notices should
be sent to Alpha Upsilon of Phi
Gamma Delta, do Newsletter Pro
gram Headquarters, P.O. Box 7311,
Macon, GA 31209-7311.
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Spring 1999 newsletter of the Alpha Upsilon chapter at Auburn University. The newsletter is four pages in length.