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1999 Spring Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
Spring 1999 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Mu Iota
University of Idaho
1999 Spring Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
The Gem Staie Fiji
Mu Iota Chapter
The Great Fiji Flood of 1998
Spring 1 999
It was a soggy homecoming for the men of Mu Iota when we returned from
Christmas break to find the house recovering from flooding. Three separate
water pipes had broken, flooding parts of the living room, dining room, and
A small broken pipe above the dining room caused minor damage in the cor
ner to the left of the head table. In the basement, a pipe broke directly above
the outside door, leaking water through the wall and warping the door slightly.
The biggest mess was made when a water pipe below the freshmen sleeping
porch burst, sending a large stream of cold water into the middle room at the
Once again the men
of the Mu Iota chapter
have placed highest in
men's scholarship
standings for the fall
semester of 1998. The
overall house CPA was
3.15 , second only to
the women's wiimer.
east end ofthe old side. The room was subjected to both water and steam. As
the water ran out of the pipe it placed a large amount ofstress on the heating
system which in turn super heated the radiator causing steam which in tumed
out of our 9 4.0 stu
caused the walls of the room to warp and the paint to literally peal from them.
The 4.0 members were
This effect also ruined a large section of the floor and many ofroom owner
Matt Fletcher's personal belongings. The water then leaked through the floor
into the living room, where it caused considerable damage to the ceiling, carpet,
Josh Boyd,Ben Rush,
Newberry. Freshmen
and hardwood floor.
4.0's included P.J. Mc-
Purple Legionnaire Jim Hill discovered the leak when doing a routine check
on the house. He immediately shut the water off and called repairmen. They
concluded that the water had been rurming for about two days. Damage has
been estimated at about $20,000, which will be paid by insurance.
By the time we moved back in the repairs were well under way. All of the
fumiture had been removed from the living room,the carpet had been taken out
to be dried, and the hardwood floor had been pulled up. Scaffolding was put up
to repair the ceiling.
(Continued on page 4)
Gamma Phi Beta. Five
dents were freshman.
Webb Girard, and Jeff
Daniel, Brett Nagel,
Will Omdorff, Chris
Ritter, and Daniel
Rush. This year the na
tional headquarters is
giving out a $250.00
scholarship for all of
the freshman who re
ceived a 3.0 GPA or
above for the first
semester. Ofthe twenty
freshmen, thirteen
New College of Business and Economics
earned above a 3.0 to
Page 3
1999 Pigger Update / Spring Phiu^nthropies
qualify for the scholar
—Webb Girard,'00
Page 4
Flood Continued / Century Board
Page 2
\r\nThe Gem State Fiji
New Business College Building
As anyone who has
been on the U ofI cam
pus recently can attest
to, there is currently a
lot ofconstruction un
derway. Hardly a cor
ner ofcampus is left
untouched under the
Long Range Campus
Development plan
which governs building
over the next ten years.
Some of the more visi
ble projects currently
underway are the Uni
versity Commons and
College of Business
and Economics(CBE).
Located in the Admin
istration Building, the
CBE has outgrown its
current space and has
taken either new con
Business and about the
struction or extensive
University. Over the
time I have spent with
the committee, it has
worked closely with the
renovation. Extending
over four days in Jan
Capital Planning/Capi
tal Budget office to de
velop a feasible devel
opment strategy, hire
architects, and develop
a master plan for inte
grating the construction
of this building into the
current campus build
ing plans. On its own,
made plans to build a
new facility behind the
the committee has held
Admin. Once initial
approval had been
ulty, students, and staff
in the college and has
developed an outline of
what needs to be put in
the building.
Working with the ar
chitects we hired (a
partnership of Design
gained from the univer
sity president and his
executive council, the
college formed a Facil
ity Initiative Steering
Committee to oversee
had recently under
learned quite a bit
about the College of
workshops with fac
uary, the tour included
Loyola Marymount,
UCLA,Chapman Uni
versity, Azusa Pacific,
and Stanford Univer
sity. At these schools,
the committee and ar
chitects came to be
aware of a number of
strengths and weak
nesses in our then-
current plans for the
Following the tour
the architects drew up a
Project Planning Guide
(PPG)which was then
presented to the presi
dent of the university.
Bob Hoover, for ap
proval. President
Hoover and his execu
the Sweet Avenue
the building process
Parking Lot. Other
buildings which
which is estimated to
West in Pullman, YostGrube-Hall in Portland,
on the PPG on January
be complete in August
and Gordon Walker
20"', authorizing the
haven't been built are
2001. The committee
from Seattle), the com-
College of Business to
the Ag-Biotech facility
and the new Campus
Rec Center(whose de
was formed in the fall
mitte was able to take a
raise $10 million to
of 1998 and, keeping in
tour of West Coast
construct its building.
the current U ofI tradi
business schools.
velopment was the di
tion of involving stu
rect result of a number
dents, included a stu
dent in the college.
Currently the architects
are drawing up specific
floor plans for the
committee since
Since the project in
cludes both renovating
the existing Adminis
tration Annex building
as well as adding a new
wing onto it, the tour
September, and have
included schools that
of Fiji's work).
One other building
that hasn't gotten much
attention as of yet is a
new building for the
I have had the plea
sure of serving on this
tive council signed off
—Daniel Rush,'02
\r\n1999 PiGGER Update
The last days of the
new millennium are
quickly approaching
and we plan to say
who, as we are all
tional board shall re
helping in the educa
supremely confident,
will perform in a man
view every chapter's
performance at this
tion of our members.
ner that is sure to make
Pigger, and after
weighting for certain
aspects such as size and
ever seen. The date has
the occasion something
special for everyone.
Our Keynote Speaker,
Alan Dingle, will
farewell to the 1900's
with the biggest, grand
est Pigger PGD has
location, shall declare a
victor to receive $1500
been set as the tenth of
crown the event with a
to be used as the chap
April, and we sincerely
hope that any and all
speech that is sure to
ter sees fit. We would
set the mood for the
love to win this chal
alumni available will
arrive to celebrate with
be Master of Cere
whole evening.
Extending beyond the
usual events ofthe Pig
Dinner is the challenge
winged to us by our na
monies Bill Gilbert,
tional chapter. A na
lenge as we feel we are
more than capable with
our outstanding alumni
support. Most likely
our chapter will invest
the winnings towards
the brothers.
Hosting the party will
So please, when plan
ning your spring activi
ties, think of your
brothers and recall the
grand times spent de
lighting in the company
of kindred spirits. We
truly hope, for the rea
sons expounded upon
above, that you will
grace us with your
—Tyler Valiquette,'01
Mu Iota will be fairly
Spring Philanthropies
Student Union Building
volved and we hope
for this event. One of
you will look for them
Highway 95 is al
ways in need ofsome
the more exciting
at these events.
—Mike Klein,'01
weekend aftemoon will
things we will get-to do
this spring will be to
help in the Paradise
be devoted to making
Creek Restoration Pro
ond hand store and
the little stretch before
helping out gives peo
ple instant gratification
that they are helping
you enter Moscow a bit
cleaner. The campus
ject. There will be a
trash cleanup of the
creek itself along with
'biolog wrestling,'
which will help to fa
cilitate wetland plant
active in philanthropies
in the upcoming
months. Wise Buys is
a weekly opportunity
for people to directly
help out in the commu
nity. Going to this sec
the community.
Among some of the
other upcoming events,
the Lionel Hampton
Jazz Festival will be
assisted by various Fiji
men who will be help
ing out at the Kibbie
Dome as ushers and
cleanup and another
Student Health Center
will be having another
Health Fair and, be
cause of our helpful at
titudes and close prox
imity to the Health
Center, we will be
transporting demo
items to and from the
ing operations at the
Wildlife Habitat Insti
This spring will be a
great chance for Fiji
Brothers to get in
\r\nNon-Profit Org.
Permit #193
Phi Gamma Delta
600 University Aye.
Moscow,ID 83843
Ky 40544
Flood Continued
(Continuedfrom page I)
"The living room
looked like a bomb bit
it," said sophomore
ing room ceiling will
Phi Gamma Delta have
decided to update our
century board. For the
purpose of complete
records we request that
Although Matt
Fletcher figures this
a real disaster."
will cost him upwards
of$200, he isn't terri
bly concerned.
furniture was spared, as
well as the piano, the
pictures on the walls,
and the painting above
the fireplace. After a
week's inconvenience,
repairmen bad installed
a temporary plywood
floor and Styrofoam
ceiling panels, and the
Recently, the men of
be installed over Spring
Darin Melnyk, "it was
Fortunately, all the
Century Board
"My hat's off to Jim
everyone who qualifies
for a position of the
cenutry board or wishes
Iota. We also encour
age further donations to
the newsletter as you
all know through your
experiences at PGD,a
chapter can always
Hill for getting the re
pairs started so I could
to donate now; send an
benefit from increased
email to
financial support. We
wish all of you the best
ofluck in this coming
move back into my
room and start school
or write to Will Om-
on time," he said.
"Besides, it looks better
dorff here in the house,
or even phone at(208)
now than I have ever
885-7051. Pigger
would also be an ap
living room was put
seen it in my days as a
propriate time to talk to
back together. A new
—Chris Hitter,'02
Will about the century
hardwood floor and liv
will help to show just
how great our alumni
support is here at Mu
board. This project
year and thank you
once again for all of
your support.
—Will Omdorff,'02
\r\nCalling all Graduate Brothers,
It is once again time to focus on the recruitment of a new class of potential Fijis to
bring into the beloved halls of Mu Iota. This recruitment is a year long process, but as
summer approaches, we turn our full attention to it. In order for the men in the house to
perpetuate Mu lota's greatness, we need your help! We are going to have an abundance
of space in the house due to the departure of a large senior class, so recruitment is
important, however Mu Iota has reached a pinnacle in which selectivity is vital. We ask
all graduate brothers for any assistance in this task, including:
♦ Information
-Any word on potential pledges (G.P.A., interests, involvement)
-Praise or warning about potential pledges
♦ Rush Scholarships
-Donations and ideas for a one year old program of rush scholarships that
has already shown us amazing success and high potential.
The millenium approaches and Mu Iota as always is on top. We need your help to
bring quality men into house, and potentially call them brothers. Thank you all for such
amazing support, it is much appreciated.
-P.J. McDaniel '02, Rush Chair
Direct information, questions, and ideas to:
P.J. McDaniel
Email: incda2726@uidaho.edii
In Moscow (before May 14, 1999)
600 University Ave.
In Boise (after May 14)
165 Old Saybrook Dr.
Moscow,ID 83843
Boise,ID 83706
Keeping you and your classmates informed
Please write legibly
Please be sure to check out Phi Gamma
Delta on the Intemet! On the World Wide
Web, point your browser to:
If you would like to reach us by email,
contact Ben Rush:
Please send correspondence to:
600 University Ave.
□ Check here if new address
Moscow, ID 83843
Personal News or Message to Anyone:
If possible, send us a photo
and a personal biography so
we can highlight you in our
Engagement/Marriage/Births, Etc.:
Alumni Spotlight
New Job/Promotions/Awards/Honors/
Achievements/Transfer/Retirement, Etc.:
Thanks for rqilying to the Gem State Fiji!
Any and all support is appreciated. We
always look forward to hearing from om
valuable alumni.
—^Brandon Van Slyke, current
GSF Editor. or (208)885-7051
Please Help Support the Gem State Fiji
Without your generous contributions, the regular publication of this newsletter
would not be possible.
To help, my check is enclosed:
kinn I
Please make checks payable to the Gem State Fiji
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Spring 1999 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is six pages in length.