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1999 Spring Newsletter Nu Omega (University of Oklahoma)
Spring 1999 newsletter of the Nu Omega chapter at the University of Oklahoma. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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Nu Omega
University of Oklahoma
1999 Spring Newsletter Nu Omega (University of Oklahoma)
tbs Sooner Fiji
Published by Nu On^ega Cfjapter of tf)e
Fraternity of Pfji Gamma Pelta at ttje University of OHlaf)oma
Fall 1998 was a great semester for
the Nil Omega Chapter of Phi Gamma
made for a great semester.
With that many people returning
for work week, we were able to not
The school year began with over 60
members returning early from sum
only clean but make some much
needed improvements as well. With
the help of some generous donations,
the formal living room was completely
refurnished, greatly adding to the look
mer vacation for work week. That was
followed with perhaps the best rush
that Nu Omega has seen in the last
five years. The excitement from the
membership that stemmed from rush,
coupled with our great pledge class.
of the house.
With the cleaning efforts of a ma
jority of the members, the house was
in top shape for rush.
Thanks to the great work week and
the relentless effort of the rush team,
we were able to sign a fantastic pledge
class. Under the leadership of Rush
Chairman Doug DeJamette,Nu Omega
signed 55 men for our 1998 pledge
class. With a great group of guys from
all over the state, as well as Dallas, TX,
we are expecting the pledges to make a
tremendous impact in the house for
years to come.
Helping them make this transition
into fraternity life have been Jim
Troiano and the rest ofthe pledge edu
cation team. Helping the pledges learn
about the fraternity, become active on
(Continued on page 2)
House Improvements
The Phi Gam graduates and Par
ents Club have gone above and be
yond all of our expectations. New
furniture, which was needed for the
formal living room, was made pos
sible with the assistance of Dr. Don
Haskins and Sonny Boyles. In addi
tion to providing us with a more com
fortable place to live, it also benefited
us tremendously during rush. The
The lovely new furniture in the formal living room
Graduate Opens Mountain Retreat
John W.Griffin '85 is president and
CEO of Griffin Holdings, a food
manufacturing and broadcasting com
pany. He and his wife, Polly (Arizona
State HBO), have two children. Fleet,
more. A vear-round retreat can also
house looks great, and we are taking
great pains to keep it that way.
Support has been coming from
everywhere. We would like to recog
nize several graduate groups, particu
be usedfor corporate outings andjet-
larly the ones in Tulsa and Edmond/
aways. For reservations, call (505)
Oklahoma City, that have gone out of
their way to provide us with much
Brother Griffin is active in the
needed aid. We can't thank them
He tells brothers, "My wife, Polly,
Salvation Army, Ducks Unlimited,
Rotary and Oklahoma Medical Re
and I have started a mountain inn at
search. He enjoys hunting,fishing and
enough for their generous donations
and help.
In addition, the Parents Club has
5, and Greer, 3.
Clama, NM, located two hours north
golf. Nu Omega brothers can get in
been very active this school year.
of Santa Fe. You can enjoy hunting,
fishing, horseback riding and much
touch with him at 1 101 N. 81 st St. W.,
Muskogee, OK 74401.
Thanks to President Linda Bacher
(Continued on page 2)
\r\nPage 2
Spring 1999
The Sooner Fiji is published by
the brothers ofthe Fraternity ofPhi
Gamma Delta at the University of
Graduate news items, photo
graphs and change of address no
tices should be sent to Nu Omega
of Phi Gamma Delta, do Newslet
ter Program Headquarters, P.O.
Box 410708, Kansas City, MO
(Continuedfrom page 1)
campus and keep their grades up, this
group of guys has committed tremen
dous time and effort into the future of
our chapter. In October, we held
officer elections, choosing the men to
represent the house for the next year.
The great Fiji rug, given to us by the Parents Club
With a group consisting oftwo juniors
A Pledge's Point of View
and three sophomores, we are excited
to have the responsibility of leading
the chapter into the new millenium.
made great progress in our quest for
Now, with 48 pledges, we are
stronger than ever and are having a
The entire membership of Nu
Omega has excelled in the past semes
The 150th year of Phi Gamma
Delta was a very interesting and ex
tremely productive one for our pledge
ter as well. Grades have continued to
improve, with the chapter now consis
tently in the upper half scholastically.
Intramurals have remained an impor
From Bid Day to Homecoming
Week to finals week, our pledge class
tant part of the house. Also, teamed
when we combined our efforts with
with the Pi Phis, Fiji was able to place
second at Homecoming '98. With this
and our preparation to compete in
Scandals, the membership has re
(Continuedfrom page 1)
and Secretary Suzanne Pardue, we
now have a great new Fiji rug in the
multipurpose room.
They have also done numerous
the women of Pi Beta Phi, we earned a
mained involved.
Looking to the future, this year's
cabinet has identified improving gradu
ate relations as a major goal. With the
decline of this area in the past, we are
projects such as planting flowers,
installing bike racks and adding
benches to the deck, and, during the
holidays, the moms put up a beautiful
making plans to make it easier for
Fiji tree and decorated the house.
graduate brothers to stay involved. Pig
Dinner is the easiest and most exciting
way to remain active in the fraternity
We also have two new excellent
smokers, compliments of the par
great spring semester.
Last fall, we accomplished a great
deal. During Homecoming Week,
second place overall finish in the com
petitions and festivities that took place
during the hectic week. The activities
in which we participated included a
blood drive, a canned food drive and a
float-building competition, in which
we placed second. In the end, the week
was a tremendous success.
Also, we completed a successful
chapter enhancement. We added an
other door to the storage area, and we
big-screen TV and possibly a pool
also purchased a power washer, which
greatly helped with cleanup efforts
throughout the fall semester. These
two additions to our house have hope
chance to further improve. With the
Through the years, many graduates
and parents have given us not only
enthusiasm felt throughout the house,
contributions but also their time,
fully increased the productivity of our
Overall, fall 1998 was a great
learning experience, filled with
and is a great time to meet some new
faces and visit with other graduates.
With such a great semester behind
us, we are using this semester as a
the Nu Omega Chapter of Fiji has no
where to go but up.
Be sure to attend Pig Dinner this
year. Remember, Fiji is not for col
lege days alone.
President Bryan Erntan
ents and graduates. Currently they
are working on ideas such as a new
which we appreciate more than they
The support the graduates give al
memories that will last a lifetime. As
the spring semester approached, we
lows the rushees to see what Phi
anticipated our journey as a pledge
Gamma Delta is all about and what
class towards Fiji membership.
graduate support really is.
Steve wakens
\r\nSpring 1999
Page 3
Nu Omega Graduate News and Views
Heath A. Rutz '92 works for The
Rock Island Group. His e-mail address
is and brothers
S. Atlanta PI., Tulsa, OK 74105.
the current president ofthe Oklahoma
State Historical Society. He also
served as president ofNu Omega."
Trent Gastineau '94 is a buyer and
rence Ave., Tulsa, OK 74105.
clude golf, skiing, fishing and hunt
ing. Lindsay currently resides at 4735
Brother Rea lives at 3214 S. Flo
can contact him at 13505 Green Cedar
Ln.. Oklahoma City, OK 73 13 i .
merchandiser in wholesaler relations
James A. Hyde '68 is president ofthe
Bone and Joint Hospital. Write to him
at 1 1 1 1 N. Devvey Ave.. Oklahoma
City, OK 73103.
Lindsay Perkins '63 is president of
Lindsay Perkins Development, a real
estate development company. He and
his wife have five children, Teresa,
David, Brandon, Mariow and Mark
(Nil Omega Fiji).
"Perk" shares this news with broth
ers, "My youngest son, Mark, recently
was initiated—my first son to he a
Fiji. / attended the initiation, and it
was a great experience. Mark is doing
exceptionally well in school."
Lindsay is a past president of the
Home Builders Association of Greater
Tulsa and serves on the board of trust
ees of tiie Gateway Foundation. He is
a member of the Tulsa Task Force on
Infill Development. His hobbies in
with Horizon Pharmacies, Inc. His
wife, Melissa(AAA), is a teacher.
This former Nu Omega president
tells us, "I live in Dallas, where a
number of Nu Omega Fijis live. We
get together once a week and play
Softball with a team composed ofPhi
Gams. It's amazing the camaraderie
andfriend.ships that still exist and con
tinue to grow after college days. Phi
Gamma Delta was a great influence in
mv life and continues to be a part ofit
every day."
Brother Gastineau enjoys Softball,
golfand basketball. His e-mail address
is, and you
can drop him a line at 12109 Rushing
Creek Dr., Frisco, TX 75035.
William J. Rea Jr. '52 writes,
"Brother Lee Stidham. who graduated
in 1951. is CEO and owner ofPeoples
National Bank ofChecotah. OK. He is
Gregg Overstake '82 is operations
manager for 1st Global Inc., a finan
cial services company. His wife.
Tammy, is a bank branch manager.
They have two children. Tanner, 9,
and Carvey, 6. They currently make
their home at 2208 Shady Grove Dr.,
Bedford, TX 76021.
Greer '89
Marylou's, a restaurant. His wife,
Traci(FOB), is a senior claims exam
iner for the US Government. Kenny
enjoys fishing, boating and traveling.
Catch up with him at 2603 Galahad
Ct., Muskogee, OK 74403.
Andrew J. Hendriek '96 is project
manager for Argent Consulting, an in
dustrial engineering consulting firm.
Reestablish the bonds of Fiji with
Andy at 1004 S.W. 96th St., Okla
homa City, OK 73139.
Graduate Assistance Ensures Best Rush Results
While much can be said about the
recent advancements made in nearly
every facet of fraternity and campus
life for Nu Omega Chapter, there is a
particular facet about which enough
can never be said.
The chapter's rush chairmen have
been doing an excellent job locating
and pledging the best young men at
the University of Oklahoma, but there
is always room for improvement. The
Fiji Rushee Recommendation
Home Address:
School Address:
Phone: Home: _
Classification: _
best improvement any of the brothers
can come up with is more interaction
by graduates in the rush process—
namely, recommendations.
If you know of young men who are
Your Name and Address:
or will be attending Oklahoma—and
whom you would be proud to call
brothers—please take a moment to get
the information to us. With your input,
we will be ensured of top rush results
for years to come.
Mail to Phi Gamma Delta, 1200 S. College, Norman,OK 73072. Please do
not send to Newsletter Program Headquarters. Thanks!
\r\nPage 4
Spring 1999
More Graduate News
James G.Devinney'86 wrote to us in
July '98, "I am an attorney with
Boettcher, Ryan & Martin. My wife,
Suzanne, and I have two children,
Laura, 4, and James, 2 months."
Suzanne, also an Oklahoma gradu
ate, is self-employed. Get in touch
with Jim at 2719 Homestead, Ponca
City, OK 74604.
to participate in shows and skits as I
did while in school."
Jim enjoys golf, fishing and music.
Of his fraternity experience, he adds,
"I have maintainedfriendships since
graduation and enjoyed a reunion in
Address Updates
W.E. Rowsey III '73
6 Meadow Brook PI.
The Woodlands, TX 77382
Adam R. Dean '96
Nu Omega Chapter brothers can
contact Jim at 1020 15th St. #38L,
Denver, CO 80202.
James L. Cunningham '58 works for
4012 Swiss Ave. #101-B
Dallas, TX 75204
Patrick M. Jones '92
Sherman & Howard, LLC. He has two
James M. Wheeler '92 is vice presi
children, Amy and Christopher.
Jim is past president of the Univer
sity Club of Denver and the American
College of Real Estate Lawyers. He is
dent of ISL United States, a sports
marketing firm. His wife, Trudy
(KA0), is a paralegal.
currently chairman of the Anglo
You can send him a letter at 93
Jim enjoys auto racing and golf.
American Real Property Institute. Jim
Glenbrook Rd. #203, Stamford, CT
tells us, "I continue to play music and
661 W. Sheridan #810
Chicago, IL 60613
Sean A. Blair '88
1317 E. Sheena Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85022
Nu Omega Chapter Officers
Bryan Erman
Todd Oney
Recording Secretary
Joel Edge
Corresponding Secretary .... Mark Perkins
Ryan Dick
Executive Assistant
Political Science
Oklahoma City
Business Law
Blake Whitcomb
William H. Almen
1502 S. Boulder Ave.#16H
Tulsa, OK 741 19
Gilbert G. Wright '84
P.O. Box 3200
Moscow, ID 83843
Jerry G. Shelton '75
400 Castle Roek Rd.
Graduates Remain Our Best Resource
Do you remember saying, "You'll
see me around," or "I'll be back," as
you carried your last box of college
treasures from your room at the Nu
Omega house?
Once out in the world, you found a
You enjoyed your undergraduate ex
perience; there's no reason why you
can't enjoy your graduate experience
Sustained graduate support pro
vides a strong foundation for proper
undergraduate development. Your
job, maybe a wife and family. Some
how good old Phi Gamma Delta got
continued involvement in Fiji can take
pushed down a few notches on the
the form of becoming a chapter advi
priority list.
sor, serving as a member of the Nu
Lately, though, you've been think
ing about how you'd like to get in
volved again. But all your brothers
have graduated, the active chapter has
changed, and there's really no one you
feel comfortable contacting anymore
to find out what's happening around
the chapter.
Omega House Corporation, or some
thing as simple as attending our an
nual Homecoming or Pig Dinner
You are a valuable resource to the
chapter, and we want to hear how we
can get you involved again. Just give
us a call at (405) 573-5125, or write
Yukon, OK 73099
Drop Us a Line!
Because The Sooner Fiji is a gradu
ate-oriented newsletter, future issues
will continue to feature news of Nu
Omega graduates.
But we need your help to do it!
Take an extra minute now to fill in
your former elassmates on your life
since leaving the University of Okla
homa. The interest is two-way:just as
you are interested in their busy lives,
they are interested in yours.
You can make sure you're included
by sending your personal news to our
Newsletter Program Headquarters ad
dress listed on page 2.
Let us hear from you, so we can
Wait a minute! Phi Gamma Delta is
to Attn.: Graduate Chairman, Phi
your fraternity, and its unique aspect
Gamma Delta, 1200 S. College,
include you in a future issue of The
Norman, OK 73072.
Sooner Fiji.
is that it provides membership for life.
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Spring 1999 newsletter of the Nu Omega chapter at the University of Oklahoma. This newsletter is four pages in length.