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1999 Spring Newsletter Psi (Wabash College)
Spring 1999 newsletter of the Psi chapter at Wabash College. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Wabash College
1999 Spring Newsletter Psi (Wabash College)
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at Wabash College
Volume 46, Number 2
Phi Gamma Delta, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Psi Chapter Initiates 211
On February 3, 2000, the brothers of Psi Chapter welcomed
twenty-one new members into the fraternity. These men met and
surpassed all requirements asked of them during pledgeshipKeeping their individuality and uniqueness unchanged, the
newly initiated members were molded with the same beliefs that
great members of this fraternity highly value. The freshmen are
excited and energetic. They look forward to new challenges and
they anxiously await the opportunity to improve this already
Spring, 1999
will continue to have a report on the chapter, but we will begin
to include articles about what graduate brothers are doing. In
this issue we have enclosed a fax sheet. If you would please
take a few minutes and fi ll out the fonn and fax it back to us, we
will list your news in the next edition of the Little Giant Fiji.
Eriks Janelsins '02
great chapter.
As their Pledge Educator, I have watched the freshmen enter
college as unrefined high school graduates only to see them
mature into sophisticated young men. I have witnessed their
triumphs and defeats. No matter the result of their attempted
conquests, they learned from their mistakes, grew from their
experiences, and created a unity that will last them a lifetime. In
guiding these freshmen on their journey, 1 remeber and reflect
on my own journey through pledgeship. I know that despite the
vast change in pledgeship over the years, a common goal is still
obtained. As I leave this house and a new century begins, I am
confident that these freshmen will continue the tradition and
excellence that has been a part of Psi Chapter for over 150 years.
Kevin Brechting '00
Pledge Educator
Focus of LGF to Change
Below you will see pictures of the 1967 and 19'j9
pledge class's floats to be judged during the Homecoming
competition. Many of these traditions still hold true at Wabash.
The Senior Bench still stays purple for most of the fi rst
semester. Chapel Sing has the pledge class practicing as goon as
they arrive on campus. While the environment at Wabasfi
changed, many of the events that link current students to th^ P^st
are still intact.
Recently we have decided to change the format of
LGF. We have decided to concentrate more on graduate brother
news instead of simply a report on the state of the chapter-
Homecoming 1967
\r\ne Giant
After a semester abroad in jolly 'ole England, it is time to
get back to the rigors of Wabash College and the brotherhood of
Psi Chapter. This past semester in London was one of the best
times of my life and those memories will last my entire life.
I studied in London through Central University of Iowa. The
llomecoining 1999
Fiji Steps Down
Fiji William I. Garrard '54, stepped down from the bench
recently in a ceremony held in the Indiana Supreme Court
Courtroom at the Indian Statehouse. Judge Garrard has served
on the Indiana Court of Appeals, 3'^ Circuit since 1974. During
the retirement ceremony, fellow Fiji Gov. Frank O'Bannon
appointed Garrard a Sagamore of the Wabash. Judge Garrard
also received a rocking chair with the court seal and his name
engraved in the back on behalf ofthe judges ofthe Court of
Appeals. We wish Judge Garrard well in his future endeavors.
Daniel Zeno '02
program was stationed in the heart of London in historic
Bloomsbuiy. I was located only fifteen minutes from
Buckingham Palace and thirty minutes from St. Paul's Cathedral,
walking of course. This central location really paid off in that
many of the historic sights were close, including the British
Museum, and more importantly one of the main clubbing areas
of London, Leicester Square, was only ten minutes away.
It is hard being back here in Crawfordsville where there is
nothing really happening. Besides the clubs and pubs of London
there was a ton of other things to do. There were a few movie
premiers. Eyes Wide Shut and The World is not Enough, where
some people got to meet Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Peirce
Brosnan, and even Paul Mcartney. Queen Elizabeth even drove
**Note: Information from an article in the Indiana Legal
past our living residence twice. The second time people raised
their beer to her and she acknowledged their presence with a
Bulletin was used for this article.
^ gat
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I'hi Gamma Delta
The theater experience in London was amazing. One can see
a different play or musical every night! I was fortunate enough
to see Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis, Rent (with the original
Broadway cast), and Beauty and the Beast (stop laughing). 1
also got to see three Shakespeare plays at the New Globe
Theater. I felt as though I took a step back into the Elizabethan
132 'Years of
Offlcers A Adviws
Dftving Directions
FIJI Webpage Update
Oh, studies, the main reason I traveled to London. The
classes were less than challenging, a welcomed change from the
hustle and bustle of Wabash. While I did glean a considerable
amount of knowledge from my classes, little effort was needed
to pass them. My classes only met once a week and I had every
Friday free. Honestly, I learned more outside of the classroom.
I was able to become a citizen of the world instead of being
ethnocentric for my entire life.
I did not spend all of my time in London. Through my
program I got to visit Liverpool and learn learn about the
Beatles. It was a very interesting trip. I met two gentlemen, one
This spring should prove to be exciting in the technology area of
Psi chapter. As some already know, the Housing Corps has
approved the purchase of furniture and computers for the "Red
Room" (The old pool room.) This will allow Psi chapter to
become the first fraternity on campus to have its own computer
lab! We are also revamping the current web page to include the
comprehensive Alumni Email Database and the official Alumni
Email List. There will be many other improvements, but instead
of ruining the fun, come check it out in the early spring!
David Greene '01
Technology Chairman
Psi Web Page
from Liverpool and the other from the Isle of Mann, that told me
about the problems with America. I just nodded my head and
agreed, after all I was the minority and they were buying me
pints. Who am I to argue? I also went to Stratford-Upon-Avon
to visit the birthplace of Shakespeare as well as Bristol, the
Cotswolds, Oxford, Stonehenge, and Bath. I was able to spend
ten days in Aberdeen, Scotland with fellow Psi Brother Eric
Fulmer '01. I had an enjoyable time and even took a day trip to
Keith and Inverness. Keith was important because I toured the
Chivas Regal distillery. I got to see Loch Ness in Inverness.
My traveling didn't stop when my classes ended. Brother
Fulmer and I visited the continent for nineteen days before
returning back to Indiana on January 5, 2000. We stopped in
Brussels, Belgium; Colon, Germany; Strasburg, France; Paris,
France; Milan, Italy; Florence, Italy; and Rome, Italy. We were
exhausted but had a great time that we will not soon forget.
As I said it is good to be back here at 213 W. Jefferson
Overseas Adventures
Street. It is a rough transition trying to get back into the swing
of Wabash. I have enjoyed catching up with my PBs and
brothers. I undoubtedly want to go back into England and I will
\r\nCrawfordsville's local newspaper, into the old jail.
This project was done to help the Crawfordsville Historical
society and we quickly learned why they were so concerned with
the old newspapers when we began to move them: some of the
papers dated back to 1868!
leadership of a fraternity, while brother Menaugh's stories from
his room in a nursing home in Spain, paint pictures of a past
Wabash. Both ofthese brother's experiences as Psi brothers are
still an active part ofthe undergraduate experience today and for
many days to come. Thank you to all brothers who have
realized that Psi chapter is not "For College Days Alone."
We have also broken barriers between two of the oldest
college rivals in the nation. Psi Chapter is now helping the
Depauw FIJI chapter with their rush process. Over the years the
Depauw chapter has lost some of its presence on campus, and
we are providing all sorts of help to make sure the Depauw FIJIs
rush a pledge class that will lead them strongly into the new
millennium. We have provided help painting their house and
have also been present for the actual rush process. We hope to
see their chapter flourish in the coming years.
Also, this year we are adding a philanthropic element to
our yearly FIJI Island party. On Saturday, April D' we will have
a volleyball tournament on the lawn next to the house. It will be
an endeavor that could raise a great deal of money for the local
Boys &*tjirl's Club. Look for more community focused
activities in the future as we strive to portray Phi Gamma Delta
as it should be.
Wes Spence '02
Philanthropy Chairman
State ofthe Chapter
As construction begins on Wabash outside the windows
of the FIJI House, construction of our Brotherhood has
continued. On February 3, 2000, we initiated 21 new Brothers.
The Chapter has watched these men grow from a class of
freshman boys struggling to find their place at Wabash to a
cohesive group excited about their future at Psi Chapter,
achieving a CPA of 3.38 at the end of the first semester. The
expectations for the new Brothers are high, but the probability of
their success at Wabash and in the FIJI House is even higher.
Our new Brothers can look forward to three more years
in the House, including many new programs that have begun this
year. The first ofthese programs was the leadership retreat held
in early January. It is our hope that this program can become a
yearly event at Psi Chapter. If retreats in the future can mirror
the successes of this year's event, Psi Chapter has many years of
wonderful Brotherhood to look forward to. Other programs like
the etiquette classes that began this past week are focused on
making the Psi Brother a well-rounded man, suited for and
excited about the world beyond Wabash.
The continued construction of both Psi Chapter and
Wabash College could not be possible without the help of
Graduate Brothers, for that, the entire fraternity thanks you.
Your donations of talent, treasure, and time are what helps this
House to remain the strong Chapter that it was in your days. For
me, communications with Brothers like Mac McNaught '76 or
John J. Menaugh '36 are what keep this chapter and her past
alive. Brother McNaught, who is in constant communication
with the cabinet ofthe house assists us with the struggles of the
Fraternally Yours,
Tim Craft
Chapter President
\r\nPsi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
213 W. Jefferson St.
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
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Spring 1999 newsletter of the Psi chapter at Wabash College. The newsletter is four pages in length.