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1999 Summer Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Summer 1999 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
1999 Summer Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
The Hoosier Fiji
t u * ///9^ ^
Published byZeta Chapter of the
' Avfctriom
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Indiana University
This issue of The Hoosier Fiji is
devoted entirely to personal notes,
photographs, newspaper clippings and
articles by Zeta Chapter graduates. It
will report on the accomplishments,
lifestyles, views and comments of our
graduate brothers.
The Hoosier Fiji is funded com
John S. Myrland '73 is president of
the Indianapolis Chamber of Com
merce. He serves on a number of com
munity and civic
boards, including |
Craig at 16015 24th Ave. N., Ply
Big Brothers of i
Greater India- |
napolis. Centerfor ;
Craig and his wife, Nancy (Mary
land), who works in sales, have a
daughter, Amanda, 1.
Zeta Chapter brothers can reestab
lish the bonds of Fiji brotherhood with
mouth, MN 55447.
Jay E. Allardt '78 is president of
pletely through your voluntary contri
butions. We hope that you enjoy it!
Leadership Development, 500
Festival Associ
He is a member of Muncie Sunrise
Ralph L. Kendrick '66 writes, "Ire
tired in 1993 from the US Naval Re
serve with the rank ofcaptain after 26
years. In 1982, 1 competed in the
Ironman World Triathlon Champion
ship. In 1989, I competed in Pacific
Rim Masters Championships and set
ates, Greater In
Rotary,past presidentof Hoosier State
dianapolis Progress Committee (vice
chair), Indiana Sports Corporation (ex
ecutive committee). The Indianapolis
Project, Inc., lUPUI Advisory Board,
Indianapolis Zoo, Junior Achievement
Advisory Board, Lynx Capital Corpo
Chapter ofAppraisal Institute andpast
American United Appraisal Company.
director ofMuncie Endurathon (triath
Jay enjoys bicycling and is coowner of Bike Shop.
He likes to run triathlons and fin
ished the Hawaii Ironman in 1990, plac
three world records. 1 attended a two-
ration, Red Cross and Wishard Memo
week Naval School at NWS Crane, IN,
in 1987, and witnessed the Fiji win in
Little 500—great memories. In 1999,1
rial Foundation. He is a 1983 graduate
ofthe Stanley K. Lacy Executive Lead
ership Series. He is a Certified Cham
four children, Joey, 18, Jason, 14, Jay
will retire from Lockheed Martin En
terprise Information Systems (senior
systems integrator) and move to
ber Executive and serves on the execu
tive committee ofthe American Cham
David, 12, and Megan, 8.
He writes, "I'mprobably doing the
ber ofCommerce Executives and chairs
its Certification Commission. Prior to
same thing that many ofmy classmates
are—going to kids' events, getting
joining the Chamber, John was a TV
reporter in Fort Wayne.
ready topayfor college, etc.
Zeta Fiji Dan Reno '79 is my
Auburn, CA.
"1 was born and grew up in Cali
fornia. Swimming brought me to Indi
ana. I didn't, but 1 could easily have
returned to Indiana and raised my
family there. I've been associated with
many successful organizations in my
life, but none can match the incredible
success and consistent year-after-year
pursuit of excellence that is the Zeta
Chapter at Beechwood."
ing 76th out of 1,500.
Jay and his wife, Susan (KKT), have
He writes, "The leadership skills,
brother-in-law, and I see 'Stoney'
community involvement and the role
Gray, his wife, Susie, and their chil
(^forganizations in the success ofcom
munity efforts I learned at Fiji have
been invaluable. Most ofall, 1 cherish
dren each year.
"I run and bike with Charlie
Hyrom' Sursa '77 on a regular basis.
and value my many, lasting friend
I am a House Corporation memberfor
ships! "
the new Fiji colony at BallState Uni
He has coached the local USS age
group swim team and enjoys bicy
"Wizard" enjoys golf, traveling,
baseball and reading. His wife, Nancy
(Indiana State), is marketing director
cling, running, fishing, kayaking and
at Baker & Daniels.
Write to this former chapter presi
"The standards of excellence at
Zeta, with respect to scholastics,
intramurals and bike team, have un
doubtedly provided me with the confi
Ralph and his wife, Margaret (Cal
State-Los Angeles), who works in the
medical profession, have two sons,
dent at 3801 Sherman Cir., Indianapo
dence and conviction to reach many of
lis, IN 46220.
my personal and business goals. "
Scott and Todd. The most recent ad
Craig A. Burton '83 is director of
dress we have for Ralph is 2840
Summerdays Ct., San Jose, CA 95132.
salesat SpinalDesigns. Heenjoysscuba
620 S. Riviera Ln., Yorktown, IN
diving, golf and reading.
Zeta brothers can correspond with
this former chapter house manager at
\r\nPage 2
Summer 1999
More Zeta Chapter Graduate News
Gabriel L. Muterspaugh '96 is vice
He is a trustee emeritus of the YMCA
president of Butler M-K Heating and
Cooling, Inc. His wife, Stephanie, an
lU graduate, is employed by Citizens
Gas. "Gecko" enjoys sports and boat
ing, and he coaches at Mount Vernon
High School in Hancock County. This
and a 50-year member of Grace
Lutheran Church. "Hod" enjoys golf
and fishing and writes, "Fiji gave me
wonderful, lastingfriendships. "
He and his wife, Lucy Jo, an lU
graduate and registered nurse, have
three sons, Ray, Pete and Jeff. Get in
former chapter kitchen steward and
"I always love to hear from Zeta
Fijis here in 'Baghdad by the Bay.
Jay and his wife, Marcia (AO), a
retail store owner, have two children,
Deborah and Daniel. Look him up at
595 Market St., Suite 2100, San Fran
cisco, CA 94105.
touch with this brother at 643 N.
Philip L. Hester '64 is president and
Richey Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85716.
COO at Goldwell Cosmetics, Inc. He is
tennis players (in three years). I now
live at 8004 Bitternut Dr., Indianapo
Charles D. Baillie '40 retired as ex
lis, IN 46236.
state Bank. He is a i
and community arts. Phil writes, "My
hobbies are mychildren, the support of
and watching oftheir activities. "
"My Fiji experience I would not
tradefor anything. Friendships I have
found will last a lifetime. Through aca
member of Ro
intramural chair writes, "Ihave coached
three academic all-state tennis players
involved with various cancer groups
and two honorable mention all-state
ecutive vice president of First Inter
tary, a director for
United Way, city
demics, athletics and brotherhood. Phi
Gamma Delta will last forever with
councilman for
trustee for San
Marino Commu
Don Ammerman '68 is president of
ComTech Properties, Inc. He is mayor
nity Church and a
member ofSan Gabrielle Country Club.
Charlie enjoys golf and music and
writes, "Ijustpassed the big 8-0—and
hope to be aroundfor a while longer.
"As I moved to California after ser
vice in WWII (four years in the Pacific
War Theater), I was not active in Zeta.
However, I still have some good Fiji
protemforthe City of Orlando. Don is
a neonatal volunteer at Children' s Hos
pital andphilanthropy chairof Orlando
Regional Medical Center. He writes,
"I have served on the Orlando City
Council since 1992 and have been re-
elected twice. I've done postgraduate
studyat Harvard Universityat Kennedy
School of Government. I have devel
in Orlando.
"My daughter, Amy, won the state
championship and fourth place na
tionally in Women's Crew (rowing). "
He and his wife, Linda (Peabody),
a teacher, also have a daughter, Katie.
San Marino, CA,
This former chapter president has
three children, Barbara, Douglas and
Nancy. His wife, Nancy (Colorado
State KA0), is a volunteer director.
Send Charlie a letter at 118 W. Las
Flores Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007.
He continues his note, "First, we
are all healthy. Everything else is sec
ondary. My son, Chris, is on Wall
Street in New York City. My daughter,
Mandy, is delighted with the State of
Virginia, the University of Richmond
and enjoying being a two-sport (bas
ketball and track) athlete at a Divi
sion I school. Carol (KA Q) and I are
'adjusting' to Baltimore and would
love to hearfrom you.
"The early association at Fiji with
outstanding achievers in various dis
ciplines had a very positive affect on
how I approached life and work.
'Those were the best oftimes.' That's
how I think of Zeta, and 1 think of it
often. " Send your news to Phil at 15
Woodfield Ct., Reisterstown, MD
Robert R. Wylie '61 is a physician at
Bedford and Bloomington Hospitals.
He is a member of Rotary, YMCA and
This former chapter kitchen steward
Jay B. Hunt '62 is an attorney and
principal at The Development Group.
comments on his Fiji experience,
He is involved with San Francisco
joys fishing,puzzles,shoppingandtraveling. He and his wife, Nancy (Butler
"Classmates and fraternity brothers
have been dependable sources of in
General Hospital Foundation and en
AXQ), have two children, Jodie and
joys traveling. Jay tells us, "I have
formation and recommendations. The
legacy of Zeta's high standards and
'sustainable' character remains a
solid point of comparison to many
measured efforts of others who cross
my path."
Contact Don at 1112 Sweetbriar
been a member of our International
Fraternity's Educational Foundation
since 1994 and was elected president
at the Pittsburg Ekklesia. I love it!
"Zeta influenced me in more ways
than I can ever count! Zeta is still the
Harold E. Kosanke '41 is a retired
best chapter in any fraternity, year in
and year out. That's a tribute to val
ues and to the constant vigilance and
involvement of graduate brothers.
physician, having practiced 30 years.
Well done!
Rd., Orlando, PL 32806.
First Methodist Church. "Walls" en
He writes, "I am nearing retire
ment and am a big Hoosier booster. I
just stepped down as chairman of the
Indiana State Medical Association
Commission on Sports Medicine.
"Fiji taught me good study habits,
persistence and gave me lifelong
friendships. "
This former chapter intramural
chair resides at 2806 St. Remy Cir.,
Bloomington, IN 47401.
\r\nSummer 1999
Page 3
More Zeta Graduate News and Views
Christopher J. Bergstrom '97 is a
medical account manager at Procter &
Gamble. Snow skiing, real estate ac
quisitions management, traveling and
golf are among his interests.
This former chapter historian
frdfilling than I could have ever imag
ined (just like mypledge trainers told
me every chance they had). I wouldn 't
trade myfour years living in the house
for anything. "
Renew Fiji bonds with Brother Gor
writes, "I'm convinced no house could
don at 107 W. Witchwood Ln., Lake
Bluff, IL 60044.
have prepared me to work as a team
with talented people and compete to
he number one like Zeta Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta."
Touch base with "Mingo" at 3801
Knickerbocker PI. #1F, Indianapolis,
president ofthe Residential Division at
Talk to Tucker,
member of the
Presidents Club.
Michael C. Sechrist '73 writes, "Iwas
' / I
He serves on the board of directors
for Big Brothers of Greater Indianapo
lis and is a member of Highland Golf
and Country Club.
"Sneak" and his wife, Keeter (North
Carolina KA0), a dermatologist, have
two children, Eric, 14, and Brooke,
11. You can say hello to him at 6335
N. Ewing St., Indianapolis, IN 46220.
been practicing law for over 25 years
"My son, Chris, is at the University
ofSan Diego. He's a sophomore, and
his grades are much better than his
dad ever had. "
Catch up with John and his wife,
Sharon, at 1245 S. Simms St., Lakewood, CO 80232.
with brothers, "Ihavefrequent contact
and interaction with other Zeta,
tact with. I am extremely proud ofthe
tradition and continued success ofthe
Zeta Fijis!"
He is an attorney and associate at
Trial Lawyers Associations. He is a
Lafayette area, as wellas withseveral
pledge brothers that I remain in con
8634 Lancaster
IN 46260, or by
master swimmer and enjoys golf, bik
e-mail at rIewis(^
ing and basketball.
Jeffrey's wife. Heather (ZEE), is a
Michael H. Acheson '84writes, "Dave
Haeberle '83, 'Habe, ' recentlyformed
human resource assistant at Fairfield
Contact this former captain and
a venture capitalfirm in Bloomington
called Command Ventures. His first
investment was in a software company,
which myfirm invested in, previously
in Indianapolis, called Powerway. It's
president of the lU Water Polo Team
nice to do business with an old brother. "
rated. He is a member of First United
Methodist Church, and his hobbies in
Let "Hatch" hear from you at 3305
Interlaken St., West Bloomfield, MI
at 5 N. 19th St., Lafayette, IN 47904.
Daniel J. Peterson '84 is corporate
operations manager at Cook Incorpo
clude golf, landscaping and woodwork
ingDan and his wife, Jennifer (Illinois
Todd T. Pedersen '94 is a student in
AOri), a retail buyer, have two chil
dren, Anya, 4, and Markus, an infant.
John A. Lobus '69 writes, "lam back
playing baseball in an over-40 league,
fast ball still higher than myage. I have
J. Aaron Cooke '93 shares this news
The Cooke Law Office. "Gills" is a
member of Indiana and American
ation activities are largely dominated
byfraternity brothers. "
new address, 612 Winslow Farm Dr.,
Bloomington, IN 47401.
Brother Lewis at
You can reach
^ \
a new A.G. Edwards office in Carmel.
I will be working to grow the office
from four brokers to 16.
"My social business and recre
to the area by writing to him at his
Lambda Iota, etc., Fijis who are in the
Robert J. Lewis Jr. '64 is senior vice
IN 46240.
recently appointed branch manager of
You can welcome this brother back
graduate school at lU, pursuing a
master's in counseling psychology. He
is involved with Eiteljorg Museum and
alcohol awareness programs at Fiji,
and enjoys golf, tennis and traveling.
Todd writes, "Fiji gave me friend
ship—the sweetest influence!"
Find out how classes are going by
contacting this brother at 4921 Central
Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46205.
"Smoothie" writes, "For over 10
years now, a group of 16 or so (half
from the class of '83 and halffrom
'84) go on a four-day golf trip in
August, playing 36 holes a day, great
competition and great fun. It's called
the Grand Gam Invitational and is
always the highlight of our year!
"I've got a lot ofgood fbiends, but
the 15 or so brothers from the house
Brock R. Gordon '79 is a sales man
Ned D. Helmuth '52 is a self-em
ager at Knauz BMW who tells us, "I
enjoy myfamily, golfand tennis. "
He and his wife, Kim (KA0), have
ployed certified financial planner. He
is a member of Rotary and is listed in
Who 's Who in Finance and Industry.
Ned writes, "Imovedto Bloomington
from Lafayette, IN. My main office is
in Lafayette with other offices in
Bloomington and Sarasota, FL. "
two children, Ryan, 12, and Grant, 7.
"Crocker" writes, "Thepersonal rela
tionships I developed at the Fiji house
have proven to be more important and
that I stay in pretty close contact with
still are a cut above. The memories
from the house are still as clear today
when we get together. "
Zeta brothers can correspond with
this former chapter historian by writ
ing to him at 1668 N. Russell Rd..
Bloomington, IN 47408.
\r\nPage 4
Summer 1999
More Zeta Graduates Write In
Eugene D. Fletchall '32 is retired as
executive vice president of Swift &
Company. He has volunteered at lU for
25 years at the Alumni Office, lU Foun
dation and Indiana Memorial Union.
He and his wife, Jane (KA0), have a
daughter, Ann.
This former chapter president
writes, "I have kept a fine relation
ships withPhi Gamma Delta and have
served on Beechwood Endowment
Boardfor many years. "
Write to "Blue" at 3173 Coppertree
Dr., Bloomington, IN 47401.
Thomas E. Tharp '79 is a retired Air
Force officer and B-747 captain at At
Thomas P. Cottrell '82 is a partner
and healthcare consultant at Olive LLP.
He is president of Cancer Services of
Allen County and tells us, "I enjoy
Lake Wawasee, my wife and kids. Life
is good!
"Room change at Fiji taught us
about organization, communication
and amount of 'stuff' These same
three elements are important elements
ofa successful career as well. "
Between them, Thomas and his
wife, Nancy (AF), have three children,
Katie, 10, Jackie, 8, and Maddie, 5.
Look up this former chapter histo
rian at 11326 Pine Orchard Cove, Fort
Wayne, IN 46845.
las Air, Inc. He is a member of
Daedalions and likes to run, travel and
Dennis D. Smith '69 is senior vice
presidentat J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons.
Tex and his wife, Debra (Ball
State), have two children, Ashley, 15,
He serves on the boards of directors for
Backstreet Mission and Christian Ser
vice Association and is a member of
and Whitney, 12. Contact this former
chapter house manager at 2818
Nottingham Dr., Bellevue, NE 68123.
Keck Motor Company.
He writes, "I was 1998 Indiana
nominee for Time Magazine Quality
Bloomington Hospital Advisory Coun
cil. "Beaver" likes to golf and fish.
He and his wife, Carolyn (Purdue),
a psychologist, have two children,
Jason and Hayden. Say hello to this
former chapter historian at 2511 S.
Deep Well Ct., Bloomington, IN
Dealer Award-NADA. I serve on the
William H. Keck '41 is chairman of
board of Indiana University Founda
tion. I was the recipient of the 1997
Indiana University Distinguished
Alumnus Service Award (DASA) and
1998 Time Magazine Quality Dealer
Awardfrom Indiana.
"I was presidentfor four years of
the Evansville graduate chapter and
served 25 years on the Zeta House
He is a member of Kiwanis, Posey
County Community Foundation,
Chamber of Commerce and is a com
missioner at the Indiana Bureau
Motor Vehicles. He enjoys golf and
Jay R. Atherton '65 writes, "We are
enjoyinga retiredlife in southern Cali
fornia. Wetravel, sail, volunteer, work
on home projects, read and do just
about anything else we want to do. "
Jay is retired from Pacific Bell. He
and his wife, Deanna (Minnesota), a
speech pathologist, have two children.
Brooks and Kevin. Send your news to
this brother at 7520 Clear Sky Rd.,
San Diego, CA 92120.
surer at 1 Old Orchard Rd., Mount
Vernon, IN 47620.
and James.
Write to this former chapter trea
Keck '41 at $400,000. "
You can reach Edgar at 4701
Covington Rd. #32, Fort Wayne, IN
James C. Yankosky '91 is an attorney
at Glaser & Ebbs Law Firm who enjoys
golf and Cubs baseball. He and his
wife, Christi, an lU graduate and CPA,
have two children, Jacob, 2, and
Kendall, an infant. Let him hear from
brothers at 1826 Grey Birch Rd., Fort
Wayne, IN 46804.
David D. Frey '85writes, "Afterspend
ing a year working in marketing re
search at the Glaxo Wellcome Head
quarters in North Carolina, I have re
cently moved over into product mar
keting. The position has given me the
opportunity to travel internationally,
as well as work with colleagues in
advertising andpublic relations. I am
outnumbered when I try to rootfor the
Hoosiers in 'ACC Country!'
"I had a terrific experience in 1996,
spending a year on the Zeta House
Corporation, helping oversee the re
modeling and upgrading of Beechwood's computer lab and renewing
relationships with generations of
brothers. "
"Deep" enjoys basketball, softball,
golf and jazz. Fiji brothers can contact
him at 508 Giverny PI., Gary, NC
John W. Boehne III '42, who is re
tired, is a Reader for the Blind. He also
volunteers for the US Handicapped and
enjoys reading, cross-stitch and listen
ing to short wave radio.
Bill and his wife, Audrey, have two
children, Gregg and Lynne. Catch up
with this former Zeta secretary at
10763 Kinloch Rd., Silver Spring, MD
snow skiing.
Between them. Bill and his wife,
Patricia (AAA), have five children,
Katherine, Richard, Sarah, Jennifer
Edgar F. Kettler '47 tells brothers,
"As national co-chairman of the lU
class of 1948, wejustfinished raising
over $600,000 for the Herman B.
Wells Endowed Professorship Pro
gram. That's over halfagain as much
as any former class has raised, the
former record held by brother Bill
The Hoosier Fiji is published by th^
men of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma
Delta at Indiana University for mem
bers and friends.
Graduate news, photographs and
change of address notices should be sent
to Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta,
c/o Newsletter Program Headquarters,
P.O. Box 1311, Bloomington, IN
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Summer 1999 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.