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1999 Summer Newsletter Upsilon Alpha (University of Arizona)
Summer 1999 newsletter of the Upsilon Alpha chapter at the University of Arizona. The newsletter is ten pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Upsilon Alpha
University of Arizona
1999 Summer Newsletter Upsilon Alpha (University of Arizona)
RECEIVED JUN o v. .ail9
The Campanula
A Publication of the Upsilon Alpha Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
The University of Arizona • Sunnmer 1999
A Turning Point In Our History
Time to reflect on the past and to envision the future is
important for any organization. For the Upsilon Alpha
Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, a brief glance
at our history is important because it gives us direction for
our future. Founded in 1931, Upsilon Alpha has been at the
University of Arizona for almost 70 years. We have consis
tently been leaders on campus academically, athletically, and
socially during this time. During this last century we have
faced many challenges.
suite-style bedrooms, a state-of-the-art computer lab, and a
structurally sound, larger facility. This can only be made
possible with a new house. To ensure the preservation of our
investment of a new house, we are focused on recruiting
graduate brothers to serve in volunteer leadership positions
which will directly affect the future of the Upsilon Alpha
Like any organization, our future success rests on our
However, we overcame each
challenge and even thrived.
Today we are faced with our
greatest challenge, raising
Phi Gamma
$2.5 million to build a new
Chapter House and recruiting
alumni volunteers to lead our
chapter into the new millen
As most of you are aware,
years of neglect have caused
minor structural and major
aesthetic damage to our
Delta... notfor
college days
leadership. We know that
there are many Phi Gam
graduate brothers who have
served in leadership
positions in the corporate
and nonprofit world. It is
now time to give some of
that knowledge and
leadership capability back
to the Upsilon Alpha
Chapter. Currently,several
local alumni and our
house, which has made the
house less attractive and
potentially hazardous to it's inhabitants. Our house has lost
it's competitive edge with other fraternities on campus which
have either rebuilt or renovated their facilities. Kappa Sigma
recently built a new Chapter House in 1995, Phi Delta Theta
recently completed a $400,000 renovation, and Delta Tau
Delta has plans to rebuild in the next year. With this in mind,
we are moving forward with a capital campaign to rebuild the
Chapter House. Our goal is to provide a living-learning
environment that is second to none on campus.
To that end, we feel that rebuilding on our current site is
our best option. The overall appearance will remain consis
campaign consultants have
formed a committee to deal
with our present and future
leadership needs. This
committee will develop the Leadership Master Plan and help
recruit members to serve in many different capacities. The
two major leadership areas this committee will focus on are an
Advisory Board and a Housing Corporation Board.
The Advisory Board will include the Purple Legionnaire,
four Assistant Alumnus Advisors, a Resident Advisor, a
Faculty Advisor, an Alumni Chapter President, and a Parent's
Club President. This board will oversee all undergraduate
areas and be responsible for advising and training under
graduates in these areas. Our best guess is that this board
will meet as a whole at least once each semester,speak with
tent with the current Santa Fe style of the Chapter, but
building new will enable us to expand our current
square footage and model our floor plans to those of other
fraternity houses across the country. Our vision includes
Turning Point continued on page 3...
Graduate Brother news,a report from the Purple Legionnaire, and more!
\r\nPage 2
The Campanula
Spring 1999
Purple Legionnaire's Report
The Campanula
Dear Brothers,
Published by Upsilon Alpha of The
Fraternity ofPhi Gamma Delta,
The Upsilon Alpha chapter is experiencing a time ofgreat
change and expectations. As the new millennium quickly
established 1931 in Tucson,
approaches,the Upsilon Alpha Board ofChapter Advisors
and Building Corporation are taking steps to ensure that
the chapter remains financially sound, and that our
undergraduate brothers have a safe and state-of-the-art
chapter House that is the envy of all.
Arizona. Please direct all news for
Campanula to The Fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta, 1801 E. First Street,
Tucson,Arizona 85719.
Mike Johnson'83
Fall 1999 Undergraduate
Officers and Select Committee
The undergraduates are continuing to carry on the distinguished legacy of
excellence that Phi Gamma Delta has embodied at the University of Arizona
for more than 65 years. The Phi Gams continue to give to the community by
donating their time and energy to various worthwhile philanthropic projects
David Stoft'00
such the Tucson Zoo,the Leukemia Society,the Dick Tomey Cancer Run,
Recording Secretary:
the Junior League ofTucson,etc.They also continue to solidify their presence
on campus by their involvement in IFC,the Greek Pages newspaper,the
Scott Hunter'01
Corresponding Secretary:
Greg Perkiss'01
lacrosse team,the football team,the volleyball team and various other clubs
and organizations. As a result of their efforts, Upsilon Alpha was recognized
by the Intemational Fratemity at the 150th Ekklesia in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
last summer.The chapter received second place recognition for the Condon
Cup,the award given to the most improved chapter in the fraternity. The
Tom Dmmm'00
Griff Anderson '01
hard work ofthe brothers has not gone unnoticed at the university either. The
Dean of Students quite often uses Phi Gamma Delta as an example of
responsible leadership within the Greek and campus communities when she
is addressing other university administrators and campus groups.
Brian Polachek'00
House Manager:
Scott Pennisi '01
Rush Chairman:
JeffCobb '00
Phi Gamma Delta is doing well at the U of A,however,the brothers are not
Pledge Educator:
resting on their past accomplishments.They recognize the need to constantly
improve and to work even harder in order to build on what they have already
accomplished and to achieve their goals. Although it is difficult to mention all
of the chapters positive accomplishments and attributes in this letter, rest
Brandon Paulseen '00
Upsilon Alpha Housing Corporation
assured that the undergraduate brothers are working hard to maintain the
strong sense of purpose and tradition at Upsilon Alpha. I invite all graduate
brothers to visit the Chapter House and meet the undergraduate brothers
when your travels bring you to Tucson.You will find that Phi Gamma Delta is
an extremely important part of their lives.That sense of pride and importance
that we all experienced as undergraduates and feel to this day as graduates,
continues to be passed on to new generations of Fiji's.
Danny Montgomery '74
Greg Gibson'76
Purple Legionnaire:
Michael Johnson '83
Board of Chapter Advisors:
Scott Gibson '78
Financial Advisors:
Tom Moore'60
Finally,I would like to encourage as many graduate brothers as possible to
make plans for Homecoming/Pig Dinner Weekend.This year. Homecoming
Why not let your brothers
know what you are doing?
Drop us a line at:
Upsilon Alpha ofThe Fraternity
and the Norris Pig Dinner will be on Saturday the 6th of November. We
hope that you will choose to attend so that you can relive the fond memories
of your undergraduate days,and meet the undergraduate brothers who have
the responsibility ofcaring for our chapter. 1 hope to see you at Homecoming.
ofPhi Gamma Delta
1801E.First Street
Mike Johnson,Purple Legionnaire
\r\nSpring 1999
The Campanula
Page 3
Glimpses of the Past and Present
...TurningPoint continued from page 1
You are the only one who can place a value on your
each other at least monthly, and will advise undergraduate
members on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, depending
upon the position.
The Housing Corporation Board will be responsible for
finances, property management, renovation, and other
business matters affecting the physical facility. This Board
will meet as a whole,quarterly; the Executive Committee will
meet monthly, and various committees will meet and speak by
telephone as needed. We are looking for alumni with the
following backgrounds; accounting/finance, architecture/
construction/engineering, insurance, law, property manage
ment/real estate, and business executives. We are interested
in alumni no matter where you live, if you can attend at least
two meetings per year.
membership in the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta; the lifelong
friendships you made; the developments of your social,
leadership, and organizational skills; the way the Fraternity
enhanced your college years. The Brothers who went
through the doors before us made it possible for us to have
those experiences, and now it is our turn to see that future
generations of young men have that same opportunity. As of
the printing of this newsletter, 249 of you have said that
when the time came, you would contribute to a campaign,
and 127 of you have said you would be willing to call fellow
pledge brothers to secure their support. A great start but, for
a successful campaign more support is needed. If you are
interested in serving in a position of leadership or to add
your name to the current list of supporters, please call Matt
Noble at 800-228-7326 ext. 18 or return the enclosed survey.
\r\nPage 4
Spring 1999
The Campanula
"Will Donate" List
Phil & Anita Caliban
Osmond Burton '60
James Petty '70
John Benjamin '85
Nancy Gicewicz
Richard & Cindy Lapp
Nolan Davis '60
Michael Fitz-Gerald '71
James Slone '85
Ralph Heffelman '60
Don & Gail Miskew
Carl Johnson '60
David Brady '86
Jordan Brand '86
Dwayne Douglas '86
Wayne & Marilyn Rutschman
Daniel Mariscal '60
Gary W. Harper '71
John Stallings'71
Craig Arbon '72
Wilber L. Bowers'26
Hamilton McRae '60
James Hendrickson '72
William M.Thompson '31
George H. Dalton '36
Bob L. Bayless '38
William Milam '60
Bob Nation '72
M. Keith Holben '86
Tom Moore '60
Brock Telia '72
Robert Murray '86
James Chapel '61
Donald Crowell '73
David S. Westhoff'86
William A.Brehm '42
James Hill '61
Danny Hoopes '73
Douglas Finical '87
Dan R. Cheyney '43
Chris Johnson *61
William P. Chandler'44
John Marietti '61
Harry Lodge '73
P. Craig Ochoa '73
Danny Montgomery '74
Joseph Groppenbacher '87
Frank Sutherland '45
Edward Muns '61
J. Luther Davis '46
Terry A. Muse '61
Larry Barnhill '62
Lucius Grose '46
Deron Bocks '86
J. Garrett '87
Chris Harrison '87
M. Wain Fishburn '75
Carl Hilliker '87
Richard Rockefeller'75
Thomas Louer '87
Paul A. Limber'46
Vernon Ellis'62
Kenneth Sobel '75
Thomas Ahlborg '88
Robert W.Pickrell '46
David Kime '62
Ralph W. Brown '47
Charles Bergstrom '63
James Bennett '76
Steve Elliott '76
Patrick Holloran '88
Daniel Kates '88
Dr. Richard Langford '88
Samuel Levy '88
Bud Simons'47
L. Nelson Butler '63
Greg Gibson '76
John C. Hartsuff '48
Ted W. Atkins '49
C. Barry Lay '63
Gary Munk '63
Claude Harrell '76
John Hudson '76
Michael Norwich '88
Thor C. Hanson '49
James Sakrison '63
Scott Nation '76
Price Nosky '88
Barry Brokaw '50
James T Hennessy '50
Louis Sands'63
Michael Rodney '76
John Anthon '89
Charles Townsdin '63
Mark Holohan '77
Michael Cassiano '89
Peter E. Howell '50
Edward Wilson '63
Mark Mittelstaedt '77
Steven J. Marietti '89
Dan C. McKinney '50
Walter Armer '64
W. Daniel Breck '64
Christopher Clausen '78
Robert Ryan '78
Patrick Martin '89
William P. Pells'50
John F. Williams'50
Dick Cannon '64
Scott Timberlake '78
Benton Wilson '89
Wayne G. Crutchfield '51
Ray Griswold '51
Gilbert Chester '64
Bradley Benton '79
Harry Bedrossian '90
Scott Finical '79
KC Heidler '90
Karl Eller'52
Lee Hanley '64
0. Morgan Little '64
Michael Hill '79
Joseph Kingsley '90
Irvin Finical'52
Kenneth McFetters '64
Daniel Pitts '79
John McKone '90
John C. Quinn '52
David Areghini'65
Roger Boll '65
Earl Sterrett '79
Matthew Scanlon '90
Daniel L. Tolley '79
Peter Scardello '90
James K. Wheat '53
Carl Brunenkant'54
Clinton Churchill '65
Thomas Auther '80
Timothy Dennison '91
Bob Garis '65
William Corpstein '80
Matthew Greenlund '91
James H. Stellar '54
George Heidler '65
Michael Rider '80
Richard Gunness '91
Stanley M. Teeter '54
James Pederson '65
George Amos'81
J. Dick Anklam '55
Thomas Warne '65
Michael Beehler '81
Daniel McGhee '91
James Orradre '91
Richard Creith '66
Edwin Fleming '81
Anthony Bahou '92
Hendrik W.Seaney '52
Robert L. Faucett '55
Paul R. Gleave '55
Deron Webb '89
Andrew Howell '81
Eric Christensen '92
Bert Kempfert '81
Gary Hawkins '92
Ralph Peterson '55
Kenneth Spiegel '66
B. Wayne Battenfield '67
Robert Lundeen '81
Leonard Lizardi '92
Louis P. Benedict '56
Robert Duncan '67
Adam Rinde '92
John T. Braddock '56
Richard G. Carter '56
J. Wendell Garrett '56
Charles M. Rucker '56
F. Gaines '67
John Regester '81
James Strong '81
Robert Hansen '67
Jonathan VanNess '81
Don Maxon '67
James Webb '67
Philip Amos '82
John Clymer '82
Richard Snyder '56
John Aboud '68
Bill Reeves'57
Paul Gissel '68
David Sontheimer'57
Tommy Crowe '58
Gerald Hopkins '68
Michael Manning '68
David Henrich '58
J. Kent Orchard '58
Peter J. Rathwell '68
Tom Sundeen '68
Fred Sutter Sr.'58
Pat Wilson '58
William Alexander'59
Gary Williams'68
Gregory Folger'69
Richard Joachim '55
- Daniel P. Misenheimer '66
Robert Hawke '69
Paul J. Corkery '59
Ronald Harper '59
Tom Kennedy '59
Cleveland Smith '69
William Poison '59
Orren Biesterfeld '70
Damon Shelbume'59
Robert Foster '70
Dirk Broekema '60
Bill F. Paleck '70
Richard Poynter '69
Richard Allen '70
Michael Berard '83
Thomas Garcia '83
Michael Johnson '83
Philip LaMantia '83
Jeffrey Mongan '83
Paul Richardson '83
Alan Airth '84
James Anklam '84
Mark Barkenbush '84
William Breck '84
John A. Hink '84
George Jackson '84
Brendan Kelly '84
David Montijo '84
Robert Schneider '92
Scott Amerman '93
Keith Craven '93
Andrew Friedman '93
Brian Detroy '94
Kevin Versino '94
Gregory Lauer '95
Clayton Nelson '95
Max Wasilko '95
William Hart'96
Timothy Kersey '96
Brett Polachek '96
Mike Walker '96
Logan Daniels'97
Jack Dominy '97
Timothy Gicewicz '97
Adam Cambell '98
The Campanula
Spring 1999
We Still Need Some Volunteers!
We hope to fill the leadership positions(General& Decade Chairmen)and the missing Class Chairmen over the
nextfew months. Please call Matt Noble@800-228-7326 or return the enclosed survey if you are witling to help.
Campaign General Chairmen
James Pederson '65
Fred Suffer Sr.'58
Campaign Decade Chairmen
Bob L. Bayless '38
John Marietti *61
Michael Johnson *83
Dick Cannon *64
David Areghini *65
William Poison '59
Kenneth Sobel *75
Initiation Class Chairmen
1956 John T. Braddock '56
Richard G. Carter '56
Gary Williams '68
1969 Gregory Folger *69
Robert Hawke '69
Charles M. Rucker '56
1970 Richard Allen '70
1938 Bob L. '38
1958 Fred Sutler Sr. '58
Damon Shelburne '59
1960 Osmond Burton '60
Brock Telia '72
Tom Moore '60
Frank Sutherland '45
John Marietti '61
M. Keith Holben *86
Robert Murray *86
David S. Westhoff '86
1987 Douglas Finical *87
1973 Danny Hoopes '73
Harry Lodge '73
1974 Danny Montgomery '74
1975 M. Wain Fishburn '75
Richard Rockefeller '75
Daniel Mari.scal '60
Hamilton McRae '60
William P. Chandler '44
1986 Dwayne Douglas *86
Bob Nation '72
J. Garrett *87
Chris Harrison *87
Thomas Louer '87
1988 Dr. Richard Langford '88
Price Nosky '88
1989 Jeff Albin '89
Kenneth Sobel '75
1976 Greg Gibson '76
1990 KC Heidler *90
John McKone '90
John Hud.son '76
1961 James Chapel '61
David Kime *85
James Slone *85
Nolan Davis '60
Ralph Heffelman '60
Bill F. Paleck *70
Gary W. Harper '71
1972 Craig Arbon '72
Ronald Harper '59
William Poison '59
Brendan Kelly *84
David Montijo *84
1985 John Benjamin '85
James Petty *70
1971 Michael Fitz-Gerald '71
1959 William Alexander '59
1940 George H. Hawke '40
John A. Hink *84
Matthew Scanlon *90
1977 Mark Mittelstaedt '77
Peter Scardello *90
Edward Muns '61
1946 Paul A. Limber '46
Robert W. Pickrell '46
1947 Bud Simons '47
1962 Larry Barnhill '62
Vernon Ellis '62
David Kime '62
1963 James Sakrison '63
Charles Town.sdin '63
1964 Walter Armer '64
W. Daniel Breck '64
Dick Cannon '64
1950 Barry Brokaw '50
Gilbert Chester '64
Lee Hanley '64
1951 Ray Griswold '51
Irvin Finical '52
Kenneth McFetters '64
1965 David Areghini '65
George Heidler '65
James Pederson '65
1953 James K. Wheat '53
Thomas Warne '65
1966 Richard Creith '66
1954 James H. Stellar '54
Daniel P. Misenheimer '66
Kenneth Spiegel '66
1967 Robert Duncan '67
Robert Hansen '67
1968 John Aboud '68
Peter J. Rathwell '68
Tom Sundeen '68
1991 Richard Gunness '91
Daniel McGhee *91
James Orradre *91
1979 Bradley Benton '79
1992 Anthony Bahou '92
Daniel Pitts '79
Earl Sterrett '79
Eric Christensen '92
1993 Scott Amerman '93
1980 Thomas Auther '80
Brian Ludeke '93
1981 George Amos '81
Mark Boge '81
Edwin Fleming '81
1995 Gregory Lauer '95
Max Wasiiko '95
Andrew Howell '81
Thomas Stauffer '81
1996 Timothy Kersey '96
James Strong '81
1997 Logan Daniels '97
Timothy Gicewicz '97
Jonathan VanNess '81
1982 Philip Amos '82
John Clymer '82
1983 Michael Berard '83
Thomas Garcia '83
Michael Johnson '83
Philip LaMantia '83
Jeffrey Mongan '83
1984 Alan Airth '84
William Breck *84
Brett Polachek '96
\r\nPage 6
Spring 1999
The Campanula
Graduate Brother Updates
News of your brothers from around the world
Bill Lindamood'43 graduated with a degree in Political
Science and went on to earn a Law Degree at UA.He
has been in practice for over fifty years and currently
operates his own firm. As an undergraduate Bill was
bond with fellow Fiji brethren and keep contact with
brothers by alumni meetings, pig dinners,etc." He also
has attended several national meetings of Phi Gamma
Delta. Schuy enjoys traveling,computers,reading and
captain of the UA Mens Tennis Team for three years, spending time with his grandchildren and the rest of his
during which he won multiple singles and doubles family.(8353 Tanque Verde Rd.,Tucson,AZ 85749conference championships. He recently received a 8915, H:520-749-1422, F:520-760-0832,
Centennial Achievement Award from The UA Alumni
Association, as part of the University's centennial
celebration. He was one ofseveral Fijis given this honor.
Ted W.Atkins'49 is a retired financial advisor and
"There were,as best I could
auditor. He spent most of his career at WR Grace &
Co.He and his wife, Marlene,
enjoys playinggo
" 1998 Fiji Islander
1998 Fiji Islander
the locale's major historic
sites. His destinations have
bridge.(9545 E Morrill Way,
included Peru, Pompeii,
Stonehenge,Spain,Puerto Rico,Brazil,and Columbia.
H:520-749-1651, W:520-749-0007)
Ted still values what the Fraternity has given him,
Schuy Lininger '47 is owner of a real estate "Identification with the group,its individual members,
management company and owned The Lodge on the and the standards we acquired have held through the
Desert,a Tucson resort hotel on North Alvernon Way, long years distant from Tucson. I've seen only a few
for 50 years. He donated the hotel to the UA Foundation brothers since leaving - on three continents.The bonds
Tucson, AZ, 85749-9566,
in 1997.Schuy's wife,Helen,is a HBO and University
of Michigan alumnus.They met while Helen was a guest
at the Lodge. They have four children: Schuyler Jr.,
Christopher, Mitchell,and Gretchen.Schuy is a member
of the Rotary Club of Tucson and a board member of
the Salvation Army, 88-Crime, Southern Arizona
Innkeepers,and Arizona Hotel and Motel Association.
Brother Lininger is one of the 60 members of the UA
BPA College National Board of Advisors,which advises
the Dean, now Mark Zupan, on everything from
curriculum and recmiting to fund-raising.Schuy mentions
that the school plans to honor Phoenix businessman Jerry
Colangelo as their 1999 Executive Man of the Year.
Schuy is still very much involved in Fiji."I have a strong
are still there."(7253 Park Village Rd.,San Diego,CA,
92129, H:619-538-0588)
Duane D.Miller'51 graduated with a degree in Animal
Sciences. He is currently a managing partner of Miller
Brothers Corporation, which has operations in the
ranching,farming,recreation,and real estate businesses.
As an undergraduate,Brother Miller was a member of
the Rodeo Club and Bobcats, and he played on the
football team. He says this of his fellow brothers:"I still
have old friends and maintain social relationships and
business relationships with them. It has been very good
for business relationships." Duane serves on the boards
of the Sedona Medical Center Foundation, Northern
Please see Updates on page 7...
\r\nThe Campanula
...Updates,from page 6.
Arizona Healthcare, and Bank One Corporation of Ben and Brad. Ben is also a dentist and practices in
Arizona. He is also Director of the Executive Offices of
Nelson's office. Brad is an E.R. doctor in Glendale.
Bank One Arizona Corporation and is a past chairman
Nelson and Judy are now traveling more and enjoying
their four grandchildren. Brother Butler is a past president
Beverly, a KKT,have four grown children; Ben,Leslie, ofthe Glendale Boys& Girls Club and Glendale Active
Susie,and Kathy.In his spare time.Brother Miller enjoys 20-30 Club. He is currently a member ofthe Glendale
golfing,gardening,and traveling.(2935 Southwest Dr. Chamber of Commerce Board ofDirectors and has been
of the Arizona Town Hall. Brother Miller and his wife,
#2A, Sedona, AZ 86336-3725, W:520-282-5783, a member of the Arizona State Board of Dental
Examiners since 1997.(14802 N.81st Ln.,Peoria,AZ,
David Sontheimer'57 graduated with a degree in Real
Estate and has gone on to become an association
manager with Ranch and Sea Management, which
manages homeowners' associations. As an
undergraduate. Brother Sontheimer served as the
Chapter Historian and recalls that his undergraduate
years at Fiji were,"the bestfour
years of my life." He values the
friendships he developed and
still keeps in contact with many
of his brothers. David resides
in Del Mar,CA and in his spare
time, enjoys classic cars and
playing golf.(13735 Mango Dr,
Del Mar, CA 92014, H:619-
trains them. Steve and his
wife. Donna,a KA0,have
two children,Steve
KC, a UA graduate. They
f ^
Brent F. Moody '61 recently
left the "big firm practice" to start his own law firm in
that Fiji taught him the
71^ m
^ importance of long-lasting
at tt 1998 Ekklesia
ii Brothers at the ..««otri
gi'sndchildren. He enjoys
bodysurfing and is an awardwinning chiH chef.Steve says
259-1958, W:760-929-8585,
Steve Blinn '67 is a Vice-President of marketing for
Far East Broadcasting, a Pacific Rim Christian
broadcasting company.He also started a Xerox copier
manufacturing company in the Watts area of South
Central Los Angeles, which hires local residents and
relationships that arefounded
on trust and mtegnty.(28871
Selfridge Dr, Malibu, CA,
90265-4263, H;310-457-1411, W:562-547-4651)
Phoenix. He has been legal counsel for the Phoenix Bob Nation'72is a captain with TWA.His wife,Louise,
Chamber of Commerce for the past ten years. Brent is a Registered Nurse. They met while both were on
has two grown children,Brenda and John,both UA Law active duty in the Army.They both maintained reserve
graduates. Brother"Foote,"says of his fellow brothers. status until a few years ago, when they retired as
"1 count many of my fraternity brothers among my true Lieutenant Colonels.They have three sons: Rob,Andy,
and abiding friends. The bonds we formed at Upsilon and Chris. Bob enjoys golf, hiking,and watching his kids
Alpha remain strong today." In fact,last summer Brent play soccer and baseball. He says of Fiji,"1 have many
caddied for Jim Hill '61 in the McCall,ID Invitational, fond memories ofthe brothers and the total experience
visited John Welch '61 in Greeley,CO,and had dinner was a positive influence on my life. I'm proud to be a
with Retired Colonel Vem Ellis'62 and his wife,Scottie,
Fiji!"(17669 Bridgeway Cir. Dr, Chesterfield, MO
in Evergreen, CO.(3235 E Camelback Rd. #206, 63005-4219,H:314-532-2744, e:72153,675@
Phoenix, AZ 85018,H:602-957-7042)
L. Nelson Butler '63 is currently a general practice
Dentist.He earned his DDS degree from USC.His wife,
Judy, a FOB,is a teacher. They have two grown sons.
\r\nUpsilon Alpha Chapter Feasibility Survey
1. Whenthefundraisingcampaignis undertaken to build anew ChapterHouseand establish maintenance and
scholarship endowments,would you:(checkthosethatapply)
Solicitafew alumnibrothersfrom yoru*era?
Acceptaposition ofleadership(Steering Committee,General Chairmen,Decade Chair)?
2. Whenafund raisingcampaignisimdertaken,would you:(checkthosethatapply)
Makeacash contribution?
Make acontribution ofstock or other appreciated assets?
Make achallenge giftso thatotherbrothers would beasked to match yourgiving level?
Makeaplanned giftsuch asalifeinsurance policy,clausein your will,ortrust?
3. TheHousing Corporation anticipatesthe costofbuilding anew house aswellasestablishing an educational and
maintenanceendowment,to be about$2.5-$3 million. Giventhese necessary expenditures,please estimate
thetotal you would be willing to pledgeifpayable overthree-five years.
Giving Level
# of Gifts Needed
$500,000 or more
$250,000 - $499,999
$100,000 - $249,999
$50,000 - $99,999
$25,000 - $49,999
$10,000 - $24,999
$5,000 - $9,999
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,000 - $2,499
$999 or less
$ 3,000,000
4. Assumingtheabovescheduleisreasonable,you willnotethatapproximatelyfour-fifthsofthe proceeds will
comefrom those contributing atLevel5orabove. Pleaseidentifyeach brother,especiallythose from your
undergraduate years,whom you believeiscapableofmaking acontribution atLevel5orabove.
5. Pleasestatebelow anysuggestionsorcomments you haveforenhancing ourchancesofasuccessful fund-
raisingcampaign.Also,pleasenote anyideas you haveregardingthe design and construction ofanew facility.
\r\n6.Ifafund-raising effortis started,whom would you suggestfor a volunteer role?
7. Would you be willing to serve as a member ofthe Upsilon Alpha Advisory Board and/or Housing Corporation? If
so,do you have any specific interests?
Campaign Job Descriptions
General Chairmen:
Work with Aaron Young and Matt Noble at Fraternity Management Group(FMG)to:
• Make your own gift.
• Identify and solicit Major Gifts.
• Recmit and Solicit Decade Chairmen you are assigned to.
• Solicit personal prospects you chose.
• Bi-weekly follow up ofDecade Chairmen for status reports on Class Chairmen.
• Recruit Replacements ofDecade Chairmen ifneeded.
• Coordinate Bi-monthly General Chairmen and Decade Chairmen Status meeting or call.
• Bi-weekly report to Aaron with progress.
Decade Chairmen:
Work with Aaron Young and Matt Noble atFMG to:
• Make your own gift.
• Recruit and solicit Class Chairmen.
• Solicit personal prospects you chose.
• Determine what class volunteer will solicit what prospect.
• Bi-weekly follow up ofClass Chairmen for status report on their soliciting calls.
• Bi-Weekly follow up call to Aaron at FMG and the General Chairman assigned to you to report your decade
• Recmit replacement for Class Chairmen ifneeded.
• Attend or provide updates for bi-monthly General Chairmen and Decade Chairmen status meeting/call.
Class Chairmen:
Work with Aaron Yoimg and Matt Noble atFMG to:
• Expect a call from Aaron at FMG and your individual Decade Chairmen
to explain your responsibilities.
• If you are a Co-Volunteer for your class, divide up your class and personal prospects and report this to your
Decade Chairmen.
• Solicit your prospects by phone or in-person within a week ofFMG mailing brochures to
your prospects.
• Provide bi-weekly report to Decade Chairmen and FMG.
Thank youfor your time and cooperation. Please mail orfax completed survey to:
Fraternity Management Group
Attn: Matt Noble
744 North Stone Avenue
800-228-7326•Fax 520-882-5159
\r\nUpcoming Events
Phoenix and Tlicson Brotherhood Events in June
Join other Upsilon Alpha Phi Gam graduate brothers for a time offellowship and fun. We will have
architectural sketches of the proposed new chapter house and other exciting news to share regarding the
upcoming capital campaign. Watch your mail for an invitation or call Matt Noble at 800-228-7326 ext. 18
for more information.
Homecoming 1999
November 5-7,1999. Join the undergraduate chapter and other graduate brothers for Homecoming this
year. Watch the Homecoming Parade from our tent on the mall while eating and drinking with brothers from
your era. We'll also have the Norris Pig Dinner and our first ever Hall ofFame induction ceremony to
recognize distinguished Upsilon Alpha Phi Gam brothers. Expect an invitation in the mail toward the end of
summer,but make plans now to attend. For more information,call Aaron Young at 800-228-7326 ext. 24.
The mailing service for this publication was the
Beacon Foundation, a non-profit organization offering
sheltered employment, vocational training and
supportive services to adults with developmental
Note to Parents:If your son is still attending the University of
Arizona,this newsletter is intended for you.He will receive a
copy at the Chapter House.If he is no longer in school, please
send us his permanent address.
The Fraternity ofPhi Gamma Delta
Upsilon Alpha Chapter
U.S. Postage
c/o Fraternity Management Group
Tucson, AZ
744 North Stone Avenue
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Summer 1999 newsletter of the Upsilon Alpha chapter at the University of Arizona. The newsletter is ten pages in length.