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2017 September Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
September 2017 newsletter of the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is two pages in length.
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Zeta Deuteron
Washington & Lee University
2017 September Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
It’s an exciting year at Zeta Deuteron!
September 23, 2017
We are celebrating our 150th anniversary of the chapter for this entire school year 2017-2018! This chapter was founded on
February 29, 1868. The ZD brothers bought this house in 1921. It has gone through a lot of changes, but ZDs have been on this
property since then!
We began the summer
2017 by hosting the
brothers of WKU in July
for the second year as
they rode bicycles from
the Pacific Ocean to the
Atlantic Ocean to raise
money and awareness for
Alexander Lockhart Nelson house picture from 1927 as it looked when Fiji
bought it. He was a math professor while Robert E. Lee was president of
what was then Washington College.
Young Alumni Weekend on Saturday, Sept. 16.
Following the next day with our 21st annual Neighbors Picnic
thanking the community for being patient living by a fraternity.
October 6-7 is Parents and
Family Weekend. All of Lexington is alive with parties, games, dinners and other events
welcoming those who make it all possible.
Our new event will be on Saturday November 4 when we honor older ZD alumni at The R.E. Lee
Hotel with dinner and dancing beginning about 6pm at the house and moving to the hotel from 8midnight. The cost if $40 per brother which includes one guest! We can take cash, check or
charge/debit. Please R.S.V.P.
All funds will be used to enhance our 150th year-long celebration with surplus going to new sports equipment, furnishings and
household expenses.
SAVE THE DATE – Our year-long celebration culminates the weekend of April 26-29, 2018. While there are many activities and
separate class functions that weekend, we will be here so please come by! That weekend is W&L Alumni Weekend, ZDs annual Norris
Pig Dinner and now our 150th anniversary celebration with lots of live music and food.
Every additional donation, large or small, counts!
\r\nWe’re looking for photos, certificates, memorabilia that we can scan, photo or
copy to add to our ever-increasing memory books! We especially need items
prior to the 1984 fire.
We’ve made banners to hang and to sign. All brothers visiting during this
school year, please sign the banners with the white background, your
year and a little note if you’d like. In the meantime:
Watch for our ever-evolving Facebook, LinkedIn, website and
newsletter updates.
Make sure you have your updated contact information to me or
to the W&L Alumni Office.
Tell us what we can do to make this event the best it can be!
Please contact me, or any of your ZD brothers for more information.
See you all soon,
Kelly Harris, House Mom
Mackenzye Leroy, President
Joe Wen, Treasurer
Ben Murphy, Corresponding Secretary
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September 2017 newsletter of the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is two pages in length.