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2017 Spring Newsletter Alpha Sigma (Arizona State University)
Spring 2017 newsletter of the Alpha Sigma chapter at Arizona State University. The newsletter is 16 pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Alpha Sigma
Arizona State University
2017 Spring Newsletter Alpha Sigma (Arizona State University)
Although Arizona State University is everchanging, the FIJIs are
not. With just over one hundred brothers and twice as many
Hawaiian shirts, FIJIs can be found all over campus whether
they are grabbing a bite to eat at the Memorial Union, cramming for a test at Hayden Library, tearing up the intramural
fields, advocating for their classmates on Undergraduate
Student Government Senate, or flirting with sorority women in
Adelphi. Alpha Sigma Phi Gams continue to make an enduring
impact here at Arizona State University. But we’re not just limited to the campus either! You can find FIJIs all over the community (global and local) giving back in some way, shape, or form.
Whether it’s cheering on the inspiring athletes participating in
the Special Olympics of Tempe, educating children in a third
world country about HIV prevention, or cleaning up our mile of
Terrace Road - FIJI is there.
Now, while we’re there for our fellow community members, we
reciprocate that tenfold amongst each other. To this day, we
remain one of the strongest brotherhoods on campus, and it
only gets stronger with each new pledge class. Where some
may find weakness in diversity, we find strength. While there
are ups and downs, we can confidently confide in each other,
no matter the situation. Just as every Alpha Sigma graduate
brother before, we all find solace in what makes us individuals
and give it back to the fraternity. We do not say “Not for
College Days Alone” for no reason. The undergraduate chapter is only as strong as its graduates. Brothers, our doors are
and hearts are always open - please do not hesitate to take
advantage of that. We love all our FIJI brothers and are always
might proud to be FIJIs!
\r\npg. 1
The Executive Board
pg. 2
Committee Heads
pg. 3
Purple Legionnaire
pg. 4
New Initates and Pledges
pg. 5
Diamond Girls
pgs. 6 - 7
The Undergrads
pg. 8
pg. 9
pg. 10
pgs. 11 - 12
The 52nd Annual Pig Dinner
Housing Updates
\r\nExecutive Board
Scottsdale, Arizona
Alex is a rising senior studying political science as his concentration in the School of
Politics and Global Studies, as well as minoring in both sustainability and Russian.
Why study all that? I bet he asks himself the same question. When Alex isn't writing
his thesis, running the fraternity or searching for internships, he enjoys philosophical discussions, enjoying all you can drink Friday's at The Pint, and playing the odd
video game. Alex wishes to be a tool for success for every member of this chapter.
Alex aims to empower individuals, and by doing so, fosters forward thinking.
Chicago, Illinois
Don Steiner is a Technological Entreprenuership and Management (TEM) major
through both the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering and the W.P. Carey School of
Business. He has a passion for manufacturing and this summer has an internship in
Tennessee for Doerfer Companies as a Design Mechanical Engineer. Don spends a
great amount of time at the Polytechnic campus working on various engineering
projects. His vast participation in the chapter has been evident since his initiation
and is inspiring to the younger members of this chapter.
Pasadena, California
Bailey Cadelina is a rising senior studying Supply Chain Management with W.P.
Carey School of Business. In addition to being on exec, Bailey is also a second-year
Resident Assistant, the public relations chair for the Chinese Organization, a Senator
for his college and member of the University Affairs committee with USG-Tempe.
Bailey strives to be ten steps ahead of himself, persistently seeking new and innovative ways to be involved. This mindset has led him to landing an internship with
Boeing in the Summer, which he cannot wait for.
Milton, Georgia
Loria is a rising senior studying Digital Culture with a concentration in theatre with
the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. In addition to being a full-time
student, Christian is also the Vice President of Finance for IFC, serves as a Senator
for his college and is Chair of the Finance Committee with USG. When he’s not in
meetings or class, Christian is either playing piano, drinking a bucket at CASA, or
creating designs for organizations on campus. For the remainder of the year, Christian will be focusing heavily on outreach to graduate brothers!
Phoenix, Arizona
Jordan (AKA “J. Philly”) is a rising junior majoring in Engineering Management for
Business Analytics and minoring in Mathematics with Fulton School of Engineering.
Jordan is family-oriented and an avid sports fan. Whatever spare time he does have
between school, work, and fraternal responsibilities, Jordan spends it watching
sports with the FIJIs or spending quality time with his family. Jordan is grateful for
the opportunity to not only gain this invaluable leadership experience, but to also
make a lasting, positive impact within our chapter.
\r\nJosh Wilson
Zach Kuhl
Justin Trittin
Rockwell Wright
Sorority Philanthropy
Kerry Sohn
Risk Management
Will McCord
Matt Walsh
Graduate Relations
Theo Valour
Dawson Rickets
Ryan Hess
Greek Relations
Ty Hill
Cameron Tingey
Housing Manager
Maxime Gamperl
Brad Skendarian
Ryan Rodenbaugh
Judicial Affairs
Colin Burns
Event Enhancement
Blake Stepek
Community Service
Greek Week
Reagan Glynn
Pledge Education
\r\nalpha sigma’s new
Purple Legionnaire
after two years without a chapter advisor, alpha sigma graduate brother steps up to fill roll.
Zach Smedsrud
Purple Legionnaire
Northern Trust - Alternative Investments | Arizona State 2012
n January of 2015, the
mourned the loss of their
Purple Legionnaire, Brother
Philip Heyde (DePauw ‘72).
Brother Heyde, devoted and
passionate for our Fraternity,
played an integral role in
restructuring and building the
Alpha Sigma chapter into what
it is today. Needless to say,
Phil’s death and the position’s
vacancy left the undergraduate chapter at a disadvantage.
Seeking a replacement has
been a long and arduous process, however, the search is
finally over.
(Case Western ‘97), and Field
Secretary Josh Cox (Indiana
State ’14), the Alpha Sigma
newest Purple Legionnaire
within two weeks.
efforts to increase accountability, transparency, inclusion,
and participation. Gaining a
Purple Legionnaire was the
first of several of milestones
we want to see our chapter
meet over the next ten years,
Since his appointment, Zach and with Zach‘s help, we will
has proven to be an invaluable see them to fruition.
resource for the Cabinet and
undergaduate chapter. Recog- All of us here in the undergradnizing that the chapter has uate chapter are extremely
operated without an advisor grateful for Zach’s willingness
for quite some time, the Cabi- to serve as our Purple Legionnet will be focusing on accli- naire; his dedication will be
mating Zach to the chapter rewarded ten-fold. Please be
and vice versa. The Cabinet is sure to give Brother Smedsrud
planning a retreat with Zach a round of clicks, send him
where they will set long-term some words of encouragegoals, define individual roles, ment, or let him know if you
and adapt current chapter would like to play a role in
operations to ensure congru- making a positive impact on
ency and efficiency.
the fraternity.
In the beginning of March,
Zach Smedsrud (Arizona State
‘12) reached out to the cabinet
expressing his interest in
becoming our next Purple
Legionnaire. With the help of Now, more than ever, Alpha
Headquarters, Sigma is beginning to make
Section Chief Tim Caggiano monumental strides in their
Want to become involved? Please feel free to
email both Christian Loria and Zach Smedsrud.
\r\nKijyra Cast
This spring, we welcomed fourteen young
men pledge brothers for the Alpha Sigma
Chapter. Even thus far, their dedication and
respect to the white star is indicative of a
promising future for the chapter. There is a
lot of potential in this pledge class and the
active chapter has high hopes for them.
New Initiates
Vota last
On November 13th, 2016, the Alpha Sigma
Chapter proudly initiated 24 FIJI gentlemen
into our brotherhood. Even as pledges, their
work ethic and care for the fraternity was
indicative of not only their own success in the
future, but the chapter's as well. Since initia-
tion, they have been eager to learn and grow
as brothers of this fraternity. We have high
expectations for each of them at the profes-
sional, academic, and fraternal capacity.
\r\nAlex Votaw
Rainey Horwitz
A junior studying Conservation Biology and Ecology with two minors in
Studio Art and Architecture, Alex is easily one of the most involved women at
Arizona State University.
A modern day Bettie Locke from St. Louis, Missouri, Rainey Horwitz truly
exemplifies the values of Phi Gamma Delta in every aspect of her life. Since
freshman year, Rainey has effortlessly and selflessly been open ears, a
karaoke partner, a jokester, and a caretaker for the gentlemen of FIJI. When
she's not with her Phi Gam's, you can catch Rainey taking pictures with her
"Not Vodka" Water Bottles, hanging out with her sorority sisters, dancing
around her apartment, or studying Biology in Hayden Library.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Alpha Theta
She believes that the people you decide to spend time with are a reflection
of yourself and your values. She wanted to become a Diamond Girl because,
in FIJI, she found a group of young men who represented her values and
who she would be honored to call a reflection of herself. She thinks FIJIs are
funny, interesting, diverse, stubborn, rowdy, intelligent, and kind-hearted.
When asked what she appreciated most about this chapter, she said she
She finds that every single FIJI brings something unique into the fraternity couldn't deduce it to one thing. For her, FIJI has given her a group of lifelong
and consequently brings something unique into her own life. She believes
friends, unprecedented support in all her endeavors, and a group of
that we help her grow as an individual, and persistently strives to do the
gentlemen that she can share timeless memories with.
same for us.
From left to right: Alex Votaw, Rainey Horwitz, Gabby Andrade, and Grace Grimes
Gabby Andrade
Grace Grimes
They say the greatest people in the world come from Bullhead City, Arizona.
Now, while there are several arguments disproving that statement, Gabby
Andrade is the proof that amazing people can come from Bullhead. A
nurturing, caring individual, Gabby is always baking for us, kissing us on the
forehead, and making sure everyone is comfortable and happy before
A sophomore in Barrett studying Business Law and a member of Delta
Gamma, Grace does it all. Originally from Haddonfield, New Jersey, her and
her brother, Griffin Grimes (Arizona State ‘18), became Sun Devils partly
because their father graduated from here. In high school, Grace was heavily
involved with theatre, holding several lead roles in her high school's
Since her freshman year at Arizona State, Gabby would constantly be
hanging around with us "joking" about rushing FIJI. Unfortunately, we
couldn't give her a bid--as much as we wanted to. Instead, she accepted her
bid from Delta Zeta and then went for the next best thing, Diamond Girl.
Unfortunately for us, Gabby is graduating early this semester with great
grades and a degree in Health Care Innovation.
If you were to look up the definition of "extrovert," you'd find a picture of
Grace Grimes. She knows and loves every member of our fraternity like their
her family. She is kind-hearted, spontaneous, understanding, and giving.
Grace can have a great time in any situation, and makes it a point to be a
positive and inviting person in any social setting.
Delta Zeta
Delta Gamma
On Campus Involvement
Furthermore, brother Christian
Loria was recently elected as Vice
The Alpha Sigma chapter has con- President of Finance for the Intertinued their tradition of being one fraternity Council of ASU.
of the most involved fraternities on
campus. From mentoring fresh- Brothers have sought to make a
men to advocating for all under- difference in freshmen’s lives by
graduates with student govern- becoming WPC 101 facilitators.
ment, brothers are displaying their Brothers Ryan Rodenbaugh (’17),
values on the main stage of ASU! Dawson
Gamperl (’18), and Blake Stepek
Brothers Imani Washington (’18), (’19) have all taught the course.
Bailey Cadelina (’18), and Christian Moreover, we have multiple brothLoria (’18) served on the Under- ers that are tutors for their respecgraduate Student Government tive majors.
Senate as representatives for their
respective colleges. Furthermore, We are proud to have brothers
Brother Christian Loria will be such as these foster the values of
running for Senate President for this fraternity. By adapting our
Undergraduate Student Govern- values to their work, they have perment for the 2017-2018 school petuated our positive presence on
year and currently is serving as the campus.
head of design for a USG-Tempe
executive ticket.
Brother Matt Jones Cast as
Lead in Shrek: The Musical
After a rigorous and competitive audition process, Brother Matt
Jones (’20) landed the leading role of “Donkey” in Herberger Institute’s adaption of Shrek: The Musical.
Josh Salas
Reagan Glynn
Honors Finance, BDA Certificate - Magna Cum
Mitchell Tibbs
Justice Studies
Dawson Rickets
Honors Finance - Magna Cum Laude
Gus Solderholm
Urban Planning & Landscape Studies - Cum Laude
Luke Fuller
Economics, BDA Certificate
Chris Trefry
Business Marketing - Cum Laude
Noah Green
Business Law - Cum Laude
Tyler Evans
Political Science, Sales and Marketing Certificate
Tyler Peairs
Electrical Engineering - Magna Cum Laude
Ryan Rodenbaugh
Honors Finance - Cum Laude
Cameron Tingey
Management and Marketing
Based off the Oscar-winning film, Shrek: The Musical is a satirical
spectacle full of wit and humor. An unlikely hero and his wise-cracking
best friend Donkey on a journey to rescue a feisty, headstrong princess. If that wasn’t enough, throw in an ill-tempered bad guy, a cookie
with an attitude, and more than a dozen fairy-tale creatures.
Jonathan Laskoski
Philosophy (Politics, Morality, Law) - Cum Laude
Kyle Brinkman
Civil Enginnering and Minor in Sustainability
Chad Dumas
Performances will be at 7:30 p.m., April
20-22 and 2 p.m., April 22-23. If you’d like
to get tickets to the show, please call the
Herberger Box Office at (480) 965-6447.
Design Studies (Design Management) and Minor in
Business Management
We are beyond excited to see Brother
Jones sing and dance his heart out on
stage to win the love of everyone in the
audience. You can bet we will be there in
numbers to support our brother and
we’d love to see the graduate brothers
out there, as well!
Finance Real Estate and Applied Business Data
Nathan Heeney
Jay Hartgraves
Jake Corsi
Political Science
Ty Hill
Formals and Socials
Clothed in our finest Hawaiians with
dates around our arms, the FIJI’s will,
once again, take on Las Vegas,
Nevada for our annual FIJI Islander.
For two nights, the chapter will stay
in the luxurious MGM Grand Resort.
During the day, brothers will bask in
the sun, floating on a tube at the
resort’s world-famous lazy river. By
(From left to right) Brothers Zach Brey,
night, the brothers might explore
Blake Bosold, Griffin Grimes, Dawson Rickets,
the Strip, rent party busses, go to
and Imani Washington cheering on the Sun
Devils at the USC game in California.
clubs, see a show, or gamble a little
cash in hopes to make it grow.
Brothers Nathan Heeney
and Jake Corsi stuntin’ at Polo
Party in Scottsdale.
As expected, the Phi Gams are
easily some of the most competitve
fields/courts. All year, we have been
giving it our all and reaping the
benefits of it! In basketball, the FIJI’s
made it to the playoffs, but were
eliminated with a tough loss to Phi
Kappa Theta. However, Brother
Blake Bosold (’18) received first
place in the 3-point competition for
IFC’s first annual Greek All-Stars
Competition. Additionally, Brother
Jay Hartgraves (’17) got a close
Coming as an unsought reward for a second in the dunk competition and
and Griffin Grimes (’18) was on the Greek
professional development, the FIJI’s All-Star team.
will wrap up the school year with our
annual Phi Gam Pajama Jam. Now, we’re gearing up for softball
Brothers grab a date or two and and sand volleyball season. We’re
dress in their finest P.J.s for an event optimistic that both teams can seal
you could do anything but sleep at. the championship titles. However,
no matter the outcome, we’re
We would personally like to thank always proud of our brothers!
Brothers Don Steiner (’19), Justin
Trittin (’19), and Will McCord (’19) for
Brothers Bailey Cadelina (right) and
Luciano Garza (left) snap a picture
all the work they have put into
with their dates at the 4th Annual
planning such an enjoyable social
Winterfest ‘86 Party.
(from left to right) Brothers Gus Solderholm,
Mitchell Tibbs, Tyler Evans, Travis Hunter,
and Chad Von Der Ahe III taking in the sights
in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for Spring Break.
ach spring, the Office of
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL)
hosts their annual Greek Awards
to recognize the notable achievements
of chapters and their undergraduate
members, alumni, and advisors for the
previous calendar year. While individual
awards (Emerging Leader of the Year,
Advisor of the Year, Chapter President of
the Year, etc.) are nomination-based,
chapter awards are based on their
organization’s “Standards of Excellence”
For each submission,
chapters are required to provide a
detailed report for each of the ten
categories (Recruitment/Intake, Chapter
Operations, Membership Education,
and more). Chapters that submit their
“Standards of Excellence” receive a
numerical value for each standard which
is used to rank chapters amongst other
chapters in their respective councils and
overall Greek Life at ASU.
This year’s Greek Awards proved to be a
challenging, yet rewarding, process for
the FIJIs. Brother Ryan Rodenbaugh (’17)
was the only president of an IFC member
organization to be nominated for
Chapter President of the Year.
Unfortunately, he did not receive the
award - even though he was easily the
most qualified amongst the nominees.
Additionally, Brother Ryan Hess (’17) was
selected as a finalist for Greek Man of
the Year* and our Diamond Girl, Alex
Votaw, was awarded Emerging Leader of
the Year. Most importantly, the chapter
had the honor of being awarded two of
some of the most sought after titles
within the greek community - The Gold
Recruitment/Intake and (IFC’s) Chapter
of the Year!
The undergraduate chapter is both
humbled and thrilled to accept these
notable awards, however, we can’t - and
won’t - let this momentum slow down.
Embodying our value, excellence, we
will continuously strive to become the
best that we can be in all of the ten
standards, returning next year ready to
take home The President’s Cup (Best
Overall Greek Organization).
*Greek Man of the Year is announced at Arizona State
University’s Annual Pitchfork Awards. The award ceremony
will be held on April 11th at the Orpheum Theatre in
Phoenix, Arizona from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm.
Breakdown of Awards
Chapter of the Year
The Interfraternity Council
The Gold Standard
Outstanding Recruitment/Intake
Standards of Excellence*
Chapter Operations - Satisfactory
Recruitment/Intake - Satisfactory
New Member Education - Satisfactory
Membership Development - Excellence
Service & Philanthropy - Satisfactory
Financial Management - Satisfactory
Greek Man of the Year
Ryan Hess - Finalist
Chapter President of the Year
Ryan Rodenbaugh (Nominated)
*Standards of Excellence is scored between
0 to 10. Chapters have the opportunity to
recieve bonus points in each category.
Satisfactory = 8 to 10
Excellence = 10 or more points
Chapter of the Year trophy
from left to right: Ryan Rodenbaugh (’17),
Christian Loria (’18), and Bailey Cadelina (’18)
\r\nBrothers volunteering at the
Special Olympics - Tempe
Brothers pose for a
group photo after a
successful joint philanthropy with Lambda Chi
ith over one hundred
brothers in attendance,
the 52nd annual Pig
Dinner was truly a humbling and
nostalgic experience for all Phi
Gams, Alpha Sigma or not. We
rekindled fraternal bonds and
fostered new relationships as the
new initiates and pledges shared
stories and experiences with
older graduate brothers. From
the ceremonial kissing of the pig
by Brother Bill Alexander (Arizona
’58) and Pledge Brother Jeremy
Buch (Arizona State ’20) to the
Exiles Toast delivered by Brother
Jim Harris (Arizona State ‘68),
brothers were reminded of our
fraternity’s traditions and our
chapter’s history.
In attendance were multiple
brothers that made sizeable
impacts on the chapter that made
it what it is today. Among the
attendees were Brothers Bill
Alexander (Arizona ’58), Gary
Boyd (Arizona State ’65), John
Boyd (Arizona State ’68), and
David Livingston (Arizona State
’88). Brother Bill Alexander was
one of the brothers that came
from U of A to help our chapter’s
founding fathers – like Brother
Gary Boyd – colonize Phi Gamma
Delta at Arizona State
52 years ago.
Our featured speakers of the evening,
Brothers John Boyd
and David Livingston,
spoke about how Phi
Gamma Delta can be
accredited for all their
successes in life.
Boyd, President of
the Alpha Sigma
discussed how leadership in the fraternity, remaining persistent and practicing our values
every day can bring discipline
and success in all our endeavors.
Brother David Livingston – the
first Alpha Sigma elected to
Arizona public office – spoke on
how the fraternal bonds he
gained through Phi Gamma Delta
persistently drove him to be a
better man.
All in all, the 52nd Pig Dinner
acted as a reminder that Phi
Gamma Delta is not for college
days alone. The Undergraduate
brothers were humbled by the
Graduate Brothers’ genuine
the 52
Frank Norris
Pig Dinner
excitement and enthusiasm with
their notable achievements over
the past year. Moreover, we
Undergraduates were grateful to
have the opportunity to learn
from our Graduate Brothers so
that we achieve more success in
the future.
Friendship truly is the sweetest
\r\nur chapter wouldn’t be what it
is today without 1116 East
Lemon Street. “The Plex” has
self-governance, and success within
the chapter. To this day, we remain the
only registered fraternity house on
campus, however, we will no longer
have those bragging rights once ASU
completes their Greek Leadership
Village in the Fall of 2018. For the past
two months, the Housing Committee
has debated whether to move into the
Greek Village or renew our lease at
1116 E. Lemon Street. While both
have their positives and negatives,
ultimately leaving the Chapter House
didn't seem to be an option. “The
Plex” was the first real chapter house
FIJI at Arizona State ever had, especially given the fact it isn’t owned by
the University. It has been our house
for the past seven years, and as of
February 28th, will remain that way for
- at least - the next two years.
Easily the most difficult part about
living in the Chapter House is the quality of living compared to the cost;
brothers are charged almost $800 a
month in rent and utilitites. Fortunately, last summer we had enough finances to begin installing the new laminate
flooring into all the rooms at “The
Plex.” However, we had to put the
project on hold due to a fine from the
IRS. Hopefully, we’re looking
to slowly return to the
project over the next year to
finish the remaining rooms.
While we the residents wait
for new flooring, the chapter
purchased outdoor furniture
to make the pool area more
inviting for brothers and
their guests. To top it all off,
Brother Chad Von Der Ahe
Brothers enjoying a warm, Arizona Saturday in the pool
III (’17) graciously donated a
brand new infrared grill for
Housing Committee has entertained
the brothers to use! Although it’s out of
the idea of seeking alternatives so
the budget now, the undergraduate
that we are never without a central
chapter is seeking to begin giving the
location. In the meantime, we will
“Common Room” a serious make-over
take full advantage of what we have
and turn it into a huge living room for
now while persistently negotiating
all brothers (graduate and undergraduand searching for concrete solutions
ate, alike) to hang out, watch TV, play
so that we may always have a Chapter
some video games, or even study.
After all, it is a fraternity house and we
want it to be as welcoming as possible.
In congruence with cosemetic house
improvements, the Cabinet and Housing Corporation will begin discussing
plans to find a permanent location for
Alpha Sigma. Ideally, we would like to
remain at our current house, given that
Alpha Sigma has singlehandedly raised
the value exponentially through
cash-flow and renovations; but it’s still
an expenseive endeavor and will take a
lot of negotiating and fundraising. If we
can’t stay at our current house, the
Willing to Make Donation?
Want to Get Involved?
Please reach out to
President - Housing Corp.
C.J. Berg
Housing Manager
Stevie Nakamura
\r\nViews from the (111)6
christopher (c.j.) berg (’14) to take over as president of housing corporation
C.J. Berg
President - Housing Corporation
Energy Innovation Analyst - APS | Arizona State 2014
hristopher (C.J.) Berg’s
devotion and love for the
Alpha Sigma Chapter is
unceasing - specifically in regards
to housing. Since his undergraduate days, C.J. has taken an enormous interest in the chapter
house, recognizing its necessity
for the longevity of Alpha Sigma.
C.J. has donated hundreds of
hours into improving the house,
ultimately transforming the house
from its dilapidated condition
into what it is today.
The most admirable fact about
C.J. is that his contributions to
the chapter house didn’t stop
after graduation. As a graduate
student earning his master's in
sustainability, he still remained
Housing Manager at 1116 E.
Lemon Street; living in the house,
making improvements, and serving on the housing corporation.
Even after moving out and passing the role of Housing Manager
onto Cameron Tingey, he still
remained on the Housing Corporation under the leadership of
Craig Roth (’80).
Craig has served as the President
of the Housing Corporation for
the past seven years. During his
tenure, he has bolstered dramatic
change at the Chapter House.
From fighting City Council to
allow 1116 E. Lemon Street to be
awarded a fraternal use permit, to
adding new laminate flooring to
the rooms, Craig has made a substantial impact on the Chapter
Without the Housing Corporation, specifically Craig and C.J.,
Alpha Sigma very well may not
have the house in the condition it
is today - or even at all. Together,
Craig and C.J. are a powerhouse
and can achieve almost anything.
Although the undergraduate
chapter is upset to see Craig step
down as President, he has
assured us that he will still play a
role on the Housing Corporation.
Although C.J. will have big shoes
to fill come July 1st, we have no
doubt in his ability to fill them.
C.J. is driven, motivated, and passionate to see the Housing Cor-
poration’s long-term goals to
fruition. Together with our new
Nakamura (’19), the Housing Corporation and Cabinet is confident
that we will start making tangible
improvements to our Chapter
Thank you, good luck, and congratulations to C.J., Stevie, and
Craig - your work has not gone
unnoticed and will be rewarded
greatly. Now, more than ever, the
Housing Corporation and Cabinet are in the position to see an
improved, permanent Chapter
House for Alpha Sigma. The
Housing Corporation is under the
necessary leadership to push for
the change and improvements
our House needs, but we are still
short-handed - the Housing Corporation needs the help of our
Graduate Brothers. If you would
like to join the housing corporation, volunteer, or donate, please
let us know. By working together,
we can make a timeless impact
on the Phi Gamma Delta at Arizona State.
\r\nBe sure to stay up to date by following us on Social Media
Saw something interesting and still have questions?
Drop us a line at
Phi Gamma Delta
the alpha sigma chapter
1116 e. lemon st.
tempe, arizona 85281
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Spring 2017 newsletter of the Alpha Sigma chapter at Arizona State University. The newsletter is 16 pages in length.