Cason, Robert Augustus

From collection Member List

EDUCATION: Brother Cason entered The University of Georgia in 1884. He joined the Kappa Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta and graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering on June 16, 1885. He was among at least four Phi Gamma Delta Brothers who attended the Class of 1885’s 40th Reunion in Athens (along with Percy Adams, Robert Harbin and Thomas Harbin.) After graduating from UGA, Cason matriculated first at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia, and then at Louisville Medical College, Louisville, Kentucky, which was later absorbed into the University of Louisville in 1908. Graduated, Louisville Medical College in 1886.

CAREER: Brother Robert A. Cason was a physician. “The Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers, Alumni and Matriculates of the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia, from 1785-1906,” E. D. Stone Press, Athens, 1906, reports he was practicing medicine in Jewell/Jewell’s/Jewells Mill/Rock Factory/Shivers as the town was called in different times, in Warren County not far from Hancock County line, Georgia.

The Phi Gamma Delta Quarterly, July 1886, p. 222: “[Kappa Deuteron] ‘85. Harwood (sic) A. Carson, graduated from Kentucky Medical College this year, and is now practicing his chosen profession at Apalachicola, Florida.” [Is this him? See notes on H. A. Ca(r)son].

The Phi Gamma Delta magazine, May 1913, p. 75, (which included the fraternity’s tenth membership catalogue) reports Brother Cason was “living in Gainesville, Hall County, Georgia” at the time of the catalogue’s compilation. Brother Cason also appears in both the 1910 and 1920 censuses in Warren County, Georgia; between the two censuses, he also practiced in Atlanta, Georgia, about 1915.  By 1925, Dr. Cason had moved to Oak Hill in Volusia County, Florida, then to Miami and Dade City, Florida (src: The Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, Georgia, Sunday, June 14, 1925, p. 10) and later to Tampa, Florida, in which town he died in 1929.