1895 Catalogue of Members

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Books

1895 Catalogue of Members

1895 Catalogue of Members. The edition is 554 pages in length.

From the 1913 Catalogue:

"The Keck Catalogue

Major Keck's catalogue was begun in 1895, but progress on it was very slow because the data required was of a character that it was hard for the chapters to secure. This catalogue was still in the making when the Grand Chapter, under whose auspices it was being prepared, was legislated out of existence in 1898. Hence it was never fully completed.

This catalogue was bound and distributed in October, 1900, by Bro. Fabius M. Clarke, Archon [Secretary] acting under instructions of the 52nd Ekklesia. The Keck catalogue, of 554 pages, is the most valuable book that Phi Gamma Delta has ever published. It contains a secret code and a wealth of biographical data that will make it a valuable reference handbook of our older membership for all time to come."


1895 Catalogue of Members
1895 Catalogue of Members. The edition is 554 pages in length.

From the 1913 Catalogue:

"The Keck Catalogue

Major Keck's catalogue was begun in 1895, but progress on it was very slow because the data required was of a character that it was hard for the chapters to secure. This catalogue was still in the making when the Grand Chapter, under whose auspices it was being prepared, was legislated out of existence in 1898. Hence it was never fully completed.

This catalogue was bound and distributed in October, 1900, by Bro. Fabius M. Clarke, Archon [Secretary] acting under instructions of the 52nd Ekklesia. The Keck catalogue, of 554 pages, is the most valuable book that Phi Gamma Delta has ever published. It contains a secret code and a wealth of biographical data that will make it a valuable reference handbook of our older membership for all time to come."