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1965 May Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
May 1965 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is four pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.
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Pi Iota
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1965 May Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Bill Trask (cont.)
one of the most popular and colorful figures on campus.
We are pleased to have
him with us at the Lodge.
As usual, Phi Gam is up on the top going into the last I, F. sport, Softball.
Even though we dropped a game early in the season, our Softball team is now going
strong and hopes to repeat last yearns season by taking first place.
This year the Coghlin Cup was awarded to Orlando Mendez.
This Cup is awarded
to the Sophomore or Junior who shows a high moral character and a friendly dispo
The Cup is awarded in remembrance of the late Joh Coghlin, who, while he
was with us, exemplified these characteristics to the highest degree.
Pig Dinner this year was a success.
brothers, made it that.
It was a success because you, our graduate
We were pleased that so many of you were able to be with
We were especially pleased that so many of you who returned were able to spend
most of the weekend with us.
For the benefit of those of you who weren't able to be with us, here is an
account of a few things that took place on that weekend.
Saturday morning many
of the graduate brothers who returned, played golf, toured the campus and used the
time to renew many good friendships.
Saturday afternoon there was the Annual
meeting of the F. A. Morse Association, and Saturday evening the Pig Dinner was
held at Nick's in the Crest Room.
of ceremonies.
During the evening Howie Whittle was the master
The Coghlin Cup was presented to Orlando Mendez.
A Golden Owl
Certificate was presented to Maurice Steele '15 for his outstanding and undiminishing service as a graduate brother in Phi Gamma Delta.
Also awarded was
Hans Koehl '56 for the outstanding work which he has done for our Fraternity,
\r\nespecially during our very successful 75th Anniversary Fund Drive.
An under
graduate scholarship achievement prize and four improvement awards were also
presented at this time.
The achievement prize was presented to Dave Clayton and
the four improvement prizes were given to Roy Cornelius, Bill Balutis, Ron Gordon
and Jack McCabe.
After Pig Dinner many of the graduate and undergraduate brothers returned
to the Lodge to finish off a very pleasant evening.
Morgan Whitney,
'59 informs us that Morgan Whitney III is due in October.
requests that anyone passing through Detroit look him up at the Ford Division
Office of the Ford Motor Company.
Hedrake, '21 reports that he often has lunch with Mug Whitney,
Allen Gridley,
'22 in New York.
'38 is going to have a busy June with his son graduateing from
High School and his daughter from Houghton College.
Your son isn't coming
to W. P. I. by any chance is he, Al?
Chandler Jones,
'26 was relaxing in Florida at Pig Dinner time.
That's the
Stanley C. Clevenger,
'55 is working for Consolidated Met. Company of Portland,
Oregon as a sales engineer.
George Whittle,
'52 was cruising with a Naval Air Reserve Squadron at Cecil,
Florida, for two weeks in May
"The Deacon" MacKay,
'57 reports that he and Emmie are living in Syracuse,
New York, where he is now working for G. E.
Emmie is expecting her first
in July.
Don Adams,
'52 - "Meatball" - is sorry that he couldn't get out of Canada for
Pig Dinner.
We hope that he will be able to make it to Home Coming this Fall.
\r\n4. -
Tom Humphrey *59 is working with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads in
Washington, D. C. in Urban Transportation Planning.
His first son
(third child) was born on January 26, 1965.
Bob Berg *59 is living at 2602 N. 82nd Street, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.
He requests that you look him up if you're in the
Pete Williamson *64 - Believe it or not -
Pete*s getting married;
wedding is going to be on June 12th, at 2:30 p.m. at the North Shore
Congregational Church in Fox Point, Wisconsin.
Leslie Gerlach.
His bride is to be Jill
Our best wishes, Pete.
John Brown, Jr., *46, is now Dean of the Graduate School at Kansas State
University in Manhattan, Kansas.
Jim Kelly,
*63 is stationed in Korea with the Army.
He recently spent a va
cation in Japan.
Bo Kuehn,
*63 is stationed at White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico.
Pi Iota was saddened by the death of Brother Chandler Walker,
Walker was a resident of Northboro, Massachusetts.
Memorial Hospital on April 27.
He died at Worcester
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May 1965 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is four pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.