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1965 April Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Fall 1965 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is three pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.
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Pi Iota
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1965 April Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Dave Crockett— Dave is a native of Worcester. He is a graduate of North High where he
was active in basketball, football, golf and the Dramatics Club. He is playing J. V.
basketball here at Tech. Dave is also the present treasurer of the New England Synod
Luther League and he is a past president of the Trinity Church Youth Group.
Bob Dana — Bob is from Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
He is a graduate of Lancaster County
Day School where he lettered three times in soccer, twice in basketball, and twice in
He was also quite active in his local church youth group and on his school
John Elphinstone — John comes to us from Ludlow, Mass. He is a graduate of Ludlow
High School where he was very active in the science club, the school newspaper and the
school yearbook. He is also an excellent athelete and seems to be proficient in just
about any sport.
Dan Hess — Dan is from Newton, Mass, and is a graduate of St. Sebastian Preparatory
Dan was born in New Orleans and since that time he has lived in a great number
of different places in the U. S.
For the past few years in the summer, he has worked
at Ocean City, N. J.
Dan plays basketball and football.
Pete Holcombe — Pete is perhaps the most travelled of all our pledges. He has recently
spent summers in Canada, Mexico and Peru. In high school he was very active in the
Boy Scouts and the Student Council.
His sports interests include:
basketball, soccer,
track and tennis.
Bill Mahoney — Bill also is a native of Worcester. He is a graduate of Classical High
School where he was very active on the Student Council and President of his Freshman
Class. He also plays hockey and is an active member of Tech^s team.
Jack McCabe — Jack is a native of Middletown, Conn., and is a graduate of Woodrow
Wilson High School. In high school he was President of the Student Council, President
of the Advisory Board, President of the Honor Society and an active member of the
Latin Club. Jack's favorite sport is baseball where he plays centerfield. The brothers
at Pi Iota are pleased to note that Jack is very active in the house social program and
at the same time he achieved the highest pledge Q.P.A. this past semester.
Carl Novak -- Carl comes from Agawam, Mass.
He graduated from Agawam High School where
he was a member of the National Honor Society.
Carl also plays football and the trum
In addition, he is a National Merit Scholar.
Dave Potter -- Dave is a graduate of Greely Institute, and he is a native of Cumberland,
Maine. Among the sports which he enjoys most are basketball, skiing and tennis.
Doug Riley — Doug is a native of Boston and now lives in Needham, Mass.
a great variety of sports in high school and is on the Tech soccer team.
Doug played
In the
spring he plans to play LaCrosse.
Russ Snyder — Russ comes from Ridley Park, Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Ridley
Park High School. In high school he played football, was a member of the Varsity
Club and the Student Council and was Vice President of his senior class. In addition,
he enjoys sailing, basketball and tennis.
Dick Wallahora -- Dick is president of the pledge class. He comes from Westport, Conn.,
and is a graduate of Staples High School. In high school he was active wrestling and
he is a sports car enthusiast.
We, at Pi Iota, are a small house by choice. This has been our choice for
many reasons, not the least of which is the brotherhood that such an arrangement as
this facilitates.
Being a small house has many advantages and at the same time offers
many great opportunities. Such a system as this, in order to afford all that it does,
requires a great deal of every brother. Every brother has a great many responsibil
ities which he must not shirk or take lightly.
For those of us who are undergraduate
brothers these responsibilities have an everyday meaning and significance. Those of
you who are graduate brothers also have responsibilities — to your brothers (both
graduate and undergraduate). These responsibilities are by no means as demanding as
are ours, but nonetheless, they are significant and have much meaning. Among these
small responsibilities which you, as graduate brothers have, one is stopping in at
the "Lodge*' when you happen to be in the area. Try it some time.
I'm sure that you'll
enjoy it and at the same time I think that you'll be supprised at how much we have
in common even though you might be among the few who haven't been back in years.
Tbe 75th Anniversary Fund Drive is fast approaching it's goal.
thousand dollar mark has now been reached.
The fifty
There is, however, still time for you to
do your part in this drive, if you have not as yet done so.
The management of the
Fund Drive is now in the hands of:
Dennis E. Snay
859 Broadway Street
Everett, Massachusetts 02149
Frank Twitty '64 and Bunny Haight have announced their engagement.
Steve Harvey '64 and Carrol Cavanaugh have announced their engagement.
We at Pi Iota, were very sorry to hear of the death of an old friend,
Herbert William Frollope. He was our faithful cook here at the "Lodge" for many
I'm sure that many of you remember him.
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Fall 1965 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is three pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.