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2023 December Newsletter Gamma Deuteron (Knox College)
December 2023 newsletter of the Gamma Deuteron chapter at Knox College. The newsletter is 11 pages in length.
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Gamma Deuteron
Knox College
2023 December Newsletter Gamma Deuteron (Knox College)
Volume CXVI, No. 2
December 2023
Published by Gamma Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta - Knox College
Powe is Knox's leading receiver
The Knox football team employs a run-first
offense, but when the Prairie Fire do take to
the air, the lone Phi Gam on the squad is their
go-to receiver. Niko Powe ('26) led the 2023
team in both total receptions (21) and
receiving yards (259), accounting for more than
one-third of the team's passing yardage during
a 3-6 season. A 6-foot-0 sophomore from
Kewanee, III., Powe had his first college 100-
December 2023 (Vol. CXVI, No. 2)
yard receiving game in a 31-14 win over
Midwest Conference foe Beloit on Sept. 9,
Editor: Cole Andrews ('26)
including the season's longest play from scrim-
Contributors: David Brackman ('81), Joe
mage of the season, a 71-yard catch-and-run.
Krantz ('26), Cole Shepherd ('24)
The multi-sport athlete also
President: Cole Shepherd ('24)
is a reserve on the Knox
Treasurer: Edward Brees ('24)
basketball team, which
Recording Secretary: Nick Stan ('25)
began the 2023-24 season
Corresponding Secretary: Cole Andrews ('26)
with a 6-3 mark (through
Historian: Joe Krantz ('26)
Dec. 15) and travels to
Purple Legionnaire: Randy Cox ('88)
Hawaii for two late-
Field Secretary: Jeffrey Stinson
December games. Powe
(Western Michigan '20)
also serves as the risk
Faculty Advisor: Tianna Cervantez
manager for the Gamma
Niko Powe
Deuteron chapter.
Click on any of the icons above to access our website and social media channels
Mailing Address: 2 E South St., K-Box 1805, Galesburg, IL 61401
From the chapter president's desk
Dear Brothers,
was a wonderful opportunity for graduates and
under-graduates to spend time together at the
A successful fall term has come to a close, and
chapter house.
the holiday season is upon us. The bulk of our
chapter members have returned to their homes
Winter recruitment will see a new group of men
for winter break, but many remain on campus
put themselves forward to become brothers of
as members of the men's basketball team
our esteemed chapter, which will be operating
(which is off to a solid 6-3 start this season),
under the new model for recruitment and new
and the rest of us look forward to cheering them
member education as outlined by the
on when we return to campus.
international fraternity. Many qualified
individuals from a diverse range of athletic and
The chapter had a number of noteworthy
academic groups have already expressed interest
successes this fall, with several exciting
in our chapter, generating great excitement
developments to look forward to in the near
within the house. We hope to add a large group of
future. In the realm of service, Gamma Deuteron
qualified members.
hosted a table during "Fresh Check Day" in
association with the Knox College Counseling
As my tenure as president and as a student at this
services. Brothers were able to interact with
institution concludes, this may be the last time
other students and share helpful information
you will hear from me in a formal capacity. I am
about suicide prevention and awarness.
deeply honored to have had the chance to serve
Additionally, a number of brothers participated
and guide our fraternity. Your unwavering
in the FSL day of service at the Knox Farm to
support, dedication, and passion have been the
help them prepare for the winter.
driving force behind our collective achievements.
Being part of this remarkable journey has been a
As for philanthropy, the chapter hosted a FSL
privilege, and I am grateful for the friendships
philanthropy volleyball tournament on our sand
forged, the lessons learned, and the memories
volleyball court to raise money for Special
created. To the graduates, your legacy remains
Olympics. Each fraternity and sorority
an integral part of our fraternity's story. To our
participated, and a team of Fijis brought home
current members, I have full confidence that the
the hardware. Socially, the chapter threw two
unity and spirit we've cultivated will propel this
registered parties at the house, and held our
fraternity to even greater heights. Thank you for
annual fall semi-formal dance. Scholarship was
allowing me to be part of this incredible journey.
a clear priority of the brothers this fall. With a
3.33 GPA, the chapter ranked first not only for
all fraternities, but also exceeded the all men's
average and the Knox College average. Finally,
the chapter hosted its Frank Norris Pig Dinner
Cole Shepherd 24
in combination with Knox College Homecoming
Gamma Deuteron Chapter President
and it was a great success. Graduate attendance
increased significantly from past years, and it
Pig Dinner/Homecoming 2023
Nearly 100 people descended on the Knox Fiji
In addition to the undergrads, graduates and
house for a combined Frank Norris Pig
their families, we were joined this year by
Dinner/Homecoming celebration on Oct. 28. A
friends and family members of the under-
short program that began at 4 p.m. featured
grads, including parents and siblings. Those
remarks by chapter treasurer Eddie Brees
assembled enjoyed a buffet-style feast of
('24), House Corporation vice president David
pulled pork - provided by a donation from
Brackman ('81) and Marty Glickman ('80),
former chapter president and ex-Galesburg
who recently completed a two-year term on
mayor John Pritchard ('78) - with plenty of
the Knox College board of trustees.
sides and dessert offerings. The Gamma
Deuteron chapter house living room was lined
with dinner tables and a few hearty souls sat
on the south porch in the chilly weather.
Les Hunter ('77) received his Gold Owl certificate for 50
years of membership in Phi Gamma Delta during the
Marty Glickman ('80), who served on the Knox College
2023 Pig Dinner/Homecoming ceremony at the Gamma
Board of Trustees from 2021 to 2023, spoke at Gamma
Deuteron chapter house on Oct. 28. Hunter, who lives in
Deuteron's 2023 Pig Dinner/Homecoming ceremony
Galesburg with his wife Julie, was an assistant baseball
about the college's mission and its relationship with the
coach at Knox for more than a dozen years and also was
Gamma Deuteron chapter.
the director of Knox's Gale Scholars program.
Pig Dinner/Homecoming 2023
Knox College
Doug Francke ('06), left, of Galesburg, speaks with Phi Gamma Delta Section Chief Bob Schaich
(Bradley '06) during the 2023 Pig Dinner/Homecoming event on Oct. 28.
Undergrads pose beneath the new color photos of Phi Gamma Delta's Immortal Six on the first floor
of the chapter house at the 2023 Pig Dinner/Homecoming event on Oct. 28. Front row, from left: Tyler
Bialek ('24), Isaiah Cole-Jones ('24), Andrew Garrett ('26) and Jake Baker ('26). Back row, from left: Jeff
Ripka ('26), Cole Andrews ('26), Joe Krantz ('26) and Eddie Brees ('24).
Frank M. Johnson ('52) is Gamma Deuteron
chapter's newest Diamond Owl honoree
He was surprised when he received a package
Johnson followed up his call with a letter to
that was postmarked Lexington, Ky., then
the G.D. Fiji, recalling prosperous days for the
elated when he opened it. Frank M. Johnson
Gamma Deuteron chapter: "We had 100
('52) is the newest Gamma Deuteron alumnus
actives and pledge classes of 25," he wrote.
to receive the Diamond Owl award,
Seventy-five years ago, "an arts and letters
recognizing 75 years of membership in Phi
class was mandatory" and "we had
Gamma Delta.
mandatory chapel once a week at the (Central
Congregational) Church on the (Galesburg
Johnson, 93, a retired insurance agent, now
public) square. Had to turn in attendance
lives in Kalamazoo, Mich., after many years
residing in southwest Florida with his wife of
67 years, Carol.
Of the chapter house, Johnson said, "They
built it pretty well to hold up until now, more
"They sent me a nice certificate," " said
than 100 years." He recalled a Fiji party in the
Johnson, who was initiated in early 1949,
early 1950s when "we brought in a load of
when contacted by the G.D. Fiji. "I'm just
sawdust to cover the living room floor." When
happy that I made it this long!"
Johnson lived in the house, there was "no fire
escape [or] basketball court."
Originally from Rockford, Ill., Johnson has
fond, vivid memories of his time at Knox:
And Johnson remembered a "warm dorm"
"The Fijis had really good intramurals teams;
(heated) and a "cold dorm" (not heated)
one year we won six of eight titles," he said.
where everyone slept. (The "warm dorm" was
He also remembers serving as a house waiter
on the second floor, he said - a confusing
(when the chapter house had a functioning
detail, as the second-floor "rack" definitely
kitchen and daily meal service for
was not heated in the 1970s and 1980s.)
undergraduate members) and as house
Johnson was unfamiliar with the term "rack"
manager during his senior year.
in reference to those sleeping areas -
although he said they had "bunk" beds. "But
Johnson also was sports editor for the Knox
we never called it the 'rack,"" Johnson said.
Student newspaper and played on the football
The third-floor rack was converted to rooms
team. "We beat Monmouth a couple of years,"
long ago; the second-floor rack was converted
he boasted. "In 1949, the basketball team had
to rooms during major renovations to the
to practice at the Galesburg Armory while
chapter house in the early 1990s.
Memorial Gym and Lay (Natatorium) were
being built."
JOHNSON continued on next page
JOHNSON continued from previous page
homes in Venice, Bonita Springs, Boca Grande
and Englewood, they relocated back to
After graduation, Johnson worked in the
Michigan less than two years ago to be closer
insurance business, first for Fireman's Fund
to family.
in his hometown of Rockford. The company
later transferred him to Michigan. Settling in
After retiring, Johnson took up furniture
Saginaw, Mich., he stayed with Fireman's
painting as a hobby in 2001. He estimates he
until 1961. He handled business lines for
has painted at least 1,800 pieces (chairs,
"hospitals and banks, etc." Later, he became
benches, doors, etc.) over the past two
an independent insurance agent, offering
decades, including about 200 pieces he has
commercial lines of insurance to metal
given away to friends and relatives. He
workers affiliated with Detroit's automotive
describes his art as "whimsical."
"I took, maybe, two group lessons. I just did it
Frank and Carol had three children and now
for fun and to keep busy." He also paints
have five grandchildren and five great-
small household items, such as drink coasters.
grandchildren. After several post-retirement
He prefers nautical themes: fish, boats, birds
decades along Florida's west coast, including
- "to remind me of Florida."
Frank M. Johnson ('52), of Kalamazoo, Mich., displays the Diamond Owl certificate he
recently received from International Headquarters to mark his 75 years of membership in Phi
Gamma Delta, along with an original owl drawing he made.
Kris Nelson named to Knox-Lombard Athletic Hall
of Fame; reflects on his brother Erik Nelson's
influence on him in school and through his life
Kris Nelson ('98) was
among seven recent
offensive linemen in
inductees into the
school history, he
Knox-Lombard Athletic
played the right guard
Hall of Fame. Nelson
position, anchoring a
was a four-year letter
unit that allowed just
winner for the Knox
one sack in 27 games,
football team who
while helping the team
helped lead the team to
set several offensive
three straight winning
records. As a sopho-
seasons and three
more, Kris lined up
straight victories over
right next to his older
archrival Monmouth.
brother, who played
He played alongside his
right tackle on the Knox
older brother Erik
offensive line.
Nelson ('96) at Knox
when Kris was a
"Kris was blessed with
freshman and sopho-
good athletic ability and
more and Erik was a
possessed a great work
junior and senior.
Kris Nelson ('98) was an imposing force for Knox football. ethic, said former
Knox head football coach Andy Gibbons. "He
Kris Nelson also lettered in wrestling at Knox
was a leader and one of the strongest players
his senior year, in the heavyweight division
we have ever had at Knox. However, what
(at about 225 pounds, he competed at 25 to 35
made Kris special was his unbelievable desire
pounds less than his football weight). He won
to win and it was that desire that drove him to
two matches in the 1998 NCAA Division III
play as hard as anyone I have coached. In his
Western Regionals against higher-ranked
mind, we were always in the game whether we
opponents to complete his college athletic
were way up or way down."
career. He graduated in 1998.
After graduation from Knox, Kris Nelson went
Kris Nelson was a National Strength and
on to play semi-professional football for two
Conditioning Association All-American,
years for the nationally-ranked Palos/Orland
National Scholar Athlete and first team All-
Force, based in the south suburbs of Chicago.
Midwest Conference selection in football in
1997, his senior season.
NELSON continued on next page
NELSON continued from previous page
and daughter Klara, 12. He was recognized as
Broward County Schools' co-volunteer of the
Then, on a vacation to Spain, one of Kris'
year in 2019 and received the Florida Dept. of
football friends recruited him to play
Education Outstanding Volunteer Award,
professionally for Spanish team Pioners de
District 5, in 2020.
L'Hospitalet, in the LNFA (Liga Nacional de
FĂștbol Americano).
But tragedy struck in December 2022, when
Erik Nelson had a heart attack and died at the
"I stayed for four months - the full season -
age of 49. The Nelson family returned to their
but I had been working in commercial real
hometown of Harrisburg, Ill., in the southern
estate (for Regions Bank) in Miami, so when
part of the state, to put Erik to rest.
the season ended, I went back to Miami," Kris
Nelson told the G.D. Fiji. "I turned down other
"We gave my brother a Viking-style ceremony
offers to play in Germany."
and service," Kris Nelson said. "Many of the
Knox Fijis who were in school with us
Older brother Erik Nelson had already earned
attended. He was my only natural brother, but
a law degree (from St. Thomas University in
it was great to have so many of my fraternity
Miami Gardens, Fla.) and Kris Nelson
brothers [there] to help us deal with our loss
followed in his older brother's footsteps into
and celebrate his life."
the law, enrolling at University of Miami
School of Law in 2006 and earning his law
(Editor's note: Information from Knox
degree in 2009. They were roommates for
College was used in this report. Click here to
nearly a decade.
read Erik Nelson's online obituary.)
"Erik definitely helped me on some strategies
for the final law school exams," Kris Nelson
said. "Erik was the reason I went to Knox and
the reason I became a Fiji. After Knox, we
lived together for 10 years before, during and
after I went to law school."
Kris Nelson graduated summa cum laude (with
highest honors) from UM Law and worked at
prestigious international law firm White &
Case for four-and-a-half years, then went
into private equity law, before landing nine
years ago with his current employer, NR
Investments, a Miami real estate development
and construction company, as general counsel
Kris Nelson ('98), right, wearing No. 75, talks with
and chief legal officer. Kris Nelson lives in
brother Erik Nelson ('96) on the sideline of a Knox
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., with with his wife Lara
football game in 1995. (Photo courtesy of Kris Nelson.)
Class of '78 remember former chapter
president Paul Brauer, share memories
Phi Gam members of the Class of 1978 celebrated their 45th anniversary since graduation at the 2023 Knox Homecoming.
Above, from left, Glen Thompson, David Bates, David Schramm and Bob Voss, all members of the Class of '78, and a few other
grads and undergrads from other classes not pictured spent a few moments on Saturday morning, Oct. 28, visiting the 55-foot
fin whale skeleton that is mounted in the atrium of the Knox College science and math center (SMAC).
Knox Fijis were the primary donors to the whale project, which honors former Gamma Deuteron chapter president Paul Brauer
('78), a Knox chemistry major who passed away in 2015 at age 59. Members also told a few "Brauer stories." Thompson
recounted an anecdote from Brauer's wedding in 1981 in Tulsa, Okla., which 16 Knox Fijis attended: Most of the Fijis stayed at a
cheap motel arranged by the groom - who was unaware that dozens of state police officers had booked the same motel that
weekend while attending a nearby convention. And wow, those cops were in a mood to party! In the end, Brauer tied the knot
and the Knox Fijis came and went without incident, while meeting some new "friends" - those crazy cops (including "Bud"
from Del City). Everyone laughed at the memory, then laughed some more.
From the editor's desk
Dear Brothers,
Additionally, the undergraduate officers and
House Corporation members coordinated and
As we enter the countdown to Christmas and
were able to purchase a new set of brushed
2023 comes to a close, there is a lot to reflect
metal Greek letters to replace the old wooden
on and to look forward to in 2024. From our
letters on the south wall of the chapter house.
members' participation on Knox's sports
The letters will be installed soon and will be a
teams to our winter rush, we have a lot of
great update from our previous letters.
exciting events involving many of our
brothers in the coming months.
Members of the Knox basketball team,
including myself and six other Phi Gams, are
This issue of the G.D. Fiji newsletter featured a
excited about the team's trip to Hawaii, where
recent Silver Owl winner who was elected to
we will play two games before Christmas.
the Knox-Lombard Athletic Hall of Fame, a
Gold Owl recipient who lives in Galesburg and
As we head into the rest of this year and into
a Diamond Owl honoree who is celebrating 75
the winter, I encourage anyone who has alumni
years of membership in Phi Gamma Delta. Our
stories or updates they would like to share to
chapter is extremely proud that we are able to
please email them to
award these alumni for their years of
We would love to feature more alumni stories
membership to our fraternity. We hope to
and make that a recurring section in our
continue to present these membership awards
to our alumni as a part of future Pig Dinner
We also recapped events surrounding the
2023 Pig Dinner/Homecoming event on Oct.
28. We have now published five newsletters
Cole Andrews '26
since last April, totaling 125 pages.
Gamma Deuteron Chapter Corresponding
Secretary and G.D. Fiji Editor
Looking into 2024, the annual Phi Gamma
Delta Academy will be held Jan. 5-7 in St.
Louis. Three brothers, Joe Krantz ('26), Joe
Williams ('26) and Jeff Ripka ('26), will be
Correction: The September issue of the G.D. Fiji had
attending. This will be the second trip for
incorrect volume and issue numbers. The September
Krantz and Williams to a Phi Gamma Delta
issue should have been Vol. CXVI, No. 1. The G.D. Fiji
educational academy. They previously
debuted in 1908 and is now in its 116th year of
brought back lots of information and skills to
publication. You can view more than 100 archived
share and benefit our chapter.
copies of our chapter newsletters at
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December 2023 newsletter of the Gamma Deuteron chapter at Knox College. The newsletter is 11 pages in length.