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2024 Summer Newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech
Summer 2024 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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This newsletter is held in digital format only.
Rho Alpha
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2024 Summer Newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech
Rho Alpha of
Phi Gamma Delta
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2024
Run Across Virginia
Dear Graduate Brothers, Parents, and
As we prepare for the fall semester's
Other Friends of Rho Alpha: We had a very
activities, our philanthropy chairs are fast
successful spring semester and summer
at work when it comes to planning this
break that we would like to share with you
year's Run Across Virginia, better known
between undergrads and graduate
brothers alike as Football Run.
What a busy spring semester it was! The
brotherhood completed a myriad of
As mentioned in the Fall 2023 newsletter,
different activities, and we are eager to
this past year's Run Across Virginia was a
share them with you all.
huge success, largely in part due to
donations from graduate brothers,
For starters, we initiated our spring new
corporate sponsorships, and parents. We
member class, Delta Tau, comprised of 19
thank you all tremendously!
young men, 14 of whom are freshmen, and
the remaining are sophomores.
We are extremely excited about this year's
Run Across Virginia as we will be running
We also received two chapter awards
towards Virginia Tech since this year's
granted to us by Virginia Tech Fraternity
Commonwealth Cup will be played at Lane
& Sorority Life (FSL). These awards are a
Stadium. While the fanfare around the
testament to our 5 core values, and we are
game will surely be entertaining enough,
very excited and grateful to receive them.
be on the lookout for the Phi Gams as we
More of that on page 2.
run the game ball into Lane Stadium for
kickoff against the Wahoos! Go Hokies!
We also practiced our value of Service
through various programs in and around
During the coming months please keep an
Blacksburg. The brotherhood volunteered
eye on your inboxes as we will be
for several different events, including the
communicating key information regarding
Big Event, Greeks Giving Back, and other
our fundraising efforts for this event,
smaller community service opportunities.
along with any potential activities taking
place in preparation for this year's run.
Finally, several improvements were made
on our beloved 202 Church Street
property. More of that on page 2. Thanks
for tuning in, I hope everyone enjoys this
issue and the information included!
--Bennett Logan '26, Hayden Crook '27
Rho Alpha Newsletter Spring-Summer 2024
Awards & Recognition
This spring semester Virginia Tech
Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) office
ended the year off by giving out their
annual chapter awards and recognitions.
The Rho Alpha Chapter is proud to have
received the Chapter Collaboration Award!
We are thankful to have received this
honor, and we extend a heavy thank you to
our Cabinet and our other chapter leaders
who made this possible.
Additionally, a very special
congratulations to our very own Purple
Legionnaire, Dana Hesse '86, for receiving
the Henry S. Mattox Outstanding
Fraternity Alumnus of the Year award! Our
chapter is very grateful for all that he
Spring 2024 New Member Class.
does, and there is nobody more deserving
Meet the Delta Taus (ATs) !
for this award! Thank you and
congratulations Dana! Perge!
Congratulations to the newest brothers of
our chapter, the new member class of AT!
The Delta Tau class is comprised of 19
young men, including 14 freshman and 5
sophomores. Welcome new Brothers!
Steven Chen ('27), Anthony Ciccarello ('27),
Bobby Cisneros ('27), Hayden Crook ('27),
Willie Daileader ('27), Ramon Dayan ('27),
Andrew Ewert ('26), Justin Garcia ('27),
Ryan Greenblatt ('27), Jackson
Greene ('26), Ryan Hamlet ('27), RJ
Holihan ('26), Scott Johnson ('27), Collin
Kumpf ('26), Aidan Lauder ('27), Tommy
Le ('27), Jason Pastushan ('27), Steven
Roney ('26), Greg Temple ('27).
Rho Alpha Newsletter Spring-Summer 2024
House Improvements
Over the past semester, we are happy to
share the latest improvements made to
our house. We have added several
wonderful upgrades that ensure our
house is looking sharp.
First off, outside the front yard includes
the addition of the new flagpole to
replace the old and broken pole, proudly
displaying both the ensign of the USA and
the letters of Phi Gamma Delta.
Next, we have installed brand new
outside railings on the porch, helping
keep the exterior of the house looking
clean. Also along the exterior, is the
addition of a new driveway gate, a much
needed addition that was able to replace
the previous and broken gate.
Inside the house, includes the addition of
a new dining room table. Special thank
you to Hayden Somerville ('26), Parker
Forrest ('27), and Bennett Logan ('26), for
building this gift to our chapter. The
table serves as a great center piece and
we are very thankful for this new
Lastly, we have added new outside string
lights pictured to the right, to make the
yard more of a usable space after dark.
These lights are a great addition and
makes the atmosphere very welcoming in
the evenings.
Rho Alpha Newsletter Spring-Summer 2024
Greeks Giving Back
Spring Service
This spring semester, brothers worked
This spring, the Delta Tau class
with VT FSL through Greeks Giving
volunteered with the Virginia Tech
Back to help give back to the Blacksburg
YMCA. Brothers helped turn old
community. Brothers divided up into
clothes into tote bags that can be
groups and helped complete a variety of
reused within the store. The YMCA is
tasks around the area, in spirit of Ut
a huge nonprofit organization that
Prosim. This event is a great way in
provides a variety of services for
which Greek chapters come together to
local children and families, and as a
help serve the local community.
brotherhood we are grateful we can
help assist the program and serve
the community. Great work
The Big Event
Another way in which Brothers helped
serve this semester was through the
Big Event. The Big Event is a student-
run day of service, where both
individuals and groups come together
to volunteer. These efforts led to the
completion of almost 1,200 service
projects across the event in and around
Blacksburg, and it was a great way for
Brothers to help serve!
Rho Alpha Newsletter Spring-Summer 2024
Graduate News
Pig Dinner 2024
Congratulations to graduate brother
Additionally, we also held our 52nd
Ward Follette '76, for being awarded the
Norris Pig Dinner, celebrating 52 years
inaugural Rho Alpha Pinnacle of
of the tradition. Thank you to all who
Brotherhood Award. This award was
came! The music, the food, and the
created to acknowledge Ward's lifetime
ceremony made for a great time.
commitment and continued support to
our chapter. Our chapter was able to
At our Pig Dinner luncheon, we also
award this honor at the 52nd Pig Dinner
awarded many brothers with Academic
this year, and we want to recognize him
awards that we would like to mention
for all that he has done. Ward has helped
as well! These awards all are a great
organize graduate support, provide
reflection of hard work displayed by
financial support, and has continued to
the brotherhood. Congratulations to all
provide lifelong dedication to our
chapter. Much of his work has gone
unrecognized, and this honor is to
Highest NM GPA S'23: Jaime Nebot
recognize Ward for his great efforts.
Highest NIB GPA S'23: Michael Mancuso,
Ward has been a brother of Rho Alpha
Rashed Abdulrahman (tie)
for over 50 years, and we are very
Highest NM GPA F'23: Hayes Gelsomino,
grateful for all that he has done. Thank
Ben Ogletree (tie)
Highest NIB GPA S'23: Luke Bitsko
you and congratulations Ward!
Most Improved GPA F22>S23: Adam
Most Improved GPA S23>F23: Gill
Highest Soph. Cum. GPA thru F23:
Spencer Just
Highest Jr. Cum. GPA thru F23: Nathan
Highest Sr. Cum. GPA thru F23: Joseph
Five Values Scholarship Honorable
Mention: Colby Black ($500)
Five Values Scholarship Winner: Daniel
Cao ($1500)
McMahan Family Persistence Scholarship:
Bryce Marcantonio ($2000)
Rho Alpha Newsletter Spring-Summer 2024
Standards of Excellence
Academic Success
The Standards of Excellence program is
As academic success is always a focus
an accreditation program to challenge
within our chapter, the spring semester
and showcase chapters to strive for
continued to reflect our consistent
excellence in all they do. For the 2023-
success in the classroom! The active
2024 rating cycle, Fraternity and
member GPA average for the spring was
Sorority Life office awarded the Rho
a 3.4225, placing #2 out of 29 IFC
Alpha chapter with Platinum status
fraternities. This includes 9 brothers
recognition! Platinum is the highest
who received a perfect 4.0, and a total of
honor that can be recognized, and this
70 brothers who achieved Dean's List
reflects our consistent hard work and
recognition! List included below.
success as a chapter. Rho Alpha was the
largest IFC chapter to earn this great
recognition. Great work Brothers!
Spring 2024 Dean's List (asterisk indicates perfect 4.0)
Allison, Cashel
Ciemniecki, Joseph*
Koontz, Ashton
Rimler, Nathan
Balakrshnan, Charan
Conway, Gabriel
Lask, Thomas
Runyon, Ryan
Barefoot, Turner
Crook, Hayden
Logan, Bennett
Saleem, Humza
Bell, Aiden
Deerin, Ryan
Lombardi, Leo*
Schneider, Joseph
Bennett, Wesley
Forrest, Parker
Magee, Aidan
Seery, Cameron
Berry, Blake
Garvin, Sean
Mancuso, Michael
Spitz, Aaron
Bitsko, Luke
Gelsomino, Hayes
Marcantonio, Bryce
Summers, Jackson
Black, Colby
Glass, Reilly
Mayer, Steven
Toben, Connor
Brandon, Andrew
Gray, William
Mills, James (Trey)
Todd, Collin*
Breen, Jason
Hagen, Nick
Nelson, John*
Tootle, Parker
Brown, Nathan
Hamlet, Ryan
Nessar, Zach
Tribble, Carson
Butler Jr., Timothy*
Hulette, Tobin
Nobrega, Adam
Van Woudenberg, Edward
Campbell, Andrew
Hull, Isaac
Odio, Tomas*
Walsh, Brandon
Cao, Daniel*
Jamieson, Jack
Ogan, Chide
Warter, William
Cheema, Wali
Jones, Bryce*
Ogletree Jr., Ben
Whitlow, Tye*
Cheng, Christopher
Jordan, William
Potter, Aidan
Wirt, Zachary
Childers, Kade
Kese, Will
Rashed, Abdulrahman
Ciccarello, Anthony
Kinsey, Max
Riccobene, Michael
Rho Alpha Newsletter Spring-Summer 2024
176th Ekklesia (Chicago, 8-11 August 2024)
This past August, our current Cabinet had the opportunity to spend a long weekend in
Chicago to attend the 176th Ekklesia. During the trip, they were able to meet other
undergraduate and graduate Phi Gams from across the continent and take part in
various business meetings regarding updates from the International Fraternity.
These meetings included nominations for new Archons, proposing amendments to the
Bylaws, Constitution, and Ritual, and voting on many different business items. When
the guys weren't in meetings, they attended both a Cubs and a White Sox game, tried
Chicago's famous deep-dish pizza, and spent some time touring around the city.
During the closing banquet on Saturday night, our chapter brought home 3rd place in
the Owen Cup for 2023, which is awarded to the chapters showing the greatest
scholastic improvements throughout the year. Furthermore, our Purple Legionnaire,
Dana Hesse was recognized as the runner-up for the Durrance Award, given to the
most outstanding Purple Legionnaire. Our Cabinet made some great connections and
thoroughly enjoyed their time in the Windy City.
Rho Alpha Reppin' at 2024 Ekklesia
Rho Alpha Cabinet at Wrigley Field
Rho Alpha Newsletter Spring-Summer 2024
Thank you to everyone who has made 2024 great so far! We hope that this
newsletter has provided you all with insights into what Rho Alpha has
accomplished so far this year. We are looking forward to a great fall semester
and be sure to look out for our next newsletter in winter/spring. Thank you!
Lastly, if any graduate brothers are looking to fill job positions, need interns for
summer employment, or wish to advertise their company to our undergraduate
chapter, please reach out to our graduate relations chair, Bennett Logan
( Also, Rho Alpha has a LinkedIn group dedicated to fostering
career connections within the chapter, and all graduate brothers are strongly
encouraged to take advantage of it:
Rho Alpha of Phi Gamma Delta
202 Church St. SE
Blacksburg, VA 24060-4804
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Summer 2024 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. The newsletter is eight pages in length.