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1987 Spring Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Spring 1987 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1987 Spring Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Chapter President Relates
Spring Events
Greetings from lota Mu! The new year has brought with it
many new and exciting things to the chapter house. First of all, I
am proud to announce the addition of 10 new brothers who I'm
sure will uphold the high standards and ideals that our chapter
has always boasted. The class of 1990 was initiated on February 1,
1987, and I hope that by the time you read this you will already
have met them at Pig dinner.
One of the highlights of the early part of the term was the
section convention at the University of Pennsylvania. Ten lota
Mu brothers attended the convention, which attracted brothers
from over 15 chapters. A great deal was discussed and learned
during the various meetings, but the most enjoyable part of the
trip for me was meeting SO many brothers from other chapters
and realizing that Fijis everywhere are some of the best men a
person can ever hope to meet.
Other highlights for the chapter include, as always, athletic
achievements and campus leadership. In indoor track, Sean
Walker '89 was the New England Division Three and Eastern
Collegiate Athletic Conference champion in the 100-meter run.
Glenn Hopkins was the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference
champion in the high jump. Fiji also has members on the out-
Eugene Sweeney '89 rattles the dance floor as social chairman.
door track, baseball, lacrosse, crew, baseball, and rugby teams
this spring. We will also have several brothers running for posi-
tions on the Inter-Fraternity Conference and Judicial
Iota Mu Welcomes New Brothers
The one event that I was most excited about this spring took
place during our spring break (March 20-29). Eight undergradu-
lota Mu is pleased to announce the initiation of the 10
ate brothers and eight graduate brothers charted two 40-foot
members of the class of 1990. Their term of pledging began early
sailboats for the week. We sailed the boats from Fort Lauderdale
in September and culminated with initiation on February 1,
to the Bahamas and back again. Graduate brothers traveled from
1987. Initiation ended the traditional freshman work week,
as far away as California and Colorado to meet us for this cruise,
which was again an enormous success.
proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that Phi Gamma Delta is
The class of '90 consists of the following men: William Fred-
not for college days alone.
erick Large (Arlington Heights, IL), Joseph Peter Errico (Far
In closing I would like to reiterate what my predecessor (Glen
Hills, NJ), Samir Eliecir Noriega (Hackensack, NJ). Steven Paul
Hopkins '87) said in his letter last term. That is, once again we
Peltzman (Maywood, NJ), Paul Stephen Lydon (Norwood, MA),
recognize our house corporation members for their greatly
John Evarist Massucci (Brooklyn, NY), Frederick Jay Bennett
appreciated guidance and support. As a result of their dedication,
(Tuba City, AZ), Mark Robert Naugle (New Castle, PA), Paul
we have a brand new, safer, and more reliable electrical system,
Matthew Anderson (Austin. MN), and Robert Charles Martin
and work will soon begin on rebuilding our plumbing system.
(Clark Summit, PA).
Have a great spring and summer, and remember to stop by
These 10 are sure to uphold the fine image of Phi Gamma
and say hello if you're ever in the Boston area.
Delta. Congratulations, class of '90; it's great to have you in the
Timothy Day '89
Hugh B. Ekberg
Chapter President
Chapter Prepares For Fall Rush
Iota Muse is published on a regular basis by the lota Mu
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at MIT for its members and friends.
With rush week still half a year away, the house has already
News items, contributions, and changes of address should be sent
begun preparing for an outstanding rush. Because of a particu-
to Phi Gamma Delta at MIT, Alumni Records Office, P.O. Box
larly large graduating senior class, we will be looking for
575, Cambridge, MA 02139. Photographs will be returned, upon
approximately 16 pledges for the class of 1991, the largest pledge
request, after use in the newsletter.
class in recent history. Fortunately, the diligent work of many
brothers has given us an excellent head start. We appreciate the
efforts of Jon Lundberg, Russ Mallen, and Andreas Judas. Spe-
Iota Mu Alums Write
cial thanks go to Mike Donohue, who has ensured a steady flow
of pre-freshmen visiting the house through the admissions office,
and to Hugh Ekberg, who, as captain of MIT's football team,
Hydrologist DANIEL J. GOODE *80 (1636 Bentana Way,
will ensure that all potential freshman football players will stay
Reston, VA 22090) shares with us, !'After three years. in the
at Fiji when they visit MIT.
trenches (radioactive waste trenches) for the Nuclear Regulatory
Most significant in our efforts to fill next year's vacancies in
Commission, I've joined the ground water research group at the
the face of a dwindling male population at MIT is our extension
U.S. Geological Survey. I'm close to DC and Dulles Airport and
of two bids to second-term freshman transfers. We are counting
would be happy to host any wandering Fijis. My house is the one
on these exceptional potential Fijis to lead a well-rounded,
that glows in the dark!"
diverse group in the fall. In addition, Brother Glenn Hopkins '87
has a younger brother who will be attending MIT next fall, and
Having a new address of 119 W. Albright Ave., Allentown, PA
he is a fine prospect.
18104, MICHAEL D. CURD '69, an architect, informs us, "After
One other point worth mentioning is that our success last year
10 years in business together, MICHAEL D. ONORA '71 and I
bred some resentment among two other MIT fraternities, and, as
are dividing up the spoils. He keeps Consolarnation Corpora-
a result, we will be paying a $1,000 fine for alleged violation of
tion while I take Shelter Design Group to a new location closer to
IFC rush rules. The Judicial Committee is also considering other
the consumer base-Allentown." Mic also reports that brother
actions to restrain our efforts next rush week, but it is hoped that
ROBERT F. CURD III '66 has a new son.
these can be avoided.
Although MIT is expected to admit the smallest male class
Writes LAWRENCE W. DAY '27, "Busy maintaining two
(from the standpoint of percentage) next year, we feel we have
houses-home and vacation-for children and grandchildren
gotten off to a strong head start. However, there is a long way to
and their beaus." Larry adds that he and his wife lunch with
go. It is hoped that the undergraduate brothers realize the chal-
ROBERT A. ENGEL '27 every other month. "Missed seeing
lenge ahead of us and put much more effort into summer rush
them in Florida." Send your regards to Larry at 1 Hickory Lane,
calls than there has been in the last couple of years. Graduate
Fairfield, CT 06430.
brothers can help, too. If you know of anyone who will be
attending MIT next year who is of Fiji potential, please let us
Materials engineer CESAR D. MAIORINO '84 pens, "I had
know. Address your recommendations to John Ryan, 28 The
the Maverick put to sleep." Cesar shares with us that Kristen and
Fenway, Boston, MA 02215.
Conan are doing fine and that he sees MARK "Spike" FORD-
Your help will be appreciated.
HAM '84 and keeps in touch with THOMAS D. WOLFE '83.
Give Cesar a jingle at 92 Haverhill St., Andover, MA 01810.
John Ryan '89
Congratulations to F. SIDNEY BADGER JR. '27, who
Rush Chairman
planned to marry an old family friend, Margaret Mills, on April
25. "Expect to spend summers at wife's home in Belfast (P.O. Box
236, Belfast, ME 04915) and winters at my home in Los Angeles
(5200 Armida Dr., Woodland Hills, CA 91364)." Sid writes that
he anticipates attending the 100th anniversary of lota Mu in
1989. About 1927's 60th reunion, he reports, "BUD A. GILLIES
'27 will not attend and CHARLES KINGSLEY JR. '27 may." Sid
closes with, "Keep up the good work with Iota Muse, which, if
memory fails me not, I started in 1924. Now greatly improved."
An engineer for Northrop, BRUCE S. ROULEAU '81
informs us that he planned to have a West Coast Fiji island party
this spring. Give Bruce a jingle at 11772 Foster Rd., Los Alami-
tos, CA 90720.
"Still in the same place-consulting for the last 32 years,"
writes DAVID M. ROWE '51. Dave works as a civil engineer for
Hurst-Rosche Engineers, Inc. "Met our new Fiji secretary from
headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, last fall in St. Louis. They
are getting younger all the time-or SO it seems." Keep in touch
with Dave at 728 St. Louis St., Hillsboro, IL 62049.
Reporting a new address of 1825 N. Lincoln Plaza, Chicago,
IL 60614, JAMES A. ATWOOD '79 informs us that he is looking
forward to the bachelor party for DOUGLAS C. BARNARD '79
Dave and the Dynamics prepares for the MIT Battle of the
this spring. "Also, what kind of movies is ROBERT W. HONE
Bands. Right to left: Mike Donohue '87, Dave Solo '87, Tim Day
'79 making out in California?''
'89, Paul Lydon '90, and Art Gregory '87.
Chapter Continues Fine
House Upkeep
It's been another care-free term for the house managers this
spring. The freshmen eagerly returned to the old homestead after
a lengthy winter break. Creative painting, a renovated sleeping
porch, and a clean house are the results of yet another in a long
line of successful freshman work weeks.
The extensive electrical work is nearly complete. Dave Solo
'87 and J. P. Errico '90 are currently deciding which new fixtures
will add the finishing touch to the extraordinary job done by the
electricians. Malcolm Cotton Brown Corporation and graduates:
Thank you for your support.
A recent unannounced visit from 25 University of Rhode
Island Fijis in a Ryder truck ignited a 14-keg free-for-all here at
the house, the repercussions of which prompted House Manag-
ers Jeff "Mooch" Palmucci and Russ "Woody" Mallen (studs of
the centennial class of '89) to organize a work day. This work day
proved to be a great time for everyone to get together and get the
Dan Dismukes '88 and Greg Anderson '88 do the Snoopy dance
house in great shape for the remainder of the semester. The social
as Art Gregory '87 bangs out the boogie-woogie.
chairmen, Eugene "The Satanic Dancing Bear" Sweeney '89 and
Chuck "Chainsaw" Thompson '88, along with the steward tri-
umverates comprising Andreas Judas '89, Brian Ballard '89, and
Mark Mabry '88, generously donated plenty of Genesee and cold
Brothers Succeed In Sports
cuts to provide the spark for a unified effort.
Last fall, troubles arose when some new neighbors began
carelessly and illegally using our dumpster. Messiness in the
As of this writing lota Mu leads the MIT athletic scene in both
back alley was followed by violations and court appearances.
varsity and intramural sports.
The fears of further appearances in the dreaded "dumpster
In varsity action, I.M. once again dominates the indoor and
court" have been quelled by increased weekly collection, com-
outdoor track teams with six runners. Mike Donohue '87 is
mitment to a clean back alley by the class of '90, and smooth
running the 50-, 100-, and 200-meter sprints. Andreas Judas '89 is
talking on the part of Hugh Ekberg '88 and Glenn Hopkins '87.
running middle distance, and Steve Peltzman '90 is throwing the
Graduates, stop by old 28 and take a look; you are always more
javelin. Coming off a strong indoor season are Glenn Hopkins
than welcome.
'87, who won the ECACs and placed fifth in the New Englands in
the high jump; Bob Joy '87, who was on the ECACs winning
two-mile relay team; and Sean Walker '89, who ran the half-mile,
Russ "Woody" Mallen '89
1,000-meter, and 1,500-meter and qualified for the nationals. All
House Manager
plan to continue on into outdoor track this spring.
Steve Brown '87, "Mr. Psyche," is captain of the varsity light-
weight crew team this year and was elected vice president of the
varsity club. Also, Duncan McCallum '87 finished a successful
Fijis Enjoy Active Social Life
water polo season and is looking forward to next year because he
was elected captain for the fall '87 season. Tim Day is hoping to
carry his hot streak from fall baseball over to the spring season.
Thanks to our almighty treasurer, John Lundberg, and a little
Bob Park '87, a transfer from Beta Mu Chapter at Johns Hopkins,
"creative financing" by the social chairmen, this term's social
recently became the founder and captain of MIT's first cycling
calendar has been very active. We had a total of five major parties
team, which will compete in the Eastern Collegiate Cycling
(with one being a co-party with Zeta Psi) plus a Fiji Island party,
Federation. And, finally, Thomas Spaight '88, John Ryan '89,
freshman formal, Norris Pig Dinner, Friday afternoon club, a
and Bob Martin '90 are hoping to lead the MIT lacrosse team to
road trip to FIP at Johns Hopkins University, and several ran-
its first undefeated season, but we will have to wait and see about
domly tapped kegs to fill in the gaps along the way.
The spirit of the house is high. People are always ready to
In the exciting world of intramurals, Fiji is tearing the MIT
party hard after they've studied hard, and that's what we social
community apart. In basketball, the exciting C-league basketball
chairmen are here for-to make sure that if there's a will, there's a
team came off of a perfect season led by Shane Arnold '88, Eugene
and then some!
"Dancing Bear" Sweeney '89, and the big guy, Duncan McCal-
lum '87. In A-league action, Jon "The Smoking Gun" Lundberg
'89, Tim Day '89, and Rich Rice '87 led the team to a 4-3 record.
Eugene Sweeney '89
The whole house is psyched for spring intramurals. lota Mu is
Chuck Thompson '88
planning to continue the C-league dynasty in volleyball with
Social Chairmen
two teams competing this term. The A- and B-league softball
teams are both on the way to championships this spring. Finally,
the power-spiking C-league ping-pong team has already reduced
one opponent to rubble, and the players are looking forward to
playing a male team this time in order to carve a new notch in
Your news is good news!
their paddles.
Return the enclosed newsform today!
Bob Martin '90
Pam 9.
Welcome ALFRED R. MEYER JR. '43 at P.O. Box 2049, 8885
Harbor Island Way, Hobe Sound, FL 33455. "Finally tiring of
Alumni News
living on our own private island in the Bahamas (Foots Cay) and
have bought al home in Florida in anticipation of selling our
Bahamian property. It has been a great experience." "Rube" is
semi-retired from Tucker Anthony & R. L. Day.
Attending naval postgraduate school, programmer DAVID A.
Pens HANS P. SCHROEDER JR. '62, "I've recently changed
ERICKSON '70 reports that after having taught for eight years in
careers-stopped developing software packages for sale on the
a private girls' boarding school, he went back to school and
open market and have started a company that uses my softwarei
earned an MS in computer science. He is now completing his
doing business valuations. Off to an excellent start." About his
PhD in education at Stanford. "If I had known how much I
family, Hans writes, "My two oldest kids are about grown now,
would enjoy graduate school, I would have started a long time
SO we've adopted one (five years old now) and have another
ago." Dave shares with us that he has been married 17 years and
adoption in the works." Contact Hans at 1051 Greenwood Dr.,
has an eight-year-old daughter. He also writes that he has seen
Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Write to him at 18825 Tiburcio Court, Salinas, CA 93908.
Wow! GLENN A. SHATTUCK JR. '51 likes music. Glenn
writes that he married Alice Ayers in 1985 and now has a com-
A pilot in the U.S. Air Force, STEPHEN C. FAIRBAIRN '81
bined family of seven children and three grandchildren. He also
encourages anyone wandering to Europe to stop by "before we
has musical instruments- "We have somehow crammed into our
get reassigned stateside just before Christmas." Steve writes that
200-year-old house a reed organ, grand piano, harpsicord, bag-
he saw BRADLEY A. SACKETT '82 and wife Barb after going to
pipe, two violins, two guitars, a uke, banjo, cello, harmonica,
the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-"my first dose of
ocarina, dulcimer, a Laotian ken, and several combs. O for an
culture since the Fiji Christmas parties." Drop him a line at Box
attic!" He adds, "I have fond memories of the Fiji octet I sang
4413, APO New York, NY 09179-5374. "Cheers from England!"
in-the only 11-man octet in existence" and reports that he has
seen GEORGE G. VITT JR. '49. Glenn still works for IBM and
In the U.S. Navy, ROBERT J. WINKLER '76 reports a new
may be reached at 229 Olmstead Hill, Wilton, CT 06897.
address of 206 Buford Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23185.
"Hope everyone everywhere is doing well," announces
Working in real estate development and finance, JOHN K.
MARK A. RADLAUER '85. "I'm doing great." Mark lives with
FREEMAN '66 (3753 NW Oliver St., Washington, DC 20036)
EDWARD A. MARTIN '85 and JOHN L. NEWTON '85 at 147
informs us, "The changes in tax laws have been very disruptive
St. Alphonsus St., Boston, MA 02120. "They're buying condos,
on the real estate business, and I'm working harder to make less.
SO I may have to live at Auditorium bus stop."
All job offers over $200,000 per annum will be seriously consid-
ered. Otherwise, living comfortably with wife, two children, au
An industrious JOHN H. BOYNTON '58 writes that he plans
pair, dog, and parakeet."
to build a second vacation home on the Maine coast ("first just
completed after 15 years of work in Aspen"). John, who is a
GEORGE M. HEESCHEN JR. '64 shares with us that his
self-employed consultant, engineer, and writer, informs us that
oldest son, Scott, is graduating from MIT with a degree in
he has also been to Europe for the second time in 18 years, but he
electrical engineering. Send "Buzz" your regards at 3606 Hut-
is "still single and still working on my dream home-built air-
chens Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.
plane." He continues, "Daughters are all grown up and have two
lovely granddaughters." Send greetings to John at P.O. Box 503,
Retiree JAMES R. WEAVER invites brothers to stop by 'The
South Houston, TX 77587.
Meadows,' a place with plenty of tennis courts and golf," where
he and his wife have moved to from Delaware. Jim writes, "Now
With clear plans for the future, WILLIAM KROVATIN '80
I've retired even from consulting, but I'm busy on professional
informs us that he will graduate from Rutgers' law school in
activities for various engineering societies-including my
Newark, New Jersey, in May; will sit for the bar exam in New
'home' society, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
York and New Jersey in July; and will begin his "second career"
(AIChE)." Contact Jim at 4773 Greencroft Rd., Sarasota, FL
in September as a patent lawyer at the firm of Morgan & Finne-
gan in Manhattan. Give "KRO" your best wishes at 137 Grove
St., Montclair, NJ 07042.
"My move to a condominium in September 1986 was a step
toward retirement," writes LAWRENCE C. TURNOCK '41 (270
President of the Chart Corporation, HARRY M. FLAGG '57
Pheasant Run Dr., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022). The following is
(456 Portlock Rd., Honolulu, 96825) passes along the follow-
taken from a news release published on January 8, 1987, by the
ing news about his family: "oldest daughter, Robin, graduated
American Iron Ore Association (AIOA), of which "Beaver" was
from Williams and is in the Peace Corps in Nepal; son Koki
president for 10 years: "Larry Turnock has provided sound lead-
graduates from Connecticut in June 1987; son Kale is a sopho-
ership to AIOA members through good and bad times in the
more at Yale; and daughter Dawn is a senior in high school. All
industry, and we will miss his wise counsel."
well in Flagg family."
Working for the U.S. Department of the Interior, BRUCE
BLANCHARD '57 writes that he will be at 1957's 30th reunion.
We regret to report the deaths of the following alumni:
Reach Bruce at 1264 Palmer Rd., Oxon Hill, MD 20744.
RUSSELL J. BROOKE '33, February 9, 1986
"I quit my engineering job at AT&T in October '86," writes
ROBERT C. CASSELMAN '39, November 29, 1985
ROBERT W. ASHBROOK '83, "and went on a three-month
BRUCE J. ENNIS '33, October 3, 1985
vacation around the country and in Peru. I'm now working in
HUGH G. PASTORIZA JR. '43, April 1986
the family construction business (Sterling Homes, Inc.). "Bert"
resides at 45 S. Madison St., Allentown, PA 18102.
HENRY B. SHEPARD '16, May 14, 1986
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Spring 1987 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.