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1994-1995 Winter Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Winter 1994-1995 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1994-1995 Winter Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
WINTER 1994-'95
From The President's Desk
Alumni Support Needed To Help With Rush Efforts
Greetings from lota Mu! As we go to
our sights have been set toward the future.
machine that can challenge its well devel-
press, finals and house elections are only
The recent house corporation meeting
oped counterparts at the other major frater-
weeks away. As the power transition from
held at the house aided in focusing Fiji on
nities. Thus I am talking about rush nine
the old guys to the young future of Fiji
where it needs to go from here. The finan-
months beforehand. The undergraduates are
occurs, it seems appropriate to reflect on
cial situation is still touch and go, but all
in the process of reorganizing and adding
what we have accomplished in the past
present agreed that the major issue for Fiji
efficiency to the rush committee, making
year, as well as where we need to go. The
is, not surprisingly, rush. Two of the seven
the commitment to our future, and we ask
house has overcome tremendous odds and
pledges moved out during the course of the
the same of you, our graduate members.
returned to relative internal stability and
semester (for outside reasons). So, while the
And don't presume that this is simply
security; we have likewise re-established
1994 rush was sufficient, 1995 will be cru-
another plea for donations. While it helps,
ourselves as one of the dominant fraterni-
cial. Eight seniors will be graduating, and
no amount of money can buy what 50 or 75
ties at MIT. The continuation
graduate brothers can pro-
of this trend will soon lie in
vide-writing to the rush
the hands of what, a few
committee with ideas and
years ago, some people
The lota Mu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
advice, and returning to the
doubted would exist-the
cordially invites you to our annual
house for rush.
classes of 1996 and 1997.
We have come a long way
But first, a look at what we
as a brotherhood, digging
have done.
ourselves out of many a ditch
The semester began with
over the course of my four
rush and the pledging of
to be held
years as an Iota Mu Fiji. I
seven men to lota Mu. Four
will not let up now, nor will I
graduate brothers attending
quit helping as a graduate,
local graduate schools also
and I would hope that every-
returned to the house, bring-
at the chapter house at 28 The Fenway
one reading this shares in that
ing our live-in total to 36, the
sentiment. In looking ahead,
fullest the house has been in
Cocktails from 4-6 p.m. / Dinner at 6 p.m.
Pig Dinner is currently being
four years. The number of
planned for April 8, 1995,
pledges was adequate, but a
To make your reservation, please return the enclosed
with a house corporation
bit disappointing. Some
reservation card or phone in your reservations to John
meeting to be held before the
changes were made in the
S. McCloy '96 at 617/262-3529.
dinner. Mark your calendars
rush system at MIT, the
now, and come find out first-
biggest of which was the
hand how you can help not
computerization of the
for college days alone!
rushee tracking system. This affected us
most likely, all of the graduates living at the
Before closing, I wish to thank the grad-
adversely because our network connection
house will be leaving as well. By taking care
uates who have helped make the past year a
went down one hour before rush began
of rush, the finances are likely to follow.
success, particularly Rod Taft and the
Friday evening and wasn't back up until
With sophomores composing the largest
plethora of local recent grads who are
noon Saturday, rendering us unable to do
class in the house, the experience they have
always around to provide guidance and
anything for the first 18 hours of rush. On
been gaining will pay off in the future, but
good times. I lastly want to thank the cabi-
the same note, this year's rush yielded a
they will need graduate guidance.
net I have worked with for helping to make
record number of freshmen pledging frater-
Last year, with our existence on the line,
my job more manageable and giving me
nities, as well as a record number of rush
graduate support during rush was incalcula-
that kick in the rear when I've needed it.
violations. While we could not boast of
ble. This year, mainly due to our oversight,
And, as always, I'm damn glad to be a Fiji!
pledging a record number of men, I am
it was invisible. We need your constant
proud to boast that lota Mu was the only
support and, on that same note, recognize
major fraternity not cited for a single rush
that communication is a two-way street. It
Robert A. D'Onofrio '95
violation. Still, rush was subpar, and thus
will take years to build up an lota Mu rush
Iota Mus Involved In All Areas Of Sports
lota Muse is published on a regular
During the past six months, the lota Mus
was relief pitcher until a leg injury took him
basis by the lota Mu Chapter of Phi
have been involved in a wide variety of
out of the last half of the season. Jeremy
Gamma Delta at MIT for its members
sports. The spring lacrosse season finished
Godinger '98, from New York, New York,
and friends. News items, contribu-
up strong with a 7-6 record. Captain
was the leadoff hitter and starting left fielder
tions, and changes of address should
Christopher Berg '95, from Rockville
and ended the season with a .416 batting
be sent to Phi Gamma Delta at MIT,
Center, New York, set a new record for
average, including a triple that hit the fence.
Alumni Records Office, P.O. Box
points scored by a defenseman in a season
Over the summer, many Phi Gams were
390575, Cambridge, MA 02139-0007.
with a total of six goals. Also on the team
involved in the North American Hockey
were Michael Fedor '97, of Fairhope,
League, including Jeffrey Gardner '93, John
Alabama; Joseph Bishop '97, from Lacona,
Czarnowski '93, Jason Hunter '93, Jay Sroka
Iowa; Andrew Phelps '95, of Middletown,
'92, and Charles Yoo '97, from Ellesgrove,
Wisconsin; Brian Meier '95, from Pitts-
Illinois. Jason Biederman '94 was involved
burgh, Pennsylvania; and Bryan Collins '94,
in an advanced hockey league that included
hailing from Weymouth, Massachusetts.
players from Boston University, North-
Alumni News
The football team did well this year, with
eastern University, and Boston College. Both
a 4-5 season, 3-3 in the conference, includ-
Charles Yoo and Shahram Tadayyon '98,
ing a three-game winning streak. It was the
out of Orono, Maine, are on the MIT hockey
second-best finish of Andrew Phelps' col-
team this year. Also coming up this winter,
lege football career. Andy was out for the
Robert Cooper '98, from Dayton, Ohio, will
first two games with a broken wrist but was
be continuing his impressive gymnastics
"I am still working five days a week,
still nominated for defensive player of the
career, and John McCloy and Andrew
and have been getting a paycheck each
week against Western New England College.
Phelps will be returning to the wrestling
month for over 64 years," boasts WILLIAM
Daniel Heur '96, from Toledo, Ohio, also
R. JACKSON '30, chairman emeritus of
played and had a great game against
Intramural soccer and football seasons
Pitt-Des Moines, Inc. "I married my second
Westfield State when he hit a defensive tack-
have come to an end, and though both teams
wife four years ago, a year after my first
le so hard that he broke the Westfield play-
barely missed making the playoffs, many fun
wife died. We have 17 grandchildren and a
er's ankle. Michael Thomas '96, from
times came of the season, including games
great-grandchild on the way. I keep in touch
Brown Deer, Wisconsin, had a good season
played in full '70s attire. In the category of
with JACK BENNETT 30, our class presi-
as defensive tackle. Overall, the team had its
"Forrest Gumpers," the award goes to Joseph
dent, and also with DAN McDANIEL '29.
best game against Curry College, shutting
Bishop, who biked a total of 500 miles all
My grandson (by marriage) is attending
them out by an unbelievable 42-0. In base-
the way across Iowa with the biking group
graduate school (Sloan) this fall, so, maybe
ball, the team ended up with a 7-7 record.
the Assfaults.
I'll have a chance to see you all. Make Iota
Jimmy Yeh '97, of San Leandro, California,
Richard Conway '98
Mu tops-it was in 1930!" Drop a line to
Bill at Pony Hollow Rd., Sewickely, PA
A Rendezvous In Taos, New Mexico
Retired from the United Fruit Company,
RICHARD W. BERRY '32 makes his
home at 16 Ledge Rd., Jamestown, RI
02835. He fondly remembers CHARLES
KINGSLEY '27 (deceased) for being
instrumental in Richard's membership to
the fraternity.
Belated congratulations go to retired
metallurgist CARL L. GOODWIN '41 and
his wife, who celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary last year. "Many memories
were brought back when J. RAYMOND
'41 came to help us celebrate," reports Carl
from 31486 Old Farm Rd., Wilsonville, OR
CHARLES H. SMITH JR. '42, chair-
man of the board of SIFCO Industries, Inc.,
writes, "I was delighted to read in the June
1994 issue of the lota Muse that my fresh-
man roommate at 28 The Fenway, CARL
McGINNIS '42, had found his way from
Fifteen members of the Fiji classes of '57, '58, and '59 chose the occasion of the fact that they
Los Angeles to Iota Mu's Pig Dinner, in
are now 59, 58, and 57 years old to rendezvous in Taos, New Mexico. This reunion last spring
spirit if not in person! His generous support
lasted three days. Back row: Bruce Blanchard '57, Helmut Weymar '58, Dave Packer '59, Al
of Iota Mu is in complete accord with his
Kniazzeh '59, Al Beard '59, John Irwin '58, Chuck Ingraham '58, and Don Aucamp '57. Front
character! I have had the pleasant experi-
row: John Boynton '58, Larry Boyd '59, Bob Williamson '59, Tom Bond '58, Bill Daly '58,
(continued on page four)
Joe Hendren '59, and Harry Flagg '57.
WINTER 1994-'95
Introducing The
New Pledge Class
Fiji rush '98 brought five new men into
the house, two of whom are sophomores.
Although this is one of the smaller classes in
the house, the class of '98 has a diversity that
promises a very interesting and exciting year.
The first in the class, JOSEPH ANTHONY
DIRUSSO, is from Brockton, Massachusetts.
Joe enjoys cooking and has dazzled the
house with his Italian cuisine. He is a mas-
The class of '98 assembled in the Fens for the big brother/little brother competition.
ter of the guitar, especially jazz and rock,
and he hopes to be the cornerstone of the
house band, which will really be kicking
Let The Good Times Roll
"Sin City" Welcomes Over
next term!
Continuing the long Fiji tradition of domi-
20 Fijis Last Summer
from Toccoa, Georgia. "Lumpy," as he is
known, is a skilled pianist and a computer
nating the MIT social calendar, this term has
wizard, but his true passion is billiards. He
been packed with social events and good
Last summer saw a great Fiji gathering in
can whip his class in pool and is becoming
times. How could we speak of good times
a place where Fijis should feel right at
a Fiji-B shark. Rich plans on majoring in
without mentioning the annual '70s party?
home-"Sin City" Las Vegas on the week-
electrical engineering.
This year marked its 25th year, and it was
end of June 23, over 20 Iota Mus came
appropriately celebrated by hundreds of
together for a few days of women, wine,
New York City. He plays third base for
members of the polyester preservation society
gambling, and a little Grateful Dead. Present
MIT's baseball team and has ambitions to go
at MIT. Special thanks go to Jason Hunter
at this extravaganza were Fijis from as far
to medical school. His identical twin brother,
'93 for helping out with the party. The recent
away as Asia, like Bob Martin '90, and rang-
who goes to Dartmouth, visits frequently in
south of the border pledge party was also a
ing from the class of '87 to the entire class of
an attempt to confuse everyone in the house.
success, complete with sombreros, a piƱata,
'91 to a lowly undergrad from the class of
Jeremy, one of the two sophomores in '98, is
and Mexican hat dances.
'96. I was fortunate enough to be that under-
studying mechanical engineering.
In the area of relations with the fairer sex,
grad, and one weekend of partying with "the
The other sophomore in '98 is PHILIP
a Halloween mixer with Alpha Chi Omega
old guys" was about all I could handle. But
JAMES ROWE, also known as "Stork." Phil,
Sorority was fun (and incident-free!), and the
I'm sure everyone involved had an incredible
from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is a star of
upcoming Christmas formal promises an
time as pledge brothers and friends were
the MIT wrestling team. He recently had
evening of holiday spirit and camaraderie in
reunited after many years. A few will not
knee surgery but hopes to get back in the
the Fiji tradition. The Christmas season also
soon forget the beating their wallets took at
wrestling room by IAP. Phil is also the
brings with it the second annual Fiji-Alpha
the blackjack tables. But, from the eyes of an
pledge class president-"ar everybody
Phi tree-decorating party. We host underpriv-
undergrad, more Fiji psyche and brotherhood
thought the Stork here was brain-dead."
ileged children from the Boston area for din-
came together in a few days. Special thanks
And last, from Orono, Maine, we have
ner and tree decorating at the house, followed
to John Masucci '91 for the "Fiji Blow Fest,
by a gift exchange-the Fiji way to provide
Las Vegas '94" T-shirts that he provided for
ladies' man of the class, using his wilder-
Christmas to children who otherwise would
all the lucky Fijis. I hope there will be many
ness survival skills to attract many women
not experience the holiday cheer.
more gatherings such as this one in the future
to the house. Shahram is a math stud and is
As the end of the year nears, the brother-
for all of us who still don't want to grow up.
planning on majoring in computer science.
hood is already looking forward to next term.
He has been learning how to play hockey
from some upperclassmen and is hoping to
Joseph A. DiRusso '98
John McCloy '96
be a starter on the team next season.
So here we have the newest Fiji pledge
class. As the term draws to an end and the
pledge education program wraps up, we are
proud of the progress they have made
toward becoming Fijis. We hope you can all
make it back to the house this spring to
meet them at the Norris Pig Dinner.
Cesar A. Hurtado
Pledge Educator
Let us know, too. Send those new
addresses to the address on page two.
Two decades later, "YMCA" is still a hit at the '70s party.
Our News From Alumni Continues
(continued from page two)
guys turning the corner. I had dinner with
soccer and prepare for med school, is trying
ence of seeing MAL ANDERSON '42 from
to choose a college. He's started at defense
time to time. He has a winter home in Boca
BOURN '55 when we (Laura and I) were in
for two years at Homestead High School,
Raton, not more than a 20-minute drive
Beantown last May. We toured the house,
which was ranked by UMBRO as the fourth
from our home in Boynton Beach. While I
and it looked better than I've seen it look in
best team in the nation, according to USA
spend most of the winter months in Florida
45 years, but I was disappointed that none
Today." To find out how Robert is holding
(4565 S. Lake Dr., Boynton Beach, FL
of the brothers were interested in walking
up against those young guys on the lacrosse
33436), summertime finds me back in
two blocks to meet with our company
field, write to him at 14114 Spring Hollow
Cleveland (3885-1 Lander Rd., Orange
(Herr-Voss Corporation, a heavy equipment
Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46804.
Village, 44022) or at my vacation home in
manufacturer) or stop at a steel industry/
Hot Springs, Virginia."
equipment builders meeting when jobs
"I just finished a two-year tour as a
might have been involved. Something about
developmental weapons and experimental
"In connection with the great and
a Saturday afternoon baseball game! I guess
test pilot flying F-15 and F-111 aircraft,"
extremely motivating class of '44 reunion,"
that jobs must be easier to come by than
announces U.S. Air Force pilot STEPHEN
recounts ALF R. BJERCKE '44, "I visited
baseball tickets."
C. FAIRBAIRN '81. "Now it's off to staff
28 The Fenway on June 28 with my grand-
school for several years of purgatory. Pinky
son, Bjorn. (I have 11 grandchildren-nine
CFO of Gould-Kreutzer DAVID W.
and I welcome any and all Fiji friends to
boys and two girls.) We were heartily
PACKER '59, of 31 Great Rd., Bedford,
join us in Alabama (2600 Vaughn Lakes
received by the few remaining Fijis. Bjorn
MA 01730, reports, "After 28 years build-
Blvd., Apt. #314, Montgomery, AL 36117)
(18) is a senior at the Landmark School For
ing Digital Equipment, I'm now building an
for golf, or the Florida panhandle (618
Dyslexics in Pride's Crossing, Massa-
MIT-related systems thinking consulting
Birkdale Circle, Niceville, FL 32578-4302)
chusetts, and gets all A's (I didn't!). His
firm in Cambridge." Ginny and Dave saw
for water skiing!"
brother, Hakou Alf (21), is a junior at the
Fijis BOYD '59, BROWDER '59, and
University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Bjorn,
KNIAZZEH '59 at an MIT reunion and
"I am now the father of a baby boy,"
who is 6'4" and 230 lbs, is a great snow-
were looking forward to seeing more broth-
boasts JOHN C. CHEN '84. "William joins
board fan. He joined the Alpine team at
ers at the Fiji '57-'62 get-together in Taos,
his three-year-old sister, Allison. Currently,
Landmark and became number three in
New Mexico, last spring. "The moose
I'm completing my last year of residency as
Massachusetts. I'm still studying for my
remembers us!"
a cardiac surgery resident at UCSF. I invite
PhD in 18th century history, and have twice
all brothers in the area to visit." John and
served as a Viking earl in Viking shows
Residing at a new address of 1014 N. 67
his family reside at 472-29th Ave., San
here in Norway. Remember, no Vikings
Circle, Omaha, NE 68132-1110, is
Francisco, CA 94121.
ever had horns on their helmets. Richard
Wagner put them there at the Metropolitan
in October 1883!" Alf's address is President
'84 of 16117 Sunset Blvd., #203, Pacific
Harbitz Gt. 14, Oslo 0259, NORWAY.
in systems and programming for Voter
Palisades, CA 90279, on his recent MBA.
Contact Services in Honolulu, Hawaii. Bill
"I graduated Harvard Business School this
When last we heard from GEORGE N.
is married to Julia, and they have a seven-
summer and moved to Southern California
ZIEGLER '44, he was preparing to attend
year-old daughter, Elena. "I keep in close
to work with a hedge fund. My wife is
the 50th reunion of the MIT class of '44 in
contact with BILL DALY '58. My home is
expecting our first baby on Valentine's Day
Rockport, Maine. To find out how it went,
in a rural upland area of the island of
write to "Zieg" at 217 Chota Hills Lane,
Hawaii." Address your letters for Bill to
Loudon, TN 37774.
P.O. Box 155, Hawaii, HI 96719.
MARK A. RADLAUER '85, of 1118
Corona St., Denver, CO 80210, pens, "All
DONN L. ASHLEY '45, a retired Navy
"I'm still co-owner of an investment
is well here in Denver. I married Linda Carr
captain, writes, "I've finally established a
management firm which supervises $200
in September, and many Fijis attended. I am
permanent home with Nancy, my wife of
million," reports BRUCE J. McGREGOR
an emergency physician at Rose Hospital in
49 years. I've retired after 30 years in the
'64. "I plan to retire and move to the Puget
Denver, which I find very enjoyable. I get
Navy and 15 years as director of the physi-
Sound area in three or four years, as
lots of free time to hike, camp, climb,
cal plant at Florida International Univer-
California is no longer a 'golden' state. I
mountain bike, and ski."
sity." Donn's wife informs us that Donn
also currently have a most interesting posi-
suffered his second major stroke in March
tion as president of my city's planning
1993, "but, after a year of physical therapy,
board." News will reach Bruce at 15 Sea
he is doing very well, although he's disap-
Bridge, Alameda, CA 94502-6518.
pointed with his golf game." Touch base
We regret to report the death
with Donn at 8038 Teel Way, Indianapolis,
Attorney ROBERT O. VEGELER '70
of the following alumni:
IN 46256-1641.
writes, "After 24 years of not playing com-
petitive lacrosse, I have again taken up the
JOSEPH B. BIRDSELL '31, March 5, 1994
"I continue to serve as section chief in
stick to play attack for the Fort Wayne
Western Pennsylvania," pens HENRY E.
Falcons. We play teams from Indianapolis,
"Eric" THEIS '55 from 603 Maple Lane,
Dayton, etc. Unfortunately, I'm 10 years
February 20, 1994
Sewickley, PA 15143. "I've followed Iota
older than anyone on the team. My oldest
Mu tribulations and am glad to see you
son, Sean, who is trying to play Division I
JOHN C. MARTIN '47, July 15, 1994
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Winter 1994-1995 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.