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1995 May Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
May 1995 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
1995 May Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
1702 Flushing Road
Flint, MI 48504-4713
(810) 232-9174
MAY 28, 1995
Upcoming Events
Pig Dinner Reminder
June 7
BCA Meeting
The date of the 31st Annual Norris
June 10
Golf Outing
Pig Dinner has been set to March 9,
July 29
Canoe Trip
1996. Let's make this one the biggest
August 12
FIJI Island
Norris Pig Dinner yet!
August 19
Open house/Family and
Call all your pledge brothers and
Alumni Weekend
plan on getting together on that date!
March 9, 1996 31st Annual Norris Pig Dinner
On June 10, the brothers will be hosting the 1st Annual B-Section Golf Outing.
There will be pre-and post- golfing beverages for the brothers and we will also be serving dinner. The price of
the event is $40.00 and space is very limited. The price includes 18 holes of cart golfing at Genessee Valley Meadows.
We plan on hearing from as many people as possible and hope that you can attend and make it a memorable
event that will be repeated for years and years to come.
We have begun fund raising for the basement. At the present time, each time it rains, the basement floods. If you would like to
contribute to the basement fund raising. please write on the memo section of your check, "Basement," otherwise the money will
be deposited as regular Gamma Givers. What we need from you, the graduates, is donations. The two treasurers, Brad St. Louis
and myself. have devised the following scheme for collecting and rewarding all graduates responsible for donations. When the
basement gets repaired. we will dedicate six sections of walls to all donators. Each wall section will be dedicated with individual
plaques on bricks as follows:
$1000 and above
211 Cartier Street
1321 Glenwood
1902 Cartier Street
1526 West Court Street
104 Welch Street
1702 Flushing Road
This newsletter published by Alpha Gamma Chapter - Pedro P. Cabral '96 - Chief Editor
May 1995
Page 2
The Motoring FIJI News is published
quarterly by the Alpha Gamma chapter of Phi
The Following Grad brothers
Gamma Delta, 1702 Flushing Road, Flint,
of the Alpha Gamma Chapter
Michigan 48504-4713.
of Phi Gamma Delta deserve
Chapter Officers (A-Section)
special recognition for their
Tom Gaydosh('98)
contributions to Gamma
Pedro Cabral(*96)
Recording Secretary
Brett Duffy('9?)
Corresponding Secretary
Jim Wickens(96)
Dave Mulligan(*9?)
Chapter Officers (B-Section)
Stanley Oleszkowicz '91
Randall S. Palinski ('96)
President's Report
Brad St. Louis ('97)
Recording Secretary
Mike Althaver ('96)
Peter Rylko '92 A
Corresponding Secretary
Pedro Cabral ('96)
Dan Kimber (*96)
Rick Demuynck '89
House Manager's Report
Our chapter has
Vince Williams '84
accomplished a great deal
This term we have undertaken
this term and plan to do even
several projects to improve the
appearance of the house. First, we
F. David Murbach '69
more. Dana Wilson George
99', Paul Henry Petruska
have finally dug a trench to lay a
pipe from the canal to the front
99', Paul James Miller 97',
Anthony Urban '84 A
yard to help improve the canal's
and Joel Warren Stiverson
drainage. That same weekend, we
Donald Barefoot '77
97' were initiated giving the
planted several small pine trees in
house a total membership of
the yard between the drive and the
twelve outstanding Phi
house, to hide the fence which was
Nicholas Potter '95 AA
Gam's. Our off-term rush
placed there for security purposes.
The ongoing room improvement
concluded successfully into a
project in Eta is finally nearing
If any names have been left off, we
current pledge class of four.
completion, and another room
apologize. Your name will be in the next
Our chapter's mission is
improvement project has been
issue. FYI:
denotes $100,
to serve the people that foster
started in Iota.
denotes $50
it and develop exceptional
Finally, we have started getting
Odenotes $25.
quotes on repairing the leaky
members. Rush and graduate
basement. We have already
relations have been our
The names of every alpha gamma giver is
received a few quotes. The project
engraved upon a plaque that are arranged
primary concerns this term.
is expected to cost around $10,000.
by the year the donation was given.
A master list of addresses
We hope to fund this through
Recognition will be given in this column
has been compiled and we
gamma givers, and hope to start in
to all who contribute. As of now, the
are interested in keeping this
spring of 1996.
house has a goal of fixing the basement,
which is expected to cost around $10,000.
list current and accurate. We
A majority of this money will be funded
Mike Althaver '96
by graduate donations.
are also gathering the phone
numbers of our brothers, and
Thank you. the Brothers at Alpha Gamma
want to be the link that
shows that FIJI is "not for
college days alone". (cont.
next page)
May 1995
Page 3
President's Report
Lost Brothers!!!
(continued from page 2)
The following are a list of brothers national has requested addresses for. Please
send any information you may have for the following brothers so we may get
them on our mailing list:
I would also like to thank the
Lester A. Hanneman, Jr. '61
Leonard L. Brownfield '75
six graduate brothers that
James C. Forbes '64
Herbert Funkenhauser '75
stopped by the house during
James N. Bechtel '65
Ronald A. Lance '75
Charles W. Corbit '66
GMI Alumni weekend and
Michael P. Brien '75
David E. Luttrell '66
Dennis R. Henderson '77
shared with us their past
Stanley B. Musselman '66
William N. Magers '77
experiences and memories.
Gary R. Philpott '66
Kenneth W. Peterson '77
There will be a BCA
Albert E. Billis '67
Rick J. Winkley '77
Terrence H. Quattro '67
Steve T. Blood '78
meeting June 7th at the chapter
Jeffrey A. Bauer '68
Ronald O. Woodward '78
house at 7:30 to discuss
Anthony F. Kay '68
David K. Goodwin '79
current issues and formulate
Joseph M. Cachia, II '70
Rand M. Putnam '81
future goals and direction.
Louis W. Denney '70
Michael K. Wirtz '81
Bill T. Ewbank '70
Daniel A. Osburn '83
Charles W. LaRoche, Jr. '70
David E. Budreck '84
Capt. Charles D. Woodard '70
Timothy G. Endres '84
Randall Palinski 96'
Paul L. Brill '71
Edward Ward '84
Chapter President
William E. Mattingly '71
Richard D. Bragg '85
Richard S. Sharpe '71
Christopher A. Little '85
Charles R. Garing '72
Daniel J. Dohar '86
Benny L. Kincaid '72
Hyung S. Choi '87
Robert F. Klausmeier '72
Robert W. Mince '87
Mark A. Mitchell '72
Michael M. Tsay '87
Anthony A. Donatellli '72
James T. Housel '88
This term the Alpha Gamma Brothers of
Jerome C. Oleston '72
Robert A. Evangelista '89
Phi Gamma Delta once again cleaned a
Dennis E. Royer '73
John M. Malone '90
portion of I-75. The Brothers also
Jerry Cole '74
John P. Walsh '90
contributed to the Prep for
Mark D. Disoway, III '74
Adley Brown '91
Success/Discover GMI Weekend, a
Jack R. Fredrick '74
Daniel J. Donahue '91
program sponsored by GMI to introduce
Jay W. Jarrett '74
Raymond G. Feenstra '92
incoming freshmen to the college.
Alan K. Reich '74
Kevin Clark '93
Phi Gam graduate Brothers Dan
Terry L. Blankenship '75
Clarkson 88, Kurt "Jabba" Vatalaro '88
Michael P. Brown '75
and John "Moses" Malone '89 stopped by
the house on April 15. They talked to us
This list is growing smaller, but we still need your help! Please send your
information to Pedro Cabral at Phi Gamma Delta.
about how the fraternity had affected their
lives after graduating from GMI, showing
that Phi Gamma Delta is not for college
days alone.
The house is always open for
visitors. Feel free to stop by anytime to
meet the current undergraduate
membership and reminisce about the past.
Dan Kimber '96
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May 1995 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is three pages in length.