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1998 Fall Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
Fall 1998 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
1998 Fall Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
Fall '98
Alpha Gamma Chapter
Of Phi Gamma Delta
GMI Engineering & Management Institute
sanctions on how we run our pledge
program, how long it is, and when to start it.
With this, freshmen are uncertain whether
Upcoming Events
Greek Life is right for them. We have seen
little graduate support, we had a lot a year
and a half ago which started to get the
Fraternity out of all the trouble, but now
April 4
Informal Rush Begins
graduate support is nonexistent. We need
May 14-16
Alumni Weekend
help, PLEASE! When we had graduates
here for dinner, in past rushes, the rushees
would be so impressed and that is why many
rushees pledged this house last fall. To late
to worry about that for this Formal Rush, but
please keep this in mind for the future.
know you all have important and busy lives,
all we ask from you is at the most three or
four hours, every three months.
Nevertheless, on positive notes, we
have reestablished relations with the Phi
Sigma Sigma Sorority of U of M Flint, and
the Alpha Theta Chi Sorority of U of M Flint.
President's Report:
The house is starting to be reestablished on
Well, you might ask how are things
campus; I am up for Rush Chairman on IFC.
going with the OL'E Fraternity? My
We are also beginning to play an active roll
we have seen better days! Now
on campus
with formal rush over, and receiving one
pledge, we are looking for alternative ways
of recruiting the freshmen during the informal
Maurice Collins '00
rush period. The school has began to place
all of the graduate brothers who have been
State of the House:
involved and assisting us.
Over the past term, we have
completed numerous projects. The two
areas' that we focused on were making
Edward Kiell
every room livable in the house, and
makeing the dining/ TV room area more
House Manager B-Section
appealing to freshman during rush. The
following is a description of what projects
were completed, in the process of
completion, and are still in the planning
At the house, we had to adjust to a
new set of rush rules. We started to use
In the dining and TV room area, new
deferred rushing which in turn leads to
drop ceiling tiles were installed and the
deferred pledging. Our rush lasted from
fourth week through seventh week. During
skeleton was repainted. This helped
brighten up the room, and made it more
eighth week, we had our formal dinner and
we extended bids. We have since begun the
presentable. The retaining wall was scraped
down, patched, and painted. We are
pledge education process, which has also
been revised.
planning to get an artist to come in and
With over half of the house without
repaint the mural on the wall.
rush experience, it was a trial period for the
The urinals in the upstairs bath are no
first two weeks. We adjusted to rushing
longer working. There is a breakage in one
instead of being rushed. It was hard
of the drainpipes, which leaks down to the
because of the gaps we had in between rush
first floor. Plans are being made to repair
events. Although it was tough and
them next term during zero section.
demanding, we dealt with it the best way we
We are still unable to complete the
knew how, through unity. The members,
waterproofing of the basement, and are
who already had a rush under their belt,
holding off to make sure that the
teamed up with a JM and pulled it together
waterproofing holds up to a heavy rain fall.
for the final two weeks.
Otherwise repairs are useless because they
The final two weeks were both
may fall apart. However, we are planning to
entertaining and useful. It allowed us to get
have it done by the end of the summer term.
to know whom we were rushing. I think that
the entire house gave a hundred and ten
Signs are under the process of being
percent for the entire rush.
made by one of the B-section members.
There was a great decrease in the
They will be completed, and installed by the
number of pledges school wide and because
end of next term.
of this, I believe that spring rush will be as
I invite all graduate brothers to come
important as ever. With the dramatically
out and take a tour through the house to see
decrease in pledges this term, there is going
what has been changed since they
to be no room to live around campus. For
graduated. In addition, I would like to thank
this reason, I would like to have three to four
rush events during the spring. I hope to
Army. Next term we plan to work M-DOT's
have graduate brothers up for these events.
Adopt-A-Highway. Three of our brothers are
also helping plan a week-long fund-raiser for
Bob Burgess
Muscular Sclerosis with U of M Flint. We are
pushing to get newspaper and television
coverage in order to paint a better picture of
Greek life to the residents of Flint.
Participation has been great for our events.
Not only are they a blast for our guys to do,
but they help the community.
Dan Bartz '02
Scholarship Report:
The scholarship in this chapter has
For those of you who do not know
improved. We have our grades from spring
Joel Wade Stiverson was just married to
1998. Our membership's average grade
Stacy Lynn Chiesa on August 1st.
was an 84.7. This is an increase from the
83.9 we received in the fall 1997 term. We
Travis Meiville Boardman just had a
have also won an award for having the
bouncing baby boy Kaleb Melville
highest wag for a pledge class. We have
Boardman born on July 9th weighing 9 lb. 7
been working hard to improve scholarship
OZ. also 22 1/2 " long. Travis was also
again this term and to increase the brother's
married this year to Cindy Sensing on Feb
time management skills.
If you have any news about yourself
Ryan Wiles '99
or another brother that you like to be sent to
the Alumni, please send the information to
Philanthropy Report:
the house addressed to the corresponding
secretary at the house and we will see to it
The brothers of FIJI have been quite
that the information is in the next newsletter.
active this term. We helped paint a
kindergarten, rocked the house in Greek
We are also looking for lost brothers!
Week's "Mock Rock", worked the Discover
Who either have either changed addresses
Kettering scene with almost full house
or we did not have their name to start with.
participation, and raised the highest donation
So if you know of a brother that does not get
of any fraternity for the Easter Seals College
the newsletter, PLEASE have them or
Olympics. Two brothers even dressed in
yourself send us the address SO we can get
drag for IFC's beauty pageant.
them on the newsletter mailing list.
We plan to participate in the AIDS day
walk as well as ringing the bell for Salvation
We will be holding the Frank Norris
Pig Dinner on June 28,1998. The cost and
schedule of events are not yet decided.
B - Section's web page:
Previously, We have brought up the idea of
hosting a golf outing in the morning. We are
still taking ideas for a place to hold the
* All lower case letters
dinner. If you are interested in the golf
outing or have an idea for a hall we could
A - Section's web page:
hold it at, please contact Bob Burgess (B-
Section) at (810) 232-9174 or
* All lower case letters or Steve
Purvis (A-Section) at (810) 232-9174 or
If you have any questions or comments about the web
page please contact Eldon Down at the house.
The Alpha Gamma Link is published quarterly by
the Alpha Gamma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta,
1702 Flushing Rd, Flint, Michigan 48504-4713.
Phone # (810) 232-9174
Stan Bloecker
1702 Flushing Rd.
Flint MI, 48504
03 DEC
Bill Martin
P.O. Box 4599
KY 40544-4599
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Fall 1998 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.