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1998 Spring Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
Spring 1998 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
1998 Spring Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
Alpha Gamma Chapter
Of Phi Gamma Delta
GMI Engineering & Management Institute
brought it about could have been more
ideal, but the fact of the matter is that this
chapter is new and improved.
Upcoming Events
The big news from campus is the
May 30
Alumni Weekend
redefinition of the position between the
university and the Greeks. Kettering is
June 20
Norris Pig Dinner
making a big push to change the face of
rush and pledging to improve the academic
position of the university. Their stated goal
is to give freshman a term to acclimate to
the Kettering experience before they have
additional time commitments. For the past
month and a half the presidents of all the
chapters on campus have been working on
a counter proposal. Kettering is adamant
that there will be no rigorous pledging in a
freshman's first term. The presidents have
decided that we can work with these
demands but that they have to give a little
back. From the indications we have
President's Report
received from Dean Deese, we will be able
to continue to rush (but much differently)
To start I would like to thank all the
and begin an introductory pledge program in
graduates who have given their time and
the first term. This is the big sticking point
money to make this past year the huge
between the Greeks and the university. If
success that it was. I remember when I was
you have any further question you can
a junior member and we were talking about
contact me at the house or you can call the
the future of this chapter. I said at that time
university to hear their side.
that I wanted to put a "new and improved"
sign on this house. The circumstances that
The last time I wrote here I said that
Treasurer's Report
involvement outside of the house is key to
our continued success. The new junior
The current financial status of the house has
members have taken this to heart and are
stabilized. With both sections seeing
finding places to use their creative energies.
increased membership, it enables the
In addition to this we have made great
brothers to increase the number of small
strides toward having a positive social
improvement projects around the house.
relationship with the sororities in campus.
Most house improvement projects that were
We had a softball/cookout with the Alpha
planned last year were completed.
Sigs that should become on annual event.
We are also looking at co-sponsoring an
However, the amount of donations received
annual sand-volleyball tournament with a
by the house in the past few months has
alarmingly deteriorated. This is of great
concern because the undergraduate
In the next six months both sections are
brothers have to now pay the monthly
going to be recruiting new Phi Gams once
mortgage payments. This can place a
again and in case we may have forgotten
serious indentation on the budget.
one reason for our success this part year
was the level of graduate involvement that
For the foreseeable future both sections can
we were able to show the rushees during
operate without too much concern over
rush. Your presence spoke louder than
financial matters. Nonetheless, if any major
words how Phi Gamma Delta is not for
improvements are to be done at the house
collage days alone. I know that the level of
graduate support will be essential.
graduate involvement dropped off during the
The house in the past few months has
winter months but it is time to gear back up
alarmingly deteriorated. This is of great
and help ensure the continued future of this
concern because the undergraduate
brothers have to now pay the monthly
mortgage payments. This can place a
In closing, I would like to thank all the
serious indentation on the budget.
brothers at the house. Every single one of
you worked more than you were asked and
For the foreseeable future both sections can
the rewards that we have reaped are tenfold
operate without too much concern over
what we put in. I am proud to have been
financial matters. Nonetheless, if any major
your president.
improvements are to be done at the house
graduate support will be essential.
David Baker '99
Paul Petruska '99
State of the House
Scholarship Report
Major Projects:
Our overall house average is up from
Electrical: Complete. The house is
last several terms and above the all men's
now up to Flint City code.
Roof over the Formal Living Room:
Last term the pledges then and junior
members now have an overall 89.1
Waterproofing for Basement: This
was scheduled to be done October 28. Due
Weighted Average Grade (WAG). All have
to unseasonably cold weather the work
made the minimum requirement of an 80 to
could not be done and has been
become members. Two of which, Zachariah
rescheduled to first thaw. Because of
Sulak and James Sharp, made the Deans
unexpected costs during the winter this
project has been put on hold. If you would
The older members have also made
like to help us complete this project in a
timely manner, contact Graduate Brother
improvements in scholarship to get the
Steven Woodward ( phone number, email).
house average above the all men's average.
Brother Woodward is taking a collection for
The house average for last term was an
the difference needed to complete the job
86.1. Which is up from the previous term. I
before the end of July. If we do not get
would like to congratulate all brothers on this
enough donations, the project will be on
hold indefinitely.
Many minor projects such as painting,
Stan Bloecker '00
recarpeting, and general improvement have
been completed. There are other projects in
planning such as in the formal living room.
Alumni Weekend
Now that the roof has been fixed we can
begin plastering, painting and carpeting the
Kettering University is having it
formal living.
annual alumni weekend starting Saturday
May 30. The house will be having a cookout
between 1 and 5p.m. All graduates and their
families are invited to attend. Come and
Ryan Wiles '99
see the improvements to the house and
House Manager
reminisce on how you survived college.
Gamma Givers
The brothers at the house would like to
thank those of you have so generously
contributed. The contributors are as follows:
Mark Klumpp
Frank Norris Pig Dinner
Greg & Nancy Hadley
The Pig Dinner will be on June 20, 1998. The
Brian & Heidi Lauer
cost is $30 for Graduates and $15 for Spouses,
Steven Woodward
Invites are in the mail now. If you plan to attend
and don't get an invite or have any questions call
Thank-You for your contributions they are
Maurice at the house, (810) 232-9174
greatly appreciated.
The Alpha Gamma Link is published quarterly
by the Alpha Gamma Chapter of Phi Gamma
B - Section's web page:
Delta, 1702 Flushing Rd, Flint, Michigan 48504-
Phone # (810) 232-9174
* All lower case letters
New Chapter Officers B-Section
A - Section's web page:
Maurice Collins ('00)
John Beardsley Jr. ('00)
Recording Secretary
Steven Vogt ('02)
* All lower case letters
Corresponding Secretary
Stanley Bloecker ('00)
Jason Vinsonhaler ('02)
If you have any questions or comments about the
web page please contact Eldon Down at the house.
Phi Gamma Delta
1702 Flushing Rd.
Flint, MI 48504
Bill Martin
P.O. Box 4599
KY 40544-4599
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Spring 1998 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.