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2000 December Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
December 2000 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
2000 December Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Alpha Gamma Link
December 16, 2000
Fall 2000
President's Report
'Brotherhood Infor-
This past A-Section rush pulled in twenty-one
the level of graduate involvement that we were
new pledges. It is now my honor to report that
able to show the rushees during their rush.
Ryan Wiles got mar-
ried to Laura Marie
since that time the total membership of the
Your presence spoke louder than words; it
Vandeweir on July 15,
house has tripled and what was once a very dark
showed how Phi Gamma Delta is not for college
future has now become bright. With the addi-
days alone. We hope to see continued graduate
tion of the twenty-one pledges in A-Section, the
The next Pig Dinner is
interest even though the period of immediate
on May 5, 2001
house can take a moment to breathe easy before
danger is over.
continuing to reclaim the glory that once was
Jason Vinsonhaler is
ours. On the same note B-section is just ending
engaged to be married
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to
our own rush, but will not have a definite num-
in Summer 2001
thank everyone that sacrificed a little time for
ber of pledges until the end of the term.
their brothers and helped to bring this house
Maurice Collins is
The key to success on campus is involvement
back. It really was no small accomplishment and
now engaged to Laura
outside the house. With the addition of these
every little bit helped.
Marie Nicholson.
pledges we can start to have a presence on cam-
We will be attending
pus that this house has not enjoyed in the recent
Frankenmuth for our
past. Hopefully that presence will lead to Phi
Stanley Bloecker '00
pledge inductions April
Gams in positions outside the house. Social
standing and recruitment are both based on im-
Congratulations and
age, and with an involved house, we will portray
good luck to Bruce
a positive image that will lead to further success.
Marchesani and his
new wife Joanne Pierro.
One reason for our success during this rush was
They were married on
June 3, 2000.
Housing Conditions
Brad St. Louis was mar-
ried on September 15,
We have completed a few projects over
ordinating with A-section to get these projects
Will Rudd is getting
this past term to help improve the house. How-
started, but we still lacking funds for such an
married in August,
ever, a few unexpected occurrences came, but
extensive renovation.
fortunately none of which were too serious.
The house would like to thank brother
Inside this issue:
The most recent pledge class is in the
Robert Kenneth Burgess and James Curtis Sharp
process of remodeling the library. It has been
for donating the money to have our big screen
repainted, and the bookshelves are being re-
television repaired.
Treasurer's Report 2
placed by a ten-foot desk with attached book-
shelves. Two new computers will also be added
Graduate Informa-
to the library.
A-section is having an additional light-
Nick Woodall '04
ing installed in the parking lot for added security.
All the rooms will soon be renovated by A-
section to accommodate three people per room.
We are still collecting donations to
have the basement finished, and also to redo the
plumbing throughout the house. We will be co-
Christmas Party
Treasurer's Report
This term, while not having as many as I
Finances this semester, while still tight, are looking better than
wished we could, was still filled with all sorts of social events.
they have for the past few semesters. This is in part due to bet-
Some of these events were held with our Kettering sororities,
ter planning, and also, to several substantial donations by both
while others had involved participants from other schools.
active and graduate brothers. In addition to this, as we are ex-
We started off the term with a Halloween hayride with
pecting to have a few more brothers living in the house next
a sorority from U of M Flint, Phi Sigma Sigma. The event went
semester, the possibility of once again having a cook on B-
very well. Most of the people dressed in costumes for the
section is looking very promising.
event. When we got to the site we had a huge bonfire, and so-
cialized with the Phi Sigs and the rushees who came with us.
Then we separated into two groups, and were taken on a hay-
Eldon Down '02
ride. During the ride, we had a huge hay fight between the two
groups. The losing group had SO much hay in their cart that
they couldn't even move.
Later in the term, we were quite fortunate to get a sur-
Graduate Information
prise visit from the sorority of Alpha Theta Chi. They were
serenading all the fraternities and stopped by to socialize. The
This section is devoted to the Graduate Brothers of Phi
sorority of Phi Sigma Sigma also serenaded us. They came and
sang for us and then we returned the favor and organized the
Gamma Delta. We created this section in hopes that Gradu-
brothers to sing to them.
ate Brothers will send their comments or announcements to
We still have a couple of events tentatively scheduled
the house. We will be posting many new things such as new
for the end of the term. Currently, I am in the process of
addresses (house and email), weddings, and any thing else
scheduling a dinner with the sorority of Alpha Sigma Alpha
you may want to announce. If you have any questions or
during tenth week. Also, I am hoping to schedule a dinner with
comments about this section please feel free to email or call
the sorority of Beta Sigma Phi before the end of the term.
us. Also if you change your address or get a new email ad-
There has also been talk of a pajama party with the sorority of
Alpha Sigma Alpha next term. Details are pending, but it looks
dress feel free to share it with us SO we can keep you in
it will be one wild event.
touch with the rest of the Graduate Brothers.
Nick Woodall '04
Ryan Bineau '04
Corresponding Secretary
Graduate Announcements Form
Recruitment for new brothers is headed back on the
right track. With the Interfraternal Council (IFC) changing
rush rules once again, we have been forced to adapt to the
system. Rush for this term is completed and bids were
Email Address:
handed out. Rush this term has been a series of bumpy roads,
but the brotherhood pulled together and came out successful.
Graduation Year:
The Brotherhood handed out 15 bids so far this term
and so far seven of them have been accepted. We expect to
Announcement to be placed in the next Alpha Gamma Link:
get at least a few more before pledging starts next term.
I would like to thank all the brothers and graduates
for all there help and support during rush this term. Without
their support this rush would not have been as successful as it
has been. Special thanks to graduate brother Paul Petruska
for his donation for our recruitment efforts.
James Keith Councell '04
Page 2
Alpha Gamma Link
Our Fall 2000 term was not one of the best for FIJI
for homecoming week next term. It will be during seventh
sports. We started the term with football, and acquired a fairly
week, which is also our alumni week here at Kettering. Lots of
decent record of 1-2-1. We made it to the second round of the
events and raffles will be taking place ending with a lacrosse
playoffs, but were beaten by the number one ranked team.
game on that will take place that Friday evening.
Next, we played the Betas in the annual FIJI-Beta
To conclude, I feel that this term our athletic ambi-
Bowl. The Betas and us were both pumped up for trying to
tions were great and we played well but there is more room for
win the wooden pony keg but the Betas jumped out to an early
improvement. I would however like to see more a turnout from
lead and never looked back. At half time the Betas had a com-
the members next time. I hope to see you all during alumni
manding lead but we did not let that keep us from playing our
hearts out in the second half. We scored one touchdown, but it
still was not enough to win the game. The Betas won the game
but it was a good fight till the end.
Nick Woodall '04
Lastly we entered into the basketball season. We
started the season off with a bang, which included a huge win
Graduate Relations
over Delta Tau Delta and ended the regular season 1-3.
Our first round playoff game was our best game of the term.
Playing against Phi Delta Theta the score was extremely close.
I have been updating our graduate listing throughout the term
We were down by two points with eight seconds left in the
to open wider communication to all graduate brothers. We
game, but unfortunately we couldn't get a shot off. This heart-
have a list with graduate addresses, and we are now working
breaking game ended our season.
on an e-mail list as well, to better our contacts with grad
I would also like to bring up some of the things that
are happening at our school. For starters the school has been
renovating the recreational fields. This project started on No-
vember 3, 2000 and is expected to take close to two years to
Ryan Bineau '04
complete. Among these renovations are the addition of ballpark
Graduate Relations
lights, new irrigation, new grass, hillside seating and the lower-
ing of the fields by two feet. I would also like to note the plans
Pig Dinner 2000 had an incredible turnout of not only A and B section, but grad brothers as well.
December 16, 2000
Page 3
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
1702 Flushing Rd
Flint, Mi 48504
Phone: 810-232-9174
Bill Martin
P.O. Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544-4599
CHRISTMAS PARTY December 9, 2000
The undergraduates would like to thank the graduates who
St. Louis, Ronald Massar, James Sharp, Paul Petruska, and Rick
attended this year's Christmas Party . Everyone who attended
Brade for there Donations this term.
was treated to an enjoyable evening filled with memories from
Senior 3 hand downs and "remember whens" from all the
brothers and grads. The evening began with an exceptional
The Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta
dinner of turkey and ham followed by gift giving, and stories of
the good old days of Phi Gamma Delta. We would like to thank
those graduate brothers who attended the party. Paul Petruska,
John Beardsley, Brad St. Louis, Bryan Carlson, Maurice Collins,
Mike Kaczmar, Nathan Loontjer, and James Sharp all attended
the festivities. We would also like to thank John Beardsley Brad
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December 2000 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.