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2000 June Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
June 2000 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
2000 June Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Alpha Gamma Link
June 7, 2000
Spring 2000
Recruitment Report
Recruitment for new brothers over the past two
Brothers. Due to extenuating circumstances
school terms has had mixed results. Interfrater-
with some of the prospects, we only received
'Brotherhood Infor-
nal Council (IFC) recently changed the rules for
four of the eight bids. Next term, our house will
recruiting prospective Brothers. Because of
be up to eleven members, and possibly two live-
these rule changes, the old way of rushing had to
Ryan Wiles is getting
be completely revamped. The house was forced
married to Laura
I would like to thank all of the Brothers for their
Marie Vandeweir on
to recruit prospective individuals in a non-
support over the past two terms. Without their
July 15, 2000
formal rush atmosphere. This means that the
help, this rush would not have been as success-
The next Pig Dinner is
Fraternities on campus were not allowed to pub-
ful as it was. If you have any questions, com-
on May 5, 2001
licly display any events that were taking place.
ments, or concerns, please feel free to contact
Word of mouth, and knocking on doors were
Jason Vinsonhaler is
me at the house or email me at
engaged to be married
our only tools to get individuals out to the
in Summer 2001
Fraternally Yours,
Maurice Collins is
This term, IFC allowed one week of "Formal"
now engaged to Laura
rush, followed by one designated day to handout
Edward J. Kiell '02
Marie Nicholson.
bids to prospective brothers. This setup by IFC
Recruitment Chairman
A-Section Graduate
proved to be completely backwards. A meeting
Dinner for Rush is Fri-
has already taken place between the Presidents
day August 11, 2000
and Recruitment Chairs of the Fraternities on
campus. The main topic is what went wrong
with rush the past two years and how we can
improve our situation.
Our house handed out eight bids to prospective
President's Report
Inside this issue:
Well it has been a long time since you have re-
We had the Frank Norris Pig Dinner on May
ceived something from us. I apologize for the
6th, 2000. A good time was had by all that were
Treasurer's Report 2
lack of communication on our part. We have
able to attend. I would like to encourage every
currently 11 Brothers in the household and will
Brother to attend next year, on May 5, 2001.
State of the House 2
continue to grow.
Pledge Education
The house has been going under a social change.
Matthew Fletcher
We have had several successful events with So-
President '02
Alumni Weekend
rorities from Kettering and from U of M-Flint.
Earlier this term, we had the First Annual FIJI-
Graduate Informa- 4
Olympics, which was a great rush tool.
Pictures of this event and other events are on
our website.
Treasurer's Report
Graduate Relations
Finances for the house over the past year have been rela-
tively tight, due to low membership, and a number unex-
I have been receiving e-mails and phone calls from a pub-
pected bills. Thanks to assistance from graduate Brother
lisher that wants to put together a phone directory for our
Paul Petruska, we were able to negate two large fees from
grads. This directory will be sent out to all the grads and
the IRS. In order to keep our heads above water this semes-
kept up with through this company. They will do all the
ter, all of the Brothers have had to make sacrifices, including
mailing free but all they ask for are donations. I will be get-
$1600 house bills, and not having Linda here to cook for us.
ting together with A-section to see if this is something that
Things are looking up for the future though, as the treasury
they would like to do also.
system has been cleaned up, significantly reducing the occur-
rence of late fees, as well as the promise of new members
living in the house next semester.
Steven Vogt '02
Graduate Relations
Eldon Down '02
Graduate Information
This is a new section devoted to the Graduate Brothers of
State of the House
Phi Gamma Delta. We are beginning this section in hopes
that Graduate Brothers will send their comments or an-
Over the past term, we have completed several projects. The
nouncements to the house. We will be posting many new
primary focus of this past term has been to clean the house
things such as new addresses (house and email), weddings,
inside and out for rush. We also have passed our fire inspec-
and any thing else you may want to announce. If you have
tion from International Headquarters. We still have many
any questions or comments about this section please feel
other major projects to complete. There is only one project
that has not been fully addressed and that is the plumbing
free to email or call us. Also if you change your address or
through out the house. This project has to include both the
get a new email address feel free to share it with us SO we
plumbing and drainage system of the house. This project is
can keep you in touch with the rest of the Graduate Broth-
a cost intensive one for the simple fact that the concrete
needs to be torn up and replaced.
I invite all graduate brothers to come out and walk around
Bob Burgess '02
the house to see what improvements have been made since
their last visit. Also, I would like to thank all the graduate
Corresponding Secretary
brothers for their assistance, and look forward to meeting
you in the near future.
Graduate Announcements Form
Stan Bloecker '00
House Manager B-Section
Email Address:
Graduation Year:
Last term we had a party at the International Institute. This
Announcement to be placed in the next Alpha Gamma Link:
party was hosted not only by FIJI but by two sororities on
campus (AEA and BE). This term no parties have been
planned do to our busy schedule. We have, however, had
from U of M over for a Rush event, and we are trying
to set up a volleyball game with the Beta Sig's. Recently we
have been working on new ideas for events to hold that will
attract people social and for rush.
Steve Vogt '02
Social Chairman
Page 2
Alpha Gamma Link
Pledge Education Report
Alumni Weekend 2001
The current RUSH process handed down from IFC for the
The alumni weekend 2000 has come and passed us in this
'99 - '00 school year yielded 3 pledges for us. The pledges
year but we would like to start planning for next year. Some
were Ryan Joseph Bineau, James Keith Councell, and Nicho-
events that have been proposed to us are a golf outing, a
las Wayne Woodall. Ryan is from Rochester Hills, Michigan
cookout/luncheon with the brothers at the house, and a for-
and works for TRW, while James is from good ol' Flint,
Michigan and is currently employed by NewCor- Rochester
mal dinner at the school. If you have any ideas please email
Gear. Nick is from Grandville, Michigan and works at Rapis- or call the house and ask for Bob
tan Systems.
Burgess. We are very excited about this chance to become
Since we inducted the pledges back at the end of the second
closer with our Graduate Brothers. We also would like to
week, Ed and I have held bi-weekly meetings in an attempt to
remind the graduates that the Pig Dinner 2000 will be on
reduce the amount of new knowledge to be learned for the
May 5, 2001. We also would like any ideas or comments
next meeting and in an attempt to foster closer ties more
about the pig dinner. We are looking for a place to hold the
quickly with the pledges. We have had half the house attend
Pig Dinner next year. Please feel free to contact us at any
each of the pledge meetings so that the pledges realize how
important their progress is to us and so that the members are
time. If there is a graduate out there who wishes to help co-
more involved and aware of the progress of the pledges.
organize this event, please call the house or contact Bob
With the dedication of the members and the persistence of the
Burgess over email.
pledges, we have added four more brothers to the brother-
Robert Burgess '02
Corresponding Secretary
John J. Beardsley Jr '00 Edward J. Kiell '02
Pledge Educator
Asst. Pledge Educator
From L to R: Back Row John Beardsley, Maurice Collins, Ed Kiell, Rick Brade, Bob Burgess, Stan Bloecker, Steve Vogt, Middle
Row Keith Councell, Matt Smith, James Sharpe, Nick Woodall, Matt Fletcher, Dan Bartz. Front row Eldon Down, Ryan Bineau,
Steve Wichmann
June 7, 2000
Page 3
00 JUN
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
1702 Flushing Rd
Flint, Mi 48504
Phone: 810-232-9174
edu/ phigamde/
Bill Martin
P.O. Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544-4599
PIG DINNER May 6, 2000
The undergraduates would like to thank the graduates who at-
Kip Brown, Canice Boran, Rob Baker, Steve Woodward, Randy
tended this year's Pig Dinner 2000. Everyone who attended was
Palinski, and Mike Kaczmar, helped to raise another $1000 to-
treated to an enjoyable evening filled with memories provided by
wards the bathroom project. It was great seeing everyone that
the grads complete with a reading from "Emily Post's Etiquette"
attended and we look forward to seeing even more next year! In
by Colm Boran. The evening began with a reception and the
fact, you can once again mark your calendar for the first Saturday
usual tour and stories by the graduates as they toured the house.
in May (May 5, 2001), which will be the date for next years Frank
For dinner, Rob Baker served as MC with Colm Boran giving the
Keynote Address complete with "microphone" provided by his
Norris Pig Dinner. Hope to see you there.
brother Canice. One of the highlights of the evening was the 200
pound swine brought in by some of the newest initiated A section
members and the kisses it received on it's forehead and back side.
The Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta
Afterwards, some brothers proceeded to Bubba's grill to close out
the evening.
When all was said and done, the graduates; Colm Boran,
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June 2000 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.