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2002 June Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
June 2002 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
2002 June Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
C Fs,se file-kettering
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta
June 10th, 2002
President's Report
our studies and recently
and we teamed up with
inducted four very bright
Alpha Sigma Alpha,
Special points of inter-
Over the past
new members so that we
Theta Xi, Lambda Chi
few months the house
will be in a position to
Alpha, and Sigma Nu to
has undergone continu-
take first. We are also
Linda, our cook, has
win this year's Greek
ous improvement. In ad-
working on a few new
dition to renovating liv-
programs focused on in-
Special thanks
We have a new
cook, Marsha Du-
ing room, the laundry
creasing our scholarship.
goes to Mr. Robert Ken-
room, the membership
To keep our
neth Burgess Jr. and Cal-
room, and the calendar
We have a new pres-
house growing we are
vin And Company for
ence on the web at
board, we are also look-
reworking our rush pro-
help in replacing the win-
ing forward to remodel-
gram. We have also
dows in the Membership
ing the kitchen and the
worked hard to expand
Work Week 2002
our social presence on
In addition to the
-Dan Bartz '02
Steve Vogt is getting
married on July 20,
physical improvements
This term we had
B-Section President
to the house, Phi Gamma
both the Alpha Gamma
Delta had the third high-
Delta and Beta Sigma
est standing academi-
Phi Sororities over to the
cally. We have been
house to celebrate there
Inside this issue:
working hard to better
respective founders days
Graduate Rela-
New Fiji Website
with the goings on of the
Over this past
house year round. Also,
One other point to
New Cook
winter semester, I created
the site includes the abil-
mention is that while the
a web based message
ity to store each member's
site's address is only being
B-section Pledges
board devoted entirely to
contact information,
given out to Brothers, I
Brothers of Phi Gamma
which can be used to aid
have no way to ensure that
Delta. My intentions for
the house in keeping an
only Brothers access the
Linda Retires
the site are for Brothers to
up to date list of mailing
site, so we must take care
use it as a means both of
addresses to use for mail-
to ensure that no secrets or
Linda's Remem-
communicating events
ings such as newsletters
ritual of the Fraternity are
ber When's
amongst each other off
and Christmas party in-
posted on the board.
section and to help keep
vites. The address for the
Work Week
graduate Brothers in touch
site is:
-Eldon Down '02
Membership Room Update
table & chairs, drop ceiling, We
and Phi Gamma Delta Char-
are still looking for pictures
The Membership
ter. I am happy to state that
of Gamma from pre-1975 to
Room is redone. Special
Gamma suffered no dam-
prove that we have had
Thanks goes to Tom Davis
ages, then Alpha Gamma
Gamma since before Snowy
'77, Robert Burgess Jr. '02
Upsilon charter, and the 1932
White Owls became an en-
for windows, and all of the
Composite did not suffer ma-
dangered species. If you have
brothers who donated time
jor damaged.
any question please feel free
and money. As a brother-
Please feel free to
to call or email me at
hood we decided to save
stop by the house at anytime
(810)232-9174 or keithcoun-
money and do most of the
to see the remodeled Mem-
work ourselves or contract
bership Room and any other
certain areas out, this in-
projects. Pictures of the
James Keith Councell '04
cluded: carpet, windows, cur-
membership room may also
Project Chairmen and B-
tains, door, trophy cabinets,
be found on the web at
section Treasurer
Graduate Relations
Special thanks goes out to Glen
Phi Gamma Delta
Genesi for his generous donation
Attn: Corr. Sec
The Alpha Gamma Chapter
towards the renovation of the house.
1702 W. Flushing Rd.
of Phi Gamma Delta would like to
Like always we are looking
Flint, MI 48504
take this opportunity to thank the
for content for the newsletter from
Graduate Brothers who have taken
grad brothers as well as suggestions
Or by phone at (810) 232-9174 or
the time to visit us over Alumni
for content. This newsletter is written
through email at
Weekend (the weekend of May
for YOU. Let us know what you
18th). These Brothers are Don Bare-
want to see in it! Send suggestions
foot, Jim Putnam, Jeffry Haynes,
Matthew Burris '05 and Stephen Ger-
Bob Eyink, Gene Toole, Glen Gi-
stacker '04
nesi, David Baker, and Ryan Wiles.
New Cook
Our New Pledges
restaurant before she
look forward to a great
Due to Linda's re-
joined our family at the
There are four
college career as FIJIs.
Alpha Gamma Chapter of
pledges: Adam Lea Fitchett,
Thank You to eve-
tirement we began a search
Phi Gamma Delta.
Christopher Allen Buxen-
ryone who has made this
for a new cook. Out of the
stein, Matthew Christian
chapter great, we look for-
more than fifty responses,
If you are in the
Martens, and Danny Ljung-
ward to continuing your
we settled on Marsha Du-
area, please stop by and
berg. We are all extremely
Ford. Marsha used to own
try her cooking!
proud to be affiliating with
and operate her own local
the Alpha Gamma Chapter
Paul Falchi '05
of Phi Gamma Delta. We
Danny Ljungberg '06
Page 2
Phi Gamma Delta
Linda Has Retired
"A retirement
poned until at least fall 2002.
like to make a donation please
A tentative date for
send it to:
party for Linda
Our beloved cook for
Linda's Retirement Party has
Nelson has
almost 30 years, Linda Nelson,
bee set for Alumni Weekend
Phi Gamma Delta
has regretfully retired. Linda
during the Fall 2002 term. If
Attn: Linda's Retirement Fund
been tentatively
was hired in the 1970's by B-
you would like to help with
1702 Flushing Rd.
scheduled for
this event, please email
Flint, MI 48504
A retirement party for
Stephen Gerstacker at
Linda had been planned for
Matthew Burris '05
Weekend of
May 17, 2002, however, due to
The house has de-
Corresponding Secretary
Linda's recent surgery the re-
cided to set up a retirement
Fall 12002. "
tirement party has been post-
fund for Linda. If you would
Linda's Remember When's
Earlier this term the
the brothers decided to fry
I remember how all of the
brothers asked Linda to write
up some french fries and a
pots got all banged up.
down some of the stories that
grease fire started. The
The brothers would get
she remembered from her time
brother cooking the fries,
all drunk and get them as
spent at the house. The follow
ran to the back door and
drums and such.
"When I
are some of her stories from
threw the burning grease
Most of the house was on
her time in the house.
out the door right onto a
opened up
skoal one year and a
I remember when
brother who was running
bunch of the brothers got
by the door.
I came in one morning and
together and replaced the
started to prepare lunch.
One day a brother was get-
chewing tobacco with
When I opened up the re-
ting chased around the
shavings from the inside
there was a
frigerator there was a dead
house, down the back hall
of tires. Oh what a mess
dead person
person in the fridge! I tried
and right through a sliding
that made.
to get out of there fast, but
glass door, which he
in the fridge!
One a Monday I was
my feet would not move.
though was open.
making spaghetti for din-
I tried to get
Then the body started
Time-Bomb Tim was a
ner, and instead of open-
out of there
moving, so I told myself
nickname I gave one
ing a new can of pasta
that if he ain't already
brother because when he
sauce I used what looked
fast, but my
dead he will be when I get
got mad one eye would
like tomato sauce with
feet would
though with him. So I
turn green and the other
parsley in it. That sauce
grabbed a knife and then
eye would stay brown.
really messed the brothers
not move.
the body started screaming
I would spend ten minutes
up that night.
and all of the brothers
looking for a pot to cook
Linda Nelson '02
jumped up yelling at me to
in because the rest were
put the knife down.
used for botanical pur-
One work weekend, one of
Page 3
s. PM
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of
12 JUN
Phi Gamma Delta
1702 Flushing Rd.
Flint, MI 48504
Phone: 810-232-9174
Bill Martin
PO Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544-4599
Our new webpage!
Friendship, the sweetest influence.
Phi Gamma Delta
40344+4533 06
Work Week 2002
Canal wall painting
to see the house. If you do plan on
Canal area clean-up
helping out please contact myself
After looking over the long
Up and Down Bath remodeling
or any current undergrad member.
list of house projects people would
Wax and Buffing Floors
If you have any question or
like to do we have decide to set-up
Rebuilding Outdoors grill
would like to help please feel free
two workweeks this summer. First
Down Hallway remodeling
to call me at (810) 232-9174 Fiji
is June 15-22 and the second is July
Formal to Basement Stairs
house phone, (810) 240-8566 cell
8-14. There are a number projects
phone, or email me at keithcoun-
that we want to do and we are us-
These projects hopeful will in-
ing our resources to get the most
crease the beauty of our house and
important items done first. The fol-
place greater pride in the Alpha
James Keith Councell '04
lowing is a list of project which are
Gamma Chapter of Phi Gamma
B-section Treasurer
currently planned:
Delta. Although the two work week
are only two one-week-sessions the
Start remodeling Basement
house will be open between June 15
Painting up hallway & back
and July 14 and being worked on.
Any grads that wish take part in
Landscaping and lawn clean-up
Workweek 2002 are very much wel-
Some Window replacement
come to come out, to help out or just
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June 2002 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.