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1931 November Newsletter Mu Deuteron (University of Iowa)
November 1931 newsletter of the Mu Deuteron chapter at the University of Iowa. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Mu Deuteron
University of Iowa
1931 November Newsletter Mu Deuteron (University of Iowa)
No. 2
Iowa-Northwestern Fray Nov. 2I
Ends Big Ten Season; Dad's Day
Here's the Dope
Registration, Iowa Union.
7:00: Pep meeting.
Pledges Make Social Debut
9:00: I-Blanket Hop.
Wildcat's Striving for Con-
at Informal; Use Purple
White for Decorations
ference Title; Iowa Chap-
Morning : Cross Country Run.
ter Welcomes Phi Fijis
12 to 1: Lunch.
With the Homecoming Hallowe'en
2:00: Iowa-Northwestern game.
6:00: Dad's Day Dinner, Iowa
Once more Mu Deuteron will be
party etched deep in Iowa's social his-
tory as one of the best parties of the
host for chapter fathers as Dad's Day
rolls around November 21. Northwes-
fall season, Mu Deuteron rallied for
the annual freshman jubilee, Novem-
tern is coming out full strength, unde-
1:00: Dinner at the chapter
ber 13.
feated so far this season, and scenting
another conference title. A fighting
Pledges Sling Party
Hawkeye eleven will endeavor to climb
Given for the actives, the pledge
out of the cellar and the encounter
pup sponsored what proved to be a
promises to be a real football game.
true Fiji party. Crossed paddles of
purple and white on the walls lighted
Chapter Welcomes Dads
Mu Deuteron extends a cordial wel-
by stars shining from ceiling formed a
come to all Dads and alumni request-
fitting background for the syncopated
"Daddy" Brewer Attends In-
ing one thing - that they make the
harmony of Harland Hartman and his
six piece Chicago band. Dick Hanten
itiation; Elect Don Han-
chapter house their headquarters.
There is plenty of room for everyone
of Watertown, S. D., was chairman
kins to Guide Pledge
and as the old saying goes, "The more
for the frosh debut and promoted one
the merrier !"
of the best fraternity parties on the
campus this year.
I-Blanket Hop
Robert Cameron, Des Moines; Paul
(Continued on page 4)
The university is planning a pro-
Engle, Cedar Rapids, and Jack Hel-
gram that will interest every Dad. Fri-
wig, Cedar Rapids, were formally in-
day will find registration in full swing
itiated October 20, preceding dedi-
(Continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 3)
Football Tickets
Under the able guidance of Paul
If you desire good seats for the
Engle, new initiate, Mu Deuteron's
Iowa-Northwestern game, get in
tutorial system for scholarship ad-
touch with Art Lindquist, 303 Ellis
Did you receive your last FIJIOWA?
vancement is proving its worth. By
Ave., Iowa City. New popular "de-
establishing 'efinite study hours and
pression" rates are in effect for this
On the fourth page of the October
game. Seats between the 10 and 30-
issue is a blank to be filled out by all
giving the pledge group the entire
yard lines will sell for $2 and those
alumni and mailed to the FIJIOWA
third floor, reshman grades are now
from the 10-yard line to the ends
editor. The information from these
higher than records for previo years.
of the stadium will go for $1. All
blanks will be used in compiling a his-
Iowa er Baker C
seats between the 30-yard lines will
tory of Mu Deuteron chapter. With-
The tuto S. m was new to the
be reserved at the regular rate of
out unanimous co-operation it will be
$3. Just give us the word and your
impossible to build the history that
chapter in
ember and over this
tickets will be waiting for you.
has been missing for SO many years
(Cont ed on page 4)
in the archives of the chapter.
Page Two
November, 1931
old rushing ace, pick out some boy
that you feel is eligible Fiji material.
Official News Letter
Sell him the University of Iowa, and
then, sell him Phi Gamma Delta.
Mu Deuteron Chapter of
Edwy Clapp, red headed baseball
Phi Gamma Delta
pitcher from Shelby is Mu Deuteron's
Edited by
rushing chairman for the year. Scan
Joe Rust, Alpha Iota, Designs
the crop of boys that will be graduat-
Separate Pages for Par-
ing from high schools in your town
ties; New Album
of business and home the
high school principals for recom-
A new guest book has been added
Robert P. Milligan
mendations these boys come
to the list of Mu Deuteron's treasures
Robert N. Bartels
down to your office or drop around to
and promises to be one of the finest
Art E. Lindquist
their homes for a chat with both the
of its kind. It is a large volume, three
Corres. Secy
Duncan R. Miller
boy and his parents. Build up the
feet by one foot, covered with the
Charles H. Turner
good will that will close this deal at
royal purple of Phi Gamma Delta and
a profit for Phi Gamma Delta. Send
filled with cream colored pages. On
any names you feel justified in recom-
the cover is found a crest of the fra-
mending to Ed Clapp and someone
ternity in proper colors on the leather
The Early Bird
will be detailed to keep in touch with
the rushee during the year. We will
Gets The Worm"
meet him either before or during the
Joe Rust Designs Pages
Brother Joe Rust, '29, of Iowa State,
It's the early bird that gets the
Build up a correspondence with your
who is living in Iowa City has con-
worm according to the Two Black
classmates you find an eligible
sented to decorate separate pages for
Crows. This insignificant statement on
boy have one of your cronies drop
each successive party which are to be
the surface is more or less passed off
him a line. With the powerful alumni
autographed by every person attend-
as a bit of humor. Taken seriously
that Mu Deuteron has and the
ing. It is a novel idea and with Broth-
however, it has more truth than
strength of the active chapter co-oper-
er Rust's artistic ability should become
poetry. Likewise, it's the early rusher
ation in rushing will not only make
a treasure invaluable.
that gets the rushees when trenches
things run smoother during rush week,
are dug for Iowa's annual rush week.
Individual Pictures
but will pledge for Mu Deuteron and
Mu Deuteron stands high scholasti-
other chapters of the fraternity men
Through the courtesy of a Chicago
cally, is second to none socially, has a
that will be capable of carrying on.
photographer each member of last
house that is nearly new, and the
Next rush week is ten months away.
year's active group has his picture
hospitable boys to make a chapter
In ten months you can uncover some
bound in a soft, black leather covered
stand out. Nationally Phi Gamma Del-
boy that is worthy of donning the
volume which will leave a permanent
ta is one of the strongest Greek letter
white star. Then, notify the ac-
record of the chapter's beauties.
fraternities. From every angle Phi
tive chapter will close the sale and
Gamma Delta ranks high. Fiji chap-
when you return some day in the fu-
ters extend throughout the United
ture to see the white stars gleaming
Annual I-Blanket Hop
States and Canada. Clubhouses are lo-
from lapels of men that are really
Nov. 20; Plan Dinner
cated in New York and Detroit. The
men, you will realize the significance
for Dads After Game
Fiji sectional system headed by a
of the humorous statement utilized by
board of archons is the best internal
(Continued from page 1)
the Two Black Crows.
organization possessed by any national
at Iowa Union. Friday night the an-
nual "I" Blanket Hop, sponsored by
Every year there is at least one boy
that is worthy of Fiji consideration
A. F. I. will be held at Iowa Union.
Saturday morning a Big Ten cross
leaving your town in September for
country run is scheduled. Lunch that
some university. It is your duty to
your fraternity to see this boy and tell
The ice is broken!
day at the chapter house will be the
him the actual significance of Phi
October 29, Art Lindquist passed
first formal gathering of Dads and
Gamma Delta.
the five pound box of candy and
sons, followed at 2 o'clock by the
passed the necessary cigars to an-
Wildcat-Hawkeye game. After the
Rush week was extremely successful
nounce his engagement to Waldine
game the annual Dad's Day banquet
for Mu Deuteron again this year. You
have all heard of fraternal cycles, the
Miller of Denison. Art hails from
will bring many fathers together at
Gowrie, Iowa, and is classified as a
Iowa Union. By Sunday evening every
occasional slump that blemishes a high
standing built up over a period of
junior. Waldine is a member of Gam-
Dad's name is supposed to be in our
ma Phi Beta sorority.
new guest book.
years. This slump can be avoided. By
co-operation of alumni and active
'Twas Friday 13 in the month of
Fiji Hospitality
chapter Mu Deuteron can take its pick
November, by the by, but disregarding
If you have never visited at Mu
and maintain the high standards that
all superstition Edwy Clapp, Mu Deu-
Deuteron before, or since graduation,
are now tradition.
teron's rushing chairman from Shelby,
Read your Fijiowa, read your Phi
announced his engagement to Mary
the chapter hopes that you will take
advantage of this week-end schedule.
Gamma Delta magazine. Visit the
Isabelle Porter of Cedar Rapids. Miss
To those who have visited the chapter
Porter is a member of Delta Gamma
house sometime during the school year.
earlier this year the same Fiji hospi-
By doing these things you will freshen
sorority. Ed is classified as a sopho-
tality will welcome you on a return
your memory. Make it a hobby. Fra-
more and is in line for a place on the
trip. Everybody out now for one of
ternity is a pleasure when you're
Hawkeye baseball squad.
the biggest Dad's Day week-ends ever
working for it. And then, when you
planned by Mu Deuteron and the Uni-
feel that you can hit the stride of an
Dad's Day, November 21
versity of Iowa.
Page Three
November, 1931
15 Make Lincoln Trip; Lamb-
da Nu Hospitality Wel-
Off to successful start in intra-
comes Visiting Iowan Fi-
mural athletics, Mu Deuteron plans
to keep up the momentum gained by
Fijis Represented in 7 Sports;
successes in cross-country and tennis.
Johnson Frohwein, Di-
Many freshmen recently took part in
woky Sure Bets
Iowa and her football team took a
the hill and dale event; Ben Osborn
bit of a beating from the Nebraska
placed high with a tenth. He was fol-
gridders on November 7, but repre-
lowed closely by other panting Fijis
Athletics have been occupying an
sentatives of the local chapter profited
to place the house fifth in the final
important part among Mu Deuteron's
by their visit to Lambda Nu from the
actives and pledges during the first
standpoint of hospitality and fraternal
Beckner, Hanten Star
half of the semester. The outstanding
association. Mu Deuteron was repre-
accomplishments so far has been
sented by Duncan Miller, Wallace
John Beckner harked back to old
Pledge Brother Roland White's at-
Gallup, Arthur Hannes, Roy Diwoky,
tennis form and copped the inter-fra-
tainments in track and field. Eleven
Charles Turner, Henry Wendt, Paul
ternity singles tourney with ease. The
places in three university meets are
Criswell, Frank Humphrey, Warren
combination of Beckner and Pledge
Sparks, Edwy Clapp, Vance Elliott,
Brother Dick Hanten has progressed
marked up for the yearling with a 12-
to the finals in the doubles tournament
foot record in the pole vault. "Rollie"
and Robert Brown. Lambda Nu is to
and they are due to finish on the top
certainly is getting recognition.
be complimented on the fine way in
which our boys were received. Bill
of the heap. John Beckner has not
Fiji Basketeers
Gamble turned up as alumni repre-
only won this tourney but also took
The active chapter, not to be out-
the Quadrangle singles and is in the
done by freshmen are out for varsity
Victor and vanquished enjoyed a
all-university final competition. Looks
berths in three sports and are thriv-
well played game on the part of both
like three major titles for "Brother
ing on the competition. Basketball is
teams but joined hands in a mutual
on deck and Coach "Rollie" Williams
celebration afterward that lasted until
finds Roy Diwoky, Bill Kearney, Jim
quite late that evening so it has been
Crookham and Art Hannes on the
rumored. The Cornhusker annex to
hardwood courts. Diwoky is conceded
the Nebraska chapter house was very
the edge and if the demon of ineligi-
popular and there was many a slip
bility can be throttled Roy should
between first and ninth if that means
show for a regular guard position.
Glen Behrens, although slowed up
Mu Deuteron looks forward to the
Hoosier-Hawkeye Battle Ends
with a bit of ear trouble, is splashing
visit of Nebraska chaptermen next
in 0 to 0 Tie; Grads Re-
right out in front on the tank squad
year in anticipation of as friendly a
turn for Festivity
and will register, barring developments
meeting if our home and home sched-
of that injury. John Beckner is biding
ule is continued.
A large representation of Mu Deu-
(Continued on page 4)
teron alumnae visited the chapter over
Portals of Fijiland
"Homecoming" and proceeded to
Greet 3 Neophytes
round out a successful week-end of
Idle Rumors
activity. Was that football game a
(Continued from page 1)
wow, and was there a party after-
wards? Ask any one who attended and
Brother Gene Gisel and Pledge
cation of the "Daddy" Brewer room.
"Bob" is out for golf, will be out
get the affirmative. The active group
Brother Harold Mitchell attended the
for swimming, and is upholding his
appreciates the fine feeling of frater-
Missouri Homecoming, November 14.
end of the social activity about the
nity that was prevalent in the inter-
campus. He is classified as a second
mingling of alumnus with under-grad.
To show superiority over the Sigma
semester freshman.
Those Who Came Back
Chi pledge group, Fiji freshmen didn't
stop by giving an informal party but
Rhodes Applicant
Brothers who returned to enjoy
continued their social activity by get-
"Homecoming" festivities are: Wil-
Paul is Mu Deuteron's scholarship
ting together again Sunday night, No-
fred Kearney, Arthur Pyles, George
proctor and is taking graduate work
vember 15. The neophytes, "en Masse,"
Frohwein, Bill Williams, Roy Porter,
in the School of Letters. At present
attended Mandarin Inn with some of
Fred Butler, Carl Reinking, Lowell
Paul is working on a historical poem
the better dates to dine and dance.
Otte, Bill and Dick Jepson, "Bill" and
which he will enter in a contest spon-
You can't hold a good group down !
Harold Gamble, Vern Hunt, Murray
sored by the school. Paul filed appli-
Goodman, Birchard Ashenfelter, Vir-
cation for a Rhodes scholarship and is
gil David, Wendell Dunkerton, Mau-
Tom Perry, Bob Cameron, and
accomplishing his purpose as Mu Deu-
Dunc Miller relieved the Delt chapter
rice Cruise, Wallace Snyder, Ronald
teron's grade tutor.
of one old Ford recently. What price
Lee, Glen Worseldine, Edward Pren-
Jack Helwig, a pledge to Mu Deu-
tiss, Ted Rehder, Dale Welt, Arthur
teron eight years ago, was initiated by
Thomas, Earl Beman, and Irvin Nel-
special permission of the board of
Chuck Turner, Wally Gallup, Ben
archons. Jack is now married and lo-
Osborn, and Fred Morain attended the
cated in Cedar Rapids. He is working
Iowa State Homecoming game with
with the Bell Telephone Company.
Dad's Day, November 21
November, 1931
Who's Who and
"Daddy" Brewer Presents
Brewer, Lazell, Rehder, Helm,
House With Legate's Pic-
W. H. McFarland, class of 1916, is
Milligan Speakers; 3 New
now located in Clearfield, Iowa. "Mac"
Initiates Attend
was a member of the old local, Phi
Two more valuable pictures have
Zeta Epsilon, and is now Superinten-
Immediately following the initiation
been added to the collection of Mu
dent of Schools. He is married and
held October 20, Mu Deuteron rallied
Deuteron through the graces of "Dad-
has one boy, Richard, ten years old.
fifty strong at a banquet to dedicate
dy" Brewer.
the "Daddy" Brewer room. Luther A,
John Templeton McCarty
Dr. John C. Parsons, graduated
Brewer had this lower room redecor-
John Templeton McCarty has found
from the Liberal Arts college in 1918
ated recently in two shades of green,
and from the Medical school in 1920.
a conspicuous place near the entrance
capped by a ceiling of ivory. A plate
way in the form of an ink drawing,
John married Dorothy Hull from
rail for trophies, steins, and pictures
one of two originals done by Charles
Leon, Iowa. There's Fiji material in
separates the green and ivory color
Sindelar, husband of Pearl Sindelar,
their four and one-half year old son.
granddaughter of our founder. The
John was a charter member of Mu
Lazell, Initiates Speak
Deuteron and is now a doctor located
other original 1 been placed in the
in the Eagle Block, Creston, Iowa.
Wallace H. Gallup was toastmaster
archives of the fraternity.
for the event. Fred J. Lazelle attend-
Picture of Legate
ed the dedication and impressed the
Thomas G. Wilson, class of 1923 is
Tom K. Smith, Missouri, '04, Legate
entire group with his story of early
now a shining banker in Chicago. Tom
at the installation of Mu Deuteron, is
connections with "Daddy" Brewer.
is married and has one girl, Jo Ann,
pictured in the Daddy Brewer room
Harley J. Helm, of Alpha Iota, rep-
three years. old. You can write him at
at the right of the fireplace now, cor-
resented Iowa State on the toast pro-
1028 Isabella St., Wilmette, Illinois.
responding to the position occupied by
gram. Robert Cameron, Paul Engle,
a picture of Calvin Coolidge on the
and Jack Helwig expressed their sat-
Dr. Merle B. Snyder, commonly
opposite side. It is a likeness that has
isfaction upon receiving the Fiji badge.
known as "Chief" Snyder is now mar-
been missing for some time in the Fiji
Fred Morain offered appreciation for
ried and resides in Chewelah, Wash-
collection and the chapter is grateful
the pledge group. Ted Rehder, now
ington. "Chief" graduated from the
for the present. Both pictures are
manager of the Memorial Union Grill,
L. A. school in 1925 and from the
framed in black and blend well with
responded like a regular little man to
Medical school in 1927. Get his pen
other pictures already gracing the
compare the new beauty of the room
warmed up alums!
walls. We are proud of them.
with its old meaning those knots of
friendship tied during many sleepless
Harlan C. Strong, class of 1927, is
nights of probation. Bob Milligan,
Actives, Pledges Out
now proprietor of the Rocky Moun-
chapter president, extended Mu Deu-
for Varsity, Yearling
tain Hatchery and editor of Poultry
teron's appreciation for Daddy's con-
Teams; White Stars
Profits. Strong is married and lives at
tribution and interest.
(Continued from page 3)
2017 8th Avenue Greeley, Colorado.
Songs for "Daddy" Brewer
his time until indoor track is called
Dr. Ernest W. Anderson, class of
Two new songs honoring "Daddy"
to the limelight. Regular workouts
1929, married I tty Baxter, and is
Brewer, written by Park Rinard and
this fall have been good conditioners
now practicing dentistry in Cedar
Paul Engle helped dedicate this beau-
and the winter activity should show
Rapids, Iowa. is address is 1126
tiful new room. "Daddy" Brewer con-
him producing in that relay quartet.
Merchants National Bank Building,
cluded the program. As the tallow
Champlin Wrestles
Cedar Rapids, Io a.
slowly dripped from the table candles
Other frosh gaining experience at
symbolizing life, "Daddy" told of his
this time are John Champlin, diminu-
appreciation of Phi Gamma Delta and
Fiji Grades Climb
Mu Deuteron.
tive ciant of the grid squad who will
turn to wrestling, his favorite sport,
Toward High Goal
in about a week's time, and Dick Han-
With New System
Two Down, One On
ten, tennis wizard is helping to bring
(Continue rom page 1)
Tap; Plan Costume
the standards of the first year men up.
short period of time has taken root to
Party "Fijis In Hell"
Pledge Brother Harry Frohwein
show that Mu I teron's scholarship
is climbing high. study hours are en-
(Continued from page 1)
and George Johnson are out for base-
ball and show promise of traveling on
forced from 2 tr 5 o'clock week day
"Fijis in Hell"
the Iowa pitching staff.
afternoons, and rom 7:30 on for
The next Fiji fling will be held De-
Unfavorable weather conditions
week nights. Difficulties encountered
cember 12. This party is sche led to
have taken our golfers from the uni-
by both active and pledges are
be a costui party entitled jis in
versity course to a degree but spring
smoothed out af consulting Brother
Hell." Being the last party before the
competition will again find them aim-
Engle and if the resent is an indi-
holiday spell it is 11. ral to
ing low scores and long drives.
cation of the futu Mu Deuteron will
predict a cerebration that will be long
In line for the "Greenie" cage squad
be second to none on the campus in
remembered All alumni that make
are j rold Mitchell and Arnold Moel-
scholarship at th lose of the semes-
the party a cordially invitea stay
ler, two of the most potential candi-
ter. Mu Deuteron is out to win not
at the house over the week-end. Broth-
dates we have seen for some time.
only campus hor by burning the
ers from
chapters are
midnight oil but to rank high for both
and given the word, dates will be ar-
Dad's Day, November 21
Cheney and Baker cups.
ranged for those who want th
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November 1931 newsletter of the Mu Deuteron chapter at the University of Iowa. The newsletter is four pages in length.