Lambda Beta

California State University Long Beach

Founding Date
Oct 13th, 1990

The Lambda Beta chapter at California State University at Long Beach was chartered on October 13, 1990. The chapter ceased on August 1, 1997. The chapter rechartered on October 13, 2012. The chapter is located in Long Beach, California.

The Ritual Team included Legate: James P. Glenny (Idaho 1960);   Ritualist: C. Edward Gabe (Hanover 1990);  Chapter President: Austin R. Huffman (Chapman 2013); Chapter Treasure: Matthew B. Webb (California-Irvine 2013); Recording Secretary: John B. Kostick (Chapman 2013); Corresponding Secretary: Ashot Hareyen (California-Irvine 2014); and Chapter Historian: Ben J. Burke (Chapman 2014).

The Director included:  Patrick B. Schoenberg (Chapman 2014)

The October 13, 1990 Chartering Team included: Legate: Ronald Voelker (Pittsburgh 1943); Ethan Rohloff (San Diego State 1990); Chris Carpita (San Jose State 1992); Kevin Glenny (California at Irvine 1991); Kevin Clark (California State University-Fresno 1992); John McCann (San Diego State 1992); Marty Carrade (California at Irvine 1991); John McMahon (California at Las Angeles 1992); Rick Rosing (San Jose State 1991); Noel Briscoe (San Diego State 1991); and Joe Aragon (California at Las Angeles 1993).

Chapter Information



Long Beach
