Chi Kappa

West Chester University

Founding Date
Nov 19th, 2016

The Chi Kappa chapter at West Chester University is located in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

The Chi Kappa Chapter chartered on November 19, 2016.

The Ritual Installation Team: The Legate was Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987); Ritual Supervisor: Josh Laufenberg (Illinois 2008); CP: Alexander Blum (Toronto 2017); CT: Josh Laufenberg (Illinois 2008); RS: Dana Hesse (Virginia Tech 1986); CS: Trevor Curtis (Oregon 2014); and CH: Adam Coco (Toronto 2018).

The Directors included: Adam Jackman (Cornell 2012); Yassine Debaugh (Cornell 2013); Cory Curtin (Virginia Tech 2001); and Mike Budicak (Virginia Tech 2001).

Chapter Information



West Chester
