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1953 April Newsletter Lambda Iota (Purdue University)
April 1953 newsletter of the Lambda Iota chapter at Purdue University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Iota
Purdue University
1953 April Newsletter Lambda Iota (Purdue University)
Lambda lota Chapter Of Vhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
West Lafayette, Indiana, April, 1953
Vol. xxxxi
No. 8
New Group Welcomes Returning Alumni
John Bergen, '49
Is Toastmasier
"Come All Ye Loyal Fiji Boys—
Back to Old Purdue!"
On Saturday, May 2, it will again
be time to pay tribute to his maj
esty King Zeus, at the annual Pig
John Biadshaw, former chapter
purple legionnaire, has consented
to be the main speaker of the eve
ning. The toastmaster will be John
Bergen, president of Lambda Iota
in '49.
Sam Kishline, '55, is in charge
of undergraduate arrangements.
These men have promised an en
tertaining and interesting evening.
There will be an Alpha Graduate
meeting at 4 p.m. preceding the
dinner. The freshmen have sched
uled a skit this year, in addition
Bob Bennins, Tom Redinger, and Dick Ramsdell pose behind Doup
Stuart, and Marlin McDaniel after house electipns. (Story on Page 3).
Fly 'Boilermaker Fiji' To Embattled Brother
to the other festivities.
If you have lost contact with the
chapter during the last few years,
now is the chance to meet your old
classmates and get back into the
swing of fraternity events.
We're counting on all of you to
"Meeting those good friends like be here on Saturday, May 2.
that halfway around the world
David C. Johnston, '49, last wrote
from home gives one a new appre
ciation of the relations formed dur when he was in the Time Study de
ing those four golden years which partment of Delco Radio division.
General Motors Corp., Kokomo, Ind.
you are now in the midst of."
At Purdue, Dave was on the
Jim played football during his
campus days. He married Judith Freshman Football team, in the
Horn, Aug. 25, 1952, before go Glee club. Choir, and A.P.O.
Aboard Carrier In Korean Waters; Seoul Reunion
James Anthony Reeves, '51, is
Air Intelligence Officer for At
tack Squadron 155, now aboard
off the
coast of Korea.
Jim manages to read news of
his buddies through the 'Boiler
maker Fiji' during each battle lull.
On April 6, Jim wrote:
". . . It was with the utmost in ing overseas.
Mail to Jim is delivered c/o VAterest that I read the March 'Boil
ermaker Fiji.' It seems that Lamb 155, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
Wallace James Dillingham, '52, is
da Iota has grown with the years
pilot trainee for the U.S.A.F.,
in accomplishments in all fields.
"In your world there, full of ad
now stationed at Box 193, 53-Fl,
vice from all quarters, I will not Columbus AFB, Miss.
give what poor advice would fall
Dilly was in Chandelle squadron
at Purdue. He was also in Scabbard
from my pen, but will say:
" 'You've done an outstanding job and Blade, and Sigma Alpha Tau
in building yourselves and Lamb
da Iota.'
and I.A.S. He is a Mason.
Robert W. Viehe, '40, is general
"During the month of January, surgeon at 1801 Williams St., Den
it was my good fortune to spend ver, Colo.
He is married, has three girls
an evening with Mitch Vogel, '51,
and Ned MacDonald, '51, in Seoul, ^and one son.
In Denver, Bob is vice-president
Korea, reminiscing about the days
we spent as pledge brothers at 640 of the Denver Alumni Chapter for
A Reminder To Alumni
To maintain prompt and effi
cient mail service for you, the
staff suggests the following:
1. Fill
Who's Who blank you re
ceive from us.
2. Be sure to check off address
you want your mail for
warded—home—or business.
3. All letters or notes you
write on back of Who's Who
forms will be used for pub
lication unless you indicate
to the contrary.
\r\nPage Two
April, 1953
1953 Foof-ball Schedule
Maurice Allen Williamson, Sr.,
'13, is distributor for Tropical Paint
and Oil Co., in Florida.
Maje lives with his wife at
2526 Simms blvd., Tampa 9, Fla.
Before coming to Tropical, Maje
was vice-president and publisher
of the well-known book publish
ing firm of McGraw Hill.
Maje has authored two texts on
Sept. 26 Missouri
Oct. 10 Duke
3 Notre Dame
17 Wisconsin
24 Michigan State
31 Illinois
7 Iowa
Nov. 14 Ohio State
Nov. 21 Indiana
* Homecoming Game
** 'P' Men's Day
Published regularly throughout engineering. One is called 'Chem
is *** Dad's Day Game
the school year by the Lambda ical Engineering.' The other
Iota chapter of Phi Gamma Delta named 'Food Engineering.'
Corr. Sect
First Purdue President
Charles Clyde Adams, '05, dis
Roscoe Seybold, '07, is Executive
trict manager (retired) for Gener
al Electric Co., now spends a maj Secretary for the Purdue Alumni
Foundation, Student
Loren Graham or part of his time at 3064 Moim- Scholarship
Bauerle ingview terrace, Birmingham, Mich. Union bldg., W. Lafayette, Ind.
Douglas Stuart
Contributions and news of alum
ni solicited at all times. Address
He has authored three books for
Bosco was senior class president
Society. during his campus days. He owns
the distinction of being the first-
elected president of the Student
the editor at the Chapter House, gears.' The second book is on Council. He also played varsity
640 Russell, W. Lafayette, Ind.
Chapter Reorganization
Graduated from
Purdue with a
B.S. in electrical engineering, Ros
Harley W. Rhodehamel, '40, is coe also is the holder of an Hon
chemist for Eli Lilly, 640 S. Ala orary Degree of Doctor of Eng
bama St., Indianapolis 6, Ind.
lish, which he received in 1942.
By Don Schma
The recent house elections were
He has a B.S. and an M.S. from
The Seybolds live at 1501 Raaccompanied by the adoption of Purdue.
vinia rd., in W. Lafayette.
a new system of internal organi
Harley has written articles for
Railroad Engineer
zation. Contrary to the former sys scientific publications and there are
Hal Branham Orr, '36, is assist
tem, the Treasurer and House several patents in his name.
Manager are now separate offices.
Harley's dad and brother are also ant division engineer for the Chespeake and Ohio railroad.
The separation is designed to pro Phi Gams.
Chapter historian for one term,
mote the efficient functioning that
Harley lives with his wife, Evathis position previously lacked.
line, at RR 1, Box 257, New Au Hal took part in many campus ac
The Steward's duties are also gusta, Ind.
He is married to Jessie Taylor.
clarified to the extent that he is
Now Sales Understudy
The Orr's have a son and daugh
to be the sole purchaser of food,
Edwin James Ogden III, '52, is ter.
Hal's father, brother, uncle, and
understudy for Kimberlywork" buying previously practiced
brother-in-law are also loyal Phi
by the cook. He is also in charge Clark Corp., at Neenah, Wis.
Ed was swimming manager, be Gams.
of the kitchen force and plans all
longed to Gimlet and 'P' club.
Wilh'am C. Carnes ,'47, is a U.S.
At the house Ed was treasurer. naval lieutenant at the Naval Air
In the long run, we expect to see
He is back from naval service
and living with his wife, Jeanne,
Station, Mlramar, San Diego, Calif.
Duke was a member of the Stu
Lambda Iota, and we believe that
at 601 S. Walnut St., Appleton, dent Senate, Forestry club. Fra
this recent reorganization is a step
ternity Affairs committee, and Xi
Perry Dudley, Jr., '52, is taking Sigma Pi.
He was active in swimming at
Clifford A. Ives, '52, is engineer sales engineer training with Reli
the fieldhouse, and held the office
for Consolidated Vultee Aircraft ance Electric and Engineering Co.,
Corp., 3302 Pacific Highway, San 1008 Ivanhoe rd., Cleveland 10, 0. of Recording Secretary for one
Diego, Calif.
Perry was active on the staff of term.
in the right direction.
Cliff lives at 339 Bonair st.. La Debris, Scrivener, was on Pep com
Jolla, Calif.
mittee, and in A.I.E.E.
At Purdue, Cliff was active in
His war record includes service
football and on the student coun with the U.S. Navy.
Single, Perry lives at 15720 Eu
He has a wife and five-months- clid ave., Cleveland 12.
old son.
John Joseph Wallbillich, Jr., '45,
Robert A. Kramer, '33, lives at is in the Production Engineering
2712 Hillside ave., Dayton, Ohio, department of Fisher Body divis
Duke writes:
". . . How's my friend. Governor
Rudolph? Say hello for me."
Married Sept. 6, 1952, to Jean
Mae Charles, the Carnes are liv
ing in California until Duke com
pletes his naval service.
Duke was assistant sales mana
ger for A. E. Poulsen and Co. prior
to his current enlistment.
according to last reports.
ion, Detroit, Mich.
Bob was sales supervisor for
Jack lives at 885 Redding rd., John M. Casebolt, '52, is with the
U.S.A.F. at Keesler AFB, Miss.
Frigidaire, Taylor st., in Dayton.
Birmingham, Mich.
Redinger New Prexy
May Anniversaries
Fiji Highiights
Page Three
Lewis E. Morrison, '40, practices
Five new men were chosen at
medicine in Indianapolis.
the chapter meeting March 16 to
He lives with his wife at 4450 lead Lambda Iota through .a new
Park ave., in that city.
fraternity year. Those elected are
Active in Rotary and Junto, Tom Redinger, '54, president; Dick
Lewis was in Gimlets, Union, Skull Ramsdell, '54, treasurer; Bob Benand Crescent, and played football ning, '54, recording secretary; Doug
at Purdue.
Stuart, '55, corresponding secre
During the second world war, tary; and Marlin McDaniel, '55,
he was a Medical Corp. Major.
The Morrisons have five chil
If Tom Redinger leads Lambda
another Iota with the same fervor and suc
wedding anniversary on May 15.
John L. McCallister, '44, is in
the advertising field for Zenith
Radio Corp., 6001 W. Dickens ave.,
Chicago, 111.
cess that he plays football, we are
in for a good year indeed. A vet
eran of three years on the varsity
football team, Tom is a member of
the Gimlets and P Men's Club.
Our new treasurer, Dick Rams
day anniversary May 17 with his dell, was a junior swimming man
wife, Maren, and John L. Jr., who ager and is a member of Arnold
Air Society. In accepting the key
is four years old.
By Doug Stuart
1539 to our strongbox, Dick will end
Is current news of your old Monroe ave.. River Forest, 111.
schoolmates of interest to you? I
Leaves International
need no answer to this question!
eavor to keep us on the road to
financial success that graduating
Brother Don Erwin steered us on.
The answer to my second ques
Jack Dorner Noyes, '52, left In
Bob Benning is accepting the re
tion is not so obvious to me. Do ternational Harvester, March 13, sponsibilities of recording secretary
you, as an alumnus, feel that you after 42 days of service with that and will carry out these duties in
are getting sufficient news about organization.
addition to playing varsity golf
He is now with the First Stu and working on the NROTC pap
your contemporaries from the Boil
ermaker Fiji ? If not, then we dent Officers Co., U.S. Army, sta er "Soundings." Bob is also a
are publishing a paper which falls tioned at Fort Eustis, Va.
member of Skull and Crescent.
Jack's wife, Virginia, is with
shoi-t of its primary objective.
Another addition to our execu
As new corresponding secretary him. The couple are living off the tive cabinet, Doug Stuart, will
Wiland chairman of alumni relations,
be communicating with our alums
I will state briefly what we hope liamsburg, Va.
as corresponding secretary. Doug
At Purdue, Jack studied agricul
to accomplish in future issues of
is on the Debris staff. Navy Rifle
ture, was social chairman of the Team, and a member of Phi Eta
the Fiji.
There are two purposes of the house.
In campus activities. Jack was a
Fiji: to tell the alumni about each
The history and traditions of
other and to tell the alumni about Gimlet, baseball manager, football I Phi Gamma Delta are well known
J.V., and belonged to the 'P' club. to Marlin McDaniel, the new his
the chapter.
I stated the most important pur He also was in Scabbard and torian. Marlin works on the Stu
pose first. This is your paper. We Blade, and Pershing Rifles.
dent Union and is a Skull and
will try to make it read that way.
James Noble Newhall, '37, is en Crescent member.
This is a difficult task for one gineer for Newhall Bros. Co., 4221
reason. We have only one source N. Seventh ave.. Phoenix, Ariz.
John F. Zubrod, '33, is sales man
of alumni news—our alumni. Why
Jim was captain of the Pistol ager for the E. R. division of Sernot send us your information and team, and on the Military Ball vel. Inc., Evansville 20, Ind.
questions? We'll try to hold up committee at Purdue.
John belongs to the Evansville
our end of the bargain.
He was called to the service in Country club. Elks, Turners, and
An opportunity for much clos 1941 and was discharged a Major A.S.R.E.
er contact with Lambda Iota is in 1946.
On campus, John was president
close at hand. "All hail, all hail,
Unmarried, Jim makes his home of A.S.M.E., active in Golf, and a
the Fiji Feast."
at 5750 E. Camelback rd., in Phoe
I would appreciate hearing from nix, Ariz.
you concerning improvements
member of Scabbard and
Military Ball Committee, Union,
William R. Palmer, '43, is sales
and on the Debris staflf.
suggestions which you might have. engineer for Link-Belt Co., 2045
John also served one term as
If you have any questions about Hunting Pk. ave., Philadelphia 40, chapter treasurer.
the fraternity, I will be glad to Pa.
In World War II, John served in
try to answer them personally.
To put it in a nutshell—let me
hear from you.
chapter the Air Forces for five years. He
president, house manager, and he was discharged a Colonel.
held offices of vice-president and
John has been chairman of the
president in successive terms on Highside Section of Refrigeration
Ronald E. Montgomery, '50, is the interfraternity council.
Manufactui'er's Equipment Associ
an engineer for E. I. DuPont,
Bill lives with his wife, Mar ation.
He lives at 226 Bonner st., Vir garet, and three kids, at 263 MarThe Zubrods live at 2512 E. Cum
ginia Acres, Aiken, S. C.
1gate rd.. Upper Darby, Pa.
St., Evansville 14.
\r\nPage Four
Pledges Tau Beta Pi
April, 1953
Mark Passing Of Alumnus
Only Six From Top
June 15, 1953, will mark the
first anniversary of the passing of
that means softball time in inter-
It's spring again—and of course
R. Colvert, '26.
fraternity sports. Softball is a big
Mr. Colvert was employed by a fraternity sport around here, and
Chicago, 111. Gear Works Co. as we feel that we have a real good
a credit manager.
chance this spring, as the spirit
is high. Spring also brings a few
ploy because of ill health, and he individual sports: golf, tennis, and
passed away after six months of track, to name a few.
While we are not on top in inno perceptible improvement in his
tramurals right now, we feel as
He is survived by his wife, Hel though we are doing quite well,
en McCall, and two children: Mary, for we are currently riding in the
who is twelve; and Elston, who is .sixth spot for the year.
There are thirty-six fraternities
that participate actively in intraMrs. Colvert lives with the chil
dren at 200 S. Brady st., Attica, murals. The Phi Delts ((popular
ly known as "State Street A. C.")
Mr. Colvert was a mem.ber of are now on the top of the heap in
He was forced to leave his em
the National Manufacturing Cred the race for the all-intramurals
it Association and the Chicago trophy.
It is largely through the strength
of several seconds, thirds, fourths,
vert had been active in the First and fifths in the various sports
Presbyterian Church, Evanston, that we gained our present posi
While in good health, Mr. Col
tion, for we have won only one
Gordon Rider (Budd) Archibald
was recently pledged to Tau Beta
Pi, national engineering honorary
We're quite proud of this Arch
trophy so far this year.
In fall tennis. Brother Dick Sup
Back Home In Indiana
ple, '54, walked off with the in
Henry Clay Rider, '48, is back
home in Indiana after serving in dividual crown, and we also took
the armed forces for 19 months.
the team trophy.
Well, we'll just keep plugging,
Discharged Feb. 12, Hank is and join in with thirty-four other
only graduate student. He is to practicing law as an attorney for fraternities in the popular warreceive an M.S. in Civil Engineer the well-known firm of Busch- cry, "Beat the Phi Delts!"
ibald gentleman, and here's why:
Budd is, at the present time, our
ing this June. He surpassed every mann, Krieg, DeVault, and Alex
Everett G. Brooks, '52, is an En
undergraduate in the chapter this ander, 900 Circle Tower, Indianap
sign resident-inspector for The U.S.
past semester, with a grade index olis, Ind.
of 5.75, on Purdue's 6-point scale. Hank sang in the Glee club, and Navy, attached to Kargard Boat
Besides being our only graduate he broadcasted on WBAA. He also and Engine Co., of Marinette, Wis.
student, Budd is the lone man to was a track enthusiast.
have been affiliated to Lambda Io
He is married and lives with his
Buz was on the Purdue Varsity
Swimming team. Gimlet club, 'P'
wife, Anne, at 962 N. Pennsylvan club, and Dolphin club.
ta Chapter this year. He received
ia St., Indianapolis.
He was Executive Committee
his undergraduate degree in C. E.
last year from The University of
Collis P. Chandler, Jr., '47, is Chairman for the house.
The Purdue coaches named Buz
Rhode Island.
vice-president of Musgrove Petrol
Budd, whose home is in Provi eum Corp. Ind., 518 Petroleum bldg. Captain for the Varsity Swimmin'>team for the 1951-52 season.
dence, is a charter member of Phi Wichita, Kans.
Graduated from Purdue in 1952
Gamma Delta's Kappa Rho Chap
On the campus, Chan was presi
ter; in fact, he is not only a char
charter member of his eastern Fiji
It is indeed an honor for any
engineer to be pledged to Tau
Beta Pi, and especially so for a
graduate student.
Only six graduate students were
taken in this year. So now you can
see why we say that we are quite
proud of Gordon Rider Archibald!
dent of Skull and Crescent.
He belongs to the Wichita Cham
ber of Commerce and the Petrol
eum club.
Married to
Buz was placed on active duty with
the Navy last Oct. 27. He has been
there ever
Buz married Elcy Donovan, De"
23, 1952. The Brooks live at 358
Alice Foster, Chan State St., in Marinette, Mis.
and his wife live with their five-
William Allen Voorhees, '50, is
year-old daughter, Mary Louise, assistant to plant superintendent
and son, Thomas Grant, at 637 S. for Electric Wheel Co., Quincy, 111.
Roosevelt, in Wichita.
Henry Joseph Conlin, '51, is with
the U.S. Marine Corps., stationed
Sam sends the following newsnote:
"Bill (Sam) and Lou Voorhees
at Marine Barracks, NAD, Crane, are the parents of a baby girl. Mar
William Herbert Bahlke, '52, is Ind.
guerite, born Feb. 22.
chemical engineer for Abbott Lab
"They have one other child, Mich
Hank spent 1952 in Korea. Dur
oratories, Department 895, N. Chi ing his campus days. Hank was ac ael, who is two years old.
cago, 111.
tive in football and track.
"They extend an invitation to all
He lives at the Y.M.C.A., in WauHis home address is: 825 Fuller Purdue Fijis and Pi Phis to stop
in Quincy, lil., at 2504 Cherry st."
kegan. 111.
St., Independence, Mo.
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April 1953 newsletter of the Lambda Iota chapter at Purdue University. The newsletter is four pages in length.