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1953 December Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
December 1953 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is six pages.
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Chi Iota
University of Illinois
1953 December Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Page Two
Meet The Horns
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity for
William Knight '34
Dies in Accident
Alumni Association of Chi Iota of
December, 1953
After Homecoming
Harry Overtoom
A tragic sequel to Homecoming
for Phi Gamma Delta took place
about 10:30 the following Tuesday
night when William Abner Knight
Gordon Leach, Tom Felke, Steve
Lindell, Bob Hayes, Roger Streibich, Frank Strachota, Gene Wal
lace. Pictures by Jim Kahlert.
Send contributions, news of
alumni, and changes of address to
the Publication office. Box 713, Sta
tion A, Champaign, 111., Chapter
House: 401 East John sti'eet. Cham
paign, 111.
'34 and his wife Suzanne were both
killed instantly in an automobile
The accident occurred when their
car was struck head on by another
Peoria side of
Illinois River. They were return
ing from the U of I campus where
Brother Knight had remained after
the Homecoming week-end inter
viewing seniors for positions with
Chapter Men Receive
General Electric.
David Kinley Awards
Scholarship awards from the
David Kinley Educational Founda
tion were presented at the Home
coming banquet Nov. 7 to the fol
lowing men:
Fifty dollar cash awards for the
greatest improvement:
on the
He was only last summer pro
moted to managership of the ap
paratus office of General Electric
CHI IOTA'S new Purple Legion
naire, Harry Horn, and his wife
were at the chapter house just
before Homecoming. In true Fiji
Senior—Tom Brown
in Peoria after being sales engineer
for the Chicago district office of
GE. The move had been consid
>ered an outstanding promotion.
and Theta (Mrs. Horn's sorority) j Brother Knight was a graduate
spirit they pitched in and helped us of Urbana high school. He received
with Homecoming decorations be his bachelor of science degree in
Junior—Bob Hayes
fore and after dinner.
Sophomore—Bill Bingham
Freshman—Ken Pawlak
Illuminated scrolls were present
ed to the following who had the
Prof. Harry Horn Named
Chi lota Legionnaire
highest scholarship in their respec
Senior—Dick Carrigan (now in Charles
the Army, and not present.
naire in
Junior—Bob Hayes
tive classes:
electrical engineering from the U
of I. During the war he served Jll;
years as a lieutenant in the Navy.
While at the University he re
ceived many honors among which
were Phi Eta Sigma, Tribe of Illini,
Harry W. Horn, 917 West and Varsity "I" from track. Eta
St., Champaign, officially Kappa Nu, Illini Union board of
Chi lota's Purple Legion directors and Engineering Coun
cil. He was also I'ecognized for
November of last year.
scholarship on Honors Day.
He and his wife, the former Dor
The alumni and undergraduate college where he was pledged to othy Suzanne Stevenson, Detroit,
chapter are proud of these men the Iota chapter. He later com were married in Grosse Point on
They were the ones leading the pleted hi.s A.B. degree in English June 24, 19F>1. She was a graduate
way in Chi lota's great scholastic in 1930 at the University of Kan of the University of Michigan
where she was a Pi Beta Phi.
sas, Pi Deutei'on chapter.
Sophomore—Tom Felke
Freshman—Pete Tomaras
Address Changes
Since the last issue of the Illinois
Prof. Horn was raised in Wich
ita, Kansas.
He attended Williams
Their 13-month-old daughter.
After a five year interim he en
tered the undergraduate college of Donna, was sleeping in the back
engineering at the University of seat at the time of the accident.
Illinois. He acquired his master's She was uninjured.
degi'ee at the Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology in 1937 and was
Lee P. Mehlig '51, 1290 E. Bates
back at the U. of I. as associate
"Moved whole family—wife and
Fiji came your way the following ready to begin his teaching career Pkwy., Englewood, Colo.:
address changes have been reported
from members of the Fiji clan:
Harry L. Childress '54, 1301 Bin
der St., Aurora, 111.
E. F. Dykstra '37, Rea Fuller &
Co., 114 E. 32nd St., New York 16,
N. Y.
professor of electrical engineering. two daughters (Leslee, 4; and Mar
He has been here ever since, except guerite 5 mos.) to Denver, Colo.
for two years in the Navy during Now sales account executive for
Wo)ld War II.
KTLN, Denver.
The station is a
Prof. Horn has a daughter, 13, 5,000 watt independent operating
and a son, 10. He is active in the 24 hours a day. The climate really
Jim Felt '42, Apt. 1, 11 Gray St., Fii'st Pi'esbyterian Chui'ch, the (lid
Cambridge, Mass.
American Society foi' Electrical hay
William J. Shimshok '54, 929 Engineers, and the Illuminating and
Engineers' Society.
Kelly Ave., Joliet, 111.
the trick for my asthsma and
fever. We love the mountains
our new home and dog, 8 weeks
cocker spaniel."
\r\nDecember, 1953
Page Three
Gene Wallace Elected
Chi lof-a 3rd in l-M's;
Wields The Gavel
Senior Glass Prexy;
Joins Thompson, Feike
Football Team Finishes
Second in Greek Finals
Going into the month of Decem
Chi Iota seems to be a home for
ber, we find the Chi Iota Fijis in
third place, just five points off the
leader, in the race for the coveted
I-M trophy. This position, we are
sure will improve during the course
politicians, at least on campus.
Gene Wallace joined John Thomp
son, Inter-Fraternity Council presi
dent, and Tom Felke, Student Sen
ate vice-president as a junior, as a
campus politician when he was
elected president of the senior class
after two days of campus wide
Thompson, besides being presi
dent of IFC is also a
of the year.
The Phi Gam football team, the
defending champions, made a very
fine showing again this year. They
advanced to the finals and there
lost to the PEP's 21-12. It was a
member of
Ma-Wan-Da, Student Senate, Cam
very successful season even though
we didn't -win the championship.
Again this year, we placed two
pus Chest Allocations Board, and
Board of Fraternity Affairs.
Felke numbers among his ac
men on the
complishments Sachem, Skull and
Crescent, Phi Eta Sigma, Illini
Publishing Co. Board of Control,
There were also a number of hon
orable mentions from our team.
Wallace has been a past member
the Inter-Fraternity Council, Seven Phi Gam Seniors
Daily Illini, Skull and Crescent,
LAS Council, Illini Publishing Co.
Board of Control, and a house of
ficer for two years.
Athletics are headed by Sachem-
man Jeff Austin, only a junior but
already a two-year I-man as top
trampolinist on Illinois' Big Ten
Champion gymnastic teams. Dan
Lirot, sophomore, is a tumbler on
Graduate in February
the football team we have
sophomore end Frank Hoffman, re
cipient of the Robert C. Zuppke
award; and Ralph Nelson, fresh
man, and All-American high school
guard; and Jim Renwick, fresh
man, All-State end.
Jack Kiest is a big gun on the
engineering campus by being rush
ing chairman for Sigma Tau, and
more game to play for the league
championship. This team, the ZBT
has already been beaten once this
season by the Fiji 'spikers.'
Jeff Austin is continuing his
this February via the sheepskin
winning ways in I-M -wrestling.
He has advanced to the quarter
Ed Chapel, who has been an Allfinals in the same weight division
I-M football player for the past
he won last year, 139 lbs. We ex
two years, will receive his degree
pect him to repeat his feat again.
in Commercial Teaching and a
Basketball season is upon us
commission as a second lieutenant
Seven seniors will leave Chi Iota
the team and last year placed third in
as a freshman in the Central AAU
meet in Chicago.
All-Intramural team.
These were Ed Chapel, end, and
commencement once again.
In Recreational bas
which is a preparatory
sport for the regular I-M season,
Gordon Leach, who served as
we took second place in our league
Historian and Recording Secretary,
behind the Sigma Nu's. Our out
will be graduated with a degree in
field of Chemistry.
Dick McCarthy, last year's Pres
ident, will r'eceive his degree in
field of Mechanical Engineering.
This semester Bill
look is brightened this year by the
height of a few members of the
pledge class.
Alumni Officers Named
At Homecoming Dinner
Nelson came
treasurer for Illinois Society of back to school after- being away
for- two and a half year-s to get
General Engineers.
Dick Little and Pete Tomaras mat-r-ied and star-t a family, so this
are this year's Skull and Crescent February little Bobby, Mar-y Jean,
representatives. Pete is also a and Bill will t-eceive their degree
member of Phi Eta Sigma, Theatre in Civil Engineer-ing.
Dick Pawlak, the social chairman
Guild, and is secretary of Skull and
last year-, will gr-aduate itr Mar-ketCrescent.
The freshmen ai'e off to a good ing.
Gene Steffy, who was the out
start. Two men are on Freshman
Council. Larry McKnelly as a reg standing pledge of the class of '53,
Offiiers and directors of the Phi
Gamma Delta Association of Illi
nois were named at the Homecom
ing banquet last Nov. 7, after beingselected by a mail ballot sent to
Willard B. Curtis '24, chairman;
Kenneth L. Means '40, president;
dent; William J. Carmichael '42,
Sachem, secretary, and Milt Haas '20, treas
ular and Carl Ostrand as alter nate. and who was elected to
Other pledges in activities are will r-eceive his degree in Manage
Jack Ar'mstr-ong, Star' Course; Jim ment.
John Massey, whose cartoons
Babcock, Theatre Guild; Dick Peter-soit, lllio; Don Bowers, freshman have graced ever-ything fr-om THE
track; and Don Druinmoird, Rog PHI GAMMA DELTA to the Daily
Holfman, arul Rob Little in the mini, will also graduate this FebMen's Glee Club.
Elected as directors w-ere Harold
Hindsley '51, filling unexpired 2-
years of Jim Felt's term; Vic Alderson '20, Howard Clement '38,
and N, B, "Chief" Williams '20, all
si>rving- four year terms.
\r\nPage Four
December, 1953
Latest News From lilinois Fiji Alumni Everywhere
Frederick W. Meyer '20, 50 Chu- matically applied concrete; 2) ir
Charles M. Poor '93, (Brown
masero Dr., Apt. 21, San Fran rigation, canals, reservoirs, and Univ.), retired, is now living at 712
cisco 27, Calif.:
ditches; 3) Whitaker Swimming Collett Ave., Terre Haute, Ind.:
"Read with a deal of interest Pools, the West's Best, and South
Ens. Dick Wilson '52, 980 Grant
that Chuck McGregor had affiliated ern Arizona's largest. We're a
me with the class of '21. Not that young and still somewhat small Ave., Rockford, 111.:
"In October I was detached from
I haven't the highest respect for outfit, but hope to grow with this
that class which was indoctrinated
mush-rooming country in the great the heavy cruiser USS Los Angeles
into Fijidom with the help of the
class to which I still claim mem
in Monterey, Calif., and assigned
duty instruction in the U. S.
from Dallas in April 'just to live Naval Officers C.I.C. (Combat In
here to
"Also, for the record, the firm here,' and plans to promote a bus
formation Center) at Glenview, 111.,
iness venture of his own. Is tem Naval Air Station. I will be here
with which I am connected in San
porarily promoting a private 'fire until about next April when I ex
Francisco is National Outdoor Ad
vertising Bureau. The "General" department' while looking around. pect to be reassigned to a little
We call him 'Chief Freddy.'"
more sea duty."
must have slipped in due to the
Outdoor plant operator with ex
Charles S. Kritzer '49, 1412 8th
Our Bloomington, 111., contingent
tensive plants throughout the Mid
"Chuck and I did have a lot of
fun hashing over this and that and
he brought me up to date on a lot
of the brothers with whom I have
lost contact. With the unstoppable
growth of the Pacific Coast, how
ever, it shouldn't be too long be
fore everyone will be out here—so
maybe I can have some more re
Ave., N.E. Rochester, Minn.:
"My family and I are now resi
dents of Rochester, Minn, where
we bought a new home. Jean pre
sented us with a little girl, July 8,
named Linda Jean. This rounds out
the family pretty well as we have
a two and a half year old son, Chad
unions before too many more years and unloading box cars, grinding
feed, hatchery work, seed buying,
"Please note the new home ad retail feed selling and other things
dress above. Also note that each that go into a successful feed store
Friday at noon the San Francisco operation which I did at one of
Graduate Chapter has lunch at the company's store for a year, I
the Fly Trap Restaurant, Sutter spent three years farm to farm
and Montgomery Street. I'm us selling for various dealers hand
ually there, but I can always be ling our product, Wayne Feeds.
reached in advance at DOuglas 2"Now after that four year break
ing in period. I was promoted May
1 or sent out on the firing line, de
Robert M. Eastman '39 is now pending on which way you look at
general manager of the Oklahoma it. My new job, and a big one,
Safety Council with headquarters is to open up the southeast eight
counties of Minnesota for my com
at Okla. City.
pany which has a new mill at Ma
Bob Vance '41, 3232 N. Wilson son City, Iowa.
Benson family includes three chil
dren, Mary Jane, Freddie and Rose
W. W. (Easy) Mounts '16, who
retired from the Air Force in 1952,
John, who is built like a small tank.
lives in Temple City,
"After joining Allied Mills, Inc. 10715 N. Daines Dr.
go by.
Ave., Tucson, Ariz.:
includes Walt Benson '40, who lives
Calif., at
Paul B. Schumacher '51, 2036
Emerson Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio:
"The Fighting Illini sure did
ubemselves proud in Columbus on
October 10. We wish them lots of
luck in their quest of the Big Ten
"On October 16, Fern presented
me a second son, Dirk Clasen.
Mother and son are both doing fine
and father is now twice as busy.
"We'd sure like to hear from any
of the brothers."
Paul is presently with the Spalding Co., Inc., in Dayton as a Sales
"This project will take a few
John McCullough Foster '24 in
"Have been living in Tucson, years to complete so yours truly forms us that he has moved to 800
the Sunshine City, for two and a will be scheduled for the land of
W. 53rd Teri-ace, Kansas City, Mo.
half years, and absolutely love it. the sky-blue waters for a while.
Took me nine years to get back The Kritzers will be happy to see
after being graduated here sub any of the Fiji brothers who will
sequent to my affiliation at Chi
lota in '37-'38 and transfer to Up
A1 Gougler '47, now a lieutenant
in the Navy, recently visited in Urbe in the vicinity. Mayo Clinic
bana with his wife and son, Ronnie.
might give some of you relief, and
They especially came to see his
a call for a visit. One precaution,
silon Alpha two years later.
grandmother who was at his par
"After returning to Peoria and however, this country is known for
ent's home at 209 W. Pennsylvania
central Illinois in 1945 where I ten months of winter and two
worked as necktie salesman to store
months of poor sleighing."
manager in Block-Kuhl chain, I de
cided in the fall of '50 that the
Midwest climate just wasn't worth
John Selmer '05 Dies
Mi's. John .1. Selmer infoi-ms us
fighting, regardless of business pro
gress. Today I have a partner with that hei- husband, John, passed
whom I attended Arizona U and away last .lune 13. He was a mem
Ave. Lt. Gouglei' is stationed in
Washington and their home is at
.4pt. 4, 432 Leesburg Pike, Falls
Church, Va.
Harris D. Fisk '17,
Rd., DeKalb, 111., sends on the word
ber of the class of 1005. While liv- that his son, Alan (Chi Iota '50)
be headed the Selmer Insurance is living at 162 Divisadoro St.,
tion Co. with three major depart
San Francisco, Calif.
ments: 1) general guniting, pneu- Agency in Eau tJaiie, Wis.
we operate the Whitaker Construc
\r\nDecember, 1953
Page Five
President Tells
Of Phi Gam Feats
Chi lota's Fijiland Band in Action
Now that the first semester is
drawing to a close, I would like to
give you a summary of what we
have accomplished here at Chi Iota
this fall.
As those of you who were here
for Homecoming will attest, we
have the best pledge class we have
had for several years this year.
One of the reasons we were able
to get this class was because of
the excellent alumni support we
received last spring and summer.
The first big event this fall was
Homecoming. About 120 alumni
All who came had a
fine time, and left impressed by
the progress that has been made
by the Chapter.
In intramural athletics we stand
third out of the 57 fraternities on
the campus, with only five points
separating us from the first place
Phi Delts.
Gene Wallace, our recording sec
IS NONE OTHER than the
inimitable Fijiland Band formed this year at Chi Iota. Reading from
left to right: Wadden Nickerson, Herb Bayley, Dick Peterson, Larry
retary, was elected president of McKnelly, Bill leuter, and Ken Pawlak on drums.
the senior class.
the only house on the campus with
the presidents of two major uni
versity activities. (Gene and John
Thompson, president of the interfraternity council).
I have tried to give you a run
Christmas Party, Six Exchanges,
Dances Grace Fiji Social Season
Thus far in the first semester of
down on some of the activities we the 1953-54 school year the Fijis
are engaged in. We feel that we
are making progress, and with your
help in summer rushing next year
we hope to be tops on campus by
next Christmas.
Robert Hayes,
have had six exchanges with cam
pus sororities. These exchanges
include such activities as listening
parties, dinner exchanges, and a
Christmas party. The following
the usual holiday trimmings.
This year's Jeff Duo will again
be held at the Urbana-Lincoln Ho
tel but is not scheduled until Feb
ruary 20.
Mention might also be made that
this year's partner for Spring Car
nival will be Alpha Omicron Pi and
sororities are those with whom the
work on that program should com
Fijis have had exchanges: Pi Beta
Phi, Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, mence in the near future.
Delta Gamma, Alpha Phi and Kap
Romantic Brothers Lose
pa Alpha Theta.
Five Black Diamonds
One dance has already made its
The year of 1953 has brought appearance on the social calendar
five new pinnings to the Phi Gam for the year with several more
house. They are: Jim Purcell to coming up soon. The annual pledge
Diane Fox, of Evanston, 111., who dance was held October 17 and
is currently going to Marjorie followed the general western theme
In general, the social activities
have been functioning very well.
Several exchanges have already
scheduled for
next semester
and informal get-togethers and
parties should keep us busy for
quite some time.
E. F. Dykstra '37, 114 E. 32nd
under the title of "Gambler's Gui
St., ISrew York 16, N. Y., passes
ton, D. C.; Herb Bayley to Iva Jean
on the following good news:
Eadie, Vanleig Hall; Jim Kahlert came dressed in western costumes,
"Have recently been made a
to Barbai-a McNeill, Delta Gamma, play money was passed out at the ' partner and vice-president of Rea,
door, and gambling tables were in
and Bob McKnelly to Maureen
Fuller & Co. New York alumni
ojieration throughout the evening.
Smith, Chi Omega.
have a very progressive advertis
The Christmas formal is due to ' ing association, but sadly lacking
Married last summer was Dick
Tindall to the former Lorna Mc- make its presentation on December in familiar looked-for faces from
Webster Junior College, Washing
Mullen, of Bloomington, 111.
18 in the chaiiter house. All of the'
Engaged is Ed Chapel to Cindy gii-ls attending the dance will re"My little guy, Johnnie, now 2i
Shorb, Kappa Alpha Theta. Their eeive presents which will be wait is stai-ting to show all the Fiji
wediling has been set for late Dec ing under the main ti-ee upon their i I)otential for jdedging into the
arrival and decorations will include class of 1968."
\r\nPage Six
December, 1953
Dick Haas '46 ("it's smart even
to be seen there, and I live there")
yes, Webster Groves, Mo. Was one
of the more faithful alumni back
for football games this fall. Inci
dentally, his sentiments about Web
ster Groves must have been felt by
someone else because Margie Bur
ger, this year's Homecoming Queen
is from there.
"I have just returned to my old
passing through on business trips.
Also saw Bob Jones (Uncle Jonsie) home town of Hammond, Ind., after
in Chicago a few months ago.
a seven weeks tour through North
Africa and most of Europe with
W. L. "Bill" Shellabarger '16, my wife, Mildred, and children,
250 North Water St., Decatur, 111., Nancy and Doug.
"Prior to our European visit we
is one of the pioneers in bringing
television to downstate Illinois. He all spent a year in Port Lyantey,
French Morocco, where I was the
"My brother, Dave (Xi '14) and architect for the Navy on their
I recently sold out our grain ele new base there.
vator and two soybean mills to the
"The two years before that we
Ralston Purina Co. and I have spent at Adak, Alaska, a thousand
built and am now operating a tele miles out on the Aleutian chain
vision station here at Decatur.
where I was the Navy construction
"If any of you ever come over engineer and earlier the architect
this way I shall be glad to show field representative.
you our station. Or if any of you
"All in all, we've been around a
—within 65 or 70 miles of Decatur bit, but find it pleasant to be home.
—tune in your television sets to I'm now associated with Brother
Channel 17, you will probably see Cas Bernard in the practice of ar-
Sentiments from the active chapchapter are sent forth to Richard
Carrigan '53, recent physics grad
uate. He is currently holding down
a government position as private
with the nationwide corporation,
U. S. Army. His address: Pvt., US
554.33277, Co. C. 13th A.I.B., CCA
our picture.
3rd Armoi'ed Div., Ft. Knox, Ky.
chllecLUie in rlamniond. I would
"We carried the World Series— like to hear from a few of my old
also all pro football games every Chi Iota buddies in the vicinity."
Tom Bunting '48, 603 S. Mans
field, Chicago, 111., writes:
H. D. Warren '20, retired, is now
"Bom on Sept. 19, 1953, three
Bill Carmichael '42, c/o Sales living at 211 10th Ave., Mount
hours and 30 minutes after his
daddy's birthday, a 9 lb. 13 oz. boy, Management, Inc., 333 N. Michi Dora, Fla.
Thomas Calvert Bunting. Mr. and gan Bldg., Chicago 1, 111.:
"One of the most pleasant as
Dr. Stephen C. Kratz '40, MontiMrs. T. C. Bunting, the proud
parents, extend their welcome for pects of a traveling salesman is cello, has been re-nominated for
the opportunity to see Fiji broth the state board of directors of the
ers, and in the last four weeks I Illinois Division of the American
a visit from all Fijis."
Lee Mehlig '51, 1290 E. Bates have run into the following: Dick Cancer Society. The nomination
Horning, who is with the Kawneer came at the cancer society meeting
Pkwy., Englewood, Colo.:
"Am now National Sales Direc
tor for station KTLN—5000 watt
Co., Niles, Mich, (he is building a in Decatur last November. Nomin
mansion there); Gale Hedrick, ation is tantamount to election.
concert music and live talent inte
Studebaker meeting at the Indian
independent, specializing in block whom I saw but did not get to 12 board members are to be selected
programming of popular and pop speak to when he was attending a from six districts.
gration throughout the entire day. apolis Athletic Club.
Harold E. Hindsley '50 was re
"Dick Wagner, whom I bumped cently selected as general manager
Sorry not to be able to come back
into on the street in St. Paul; Norfor mini football."
of the Bresee-Warner System here
rie Lateer in Champaign; Bob in Champaign. "Huck" has been
F. E. "Bud" Cavette '48, 524 Nickell, Ham Hale and Roy Hoppe spending a lot of time helping the
Russell, West Lafayette, Ind.:
of the old clan.
"Never a dull moment."
chapter with their finances this fall
"Per usual, I am the world's engineers' meeting in St. Louis; and everyone is glad to see him
worst correspondent. Have enjoy and Paul Graven, who is doing receive the promotion.
ed each issue of the Fiji and iiCVvs great things in architecture in
'If any of you want to buy a
house (at slight discount) drop
me a line.
I've been with National
Homes Corporation since July,
1950, with the job of production
Bro. Charlie Raper
visits occasionally with his magic
tricks and Meyer furnaces.
"We live one block away from
Purdue Chapter house—our ad
dress, 524 Russell, West Lafayette.
Also we are only a block and a half
away from football stadium, so all
visiting brothers are welcome for
brew anytime.
Those members of the chapter at
Wayne A. Johnston '17, presi
dent of the Illinois Central Rail
saddened to learn that Frank Ast-
Flossmoor, 111.
class, was killed in action in Korea
two days before the armistice. He
road, lives at 2509 Braeburn Road, on, president of that year's pledge
Harry Stevens '38 (Law) is with was serving as a second lieutenant
the Williams & Stevens law firm in the Army.
in Clinton, 111. He is also state's
attorney for Dewitt county. His
home address is
Ave., in Clinton.
Allan "Obbo" Sindell '49 of 6213
Jackson Gulf port Blvd., Gulf port, Fla.:
"I am now owner and instructor
of the A to Z Driving School in St.
F. Marshall Smith '38, 8138 For
"Family now consists of wife est Ave., Munster, Ind.;
Suzy and Eric (a parakeet).
"Have had a
Petei'sburg, Fla., so if any of the
old or new bi'others wish to learn
"Foi' the first time in 12 years to diive correctly, apply for a non-
short visit with I'm close enough to
the house during the first semester
of the 1950-51 school year will be
Chi Iota to free course. Great living down this
way . . . weather that is."
Toepke—both make a 'Homecoming' visit.
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December 1953 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is six pages.