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1953 Fall Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Fall 1953 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1953 Fall Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Dedication of ttie much needed
dining and living room addition
i -.. >
Ed Tripp, reviewed financial
' .' '\l^Z?3g9fl||||||H^
to the chapter. House President
Tom Tinker,
for the
and the benedic-
made the formal presentation
ADDITION—Living and
and dining
dining room
room side
side of
of Alpha
Alpha Phi's
Phi's A^fnlfa Ph^L^'^' ^ "®iShbor of
n®w addition
addition shown
sh^n at
at right
right of
of picture.
Homecoming Draws
CSS! AfaavMMi
Alumni to
'l' Alll/fTlfll
fO ^^707^^
A state of feverish preparation
prevailed among Fijis at "707"
during the days immediately pre-
cedVi .. lomecoming Weekend at
1 this year.
V...tri a full slate of activities on
deck all of the brothers pitched
in to make ready for the festiyifestivities.
The Homecoming display took
form under the able direction of
Jim Hodgman, who was even
seen scrounging through the
trash pile gathering materials.
Th e inevitable all night push
Friday was well worth the effort as the "Michigan Football
Machine" garnered a third place
in the competition.
rpj^^ need for an addition to the
present building was first realized
ago hashed
and a vague
at some length at that time.
Nothing positive was done until
last spring at Pig Dinner, howdowning the Quakers from Penn- ever, when Bro. Smith brought
sylvania 24-14. Fiji's holding down the idea up again and under his
positions on this year's squad in- personal guidance, wheels began
eluded Ray Kenaga, Larry Cox to
to turn.
and Doug Murray.
It was generally recognized
Evening brought the first big
with the increasing size of the
dance in the new addition atchapter more space was ur
urtended by a spirited Homecomgently needed, particularly since
ing crowd of Fiji's and their
chances of building a new house
dates. A large number of older
in the
the near
near future
future were
were seen
Fijis and their dates (many of
them permanent) were on hand
also adding much spice to the
as rather
rather remote.
Working plans were formulated
and a "707 Club" organized to aid
In obtaining building funds. It
I n all some 60 alumni partook was hoped that the addition could
of the hospitality at "707" over be completed without having to
the weekend.
dip into the chapter's growing
building fund.
Letters were sent to alumni and
donations of $7.07 or a multiple of
Dedication of the new addition
to the house preceded lunch Sat-
urday afternoon, a repast fit for IMew
New nisTorian
starved islanders young and old
Alpha Phi elected Howard Livaround the 47-feet-long board ta- erance, a junior in the architec-
of Throughout
the project this
Alpha Phi Board and local alumni
contributed heroically of their
ble. Dedication proceedings were ture and design school, to the time and efforts to see the project
position of historian this fall re- through.
Scores of alumni visited the placing Eugene Hartwig who
Accumulation of funds began
house for iunch and after the found it necessary to resign.
slowly but has now picked up
arranged by Roger Anderson.
post - game
Brother Liverance is from Bir-
analysis and a delicious buffet mingham,
mmgham, Michigan and plans to
supper. The Wolverines did their enter
enter the
the architecture field
field after
part for the glory of Michigan graduation.
and at present about 40 per cent
of the final goal has been
page two
\r\nPage 2
Total Cost
Send News ...
For Building
Set at $15,000
Construction began in the sec
ond week of July after problems
of zoning ordinances and other
difficulties had been ironed out.
iBuilding continued at a rapid
pace throughout the summer but
was not completely finished when
Once again the call goes out
to all loyal cannibals of the
"707" clan to relay by tom
tom, telegraph, letter or phone
call any news about themselves
or other alumni brethren that
may come to their attention.
The Phiji News is your paper
alumni, let's fill it with news
about those brothers who grad
uated with you.
school resumed in the fall.
By Tony Bonadio
Looking over last year's records
Alpha Phi Chapter can point to
many accomplishments and out
standing among these was the
chapter's scholastic ranking on
At the end of last year's fall
semester we first gave evidence
as to what kind of an academic
year we were going to have by
However, between staying out
of the workmen's way by day and
presentable for
rushing at night, the brothers co
compiling a house average of
2.759 out of a possible 4. Many be
President Reports ... lieved
this to be the top semester
Summer vacation is long past average in Alpha Phi history.
operated, the final moulding being
put into place by the third week and Alpha Phi is moving along
^„ Jn her usual fiery manner. With
The entire addition, consist
ing of an extension to the din
ing and living rooms and a base
ment recreation room including
furnishings was completed at a
cost of $15,000.
the help of the active chapter and
a tremendous amouht of work by
the Alpha Phi Board over the
summer the addition to the chap
ter house has been completed and
furnished. It is and will continue
to be one of the finest improve
ments you brothers could have
given your fraternity. Without
your help it would have been im
down to the last nail head with possible.
the rest of the house. The dining
Weathering a long rushing
room is the longest on campus
session somewhat impeded by
and the only one where every
work still in progress on the
man in the house still sits around
addition, the chapter profited by
the same table.
the addition of eight new "white
stars" to her membership. The
The living room and music
class is full of eagerness to
Architecturally it harmonizes
room with the aid of the Mother's
..We do know th».t this average
was good enough for an unoffi
cial rating of first on campus
among the social fraternities. It
was also good enough to win
for the chapter the Alumni Interfraternity Council trophy for
the most improved in scholar
ship in one semester. We had
moved from twenty-first to first
The campus fraternity scholar
ship cup for the best average is
awarded on a yearly basis so that
we were in line for this cup at
the end of last year's fall semes
Team and I am sure will come
Although when the spring se
through in fine Fiji tradition.
Alpha Phi also welcomes a new mester's averages were in we did
new drapes purchased last year a Purple Legionnaire this fall in not remain on top we had con
new piano, rugs and leather couch. the person of former Field Secre tinued our fine scholarship, rank
tary Kennedy Shaw (Syracuse ing us second among the social
'50) who replaces Brother Bill fraternities topped only by Zeta
Zerman, '49, retiring due to the Beta Tau whose average of 2.74
increasing pressure of his duties was ,07 better than our 2.67.
with the University. Certainly the
loss of Brother Zerman will be
Both of last year's pledge
felt by the entire chapter who will classes were a great help in this
always remember his . untiring upward surge. For example the
Club have been handsomely deco
rated and boast in addition to the
loyalty and help to the chapter,
Recently appointed Acting Dean The chapter votes a resounding
of Students Walter "Bud" Rea, "thanks" to Bull Zerman.
'22, has been named by the Interfraternity Council as their choice
for University vice-president in
charge of student affairs if such
an office is created in the near
University President Harlan H
Hatcher has been reportedly con
sidering creation of such a post
It is said that the new vice-presi
spring class numbering 16 had
a 2.82 average.
We are planning to publish a
new alumni directory this year
with complete addresses and in
formation about all of Alpha
Again this year as last scholar
ship is being stressed among the
Phi's alumni and friends. We
feel that since there has been
to acquire an academic conscious
such a tremendous change over
in our files since the last pub
pledges and we hope to obtain the
same fine results and help them
ness which will stay with them as
long as they are at the University.
lication of this type, it is im
perative that it be done as soon
as possible.
The University recently in
dency would give the realm of
student activities a bigger voice formed me that we had officially
in the formulation of University finished second for the year in
policy and provide a more direct scholarship in the all fraternity
standings. This is an improve
access to the Board of Regents.
ment of twenty places over the
The Alpha Phiji News
Published quarterly for alumni members
and friends by Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi
Camma Delta at the University of Michi
previous year. We hope to im
Dean Rea who had been named prove not only this standing but
dean of men one year ago was all our other activities so that by Eugene Hartwig
made acting dean of students the time June comes around we
early this fall when former Dean will be headed by no one.
Erich A. Walter became assistant
to the president.
Tom Tinker
News and chanpres of address should be
sent to the Editor, 707 Oxford, Ann Arbor,
Page 3
Brother Zerman
Resigns as PL,
Shaw Takes Over
With the resignation of William
"Bull" Zerman, '49, as Purple Le
gionnaire Alpha Phi gains a new
chapter adviser in the person of
former Field Secretary Kennedy
Shaw (Syracuse '501, on campus
this year doing graduate work in
Pi i ivwiS
public administration.
Holding down the position of
assistant to the Dean of Men with
the University, Bill was also mar
ried to Marian Blackmore of
Grosse Pte. this summer.
A combination of duties lea.d
to Bill's resignation as PL but
certainly not to his active particioation in chapter activities.
Serving for three years as Al
pha Phi's Purple Legionnaire,
Bill's career with Phi Ganruna
Delta extends hack through two
years as Field Secretary and
two as an undergraduate in the
fraternity here at Michigan.
Certainly Bill's loyalty and in
terest in the fraternity in general
PLEDGES—Seven new "white stars" around the piano are
and here at Alpha Phi will always
be remembered as one of the
from left to right, Ron Clarke, Harrison Wehner (seat^), Jerry
brightest links in Phi Gamma
Pnsch, Barry IMacKay, Henry Loeh, Alan Hartwig and Frank.
Delta's chain.
Stepping into Bill's place is 25year-old Ken Shaw a graduate of
Syracuse University and recently
returned from a two year hitch
with the Army.
Ken comes from Pasadena,
California where his father is a
Delta. Upsilon from Washington.
As an undergraduate at Syra
cuse the former Field Secretary
was active in interfraternity
sports, campus politics and capped
his campus career serving as com
Pledges Boast Variety of Talent
By Dave Smith
Seven new pledges donned the
white star of Fijiland this semes
ter and prepared to add their
laurels to those of Alpha Phi
modore (manager) of the Syra team to the Illinois state cham
pionship in 1952 and '53, while
capturing the '53 Western Junior
A_t ..preserit Brother Shaw is Golf championship for himself.
being to enter some phase of local
government, possibly city mana
gerial work.
in Itlafed ...
ity College in Connecticut where
he played freshman baseball and
was a member of the freshman
executive board. At Lyons Town
ship High School, Ron was a base
HENRY LOEB, '57, Highland ball player and yearbook editor.
Park, 111., a pre-law student, is a
sure bet for Michigan's golf
team. In high school, he led his
cuse crew in his senior year.
studying public administration at
the University, his ultimate aim
Park, 111., is a transfer from Trin
'57, Ashtabula, Ohio is another
three-sport letterman, Frank was
on his high school football, bas
ketball aiKi ii a(_K LeaiiiS cia well as
being a class officer, canteen coun
BARRY MacKAY, '57, Dayton, cil president and member of the
Ohio, plans to take two years each Thespians.
of lit school and business admin
istration before launching into
law school. His high school activi '57, LaPorte, Ind., displays an
ties included the presidency of his other well-rounded high school ca
church group and school glee reer. In the past several years he
club. In athletics he was a letter- has been senior class president, a
and tennis, also varsity swimmer and a member
Newly initiated brothers in Al man in basketball
in a few tournaments—he of the National Honor Society. At
pha Phi chapter this fall include; playing
was state singles champion in '52 Michigan Jerry is off to a good
Edwin H. Lewis, Grosse Pte.;
Thomas B. Brush, Detroit; Keith
and '53.
H. Coats, Pittsburgh; Larry G.
ALAN HARTWIG, '57, Cleve
Cox, Dowagiac, Mich.; James B. land,
Ohio, the only engineer in
DeLand, Detroit ; James R. Hodg- the class, plans to major in indus
man, Detroit; John S. Hodgman, trial engineering.* At John Mar
Fenton, Mich.; Robert B. Knuthigh school A1 was senior
son. Grand Rapids; Ja'hies M. Kru- shall
class president, a half-miler on
thers. Dearborn, Mich.; Ernest H. the track team and a member of
McCoy, State College, Pa.; Kaye
L. Mercer, Flushing, Mich.; Doug the student council, junior varsity
las R. Murray, Muskegon Heights, football squad and National Hon
Bruce A. Smith, Hamilton, Ont.; or Society.
John F. Wine, Detroit, and Frank
K. Zinn, Marshall, Mich.
start on The Daily business staff
and is already making a fine show
ing scholastically.
"Wienie" was
active not only in high school
where he was head cheerleader
and business manager of the year
book, but also in the community
and church life. In Ann Arbor he
is working on a degree in indus
trial relations and a spot on the
RON CLARKE, '56, LaGrange swimming squad.
\r\nPage 4
News From Fifis Everywhere
A combination of Homecoming
Recently married Mr. (and Devens, Mass., where he is going
Mrs.) James Gielow, '53 put in an throughOffit»r's candidate School,
appearance at a number of games several tirpes this fall. George is
ends brought Fiji alumni to "707" this fall. The Gielows are now doing,military intelligence work
in force this fall.
living in Detroit.
with-the" Army.
In the vanguard of returning
Prof. Dan McHargue, (U.C.L.A
brothers for Homecoming Week '38) of the political science de
end were Jim Temple, '33, of Bir partment, spent the latter part of
mingham; Hal Mabley, '31, of the summer in Europe studying
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; Mr. (and the German elections.
Mrs.) Robert Whitney, '49, of
Returning for Homecoming REMAIN IN ACTIVITIES
Rocky River, Ohio and Lt. Craw from Harvard Graduate School
Eighteen "707" Fijis of the jun
ford Young, '53, now stationed was Brother Bob Erf-'53 Bob ior and senior classes hold posi
with the Army at Fort Riley, Kan
is there working on a masters
Dedication ceremonies and a se
ries of beautiful football week
Captain William "Buck" Dawson, '48, proved he hadn't lost
his old touch on campus during
Homecoming Weekend when he
was up. Buck is recovered from
the automobile accident he was
in last year and expects to leave
the Army soon.
Dads Takeover
For Weekend
Dad's Weekend
at "707" this
fall brought 30 fathers out for the
Ohio State game and a round of
feasting and entertainment.
Arriving Friday night and early
Saturday morning the dads were
in fine fettle by game-time Satur
day afternoon. The Wolverines
finished their season with a rous
tions on campus this year or are
in acoustical engineering
Brothers Jde Heiniein.%3 and
Miles Lee, ,, 54, are in medical
school at Cdflorado and Nebraska
Recently dischafg^jj .
Air Force, Brother
wood, '51, is now WorMng wfth
Ford in financial adm^nStion
Other Fiji husban,J"^^J^^^^°^;
visiting the house on
football weekends tbic fnli in
cltide, Mr. and Mr^^ig' M
Warner, '48,
New Jersey:
Anderson,'24, and son Phil '52
anS Mrs!
Tom Kuzma,'44, ^r.
of Hnntiiwton
Woods, Mich., and Mr ind Mrs
Dick Hurst, '50, of
pn leave following recent comEnsigns
Middleton, 53, and Jack
Newport, Rhode Island
ing 20-0 victory over the Buck
eyes. A post-game fight for the where they had just completed
goal posts on the field put the fin officers training Brother Middlebeen selected to continue
ishing touch on a great afternoon.
Evening brought the Glee Club additional training at Newnort
Back for the Ohio State Week
Concert for some and bowling for
others. Meeting back at the house end with his newly acquired boxer
the brothers threw a party for the pup Thor von Krieg was Air
dads and rounded off the evening Force Lt. Bill Lovelesi '52
Pvt. George Qua, '52 treked
serenading a number of campus
included on the roster of various
campus honoraries.
Michigamua members are Eric
Vetter, Daily city editor; Jay
Strickler, union president, and
Mike Scherer, general chairman
of Union Opera and president of
the literary college senior class.
In Druids are Reudi Gingrass,
secretary of Joint Judiciary;
Bob McGrath, president of the
Music School senior class, and
Roy Pella, discus man on the
track team.
Drum Major of this year's
Michigan Marching Band was
architecture senior Floyd Zarbock. Harold "Pepper" Holt, on
the wrestling team and Steve Qua
are both members of Vlilcans en
gineering honorary.
Five from
house are in
Union councilman, John Baity,
IFC vice-president; Bob
on The Daily.
Dave Smith and Tom Leopold
are both Union Councilmen while
Paul Geiger is 'Ensian general
sales manager and Jack Stumpfig
back to Alpha Phi Rom Fort captain of the golf team.
'Ensian business manager; A1
Mann, captain of the tennis team,
and Eugene Hartwig, night editor
Form 3547 Requested
Sphinx including Dick Pinkerton,
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Fall 1953 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.