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1970 December Newsletter Chi (Union College)
December 1970 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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Union College
1970 December Newsletter Chi (Union College)
7071 #2
December 8, 1970
Chi alumni turned out in force a couple of weeks ago to
enjoy homecoming festivities with their younger brothers. It started
when the first, Doug Barry '45, Jackson Taylor '27, and Norman Young
'42!, arrived Friday night for a few refreshments. Saturday morning
the CHI ASSOCIATION MEETING started at 11 :00 AM with the arrival-of
Prodident, Dave Case. In the afternoon there were all kinds of
entei-tainment available.
The Rugby team, with its core of Fiji's,
met with its first defeat of the season at the hands of The Albany
Med Ruggers in a brilliantly played game. After that mktch the
Garnet grldders defeated our arch-rivals, RPI, by a score of 14-0.
There were more graduates back in the house during the cocktail
party after the game. In total there were twenty-four who came back,
and with wives and girlfriends everyone had a tremendous time.
Those of the brotherhood who returned and helped iiake the
day what it was included;
Tim KcEnerny
John 'Inky' Seay '67
George 'Lump' Geer '70
Bill Nicolay '66
Peter 'Stats' Starkweather '70
Dave Ring '66
Ed Weber '70 (of Troy)
Ron Sontag '65
Tony 'Ellis' Carpinello '70
Tom 'Purple legionairre'
Van Norstrand '59
Dudley 'Chip' Noe '69
Mark Curry '69
Dave Case '54
ken LaBarge '69
Clayton Long '50
Wayne 'Pooh' Billings '69
Spencer Gauirie '48
Bob 'Rags' Gresham '67
Doug Barry '45
Bob 'Numb' Fainum '68
Jackson Taylor '27
Bob Trumbull '68
Norman Yoiong '42
Bob 'Wirp' McEnerny '67
Capt. Louis G. Bruhn, Jr., '69>
Robert Schlesier, '61, is the
has "been decorated with the U.S.
Air Force Commendation Medal for
father of a son, Andrew Charles,
meritorious service as personnel
officer at Richards-Gebatir AFB,
Moj He is now at Otis AFB, Mass,
with the 48'/"4th Air Base Group.
21, 1970.
Walter C. Langsam, Fac., presi
dent of the University of Cinci
nnati, will retire effective Au
gust 31» 1971 and complete an edu
cational career spanning nearly
half a century. Recently, Dr.
Langsam was granted the title of
born to the Mr. and Mrs. on March
John Tiedeman, '26, Ph.D., is
retired from the Applied Physics
Lab at John Hopkins University,
but continues the same type of
work with a small but dynamic o-
peratdons research firm in Arling
ton, Va.
Jay Cox O'Brien, '39, has been
President Emeritus of the Univer
re-elected treasurer of the New
York Bar Association and of North
sity of Cincinnati and in May he
eastern Blue Cross, Inc.
He was
was decorated with the Commander's also elected to the board of trus
Cross of the Order of Merit of the tees of St. Peter's Hospital, Al
Federal Republic of Germany.
'•Suffrage - 'In Those Days It
Was Pretty Rough'" was the head
bany, and to the board of St. Ag
nes Cemetery, Menands. He is se
nior partner of Tobin & O'Brien
attorneys in Albany, N.Y.
line in a recent Christian Sci
Donal Rickard, '41, of Auburn,
ence Monitor article, which relat
ed Milton Wend's, '13, experiences N.Y., was recently promoted to
with women's suffrage in 1913.
Now a craftsman on Martha's Vine
director of purchasing at Alco
Products, Inc.
yard, he and his wife of 35 years
have seven children and I4 grand
Bradford W. Buttner, '39, of
Eastman hodak 60. in Rochester,
N.Y., has been presented with
NASA's Apollo Achievement award
forhis part in the success of the
manned lunar landing of Apollo 11.
Junius W. Stephenson, '44, has
Wallace Macmillan, '45, after
23 years with Otis Elevator Com
pany in domestic sales and man
agement capacities in New York,
Des Moines and New Orleans, is
now Senior Account Executive for
the company's International Divi
sion located in New York.
recently completed a world tour
of many Otis overseas offices and
been admitted as a member of Ha
vens and Emerson, Ltd., consulting
George Vosburgh, '60, is with
engineers of New York City and
the Sperry Gyroscope Division of
With the firm since
Sperry Rand Corp., in Great Neck,
1944, be was formerly an associate •N.Y. where he is field engineering
department manager.
Robert Bocek, '60, a senior en
gineer for the Xerox Corp., has
'begun studies leading to an MBA
degree from Rochester Institute
of Technology.
Thomas Salamone, '66, is enrol
led in the General Electric Co.'s
Financial Management Program in
Cleveland, Ohio, where he plans
to stay for the next two years.
\r\nDavid Hall, '67, has been pro
moted to staff sergeant in the
Anthony Carpinello, '70, is
studying law at Albany Law
U.S. Air Force.
He is an inven
tory management specialist at Sar
atov Air Force Station, N.Y.,
where he is assigned to the 656th
Radar Squadron.
Peter Starkweather, '70, is cur
rently studying physiology and ecology at the State University of
New York at Albany.
Lawrence Suter, '69» was married
on July 24, 1970, to Miss Joyce
Lee Cornish in Carson City, Nev.
Brother Suter is on a teaching
fellowship from Stanford Univer
sity where he is working toward
his doctor's degree in physics.
The Suters are making their home
in Palo Alto, Calif.
George "Lump" Geer, '70, was
married to Miss Maureen Kallmeyer
this summer in Union's Memorial
Chapel. Brother Geer is currently
attending graduate school at
S.U.N.Y. at Albany.
Richard Adams, '70, served as
campaign manager for a candidate
runiing for secretary of state
on the Republican.ticket in Min
Fortimately for Dick,
the candidate was victorious.
Robert Herron, '70, is current
ly in training for signal officer
at Keesler Air Force Base in
Biloxi, Miss.
John Casella, '70, is also in
training at Biloxi AFB in Mis
Edgar Brown, '95» one of the
first members of Chi Fiji, died
on November 10, 1969.
William Campbell, '00, recent
ly died at Coral Gables, Fla^ on
February 6, 1970. He was retired
from the Florida Power and Light
Company. As a post graduate at
Purdue, he was one of the charter
Walt Hennings, '70, is currently
stationed at Moody Air Force Base
in Yaldosta, Georgia.
and served as its first President.
Edward Weber, '70, is presently
a graduate student studying phy
sics at Boston College.
Wiley Cyrus Wilson, '43» died
on February 18, 1970 at Denver,
Colo. He was president of GanoDowns Co., and a board member of
St. Joseph Hospital.
Timothy McEnerney, '70, is cur
rently employed by the All State
Insurance Co. of White Plains,
New York.
members of Lambda Iota Chapter
Henry Daly, '13, died on June
2, 1970. The owner of a wood bro
kerage, H. B. Daly Co., he main
tained offices in New York City
Mark Curry, 69, was married on
Ju]^!P 13» 1970 to Miss Beverly Mil
ler. Brother Curry, a member of
the Army Reserves, is employed by
the General Electric Company's
FMP program in Schenectady.
' Marty Cary, '70, has just oom-^
pleted his active duty with the
National Guard.
and also operated a dairy farm
upstate near Hudson Falls.
Harold Townsend, '24, died on
May 7, 1970. A former president
of the Union Fulton Montgomery
Alumni Association, Brother Har
old was employed for 42 years by
Mohasco Industries, Inc., and re
tired in 1967 as service manager.
here at Chi were very sadden
ed to leam of the death of "Big"
Ed Seitz, '52. Brother Ed was a
constant companion to all of us
and he always was in attendance
at our graduate functions. Bro
ther Ed kept us steadily supplied
with many anecdotes and stories
about Chi Piji, and we all read
his letters with great delight.
Brother Seitz died in April of
this year, and he is survived by
his wife and two daughters. For
the past ten years, Ed was semiretired.
We all took it for
granted that "Big" Ed woxild be at
Our overwhelming offense and
doomsday defense was just too
tough. The Fiji men wrapped up
this year's football competition
with a hard earned big second >1 ..
place in their division. A lit
tle lack of pre-game organization
allowed Chi Psi to deal us our
first and only defeat of the sea
son. Realizing the need fr mor
al this early in the season, Mike
McCarthy took on the position Qf
coach and rallied the squad to an
impressive romp over the team put
up by the independent student: body. Next, after well played game,
Homecoming and Pig Dinner. Ed
we crawled over Phi Delta Theta.
helped us quite a bit here at Chi. Now, with the wind of victry at
Among other things, Ed donated
our back, and a lot of Fiji spirit
the intercom system to the house
we began a never ending upward
and established the Ed Seitz A-
climb (after all, we are the march
ward which is given to the out
standing sophomore of each class.
Ed will be greatly missed by all
ing, marching Fiji men). Beta
of us at Chi and we extend our
condolences to his family.
Editors: Peter Bruno '71
John Calender '73
Theta Pi, then the first place
team, was first to feel the wrath
of the Fiji men. Finally, Delta
Upsilon succumbed to the moral of
the squad, as they decided it was
entirely fruitless to pit them
selves against our goliath squad.
Undaunted, we overlooked the for
feit, and went on to run over the
It was too bad that we had..auch
a tough match tr start theseason
Contributors: Charles Wells '73
with, •r else Fiji would (Minitely
John Witherspoon '73 have been in there, edging out the
first place victory. With the
The 'Chi Tama' is published (we
added potential of the new pledge
hope) six times a year for the
class and the upward trend of our
benefit of Chi. oHapter'a gradu
standings, the Fiji brothers look
ate brothers.
like an unbeatable combination for
next year's competition. Greeks
In intramural badminton competi-^
ticn, the Fiji badminton team drop
ped a heart-breaking game to Delta
Chi amd we had to settle for second
The Fiji volleyball team lost a
crucial game to Sigma Chi and we
again ended up in second place.
But remember, we try harder.
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December 1970 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. This newsletter is four pages in length.