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2018 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Fall 2018 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is 14 pages in length.
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Kappa Deuteron
University of Georgia
2018 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
2018 report
Wade Cox 2019
The Kappa Deuteron Chapter at The University of Georgia is the best Phi Gamma
Delta chapter in the nation, making us the best fraternity chapter in the nation. Reasons for our
continued unparalleled success are academic excellence, strong campus involvement, dominant
recruitment, and a keen desire for philanthropy and community service with the foresight to
look beyond ourselves. This past year of chapter growth and improvement brings Kappa
Deuteron one step closer to regaining the Cheney Cup and bringing it back to its rightful spot
at 3 Cloverhurst Court. Some of the chapter’s most significant accomplishments this year include:
1. #1 in grades among all 26 UGA fraternities in Spring 2018 with record chapter GPA
2. 3.53 GPA for Spring 2018, 3.52 for Fall 2018
All-time chapter record set in Spring
90% of undergraduates earned 3.0 GPA or higher
22 brothers on Dean’s list
3. Successful summer rush/Pledge Class
3.57 pledge class GPA
#1 rank out of all other fraternity pledge classes
7 legacies, 7 Honors college members, 8 out of state members
38 bids extended, 34 pledged
Brothers from all over the country including: California, Texas, North Carolina
and Florida
4. Re-introduced Kappa Deuteron Alumni Mentoring Program
28 graduate mentors
42 undergraduate mentees
5. Chapter Service requirements
Hosted ESP (Extra Special People) tailgate at the house
Encouraged community service of 10+ hours per year per brother
6. Strong Campus Involvement – Brothers held the following positions:
IFC President, Kennedy President, Apollo President, UGA Miracle Greek Life
Director, Student Judiciary Exec, Arch Society, Corsair Society, Red Cross
COO, Student Senators from all colleges, UGA HEROs Exec, Relay for Life
Exec, Special Olympics Exec, Freshmen Greek Leaders Exec
7. Kappa Deuteron had a record breaking philanthropic year in 2018. We again sponsored
with UGA sponsored philanthropy Miracle, who partners with Children’s Healthcare of
Kappa Deuteron raised over $54,000 for Miracle, becoming the largest fundraising chapter at UGA and 3rd largest in the nation!
We have decided to continue our strong relationship with Miracle and are going
to partner with them again for the 2019 year
What’s Inside This Issue
Page 1
2018 Report
Page 2
Report Continued / 2018
Pledge Class
Pages 3-5
Kappa Deuteron’s 50th Pig
Page 6
51st Pig Dinner Details
Page 7
Knight for Knox
Page 8
UGA Miracle
Page 9
Social Event with Extra Special
Page 10
Bill Bracewell’s 100th Surprise
Birthday Party
Page 11
2019 Kappa Deuteron Cabinet
Pages 11-12
Seen and Heard Around the
2018 report continued
The strong push for donations will come during February, as Miracle hosts their main event “dance Marathon.” As
always, donations on behalf of the chapter are greatly appreciated.
8. 50 Pig Dinner with over 560 attendees- more in depth information highlighting the event is included
Attendees from all over the country, many who had not returned in many many years (some 40+ years), were able
to attend and make the night more memorable than imaginable
We hope to continue the strong attendance into this years’ 51st Pig Dinner
9. New renovations to Cloverhurst Court include: renovated laundry room, renovated residence house bathrooms, renovated
chapter house bathroom & new ice machine room (residence house)
10. Revamped Fiji Island to be a week long event that included:
- Service Project
- Philanthropy crawfish boil & corn hole tournament
- Brotherhood event
- Date night
- Day long band party
Lastly and most importantly, the brotherhood here at Kappa Deuteron is an invaluable component of this chapter that
cannot be measured by accolades. This aspect of the chapter is preeminent and a driving force for why I believe we have stood so
strong for fifty years. Without determined brothers, undergraduate and graduate, around to push and inspire us to greater heights
Kappa Deuteron may not have seen the same continual success. This brotherhood, along with all of the successes listed above,
would not be possible without the selfless and diligent service to the chapter from both undergraduate and graduate brothers. It
has been an honor to serve as chapter president in 2018, and I am confident that Kappa Deuteron is striving to reach greater
heights and will continue to build upon these immense achievements for years to come. Thank you for your continued support of
the chapter and unwavering faith in Kappa Deuteron! Excited to see another great 50 years to come.
Wade Cox, 2018 Chapter President
Theta Pempton - PC 2018
Benton hounshell 2022
This year’s Fall rush proved successful, with a pledge class of thirty-four bright young men newly initiated into the ranks
of Kappa Deuteron. The thirty-four man pledge class contained seven Phi Gam legacies. A short yet effective six week pledgeship
prepared the new initiates for their transition into the Cloverhurst house, and work ethic had never been stronger as they fed their
GPAs in hopes of snagging an upstairs room. Academically, the men earned a 3.57 pledge class GPA, successfully out performing
all other pledge classes this fall—especially that of Sig Ep. In doing so, the men continue to keep the strong tradition of academic
success at Kappa Deuteron alive.
The Fall social calendar turned out some unbelievable events, highlighted by a wild “rumble in the jungle” with KD and
the classic Zeta Zoocial, where Brother Jacob “Cali Vibes” Cooper ‘22 found his wings. The parking lot saw heavy foot traffic at
our gameday tailgates, made nearly perfect by the Dawgs 11-1 regular season record. Though the SEC Championship refs decided
to service Nick Saban, Theta Pempton gave the staff of the Hooters in downtown Atlanta a very busy night with Brother Ethan
Haas ‘22 generously handling the bill. Unlike the “pledge band”, the talents of the pledge class combined to form a well-rounded
group that will proudly represent FIJI at the University of Georgia for years to come.
Kappa Deuteron’s 50th pig dinner
Ira Bershad
The 50th Pig Dinner of Kappa Deuteron was held on Saturday, March 23, 2018. I feel it is a fair statement to
say that PD50 was a rousing success! Nearly 570 attendees from Kappa Deuteron and around the country. This was a
fantastic collaboration between graduates and undergraduates of our Chapter.
I am so glad that people had the chance to attend the Gold Owl (Alpha) ceremony Friday night (those initiated 50 years ago), the lunch with nearly 350 Brothers, the Ad Astra Service (around 100 brothers) and PD 50. This
was a once in a lifetime "reunion".
As I have said all along, the truest measure of success for PD50 wasn't PD50 exclusively-it
will be the turnout for PD51-PD100. It will also be whether or not guys reconnect for lunch, dinner, family trips, UGA tailgates and game trips, future Pig Dinners, etc. over the next year and next
decade. If THAT happens, this was truly successful.
Chairing this event has been a personal life highlight event. I loved it, and while I would never ever consider
doing it again, I am grateful to have had the opportunity . To the many I have thanked publicly, thank you one final
I am including the link to the Red & Black article that was published regarding PD50: https://
article_30268506-3176-11e8-90b5-8b6b77f28465.html. Thank you! Thank you for making the time! Thank you
for making a weekend of it! Thank you for engaging! Thank you for traveling to Athens!
Thank you for the entire experience.
I am mighty proud to be a Fiji...
3 ) Wee t
51st Pig Dinner
March 30th, 2019
Davis Hardell Eta Pempton ‘21
My name is Davis Hardell, and I am honored to be the new Corresponding Secretary for the chapter. As a
Freshman last year, it was incredible for the 50thPig Dinner to be the first one that I had ever experienced. We hope
to continue the momentum from last year and have another outstanding turnout for the 51stPig Dinner this Spring,
as we move into the next 50 years of our chapter.
As you may have read in previous emails from Mark Feehan, last year’s Corresponding Secretary, Pig Dinner will be held on Saturday March 30th, 2019. Similar to last year, the event will be held in the ballroom at the
Classic Center downtown. This year there will be two options
The first option is $100 and includes the formal dinner WITH lunch at the house Saturday.
The second option is $75 and includes the formal dinner WITHOUT lunch at the house Saturday.
There are also 2 Payment options:
Payments can be made using the following link: https:/
Payments can be made by check:
Make Checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta Kappa Deuteron Chapter
Send checks to 6 Cloverhurst Ct. Athens, Georgia 30605
Address the envelope to John Hardin
As in previous years, we have arranged to have blocks of hotel rooms at 3 hotels downtown and near the
house. Hotel Blocks will be released to the public one month before the event, so please be sure to call and reserve
your hotel room prior to that then.
As a reminder, similar to previous years alcohol will not be provided by the fraternity; however, we encourage BYOB at the luncheon at the house, and there will be cash bars at the Classic Center.
I will continue to update everyone in the coming months. In the meantime, feel free to email me with any
questions at Looking forward to seeing everyone at the 51st Pig Dinner on Saturday March
30th, 2019.
\r\nP AGE 7
Knight for Knox
Sam Nevers Epsilon Pempton ‘19
Early in the Fall semester of 2017, Kappa Deuteron Brother, Knox Martin ‘19, received news that no young
adult expects to hear. He was informed that he had developed cancerous, stage 2 brain cancer and that he would
need to travel across the country to Los Angeles to undergo brain surgery to prevent the tumor from spreading or
growing any larger. In early October, under the care of a world-class brain surgeon, Knox went through the surgery
that everyone had been anticipating.
All of our prayers were answered: the surgery was a huge success. Unfortunately, receiving high-quality care
like that of Knox’s does not come without a financial burden on the family. However, they were not alone in this
process. In response to the news, Kappa Deuteron organized a “Knight for Knox,” on Thursday, October 19. This
event consisted of several establishments downtown agreeing to put aside a percentage of their revenue that night to
financially aid Knox’s recovery. When the dust had settled the next morning, over $7,000 had been raised for Knox
and his family, exemplifying the positive impact that can result from our Fraternity and a community rallying around
a Brother in need.
Being diagnosed with cancer at such a young age is enough to crush the morale of many, and rightfully so.
However, a few weeks later, after additional treatment, Knox returned to Georgia in time to see the Dawgs take
down Auburn for the SEC title. Through the entire process, Knox maintained admirable poise and optimism despite
the adversity that was thrown his way. At this time, Knox is in full remission and back full time at UGA pursuing a
BS in Forestry Resources with an emphasis in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management. We are mighty proud of
Brother Martin’s successful fight against cancer.
\r\nP AGE 8
UGA Miracle
Will perreault Zeta Pempton ‘20
Last year, the brothers of Kappa Deuteron chose UGA Miracle as their official philanthropy. UGA Miracle
supports Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, raising money for pediatric cancer treatment and research, and is the
number one philanthropy of Greek Life at UGA. Many brothers served on committees for UGA Miracle, attending
meetings each week, organizing events, and spending time with the hospital’s kids and their families, and all brothers
joined in fundraising efforts for the organization. The main event for UGA Miracle is in February each year, and consists of a 24-hour long event in which members and guests stand for an entire day in honor of the kids who cannot
stand for themselves, and form a large fundraising push.
At UGA Miracle “Dance Marathon” in February of 2018, Kappa Deuteron brothers set the bar high for all
other fraternities on campus. Lead by Finance Director for UGA Miracle Trey Thorne, the chapter was able to raise
$53,000 over the span of fall semester and the first two months of spring semester. This mark was highest among all
fraternities at UGA, and the highest single amount that any chapter on campus had ever raised for a single organization. Nationally, it was the third-highest fundraising amount for any single chapter. The money raised by our brothers was part of over $1.26 million raised by the entire campus, a number that will help countless families in their
fights against pediatric cancer.
\r\nP AGE 9
Social Event with Extra special people
Davis Hardell Eta Pempton ‘21
On October 4th, Kappa Deuteron hosted its 3rd annual social event with Extra Special People of Athens
(ESP). ESP serves the Athens Clarke County community with a goal of enhancing the lives of children with disabilities and to provide them with unique experiences. This year, Kappa Deuteron partnered with Zeta Tau Alpha to host
a toga themed social between the houses on Cloverhurst.
The new porch on 3 Cloverhurst Court provided the stage for standout performances from several members
of ESP alongside the house band—Underground Springhouse—lead by Brothers Charlie Haas ‘20 and Logan Harr
‘20. All in all, the event brought together over 150 undergraduate men and women to enjoy fellowship with this
great organization. Of the numerous service events that Brothers at the Chapter take part in each semester this event
has become a favorite of all involved.
\r\nP AGE 10
“Wild Bill” Bracewell’s 100th Birthday Celebration
Sam Nevers Epsilon Pempton ‘19
“Just when I think I have finally repaid my debts to
the Chapter, it turns around and does something else for me”
—Shortened quote from Bill Bracewell
This Fall, Kappa Deuteron invited Brother Bill Bracewell ‘68? to
Chapter for one of his infamous and captivating ritual lectures.
Unbeknownst to Bill, the Brothers, despite significant pushback, cancelled
Chapter in favor of hosting a surprise birthday party for Bill. After great
planning, preparation, and baking of cakes by Kappa Deuteron President
Wade Cox ‘19 (see below), the Brother’s were ready to celebrate Bill’s
When Bill arrived, the members of Cabinet greeted him in front
of 3 Cloverhurst Court. A prayer was said for Bill’s pacemaker as he approached 6 Cloverhurst Court. Upon ascending the steps and walking
through the front door Bill was greeted with the surprise of nearly 100
Brothers. Thankfully, Bill’s heart managed the surprise, and the disappointment of his lecture being cancelled. Unsurprisingly, a smile never
left Bill’s face as he struck up many long winded conversations with the
Brothers that night. Next time you have 30 available minutes, just ask Bill
about his trip down to the Bahamas. On a more serious note, just the same
as the Brothers that have come before, the current undergraduate
Brothers truly do appreciate all that Bill has done to support our
\r\nP AGE 11
2019 Cabinet
Congratulations to the 2019 cabinet. This cabinet is truly “a cut above”, and with 3 Management Information
Systems majors, we feel they will successfully lead Kappa Deuteron into the digital age.
President Mark Feehan
Mark is a student in the Terry College
of Business from Alpharetta, Georgia.
When he is not studying at his desk, he
can be found in the gym.
Treasurer John Hardin
John is from Nashville Tennessee, and is a
student at the Terry College of Business.
John can be found downtown in late night
“dance offs” with football players.
Recording Secretary Josh Bar-Haim
Josh “Simple Man” Bar-Haim of Oconee
County studies Biology in the Franklin
College of Arts and Sciences. He also goes
by “Juice”.
Historian Parker Allen
Parker is a student in the Terry College of Business and is from somewhere in Texas. He is
known for wearing large belt buckles,
Corresponding Secretary
Houseman Conor Granger (Right)
white washed jeans, and ostrich boots at all
Davis Hardell
Conor is also a student in the Terry College
social gatherings.
Davis is a Biology and Psychology double
of Business from Duluth, Georgia.
major. This position is part of his master plan to
Outside of this, little is known about Conor
join the family business of taking care of the
making him perfect for the role of Houseman.
\r\nP AGE 12
Seen and heard around the diamond
UGA basketball coach Tom Crean visits Kappa Deuteron’s
Chapter. His fiery inspirational speech on the basketball program's future got lots of snaps from the Brothers. Needless to
say many will be making the short walk from the house to
Stegman this season.
Brother “Bird Dog” Ballou ‘19
in perfect form on senior beach
Tennessee transfer Garrett Boone ‘19 ordered
a size small T-shirt for his “date”
\r\nP AGE 13
Seen and heard around the diamond
Live look at Wade’s
first day out of office
Brother Pat McGuire ‘19, potential athletic brother of the year defeated Alabama students in a
corn hole match featured on ESPN. Then gave a point for the boys back home
Three generations of tyrants hold up what has become known as the ‘Kappa Deuteron’ award
\r\nP AGE 14
2018 Cabinet
Pictured from left to right: Josh Bar-Haim, Will Perreault, Chase Stiffler, Wade Cox, Sam Nevers, and Mark Feehan
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Fall 2018 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is 14 pages in length.