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2016 Summer Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
Summer 2016 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Sigma
Indiana State University
2016 Summer Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
Summer 2011
Remembering Don Mighell
Don Mighell (Texas 1956, Rose-Hulman 2000) passed ad astra on May 4, 2016 after a long illness in
Terre Haute. Don was a staunch supporter of Phi Gamma Delta, the Boys Scouts, the Kiwanis,
Indiana State University, his church and his family.
See more about Don’s lengthy Phi Gamma Delta volunteerism in this newsletter.
\r\nPresident’s Letter
If you do not know me already, my name is Trevor Martin and I am the President of the Phi Gamma
Delta chapter here at Indiana State University. I am currently a junior studying sport management and
hoping one day to be a director of operations of a baseball facility. The chapter as of right now has 33
members. We initiated 11 men in December at Wabash College and these newly initiated brothers have
taken important roles in the chapter ranging from committee members, chairmen, and there is one new
brother holding a cabinet position this spring. Zack Tarr and Ahmed ALayda graduated on December
12, 2015 and will be greatly missed by the chapter, but never forgotten.
The chapter’s social standing on campus has improved greatly this past year. We held socials with at
least half the sororities on campus and also held a social with the ladies of Delta Delta Delta from RoseHulman a few weeks ago.
Many of the undergraduate brothers last year were part of an organization either as a member or held a
leadership position. Last semester 27 of our 35 members were part of an organization other than Phi
Gamma Delta.
In the fall semester we set a new chapter record for service hours. The Iota Sigma chapter accumulated over 1300 service
hours. In the spring semester we had 1006 hours. The fall total represented the most hours the chapter has ever completed in
one semester. The previous best was 925 hours in fall of 2011. To go along with the service and philanthropy, we hosted the
Out of the Darkness Campus Walk again this past November and raised over $3,000. There were over 75 walkers and we could
not have asked for better weather.
In the most recent semester, the chapters overall term grade slipped a little bit. For this calendar year and years to follow, we
have revised the scholarship plan to assist brothers with struggling grades. Scholarship is the main reason and priority of why
we came to college.
For this upcoming semester and year, myself and my cabinet plan on getting the foundation back under the chapter. Everything
starts with recruitment and we have a solid plan in place for next semester. We have our eyes on men of character who live our
values and hope to pledge them. Our chapter is below the campus men’s average in chapter size on campus. The average
chapter size for men on our campus is in the mid 40’s. We hope to be in the upwards of a 40+ man chapter by the end of the
fall semester.
This year is looking to be a good one for the Iota Sigma chapter and I hope all of you continue to stay involved with the
chapter. Phi Gamma Delta is “Not For College Days Alone”.
Brothers and dates at Black Diamond Formal
\r\nFounders’ Day Cookout
Brothers, graduate brothers, parents and family members attended the annual Founders’ Day Cookout on May 1, 2016
Purple Legionnaire Report
My name is Paul Lawson and I am pleased to be serving as the chapter’s Purple Legionnaire. Iota
Sigma has been growing with some quality men. The chapter now sits at 33 brothers with the last
pledge class having 100% retention from pledging to initiation. They are actively engaged
throughout the campus from student government to holding positions in their individual
departments of study. We also have 5 brothers in the Order of Omega, the honorary Greek society.
The chapter is regularly coming up with new ideas for brotherhood, philanthropy, fundraising, and
other such events that they make their own. These, along with their strong social status, has made
FIJI a well known name at Indiana State. The diversity and gentlemanly behavior of these men cause
them to be sought out by sororities and faculty to help with events. The leadership in this chapter
shows me a strong connection to the fraternity values and what it means to be a FIJI.
I also write to see if any of our graduate brothers would like to be an advisor. There are numerous
chairman positions in the chapter and the goal is to have an advisor for each chairman. You do not
necessarily need to be local, just available to stay in contact and help these men do great things for our chapter. If you are a
brother that wants to reconnect with the chapter in this role please contact us at
I hope to see you at our upcoming graduate events such as the baseball outing, the golf outing or homecoming. where we
can reconnect old friendships.
Congratulations to our Seniors
Andrew Jewell graduated with a degree in Recreation and Sport Management. He will be
attending IUPUI in the fall pursuing a Doctor of Law degree.
Joe Milkowski graduated with a degree in Mathematics and is currently seeking
Austin Montel graduated with a degree in automation engineering control and is working
as a controls engineer ay Shuttleworth in Hunnington. He is getting married June 4.
Brad Morris graduated with a degree in Human Resources Development. He is returning
to Indiana State University as a graduate student.
William Slade graduated with a degree in Human Resources Development. He is returning
to Indiana State University as a graduate student and with a graduate assistant position.
\r\nDon Mighell’s Influence
by Joe Weist (Rose-Hulman 1987, Evansville 2000)
Don Mighell passed away on May 4, 2016 after a long battle with cancer. He was 81. The last year of Don’s life was difficult.
Even while battling serious health issues, the Don Mighell we all knew never disappeared. Don’s compassion, grace and sense
of humor were his companions to the end.
As I prepared to talk about Don at the recent Rho Phi Pig Dinner just ten days after his death, I was amazed at the service
Don had donated to Phi Gamma Delta at the chapter level (both at Indiana State University and Rose-Hulman), the state level
and the International Fraternity level. Listed below are just some of the many Phi Gamma Delta achievements of which Don
was a part.
Don’s Service to Phi Gamma Delta
Founder Rho Phi Chapter
Founder Iota Sigma Chapter
Attended 25 Ekklesia
Presented at over 30 Indiana State Days
Attended 7 FIJI Academies
Rho Phi Hall of Fame Inaugural Inductee
Perge Society Donor
White Star Legacy Society
Helped Create Coulter Cup
Legate - Iota Sigma Chapter
Legate - Nu Delta Chapter
Archon Councilor - 1976-1978
Archon Secretary - 1978-1980
Founder and President - Terre Haute Graduate Chapter
Helped Revamp Fraternity Award System
Long time Awards Judge
BCA Member - Iota Sigma and Rho Phi
Purple Legionnaire - Rho Phi Chapter
House Corporation Member for Rho Phi, Iota Sigma and
Lambda Chapters
House Corporation President - Iota Sigma
House Corporation Secretary - Iota Sigma
Investment Advisory Chairman - Rho Phi
Distinguished Fiji Recipient - 2000
Distinguished Fiji Service Award Recipient - 1980 & 1987
Recipient of Certificate of Appreciation
Revamped Pledge Education System
First Pledge Educator for Rho Phi Colony
… and many other services too numerous to mention
\r\nGiving Back—1848 Club
Members pledge to donate $18.48 a month and all money raised will be used towards graduate events such
as Pig Dinner, Homecoming, and the annual golf outing. The benefits of being in the club are as follows:
free admission to Pig Dinner ($50 value) with recognition in the Pig Dinner program, recognition on our
website -, recognition in newsletters, and other small benefits from the chapter
throughout the year. We would like to thank the following brothers who are current 1848 Club members:
Please consider joining the Iota Sigma 1848 Club today! There are two options - a one-time payment of $221.76 (either by
check or online payment) or automatic recurring monthly payments of $18.48 that can be billed to your credit card or PayPal
account. To pay online (either monthly donation or one-time payment), please visit
To pay by check, send a check for $221.76 to:
Tau Iota Foundation
PO Box 3047
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Trevor Martin, Paul Lawson and Andrew Jewell attend the IUPUI Chartering. Martin and Jewell served on the Installation
Team for the new Iota Pi chapter.
Graduate Events for 2016-2017
2nd Annual Indians Baseball Outing
July 30 - Victory Field at 7:05 pm - $15
(Meet up at Champions Sports Bar Before)
Please RSVP by July 20
7th Annual FIJI Gathering Golf Outing
August 27 - Hulman Links - $40
Please pay at before event
October 1 - versus Missouri State
Frank Norris Pig Dinner
April 8, 2017 - Meadows Banquet Center - $50
Questions or to RSVP -
A memory from the past: Iota Sigma captured the men's division of the university's annual songfest for the second consecutive year with their song
"Hey There Good Times" arranged and directed by Kurt Owens
\r\nTau Iota Foundation Update
For those of you who do not know me, my name is Nick Sturgeon. I am a 2003 Iota Sigma
graduate. For the past couple of years I have been serving the chapter as the Risk Management
Advisor and have been on the Housing Corporation for the past couple of years. I am writing this
letter for a couple of reasons. First, I want to introduce you to the Tau Iota Officers and welcome
three new board members. Please welcome Jeff Jewell, Brett Taylor and Mark Rosario to the Tau
Iota Foundation Board. Secondly, for the next year, the three officers are Robert Stevens –
Treasurer, Jonathan Bolt – Secretary and I as President. We all are extremely proud to serve the
fraternity and chapter in these roles. Third, I wanted to update everyone on the current housing
situation. As some or most were aware, Bob Shenberger, Tom Barlow and others had been working diligently with several
other fraternities on campus to develop a plan for a Greek Village. After months of delays, the University has effectively
killed the project. We have looked in to renting a house and it is not feasible. This only leaves us with three options,
buying a house, building a house or acquiring a suite or floor on campus.
After a very productive meeting on October 19th , we came to an agreement on an immediate course of action, to find a
location on campus. The driving factor for this decision comes down to minimize risk. Unfortunately, by the time we held
this meeting, we had already missed the deadline to be considered for the 2017-2018 school year. I still feel that on
campus housing will meet the current needs for the chapter to have a centralized place to socialize, hold chapter meetings
and hold recruitment functions. Financially, neither the chapter nor Housing Corporation has increased risk with this
option. In conjunction, this is will also be used to determine if the chapter is serious about the commitment of having off
campus housing. If the chapter can maintain this space and then fulfill their recruitment goals, we then can start
discussing the options of building or buying. I have formally expressed our intent to the University.
Finally, I want to challenge each and every graduate to get involved with the chapter. I completely understand that
everyone is busy with their professional and personal lives. There are many ways you can get involved. If time is an issue
please consider donating to the scholarship fund which can directly benefit one to three brothers a year. There is also the
newly formed 1848 Club. This assists Tau Iota and has benefits to those who join. Kenny Gordon and Dustin Ogle
revitalized the “Buck an A” program. There is also supporting the chapter by coming back to graduate events. This could
including coming back to Homecoming and/or Pig Dinner. The chapter also has events during the football and
basketball seasons. This past summer we held the first annual Indy Indians outing. We will also be planning outings that
are family friendly. Ultimately the chapter needs our involvement to be successful. This fraternity is truly not for college
days alone (I know I can hear the gasps now). Let’s do our part to ensure that these young men have the best college
experience they can have.
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta
PO Box 3047
Terre Haute, IN 47803-0047
Iota Sigma Achievements 2015-2016
Indiana State Day
Spring Week
Community Service - 2nd Place
Recognition for raising over $3000 for both the 2015
Relay for Life and 2015 Out of Darkness Walk
Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards
Academic Development - Excellence Level
Chapter Management - Achievement Level
Community Service and Philanthropy - Excellence Level
Leadership Development - Achievement Level
New Member Education - Achievement Level
Tandem - 4th Place
Service to Greater Phi Gamma Delta
Four brothers attended Archives Weekend
Two brothers served on IUPUI Installation Team
Community Service and Philanthropy
Out of Darkness Walk raised $3078 with 78 walkers and
2016 Relay for Life raised $662
Post chartering record 1300+ service hours for fall
1006 service hours for the spring semester
Visit the chapter’s website at
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Summer 2016 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University.